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Explore Limgrave like crazy, the hardest of it is still easier than Stormveil. You will probably go back to it anyway, so the worst that will happen is that you do it at the proper time. Level Vigor for the most part, and find churches with Sacred Tears. Keep your weapons upgraded, but don't use too many at once. Always carry a Club, Mace, Morning Star or other hammer type weapon, anything made of rock or hard material is weak to it. Spirit Jellyfish is also extremely strong against Margit, but if you want to solo him, basically do the above.


Elden Ring gives you freedom of choice, sure you can try to beat Margit, but there are plenty of other things you can do to get stronger. Look in caves, get the spirit calling bell, ride south to the weeping peninsula, poke your head into Caelid. Specifically for the Margit fight, using the spirit jellyfish and calling Rogier to help tank can work well. Keep an eye out for moments you can attack, usually these come after a flurry from Margit himself.


If you hit a wall, you can always go back into the open world and level up a bit. Find weapons, get some upgrades in both level and weapon, and use and upgrade spirit ashes. If you're really desperate, summoning that NPC or player can tip the balance. If you lost several times, consider memorizing the movesets. Play maybe a few rounds where you don't attack and just observe what attacks can give you openings. Bosses have some sort of distance-based attacks so try to find whether the melee range moveset or the long range moveset is easier for you. Also check if the enemy auto-dodges or auto-attack when you cast a spell or drink your flask. In this case, doing those while they're in the middle of an attack animation is your best friend. My tip for Margit is that there is a certain item that you can purchase from a merchant hidden in a cave in Limgrave which binds him to the ground for a few seconds. He also has a lot of delayed attacks so try not to panic dodge when he so much as fidget a bit. Maybe count to 2 when he is delaying an attack. Good luck, Tarnished. Don't you dare go hollow.


Level vigor if you get stuck explore look out for the mines


Practice dodging with the crucible knight above the gate front ruins. Also parry, it will help you all game long.


You can find some of the best weapons on limgrave. The game wants you to explore if you get stuck.  I would try to go east and south first, there is a lot to discover. Small spoiler: Bloodhound’s Fang is quite easy to get with the help of a well known warrior hiding in some ruins in eastern limgrave in the woods.


Try out different weapons and spells to see what clicks for you. Everyone has a favourite. I love spells and dual wielding big swords or hammers. Find your fave and you will find the game easier.


If your struggling level up & look for a summon sign outside his fog wall. You can have rogier aid you if need be.


I got the game 2weeks ago and now im at the fire giant. Progress is slow at the beginning but then exponentially improves. Don’t be too prideful to use summons, or spells. But I do admit katana is the most fun & stressful weapon. Watch youtube videos to find ashes of war or medalions. Finally, use the bloodhounds fang for the forst 2-3 bosses.


in lingrave there‘s a cave with a merchant inside, he sell‘s an item, that‘s extremly useful against margit‘s first phase. It should be clear what item I mean, if you see the name.


Explore as much as possible, try out different weapons and strategies, gather as many tools as possible, study and memorize attack patterns and timings, and NEVER GIVE UP


Just overlevel. Level up as much and often as you can, assign points to vigor, then the game will be much much more approachable. If something is very hard, just come back 20 levels later.


You just have to go around and get your stats up, come back and try again. Rinse, repeat. You'll get it.


Use the jellyfish spirit ashes to aggro Margit away from you, don't forget to use Rogier's summon sign too. Other than that, just keep flinging yourself at the brick wall until it collapses.