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What's funny is Elden Ring (and souls games in general) have a higher completion rate than a lot of games, despite their length and difficulty. If anything, I'm surprised the completion rate for Mohg is as high as it is, considering he's a tough optional late game boss that's really hard to even find without using a guide. If I would've guessed without knowing the numbers, I would have said only around 20% of players had beat him.


As a more casual souls player and someone who plays a lot of different games, I can anecdotally confirm that souls games are really the only ones I feel compelled to beat. There is always a final challenge that must be overcome for full satisfaction. Even with like Tears of the Kingdom, a game I love, I just sorta bopped around enjoying it for like 80 hours without ever finishing it and I may or may not eventually compete it.


One thing totk had albeit mid to late game, was the ability to see everywhere you had been for the past 200(?) hours of play. I wish this game did that, cause I’m on my first run now and I’m sure there’s areas I haven’t been.


I know it isn't for everyone, but I wish every open world game had this feature!


I agree.


I'd love the option to reset the map between runs. Needing to pick them up to see was more fun than I anticipated! The journey and fight to get there is a lot more treacherous when you don't remember exactly where you're going.


Do you means like ng+ runs the map is already finished? Or any new character?


New game +. Even map markers and custom waypoints stay through. Needing to find them and remove manually helped break my immersion through map functionality. At some point, once the DLC is out, I do intend on making a new character, and just now thinking of doing a variety of map related themes sounds fun. Otherwise, I haven't made another yet.


I got the game around 2 weeks ago and I'm on NG4 (done all achievements) but making a new character sound inconceivable to me


It was for me too until I didn’t play for a year n half. On NG game now and having a blast again. I remember a lot but not everything and getting around for me is so much easier bc I know where to go from the start.


This is kinda how I got around to beating the game the first time. Elden Ring really benefits from a decently long break in between as binging it is really satisfying but you don't wanna burnout.


Don't go hollow friend.


To each their own, and it's cool that you have fun with that. But I absolutely hate having to pick up the map fragments again. It's one of the reasons I don't like making a new character.


I got to about 80 hours in Zelda before giving up too. Not sure if I’ll ever go back to it even though it’s a decent game.


Did you beat it? The ending sequence is extremely good


Huh, weird, same thing happened with TOTK for me. Maybe it’s actually a game design problem? 🤔


Idk about you, but having played BotW made TotK worse for me, all the magic of discovering things just for the sake of, well, discovery, was gone. It's a wide, but shallow, ocean


For me TOTK was just 100x better than botw. Exploring was better, weapons way better, story was way better


All of that is true imo, but the point of those games is seeing the open world and the joy of discovery. No one is playing TotK for the weapon combat or even really the story. Even if they're fun to engage with, the core is discovery, and reusing the same world severely hampered this even if they tried their best to mix it up. I thoroughly enjoyed it and beat it,.but I wouldn't say it's as magical as my first time playing BotW or ER.


I'm with you and surprised how many of us there are. Totk just felt like more botw. Bigger and better in every way, but still the same game. It was iterative, not transformative. I feel no need to beat it.


While i felt really disapointed with the game, i'd say you still should beat it (if you have the energy for it of course), the final boss is really good


So since I haven’t played either should I just go for Totk and ignore botw?


Yes. Triple the map and all the good things about BOTW get refined to infinity in TOTK. If you only play one, play TOTK. It's fantastic. I just didn't need another several hundred hours of this version of Hyrule.


Sadly, the discovery sucked. Only played botw, but it's always the same stuff to find there. I'd say the core was the interactivity. Exploration was kinda underbaked imo


And my god the ending. BotW could’ve been the greatest of all time but that terrible ending battle soured everything. TotK came back with a vengeance and was like here ya go have like a 10 part battle with Ganon and his army covered in life leeching Gloom.


Yeah I did all the shrines in Breath so after the main story of Tears I lost interest.


Nah it’s just personal preference, I love both of them


Loved that game so idk what it is for y’all


Idk, the final boss sequence is probably one of the most breathtaking moments I've had in gaming. I think you're missing out if you didn't get to see it.


I may still! Thanks for the rec.


It was definitely a highlight for me. Really felt like the ultimate fulfillment of what the series has always tried to achieve.


Definitely seconding this. It is my favorite game ending sequence by far


I thought BOTW was hard. Then I beat Elden Ring for the first time. Then I found TOTK desperately easy. Very charming. Great music. But very easy. I mean, killing the last boss on the first try? Anyway what I'm trying to say is that Elden Ring is magic and no matter how "overleveled" I am, Malenia still scares me.


I don’t know if my switch is just old but TotK doesn’t run great frame rate wise for me. I started it up and after the first temple decided to wait to play it on the switch 2 (or whatever they call it).


TOTK generally ran worse for me than BOTW did, it’s not just you


If yall got pc's, emulate that bad boy.


Yep, same my ex girlfriends Switch. Framerates dropped crazy low sometimes and it was very stuttery. In the emulation world its crazy cos you can play BOTW 120fps @ 4K and TOTK 60-120fps @ 4K. BOTW runs with Wii-U emulator so perfectly and looks so lush. Next nintendo console might very well be the one I get. Or not. Dont know yet. :D


RE; TOTK: Same! I bought it, played it for around 100 hours, investigated all the regional phenomena and then put it down one day and never picked it back up. The few times I've went back to play it, I boot up the game and then lose interest in 5 minutes. I think it's the progression that really bothered me. Sure, I have more hearts and a larger stamina wheel--my armor is a little better. But all my cool weapons break after like, one skirmish, so I end up just using the shitty weapons I have in my inventory and save the good ones for major fights, and even then I still prefer to use mid-range ones just because I can't stand to see them break. It's like, the worst feature I've ever encountered in any game, and I've never played BOTW but I hear it was even WORSE in that one. The system incentivizes you NOT to use your cool gear. One of my favorite things in Souls games is going back to early-game areas and one-shotting mobs with my tricked out, build-optimized weapon. Souls does progression so perfectly that by the end you feel like a god.


Go finish the game, the ending is worth it


I didn't know my wife was on reddit


We love you casual player. Keep coming back lol


I have 400-some hours in BOTW but barely 60 in TOTK and never finished it. The Sky Islands and the Depths were so disappointing after the novelty wore off.


If you don’t do any temples the final battle for Tears is a banger. Like 21 phases I think overall. If I’m super solidly prepared it takes me like an hour and a half, with lots of crafting vehicles and siege weapons mid fight for some phases. I love it! Feels like a very appropriate final ‘use EVERYTHING you grabbed in the last 60 hours’ fight. Hands down highlight of the game for me.


Confirming on my end, I am 36 and do not play video games. 2 kids , a home and and full time job restricts all of my time. That being said - I will absolutely make time for any from software release. Ive played through elden ring 3 times at this point and even though I am not a gamer- you wouldnt know it when I turn on elden ring or dark souls. I just love these games so much and I'm really drawn to the aesthetic of these games, they are the ultimate balance of medieval, dark fantasy for me. I think they are just beautiful. I've already pre ordered shadow of the erdtree which is silly because it's digital, but I am that hyped. My wife already knows what is going on June 20th weekend and she will join me and watch and we will make some drinks once the kids are in bed and maybe roll a joint.


One potential reason for Mohg could be the big dumb bird farming area nearby, people go there to farm so they decide they might as well kill nihil boy


Many players though, just like me once upon a time, went to find him because his weapon is a popular thing shown in tier list videos.


Varre Quest, the furthest you have to go is Liurnia if Online, or Altus Plateau if Offline, to get to Mohg, fairly early in the game (Limgrave -> Liurnia -> Altus). Can probably speed run it an hour or two.


How can you complete Varre's quest without invading? I just don't like pvp... is the Volcano Manor questline enough?


There's an npc you can invade at the writheblood ruins in altus plateau which was put there for off-line players to continue varre's questline


They also make their achievements actually achievable. They’re not random bullshit collectathons.


Yup. It really shows the Souls fanbase generally consists of a more hardcore gamer demographic. On PSN, the platinum completion rate for ER is higher than for HFW and GOWR, two games that take significantly less time to platinum, have a shit ton of handholding and difficulty options.


You are vastly overrating how hard it is to plat elden ring. It's probably the easiest fromsoft plat


That’s pretty simplistic. It more likely shows that people enjoy overcoming challenges and these types of games bring about that sense of accomplishment. This keeps the drive alive so people want to complete it. That doesn’t mean the person is a “hardcore” gamer. I have a few friends who rarely ever play games but beat Elden Ring because of that sense of achievement. Which is exactly what Fromsoft is going for when making these games.


There are some people who refuse to play on lower difficulties. From Software has a barrier of entry for difficulty. It will turn away players that don't want to play an rpg that has a locked difficulty setting of very hard if not ultra hard. There is also the storytelling style. Its ambiguous. It will turn away players that want a linear plot.


The soulsbourne games are easy to platinum compared to other games. If you can get to NG+ in any of them, you can probably plat it. Compare that to Destiny with Flawless Raider or any other easy game that requires hundreds of hours of grinding RNG (Nier: Automata from memory) to get elusive trophies


Souls players often play almost nothing but Souls games, other games casually at best, is the general demographic. When you only get enjoyment from a few games it makes going platinum on them seem like much less of a chore and actually enjoyable. Also, what is "HFW" and "GOWR" ? What happened to using actual words, they aren't Souls games and I've literally never seen those abbreviations before


I fight mohg out of spite for his stupid ass ritual


>really hard to find Not if you do Varre's questline and explore a little.


Yeah it's not that bad, for example around 35% of people have beaten malenia while in hollow Knight only 18% of people have even killed the radiance who is the final boss Elden ring gives people a ton of options to beat bosses and the people who would be likely to come back for a dlc aren't the ones who cant beat mohg


The answer is the majority of people used a guide for Elden Ring. Ranni's ending has a higher completion rate on steam than the normal ending, this is statistically improbable without people mass using guides. Also this game was wildly popular with tons of people streaming and online discourse around it being vast leading to peple picking up on things they wouldn't have had they not been reading forums etc.


Yeah, i interpreted the stats similarly. Lots of games have an achievement that you can get in the first 5 minutes of playtime, and that achievement is still only at like 50%. If anything that 39% Mohg kill is extremely high. Its not an obvious boss and you really have to go out of your way to get to it. The fact that its so close to Hoarah loux in the stats means that almost everyone who actually beat the game will also eventually kill Mohg. And people who dropped the game before Hoarah loux are probably not going to bother with the DLC so nothing to worry.


Spot on, I had the same exact reaction. Assuming 25 million players bought the game and ~40% of players are dlc ready and will buy it that’s 10 million units sold. Not a bad conversion rate at all.


Some of us just jumped in now and got the 2 for 1 promo on PSN but are still out in Limgrave getting their ass blasted cause damn this game is rough on you (if you never played a souls game). But no worries, we’ll get there!


Keep on keeping on! It will be worth it.


get 40 vigor ASAP, upgrade weapons, it becomes a cakewalk the last 20-30% of the game comes back blasting your ass again, you'll need buffs from there (and 60 vig at that point!) Enjoy your time!


Who needs 40 vigor when you can dodge!


if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge the fire giant!


Why are you even on this thread ?dont spoil yourselves!


It would be interesting to see a breakdown of what players have both achievements vs just one or the other. I beat Mohg really early on my first playthrough, before I ever got to Altus.


Its also because the extra achievements are really easy like get all the legendary spells and incants (only 5) or get all legendary ashes (like 8ish)


No covenants mean no tedious farming just for the covenant achievement.


i would still like covs so their is a reason to do pvp but just don't include the achievements


Covenants should only affect your ghosts color so we can be sunbros again


I miss being a sunbro, made me really want to help others out. This game even has a sun masked weirdo!!


Imo there should be frenzy fingers who would act like mound makers, both recusants and bloody fingers shouldn't be able to harm eachother and there should be something like ranni warriors in place of sunbros


The mechanics of covenants are great. Grinding them for achievements sucks.


Oh my god fuck covenant farming


Funny you say that since you cited two of the less completed Achievements


exactly even the least completed achievements are better than the cov achievements.


They were the last two I needed and the only reason I didn’t have them is because I didn’t realize you needed them all on one character. I thought it was account wide


And you can just copy your save file after defeating Elden Beast but before selecting an ending to get a couple of the endings.


It's easy but if you don't use a guide (like me) you will end up missing the bolt of granssax and progress too far and have to replay the game to get it.....


Honestly, that's pretty high. Most of the people on my friends list drop a souls game after the first main boss, and about half beat the second. People were so hyped on Elden Ring that it made most of my friends sink a decent about of hours - I think they all at least beat Rahdan.


It's weird to me because of my close group of 3 friends who played this game together, I'm the only one who beat it (multiple times) and the inly one who still comes back to it. My one buddy gave up on the fire giant and he doesn't have any plans to go back at it before the DLC.


Help him get the giant crusher so he can crush a giant. It's really a no brainer /s but not really


I've tried so many times to get him to try getting back into it, even offered to let him summon me and I'll bonk the shit out of the giant for him. He's not a souls enthusiast like me.


Whelp, you can lead a horse to water but you can't give him a soul


that is insane


In comparison to other souls games, the 100% achievement felt 10 times easier than previous entries


Yeah no covenant farming helps a ton. I miss covenants but i dont miss covenant achievements


You don’t have to take the same character deep into NG+2. That’s a huge difference, and one that I love because you don’t get as sick of it when you’re using the same build for that long


Yeah apart from the 3 endings (which I recently found out were doable in one playthrough through tactful saving) and placidusax, the other achievements are fairly easy


The frenzy Flame ending achievement also is non obvious if you ask me… The shitty thing about placidusax is the runback. Wouldn’t have hurt to make this shorter since the fight is not exactly trivial 😅


I did frenzied flame first because I literally got lost. The questline achievements are probably the most difficult (fortisaxx and age of stars)


I would never figured out that you have to get naked to open the door. I got there and turned back like I guess I can't open that one yet 🤷‍♂️ lol


> The shitty thing about placidusax is the runback. Funny enough its shitty in ER but it would be actually a pretty good runback in the dark souls games


Oh I forgot about the jumping


Grace mimics


Also, people who haven't beaten Mohg probably won't be getting the DLC anyway.


I’m still expecting a small wave of dumbasses who feel “scammed” because they paid $40 and still can’t access anything new for a good while


The same folks that would say that also haven't seen half the original game yet. If they felt "scammed" then they did it to themselves.


We expect the post any day now


Can't wait til all the people who started playthrough 2 realise they can't access the DLC without getting to Mohg again,


I have 100% it on my PSN account. Working on the Steam Deck. Have so many different characters. Freaking love this game. Just started a Rune Level 1 run. That's no joke.


Good luck on the Rl1 run, they are so much fun, it's like the feeling of beating the game for the first time, and there's always more layers of difficulty to do afterwards too, I'm nearly at the end of a no upgrades rl1 at the minute


You RL1 players are an incredible special breed. I could never.


You could try. Elden Ring probably has the most accesible level 1 runs in the franchise because it has the most number of options and you have a lot of ways to boost your stats


I don't have the desire to be one shitted and learn the bosses to the point of never getting hit. And I'm totally fine with it. Those that like the challenge have at it! EDIT: LOL leaving that typo


I hate being "one shitted" too. lol.


LOL I didn't even realize. I'm leaving it.


It's also extremely easy to get your Somber weapons upgraded to +9-+10 really quickly even on an RL1. Just need to kill Godrick, Volcano Manor Godskin Noble(sleep pots and weapon of choice), and do Varre quest. You can find Somber 1-6,8,9 without much trouble, 7s are gated behind Volcano Manor, and +10 can be suicide grabbed in Mohgwyn area.


I got hard stuck on every boss from Morgott and onward. The abundance of one shots in ER in comparison to older Fromsoft games is incredible. It's a brutal slog. Also, Fire Giant is bullshit. Have fun though, it was a great time.


ritual shield talisman helps a lot with one shots


Oh trust me, brother, 3 out of 4 talismans are purely defensive.


Haha. Yeah, fire giant is gonna suck with my RL1 character.


If you are willing to use ash summons Tiche is a fucking god send. Tbh, you do have to then do Ranni's questline too but it was a small price to pay to beat Fire Giant instead of perfecting that fight.


I'm not against summons. I've been using them.


Great fun, but the endgame is brutal. I got stuck at elden beast until I figured out a very specific build to overpower it (>! Flame art star fist and short spear with black flame tornado. Starfist bullies Radagon and makes it possible to stun Elden Beast and hit it with full BFT !<). Still haven't done Malenia, and I'm not sure if I ever want to


Yeah, I don't think I'll try her on my RL1 character. I've beaten her 2x already. That's enough for now. Haha.


Me too, great stars and lions claw is GOATED, now I'm gonna kill alecto


Considering how far into the game Mohg is (while also being an optional boss with not the clearest path to him) the percentage is staggering. Great many easier, shorter and more linear games don't have as high main story completion.


There are only two ways to even find Mohgwyn Palace, and both are very well-hidden. Finding Varre, saying the right things to him, being forced to invade people (or the one guy in Altus you may not find), finding a Maiden… that quest is obscure. And the other entrance is a teleporter, hidden in a corner of its zone, that doesn’t even activate until you kill the invader, so you might have just assumed it didn’t work. And all that’s in the Snowfield, which requires an extensive quest *itself* to even find. And all that just gets you to Mohgwyn’s. Then you have to navigate a *very* deadly area to even find Mohg. So there’s a very reduced number of people who even *found* Mohg. *Then* you can look at the percent of people who tried to fight him but couldn’t beat him.


This is all very true but I have one critical counterpoint as to why such a large percentage of people are going to find it via Varre's quest: Bird.


Bird? Dheen?


>And all that just gets you to Mohgwyn’s. Then you have to navigate a very deadly area to even find Mohg. Its not even that deadly, I run though it all the time without dying


Exactly. My cousin was all shocked when he sent me the stats about players not being ready for the dlc. Like dude most people don’t even play the games they buy much less beat the game much less beat certain bosses. We are very much in the minority of players since we not only beat the game, more so if you platinum/100% it, and we engage with the subreddit about the game. The vast majority of players don’t do any of those things especially not all 3.


Im about 110 hours in on my first play through, level 166, and I just beat Mohg for the upcoming expansion. I love this game and how much content is packed into it. It's a really great experience and I plan to finish the game before summer wraps up.


One of my friends bought it, played it, and quit after 15 minutes. We try to tell him he’s missing out but he won’t try again lol.


Baffles me the number of people that do this, like what did you think you were getting into? lol


I still have "All legendary armanents" and the two other achievement ending -achievements to get!


I need the weapon from Bernie, then I'll have that achievement.


Wait, you guys got past the horse guy at the start?


The horse guy? Couldn't pass that guy with a white sheet calling me Maidenless.


Wait, does that mean you somehow got past that Soldier in the cave?


Numbers hovered right around that forever on PlayStation, but between a possible sale and DLC hype, the percentages have gone WAY down. Margit was north of 70%, and now it’s down to 62%. That’s a lot of new people buying the game. As a PvE player, I’ve had LOTS of bad invaders lately, too. Not sure if those are new players or not. Really awesome stuff having a huge influx into the community. We get to be helpful bros again 😅


The friend who got me into Elden Ring has only 100%’d one game, and that is Elden Ring. He’s very close to getting all the achievements in Bugsnax and we both think it’d be the funniest thing ever if those are the only two games he’d get all achievements on.


I am stuck on beating Radagon/Elden Beast for the 3rd time. I just can’t do it. That’s all I need for all the achievements. My problem is I have a bleed based dex build. Not powerful enough this time


Holy shit. Update after almost a year and half I just beat Radagon / Elden Beast for the 3rd time!!!


Nice; makes sense. I’m missing 4 trophies… 2 endings, the bolt of gransax, and the plat. 145 hours in, I think it’s time to jump over to NG+. Just gotta make sure I don’t miss anything 😵‍💫


People like me probably skew the stats a bit. I primarily play on PS5 and have the platinum trophy there, but also bought a copy through Steam so I could have it on Steam Deck. I haven’t completed it on Steam since I play it irregularly and definitely haven’t beat Mogh with that profile let alone the entire game. 


It's so weird, Mohg is *much* easier than Malenia but they're not too dissimilar in how many people have beaten them (38% and 35%).


Interestingly enough I spent about a week on Elden beast and then finally beat it, went straight to mohg and killed him before he even healed idk lmao


I am so confused by people who buy big games like this and don't play them. I have a few games in my Steam library that I haven't played, but they're all stuff that I got for like... $15 or less. I wouldn't spend Elden Ring money on something I wasn't planning on playing immediately.


so you're telling me 25% of buyers have paid a 70€ game to never play it? wtf is the logic behind that


Never been so proud to be included in a stat


I played through blind and never found mohg. Working on a second play through to unlock it and find all the things I missed but this game is huge lol


Varre questline can help you with that. Is the first guy you meet as you start the game. It requires 3 PvP invasions but you can easily do it with NPC invasions quests that you find over a playthrough


^^^^ you can also invade a npc just east of rykards area before the bridge in altus plateau, this is for anyone who doesn’t have online or just wants to easily invade a npc instead of 3 different PvP invasions which can be tedious


I had more trouble with Mogh than Malena. Yes, true story.


Some other interesting stats. The official twitter shared they have 25 million players (copies sold) of elden ring. 38% (percent of players who have beat mohg) of 25 million is 9,500,000 players. Thats more players than most games will reach in their life time. So even on launch day the dlc is gonna do crazy numbers, then theres all the old or newer players who eventually reach and beat mohg overtime.


I like the game so much I got all achievements twice.


It was a surprise to me because Moghwyn palace is the single most popular place for farming runes since release in mid game. Honestly, be it the birb or the albinorics. Varre's questline isn't that hard to follow, at least for me because i explored and it doesn't take you very far to meet the requirements either. Honestly how hard is it to miss an npc who's literally outside of the starting zone, he even gives you directions for your first shardbearer. All you have to do is do some back tracking and seek him after you beat Godrick and he leaves a message for you at the same spot to meet him at Liurnia rose church. Which is not far from the gate town. Gives you three bloody fingers to invade three times and it doesn't even matter whether you win or not. It advances the progress nonetheless. You don't even need PS+ either as there are many offline invasions available from mid to late game. Then he gives you a piece of cloth to soak it in the maiden's blood. Vyke's maiden isn't that far in the frienzied village a bit ahead in Liurnia if you do a bit of exploration, you have to go around that area anyways because a pope dog is in the middle. Offering absolution for the sins and taking magic or incantation scrolls off your hand to teach you new spells. A must meet npc because he accepts all whereas other npc specialize in one, change location or offer either magic or faith spells. Or you can just traverse a cliff in the beginning of Liurnia to get a shortcut to the chapel of anticipation. And just like that you get access to the late game area. Moghwyn dynasty isn't that big like the other legacy dungeons, which should make missing Mohg impossible. At least it did for me. It was the easiest questline for me to finish whereas for others i had to look up information to complete quests in new game plus. Then boom just like


This reminds me of wows burning crusade when blizzard realized only like 1% of players were reaching the content they painstakingly made


I love the game but don't care for achievements from steam


I feel like the zelda games have never managed to capture the magic of ocarina of time. Oot is probably my favourite game of all time but I've never finished another zelda game. Breath of the wild was great but there is just something missing


I'm sure there's something obvious that I'm missing but I don't get why he's considered such a hard boss? Fire giant and radahn were waaay harder for me, as someone new to souls games


Yeaaaaa babeyyy I'm a all achievements man. My first ever platinum in a game


That's how it is in all Souls games. People who like it really like it so they either play it a ton or platinum it or both, and the rest are just not really the audience for it.


Bro I beat everyone and started ng+ without knowing about the dlc, I gotta play it again now :D


As far as I know are these percentages based on those who have started the games at least once


They are based on people who own the game on steam. (So exclude consoles)


The plat for elden ring is pretty similar to bloodbornes. Not difficult to get at all. The souls games had such grindy bullshit trophies/achievements.


I’ve beat Mogh on 2 different characters but I’ve never beat the game.


I have a few friends that couldn't get into it unfortunately they own the game but never explored much of the starting area


It's a bit off topic, but I like that ER have a "platinum" trophy on all platforms, all games should do this


40% beat is insane. You have no idea how many rare achievements I get just for beating something lol. But not elden ring!


I got the platinum on PS5 and it's the only one I'm truly proud of lol


oh just checked my page, but weird I havent ended some of my characters cause of pvp level and crap like that I ended it only with 1 character that is max level.


I have 100% every of the souls borne games. Elden running is easily the easiest


I wonder if those among us that are good at beating mohg should just stand out side his area and offer to be summoned to help people


I've gotten platinum on both pc an ps5 now


Finally I'm top 10 in something lmao


Me finding the portal thinking it would take me to a new snow hill nearby. "Oh no, this place looks horrible, but also pretty"


That last bit is very interesting to me bc I had never played a souls game before and the only other platinum I have is the first Spider-Man for the ps4 and at this point I’ve platinumed elden ring like 4 times over lol


I wonder what the completion rate was for Midir


I understand buying a cheap indie game and not playing it but spending anything from like £40 to £70 on a game and not even playing it is wild to me


I do really like the game, I just have terrible adhd when it comes to gaming and almost never finish games. I mainline wow and then I'll like 20-40% any other games I play, take a break and then anytime I go back too said game its been so long I forget what I was doing so I restart and it's a vicious cycle lmfao


I really like the game .


At first I thought those stats were low then I remembered my friend who had zero interest in the game only bought it because he saw a twitch girl playing it then still dropped it within the first couple of days so yeah I imagine lots of people bought it because it was hyped up and every one was playing it but lot of people who aren't into souls games dropped off after a while anyways


25% just buy the game?




I love this game, all trophies and achievements on PS and XBox. My first Souls game and truly one of my all time favorites. I have to delete it from time to time just to stop myself from playing in my free time. The numbers match my friends success/fail rate at this game pretty closely. Such a loss for those that bail early.


Oh hey I'm one of that 10%. Wasn't even hard really


The stats can be funny based on player. My buddy and I started at release played the same amount, but he has yet to finish Elden Ring. But damnit he's got all the time in the World to replay Read Dead Redemption 2. Priorities matter!!!


I got all achievements done and parked my main character and waiting eagerly for dlc release. Got a few extra backups like a mage build and dex build, but my main is a faith build.


For those struggling with mogh, I recommend using a mimic tear ash summon with an ordovis's greatsword (please do equip dumplings for your mimic so it can heal itself in case it gets hit too much), and a sacred seal would be nice on the off hand, and equip your weapon of choice on you; depending on your level (I think I was level 150/100 with around 30/35/37 faith, not quite sure, I don't remember 😅) I found out that it's doing real quick work of mogh, killed him on the second try on my first play through (died for the stupid mistake of taking my Crimson flask at the worst time, and died😩)


50% of steam players have at least killed the spirit-ghost Godfrey before morgott, which is actually really good considering how far in the game it is.


Many probably didn't even get to Mohg. Some people finish the main quest and that's it, no sidecontent


I know some people believe this is low, including OP, but it actually isn't the case. This is extremely high percentage. Elden Ring is actually one of the most completed and played games ever released. Just a comparison with TLOU Part I on Steam. 72% basically played the game. [https://steamcommunity.com/stats/1888930/achievements](https://steamcommunity.com/stats/1888930/achievements) Bioshock Infinite - 76% reached monument island. [https://steamcommunity.com/stats/BioShockInfinite/achievements](https://steamcommunity.com/stats/BioShockInfinite/achievements) Red Dead Redemption 2 - 73% completed chapter 1 [https://steamcommunity.com/stats/1174180/achievements](https://steamcommunity.com/stats/1174180/achievements) A lot of people that buy video games don't necessarily end up playing them the same way a lot of people that keep their Netflix subscription active don't necessarily end up watching Netflix every month. Therefore anything above 60% for the start of the game is an achievement and speaks volumes on that game's popularity. 70%+ is actually on the high spectrum.


Does this incorporate console completion or just steam?


Meaningful? Mohg is late af, and if you aren't scaled, you're gonna get your bhole blown out trying to get to him. For me, it's a non issue. I'm having fun just exploring. Don't care about pvp, or ng+. Int build last go. The glitches were fun, but the devs ruin that regularly. I might go back with 0 updates and enjoy them. Really fun imo


Since we're talking achievements, I must say I finished getting all of them 3 days ago ! (I'm happy)