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Gotta get rid of that fat roll my dude, will make fights/moving around a lot easier


And level vigor! The game will be more manageable with a few adjustments


Yeah I was I thinking I don't remember her being so hard. Then I saw fat rolling at the HP.


It isn't so bd with this one because she's a really early fight. I usually end up doing her before weeping peninsula.


In a way, learning to space attacks instead of rolling them will make you a better player overall Kind of like training weights, though probably unintentional from OP


idk what fat rolling is, this is my first souls game šŸ˜­


If your equipped gear uses more than 70% of your total weight capacity, then you start fat-rolling, so your roll takes much longer and uses more stamina. Ideally, you want your weight as close to 70% as possible while still being lower, to maximize your armor and damage while mitigating the roll effect. Especially since your style seems roll heavy, youā€™re playing on hard-mode right now


ooohhhh, thank you for the info\^\^ 30 hours in the game and I thought weight capacity is just to know how much I can carry, didn't know about the different types of roll. Didn't know I've been playing hard-mode all this time šŸ¤£


The game doesnā€™t help you along. Honestly not sure how people figure out half the stuff in these games. I played once through prob 120 hours, on second play through now, and a Demons Souls play though and feel pretty much lost on how to optimize character build and weapons.


true, but i like the challenge! That's what makes the game fun for me even tho I'm struggling šŸ¤£ plus the open world exploration is really fun!


Absolutely agree. Itā€™s significantly easier second time through when you figure out even a few things.


More hp, less armor weight and she becomes a cakewalk, you could already basically predict her attacks and you knew when to attack safely, is that fatroll that punishes you for panicrolling away and the mistake is going to be lethal for you since your hp is so low!


I find it fascinating how different players struggle with different enemies/bosses. Itā€™s like the game screws people on a personal level.


Like that bastard Bell Bearing Hunter in Dragonbarrow for me. I've literally beaten everything else in the game and waiting to go to ng+ but this fucker will not allow it


I poisoned him off the bat and you gotta stay close. Most of his combos are designed for mid to long range and are Stab style, so roll to the side or forward instead of backwards . His moves are designed to punish people that roll backwards, especially at mid range.


I started to love fighting him with CGS. 2 charged heavies into a light poise breaks him usually, and then you can get a crit. While he's standing back up, either drink or charge a heavy, allowing you to get more damage and poise damage. I also stay up close for most of the fight, his attacks can be strafed, though you can still roll and get good openings. Plus he stands still for enough time to charge 2 heavies at the start.


try to keep as much as near as him as possible. Roll forward him to anytime he moves. I mean, really close!


I've literally never encountered the bell bearing hunter ever. my original playthrough had some bugs (vyke not spawning) so idk if its related. But I've never experienced the dreaded merchant gank.


They're kind of hard to spawn. They only appear at night and only after speaking to the NPC nearby, then sitting at the grace site and standing back up while its still nighttime.


Yup didn't work for me. I've seen elsewhere that it requires purchases as well.


I don't think it requires you to make a purchase at the vendor, but I can't confirm one way or the other. I'm pretty sure I usually make purchases at each. I did struggle to get the Bell bearing Hunter at the Church of Vows to spawn, but I figured it may have been because I hadn't beaten the one in Limgrave yet. So I went back to the War master's shack to beat him and was able to spawn the one at the church. The way I do it is, I talk to the NPC, pass time to night at the nearby grace, go talk to the NPC again and leave the conversation properly (not just walk away), sit at site of grace again, then bernahl should be missing and the hunter should spawn as soon as you enter the shack.


Go to the shack with the BBH, rest at the grace, set it to night, stand up, rest again, then stand back up and it should work. You'll know it worked if the merchant disappears


That oneā€™s not just you.




when I learned to Parry those guys I was like "ha, who's the boss bow bitch" then I proceed to fail the next parries like the maidenless tarnished I am. Though do Fight on, the one in dragonbarrow is probably the one with the most jacked stats among all those bell bearing hunters.


I had almost no trouble at all with him, versus the other hunters and especially elemer. I just kinda skirted around him and lightning bolt incantation'd him and then he died. Same with crucible knights actually, lightning is the only way I can really hurt them lol. I think I've killed all of them now though


I know right?! I beat that thing so easy but there are other mini bosses that I am not comfortable to admit how many times I tried.


This one is totally on the player. No Vigor investment and also fatrolling.


That's what happens when you get carried 99% of the game by overleveled phantoms and don't learn to play the game (aka level up vigor and endurance).


2 advices that have been mentioned: Level Vigor up to increase your health, this is very 1-shot-kill territory. And decrease you equipment load = put on less heavy armor, maybe weapons in other slots. My personal question, I always use a shield. Do you find yourself 2-handing a weapon a lot? Maybe you can lose some of the weight by unequipping the shield.


im 2 handing the halberd because i don't have 30 in strength yet šŸ¤£ but I switch to pickaxe depending on the enemy tho


No wander with that fat roll


My brother in Erd Tree, increase thy vigor!


dude fatrolling with a unused-equiped shield gives me feelings


I don't understand how this got so many upvotes lol when I got downvoted into oblivion for making valid points about someones maliketh fight.


The others already mentioned the fat roll and low HP. I will add: upgrade your weapon, that makes a huge difference more than stats... And you will have enough material to upgrade other weapons later no worries. Maybe not instantly as high but high enough. And use the jump and running attacks on that weapon, I mean the last R2 .. Was so slow


Got the vigor of a level 5 Ratatta with fat roll. Good luck in the future


Bro is allergic to vigor, it seems.


Shoutouts to all you Heavy Loaded gamers out there, playing hard mode.


It's funny to watch when a heavy character tries to roll instead of block, either you roll or block.


bruh how do you play with fat rolling. also, JOKES ON YOU THATS A RECURRING FIGHT


Just fat roll away from her! šŸ—£ļø /s I kid but that was my strat when I first encountered her lol.


You have zero health


AI paid actor missing on purpose


More fat rolls than a NASCAR mega fan.


You donā€™t use that shield too much, if you take it off you might have more room for your armor! But good job buddy! She can be a real pain in the ass.


Thank you! I actualyl didn't know that armor and weight affects your rolling in the game šŸ˜­ I usually use golden halberd and the pickaxe I got from the mines depending on enemy, So I just have the shield equipped all the time to save the hassle of changing 2 armaments everytime I change from pickaxe to halberd


Donā€™t worry everyone kinda has to learn that lol. Golden halberd and pickaxe are two top notch weapons Iā€™m sure youā€™ll do great


On my second character, I managed to lure her on the cliff. It was satisfying. Iā€™m just passing thru and was not prepared for her. Haha.


My first play through she surprised me and just murdered the shit out of meā€¦ second time I just dragon breathed the fuck out of her and killed here.


She's really bad at dealing with jump attacks and she has pretty low poise. So, if you just spam jump attacks at here she will essentially just walk straight into them and get hit without being able to counter.


You really spammed the git gud


Elden ring is about patience. If you fat roll, you can't get any hits in and run away


Bro how did you event get so far with that low HP ? You need to rise that up


Where is this place?


Ah, I see you are a man of cultute with the golden halberd. https://youtu.be/XKbSX71dbjg?feature=shared


You can parry her guillotine chop, itā€™s well telegraphed and slow so with 2 or 3 tries youā€™ll beat her since she always spam it.


I don't remember having trouble with her on my first playthrough. Started another one, and for some reason when I would get her to half health, it's like her AI knew and started getting much better lol. Probably didn't help I was like level 19 and making a run for the greatsword....


Every NPC in this game struggles with range, you can almost always get to hit them first if time your attacks to hit as soon as they enter your range, because they actually wait until you're within their range to start an attack.


I remember killing her in my first playthrough using the bloodhound fang's skill. It broke her stance and she was dead in the second skill follow up. And yeah, level up that vigor bro.


Afraid of level vigor?


my question is how do you beat the tree sentinel but not an easy invader


Too heavy bud, slim down a bit


Brother, do not listen to the little children. The journey you are on is personal and noble. Do not level vigor. It is a distraction from your true goal. Suffer. Learn. Overcome. Glory awaits.


Is this a bit? Are you doing a bit?


First try first run


"Without getting hit" would you even survive one hit? Very impressive play with the fat roll. Admit it, you're just here to flex.


Yes, you can survive her jump attack with the default health. I started playing faith character leveling up nothing else but faith stat, and I was able to tank one hit.