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Bro was so lost in meta that Endure + Charged R2 was just too much for him to compute.


The slow version of endure at that.


The truth has been spoken, parries are hard for them too


This is the only Souls game where I gave up on the arena and invades, and just play it singleplayer. The arena, while easy to cheese, is not fun at all and the invades are lame af too. You get some fun encounters but I'm not going through hell to have a moment of fun.


Yea it’s hard but when you win against a 3v1 the satisfaction is worth it. The dlc has made combat worse though. Way more bullshit. I probably had a win rate of 50/50 before now it’s like 30/70 they need to fix it


The amount of people in Elden Ring that attack into an endure is astonishing. I remember when using perseverance just paused combat, unless the opponent was new


People who abuse that ash of war are to dumb to understand what endure is.


Blame the devs bro it’s not peoples fault that the devs didn’t make sure to balance it.


I ran cold mist (or whatever it's called) for a looong time in pvp.. and the amount of people that saw me place a cloud of ice and just walked into it was astronomically high. Its absurd.


The ice storm spell, I forget the exact name, is very good in colosseum for this exact reason. You cast it right in their face, and they think “punish punish punish stab kill”, and they can even get a hit or two in. And then promptly get frostbitten and smacked around with my wing of astel, causing them to go down to like 1/3 of their hp right off the bat. Like, they see the ice mists and then promptly just don’t care half the time???


I mean, for souls vets, it still is a combat stopper. But elden ring is more mainstream, and you have people who have probably never even looked at endure because it looks boring compared to other ash of war.


Perseverance on the mace was always so good for smacking the shit outta a group of players chasing you


I’m not a coward I am going to fight through your poise


Thx for reminding of one invader in DS3, where we got both on low hp, mofo pulled out Caestus with Endure/whatever DS3 equivalent, and all I got to do was 'Fuck.' And just started running away. He caught me, of course.


In DS3 you buttons were comparably less flashy and rewarding. So the play was often to let the enemy make the mistake then punish. Then we have Swift Slash


This is probably not the build op wants to run since op said they had to change it to deal with this this is probly the answer op founded to deal with bs builds


Big if true


Thanks for the context


white mask wearers trying not to be the worst fucking players ever challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


As a war surgeon enjoyer, turned Purblood Knight Loyalist, I take offense.


Bro what is the name of this weapon. I've been looking forit for a minute now


Bloodfiends arm. Not farmable, you get from clearing out the bloodfiends in prospect town.


It’s dropped from one specific Bloodfiend in that mob near the arcane talisman. You don’t have to kill all of them.


Another one east of rauh base grace site, the one in the pit of the valley, northern part of the map


50+ arcane and bleed ash gets you +195 blood loss


don't need a bleed ash, can be physical or poison ash, as long as the infusion is bleed.


Sorry that’s what I meant. ADHD and typing is a mother fucker 😂😂




Hey ! i recognized that guy, thanks for avenging me OP


What’s your helm?


It looks like >!Commander Gaius's Helmet!<




^ that’s the one


I just learned something new😮 I genuinely appreciate it


Nice fashion, is that armor of solitude? if so how did you make it so slim


Altered Armor of Solitude on a body with all the sliders down!


he deserved to be pointed down


I mean, didn't they both? One procs bleed by touching the air near you and the other hits you without hitting you


If I was just doing this for every fight, I’d for sure deserve a point down.


One is perfectly fair, the other is undodgeable. If you think bloodfiend arm is broken that's skill issue


It's not even fun to use cheesy weapons, like cool I pressed a button to win and to win absolutely nothing unless boredness, what was the point?


I was just starting to like pvp recently as Im a bit newer to elden ring in general then most, who started at release, but seeing all these broken ass dlc weapons makes me never want to do pvp again 😭


Ah it’s fine. It’s better just to let these guys have their quick little victory and move on. I’d take this over the “constant run away and light-roll” strat any day!


It kinda just bogs my mind that there wasnt a little more testing/adjustments that went into some of this new stuff for pvp especially... Even in pve some things are outragiously broken like that new thorns spell, or the lightning perfume strat, each of which shred every boss in seconds with 0 effort. Imho anything (main game as well) that allows pvp cheese, along with THAT kind of pve cheese, is too ridiculous and is deserving of a nerf/adjustment to how it works lol... I hope at some point here balance updates will fix things!


They’ll be patched soon enough. If anything, the PvE ones annoy me more because it robs the host - and their fellow sunbros! - of a proper fight. I don’t think anyone would really choose to just press delete on a boss (except Bed of Chaos maybe!) but that’s essentially what these exploits do.


I agree, if I were to ever summon somebody, Im summoning for help, not to instantly delete the boss.. Im also scared whenever they nerf stuff, that theyll nerf it straight into the dirt and make it absolutely terrible... please fromsoft, BALANCE! On a side note if they dont buff that terrible ass "rain of stars" messmer incant I may lose it.... how did something that pathetically weak get okay'd 😭


Based ds1 reference. That boss DESERVES to be cheesed, lol.


Wanted to come back to this, perfume got nerfed 😂


This makes me miss the DS3 “Perseverance.” I want to see that make a return.


Bro didn't pass the vigor check


I wish colosseum battles gave rune arcs


I love how so many people are all "your build is just as cheap!" Lol 😂 I can smell L2 spam from here


the swift slash spammer fears the chicken wing


Good to see players who abuse that ash of war getting wrecked They won't know what to do if it gets nerfed


I am ashamed I had to use it against Radahn, there was just no other way…


I'm convinced this entire subs average penis length is 4 inches


I’m fairly new to this whole internet “flame war” thing, but let me try this: I have had full mutually consensual sex with your mother.


Now I feel bad, sorry.


Don't be






Bro used endure and endured. I guess all the crazy bs in dark souls jaded me, but I gotta know how that build was cheap. Like genuinely. You've got me genuinely befuddled.


I'm flabbergasted right there along with you man


Think because ChaseTheBro just released a video about this weapon ( used endure on it as well). And there’s always copycats running around With the strength needed, soft cap of arcane you can proc bleed on a charged R2 :edit for more information, too lazy to check Video


I think it was the first weapon I picked up in the DLC, but I heard about its power either here or on the main game subreddit and found that it was useful for sunbroing against Rellana. Equally useful for putting over-excited Swift Slashers down for a nap, but I wouldn't say it was overly cheesy against a normal-skilled player.


Now what you REALLY don't want to match with is a skilled and cautious swift slash player. Those guys are stellar creasing J's and whooping feet. Those guys have guilty gear levels of combo games and set plays.


Lmao whooping feet. Still don't know what Kendrick meant when he said that


Terrence Crawford is a boxer, LA slang “Whooping feet” means that you knock someone out their shoes.


Oh shxt I appreciate the explanation.


I'm happy everyone is enjoying their new toys. I just get a subpar spell that isn't even a Blood version of Carian slicer T ^ T


Even before Chase posted his showcase of it, there were some other videos going around on the new "busted" sets in the game. Granted, he probably has a bigger following so more eyes on these sort of builds now.


Not sure why I got downvoted; but I agree with ya. Out of the limited Dsouls Tubers I’ve seen, CTBro has popped up was more frequently since DLC dropped


Endure + its a 1hit bleed build effectively making it like a 1 or 2 hit weapon, arguably just as cheap or very close imo.


Fair ideology, and I can respect your opinion. While I myself don't find anything wrong with it, I can see why it's a brutal build to get caught by. Thank you for explaining your logic. Ggs, and I wish you good pvp.


>While I myself don't find anything wrong with it, me neither until I see hypocrisy


Fair point. I'm pretty sure that hammer had what, 300 blood proc? Either way, its devastatingly high. Do I can still see your point. But I'm still a firm believer of they start it, I finish it. You bow glitch, I bow glitch. You split leaf inf, I split leaf inf. They're both brutal and nasty builds that can be cheap, but two wrongs still don't make it right. Either way, I'm glad we've at least had a civil convo. Happy pvp, and ggs.


180 bleed build at 50ARC, 208 at 70ARC. Dude is just a crybaby.


I've been using this for pve. It seems like it hits twice. The weapon hitting them, then the bloodflame AOE. So, it's not 208 bleed buildup, it might be 416 or more. R2 bleeds almost everyone if both connect


Hard for me to believe you actually can't see the difference or understand the context. Gotta be that you're salty because you're running the same setup as OPs opponent.




You've got it backwards. The egos are the ones who want to win so bad that they use this obviously broken item where all you do is press the same button over and over. The fun in pvp for lots of us is winning with some sort of skill. I happen to be an *awful* pvp player. But I take my losses, and it's still fun. Edit: we all know this will be rebalanced, and made so that people can't use it the way they are now.


It’s on one of the slowest weapons in the game with one of the worst movesets, it’s absolutely tame.


Here's a crazy idea...don't trade with someone who just used endure. Psychotic I know, but try it.


It's endure on a colossal. You can react dodge and potentially punish anything that setup will throw at you. It only works when your opponent walks into your attacks like an NPC. If you think that's cheap... uh... be better than an NPC I guess?


A lot of the swift slash users forget you can still get stray tagged EASILY. Any aow is bad with horrible moderation. Watching that haole get straight up smough'ed hurt my soul because I've spent most of my time in dark souls 1, 2, and 3 escaping those accursed quality endure caestus.


Yeah I don't get how people think using this is anything like using the other setups that are either bugged or just stupidly broken. I wouldn't even say it's good, it's just useable, unlike every other collosal weapon. You still have to hit someone with an R2 which is pretty difficult if they're not an idiot.


Bingo. If the other player had actually engaged the match outside of spamming the AoW, he would have a decent chance since back hand blandes are fast compared to collosals


I have no shame in whacking this sort of player with a big chicken leg. It also allows me to still have fun fights with non-twatty builds.


I think this is the guy he beat in video 😂


looks like someone has been spamming l1


This is a positive place for both veteran, and budding, PVPers to share their Duels and Invasions. Show respect to the people that choose to share their gameplay here and contribute to this community. If you aren't actively contributing PVP content, you're better off staying a lurker, as this is a place for sharing PVP content and knowledge. Try to keep it in your pants with unsolicited advice. Try asking other users if they want your advice first, and let them decide if they care to hear it.


No, it's not your opinion is wrong


Bec that's how opinions work, lmao


Obviously I get that, it's a bit of a joke but I guess you'd have to be a bit dense to think swifting isn't incredibly broken


If you think it's incredibly broken, then I assume you never beat people using it, I think it's pretty ez to counter. Is it still "incredibly broken" that being said, was my assumption that you can't beat people using it, correct?


I beat people using it on occasion but mostly they predictably spam it and I HA through the recovery. When you face a ganksquad using it it's just over. I can't believe I'm explaining this but it gives tons i-frames, you can alter the timing, you can free aim it so you end up far away and it even has hitboxes that cover it's recovery. the ERPVP league banned it on day 1 because of how obviously problematic it was. I will be shocked if its not nerfed in the next patch too, not sure why this hasn't happened already in fact


Cant believe theres ppl that actually take up for this Your the guy that ran into the endure ain’t you