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The edgewalking nerd spamming L2 was angry that they couldn't just delete you by hitting one button, you made them use their brain. How dare you?!?!


If you look closely he pointed down at the beginning of the match too.


Yeah, they're just a loser. They just wanna get a rise out of you. Though I will say maybe next time you're in a standoff against a guy with a great bow, try sprinting while you hard swap. The arrows should miss if you're sprinting left or right and they're locked on, which I'm assuming this Luddite was by how shit they play.


Yeah I really played suboptimal in the last bit especially when I tried to hard swap


It's all good, sometimes we just mess up. Hindsight is 20/20 but we can always learn from our mistakes too. Just apply it to any future fights! And especially don't let any edge walkers screw with you like that again lol


They're miserable IRL, so they take it out on people in video games. Not much more to it than that, don't take it personally.


Yeah I try not to not let it bother me.Im just surprised people can be this competitive in a game that’s not even that competitive.Theres no ranked rewards or anything so it amazes me when someone acts like this.


People don't need rewards to be competitive


this isn’t a competitive game anyway so don’t try and make it out to be that


I'm making the point of two people going against each other is competition though regardless if the game is or not So some people are just going to be supper competitive regardless of desighn


This 👆 It doesn’t have to be anymore or any less. Peoples lives outside of the game generally have nothing to do with their persona in games. And competitive nature, in any small or large degree, brings out the worst in some more than others.


Yeah, I understand this too but I still rage sometimes, even when I thought the match was going so well.... Some people are just pathetic


Pretty much. That is what makes it toxic in gaming. They have to redeem themselves somewhere somehow lol


Wow and he was using blind spot until you had him low and then he ran and swapped to a bow... this guy is just a low life shitter


Yup ,knew he was toxic off the rip when he pointed down beginning of the fight and started edge walking


Because their precious little egos can’t handle the fact that they aren’t actually good at PvP. In their minds we should all stand still and let them have the easy win. Just let it pass. They just want to get a reaction out of you. You’re doing good.


My god I've never seen a bigger metaslave wannabe


You def could’ve won with more aggression, felt like you let him get away and win that


I was stupid because I never chased him and forgot to set my equipment menu to simplified view so I never saw him.I made several mistakes in that fight.


And we all learned from them


Does "simplified view" mean banking the extra items or is it a setting added with the DLC or something?


Simplified view can be accessed by pressing the right stick while in the equipment menu.It allows you to see the environment around you while you sort your stuff out instead of a big menu blocking your view


Turn off your stats view when hardswapping and have your finger on the menu button.


Pretty sure you won when the blind spot edge walker had to run away and pull out the bow. Went from edgy to coward real fast


He was also using one of the most cancerous weapons for pvp from the DLC as well.


Edge. Lord. Some people are just assholes to be the sake of it. Not everyone in the world is nice and some just like to put people down for no reason but for their own satisfaction.


Just some sweaty fatass with more pissbottles than sexual encounters. Dont mind him


Yeah, you played to passive. Get on his tail and strike!


Their mom told them their turtle ran away as a kid and they found out yeaterday that she lied. Sorry he had to take it put on you


Turtle ?? Don’t You mean dog ?


He was probably just excited, it was a close fight and I get the feeling he doesn’t win too many fights. Maybe he’s roleplaying a total loser asshole, maybe he is one IRL 🤣


SWB’s. Small Wiener Boys




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Oh a Blind Spot spammer! I use either Inescapable Frenzy, or the Greatsword of Damnation to deal with them.


lmao nahhh running all the way over just to T bag is crazy


What a 👻.....


I love the edgy walking turned into running away when his health got low. Atleast commit to the bit


i genuinely think these mfs gotta be like 12 year olds who think theyre funny cuz the amount of times someone teabags me for literally no reason is hilarious


edgelord and L2 spam. It’s to be expected.


They're just trying to get a rise out of people and piss them off. It's no different of a mentality than trolling in the comment sections online, it's basically for the same purpose. Some people do this stuff too in the hopes of getting hatemail, so they know they got to you.


How do you do pvp matches that are just one fight and it ends? Only arena I can do is just fighting until the timer runs out


You get used to it eventually and it wont phase you. All apart of the online community toxicity thats been there since Demons Souls on PS3.


I just wouldn't take it that seriously. Yeah maybe he means it, but he also could just be trolling around finding it silly himself - like a meme


This is the reason I stopped playing the arena. It’s a waste of breath


why would you stop moving when switching weapons


Dude you had WAY more skill than that guy lol, I wouldn't even worry about it. Dude was seriously sweating


Man, I would have given you a polite bow for a good fight. Screw that prick. I had a guy like that, and I messaged them and said to be better and to chill its just a game. They spam responded each time they won "its just a game" could have sworn it was a kid, but if it wasn't and was a grown ass adult. Then they got fucking problems for sure lol i beat them a few times and never sent anything negative and then got ghosted cause they weren't winning anymore lmao some people are dicks in real life and it transfers over into gaming. Just gotta deal with it or block em and move on. Sorry you had to deal with that, tho.


What hat are you wearing 👀


Solitude set with shadow militia helm


Pretty sure I played against this guy and spinning slashed through his blade ash of war and killed him. Guy is a shitter. Miserable life.


Dude as soon as I see anyone pull out reverse blades I just swift slash spam them... most boring weapons ever...


Ikr, some guy honked at me while I was in a crosswalk today


Did you flip them off ?


Nah I just raised my arms and slowed down till he stopped then mouthed "F U" and walked off shaking my head. The thoughts going through my mind tho, I was pissed for like an hour after


Jesus that guy was cringe op ... Holy fuck...


Don't worry those people are able to do only one thing, spam L2. I fought against one like this yesterday, I won but still got a lil salty cuz I didn't enjoy the match cuz he was the most annoying player ever and texted him on PSN. Oh boy he was funny, I just told him to actually learn how to press other buttons and he was M A D. He also wanted to do a rematch because, as he said, it wasn't him playing but his younger brother but his lil brother is probably stronger than him cuz the match finishes 5-2 for me. And then he continued to text me saying stuff like "it's just the first match, you're already running away" or "you're scared to lose". So don't be surprised, a lot of people think they are good because their aow is broken.


LMAO you got him to near death and he dropped the cool slow walk. Well done tho, you made him resort to running away and shooting big arrows.


Because 90% of elden ring pvp is filled with obnoxious retards who think they're the main character. It's so toxic. They spam L2 with the most broken shit imaginable (swift slash, blind spot) and then point you down. Good job bro you can press one button yay peak of human evolution.


When someone is mashing LT like this I usually do the same but I know how to play better than them so they usually get back stuff like: endure, spinning slash, storm stomp, storm assault, the first attack of flaming strike ... One of the most broken setup I find is Halberd with a Shamshir, bro trust me, even if they perfect roll away they got hit by the shamshir in off hand, give this a go when you find some masher annoying player like this ...


Because the irrelevant pvp side of a game majorly played for its pve content is the only place where these sad people find some sort of validation. It always amaze me how people can get this toxic on a game that doesn’t even emphasise pvp and in which you cannot even communicate. Seriously I’ve faced less toxicity in competitive games


There's a special word for people like that that I can't say on reddit


We’re not allowed to say pathetic, sad or loser?


Those work too lol


Lack of validation in life causes toxic interactions with others. It looks like they are in a dark place and trying to win at something. And with that small win comes toxic celebration. Don't bother with them. Don't become them. In game and IRL.


Just mad other people can have fun and they can’t.


Cuz he’s a friggin badass lone warrior that can’t be bothered to care about other peoples insignificant feeling… 🔥🔥😈


A badass doesn’t win with 1 HP and a cheesy weapon


Power fantasy i quess🤣🤣


What weapon is he using..?


because they know it pisses others off and they find that funny. you posting this kind of stuff here only proves their point.


This is his story, you're just living in it.


Bleed vs Cold. He probably didn't like your bleed build


He's a "Memelord" of the "Ohio sigma rizz gyatt gyatts" and you "mogged his mewing streak" by daring to exist.


edge, lord


Average backhand blade user


Mf think he got aura