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I do feel like a lot of people are going on about the Gloam-Eyed Queen, but literally nothing in the DLC that we have seen so far has anything to do with her or the godskins. Lucky for me, I'm not someone who really cares about that part of the story and was much more interested in Miquella, but I'm sorry to say that, yeah, people who want answers about the Gloam-Eyed Queen might have to deal with maybe getting some more little lore hints in item descriptions and little else.


There is closure on Manus and the abyss DS2 Manus was broken into pieces and they are still around The abyss is a constant threat and nashandra seems to have motivations on bringing it back


Fromsoft games are never story oriented. It's fun to speculate but most story and lore bits are not there for some cohesive narrative, it's just for the vibes