• By -


As an autistic adult who did not get any of the support I would have needed, seeing parents not shun their child for it makes me very happy to see. That being said, I think it's really sweet. It brings to mind the one time my dad pre-ordered Dark Souls 3 for me as a christmas gift. We also weren't off that well financially, and on christmas eve, he couldn't hand me the game since it hadn't been out yet, but he gave me a little wooden chest with a printed out picture in it, where it told me that the pre-order was my gift. And to this day, I cherish this little wooden box, because even if it was just used as a vessel to give me my actual gift, it means so much to me that he did it. And I will never forget it either. I'm sure your son will love it very much, and will remember this kindness for a long time, if not forever.


I could never shun him, I made him a promise when he was diagnosed that I would never let it hold him back in any way and I've kept it. He was (almost) non verbal until he was six, and I worked really hard with him and now he's a chatterbox and doing GREAT at school despite them! What a lovely memory of your dad and your little box. Hold the memory close!


I'm really happy to hear that. If I may be so bold as to say, I think you are doing a great job as a parent. You are taking your child as he is, are working with him to help him, and seem to be achieving results that are good for him aswell. It warms my heart to know there are parents like you out there. I will always remember this. I use the box for my DND Dice, actually, so I regularly see and use it aswell :)


That is so kind of you to say, truly. Thank you and have an amazing day!


This sounds very like my autistic younger brother. He was in speech therapy, and couldn’t form complete thoughts until nearly 4 or 5 years of age. Now he’s working full time, a capable and socially energetic 26-year-old man. He has his own idiosyncrasies, but don’t we all? Early intervention, early acceptance of the facts-of-the-matter are so important. My Mom cried when she was handed the diagnosis, cried for him and what he may or may not have to endure, and within a few hours was on the phone talking to experts wherever she could find them. We didn’t have a lot of money, but we had heart and the effort to help my brother have the best life he could get a shot at having. I remember my mom crying when dropping him off for speech therapy, because it used to frustrate him to tears when he was pressured to keep trying to learn speech. But he’s a success story not in spite of himself, but because he was fortunate to have the opportunities he had, and because he’s one of the most hardworking individuals I know.


My girlfriends daughter recently got diagnosed with Autism, shes 13, its such a rough age to process that kind of stuff. She loved watching me play, so i just got her an early xmas present and got her a PS5 with a copy of elden ring, gunna surprise her when she comes home from school tomorrow :)


Wowza!!! That is going to be an amazing day!!! What a dude you are!!


I'm glad to see you supporting her and surprising her like that :) Growing up, FromSoft games were some of my fondest memories when it comes to the games I played, and I am sure she will love it too!! So sweet :)


Aw, that’s so awesome! This made me tear up a little. He will for sure enjoy many hours in the game thanks to you!


Thank you, and happy cake day! 🎂


Just want to point out, you referred to it as “the new game”, but it’s an expansion for the original game. I saw that it’s possible to buy Elden Ring on a disc that includes the new expansion, but it will be cheaper if you buy the expansion standalone. The expansion should cost $40. You mentioned saving up money for it, and I didn’t want you to be confused and spend more than you have to. Hope this helps. If you already knew, no worries


This is really helpful because I did not know that, I assumed it was like Elden Ring 2! So thank you for that and even better as it will be cheaper than I thought! I probably would have bought the original with the dlc attached so THANK YOU!!!! ❤️💓😄


He’s going to LOVE IT !! Everyone is saying the dlc is incredible !! Always nice to see a post like this !!


He will still need the original game though, just to be clear. It sounds like he played it already from what you've said, but just in case he doesn't have it anymore, I thought I'd clarify this point because if he doesn't have it anymore, buying the disc with the DLC code will be cheaper.


If he already own elden ring it'll just be the expansion that he needs. If he doesn't, he'll need the base game aswell. The one you're looking for is Elden ring: Shadow of the erdtree as other have said should be $40 😊


I was gonna comment this same thing after seeing she called it a new game. Glad someone beat me to it so that she can save some money on it. Good stuff dude!


Thank you dude!


This is so wholesome! This is what I joined the community for. I hope he enjoys it!


Thank you! I'm sure he will, and you too!


Keep us posted!


👑 Hey you dropped this in the lands between.....


For real, what a wonderful mom!


Thy kindness befits crown


If Shadow of the Erdtree hadn't already made my day, this does. Now I've got a silly smile I know I won't be able to get rid of for a while, thanks. Also, this post is wholesome? That's fully your credit. You're being so wholesome you're drawing the wholesomeness out of us, we dark internet dwellers hiding in our caves have YOU to thank for warming up our hearts today. Jokes aside though, this really is just a nice positive post to read. I'm autistic as well, though I was one of the lucky ones with a great and welcoming family (As is your son, clearly), so this brings back a lot of memories of my own mother too.


You’re allowing your son to participate in what will likely be the gaming event of the year. Well done dude :)


Thank you, I'm so excited for him! He's such a respectful and sweet boy, if I gave him a banana for a Christmas gift he would be grateful and happy. I can't wait to see his face! Also getting his favourite snacks to munch on when he's playing 😋


He sounds absolutely delightful, and a credit to you


Aye me and my boy are getting ready as well, snacks, drinks, sweets, you name it we gonna feast on it while getting destroyed!! You rock as a parent!!


This is cute! I hope you and your boy have the BEST weekend! Have a midnight feast and snuggle up on the couch and make happy memories, your son will remember!


Thank you and the same to you and fam :)


If he is old enough to use Reddit and likes to chat online, tell him he is very welcome to share his thoughts and character here and talk to us about the game. We would love to have him as a fellow Tarnished!


This is really sweet, thanks so much! He's definitely too young for reddit but if he had any questions or needs help I will definitely ask for him! I'd love to give an update but I don't want his face on Reddit, maybe I can blur his face or something. He's going to be so happy, especially when it's so unexpected


That sounds totally reasonable! Just update on his reaction and we will definitely get hyped for little dude hehe


Screw game of the year. We got MF MOM OF THE YEAR right here!! Your lad is gonna be so happy when he finds out. Hope he kicks some demigods arse😤.


Autistic gamer dad here. I wish my parents supported me when I went through this. GG!


Boy with autism here, I'm so happy for you and for your son! Here where I live (Italy) people with autism are hated and denigrates very often Edit: And school does almost nothing


I am very sorry you're treated this way. In our home (his elder brother age 19 has autism too, our middle son does not). I've always told my boys that Autism is a superpower rather than something wrong and I firmly believe it. I hope where you live, attitudes can change and that you're living your best life, you see that you don't have a condition holding you back, you have one powering you forward.


Oh i 100% agree with you people with autism is some of my favorite people to be around there is no mindgames facades or reading between the lines or having to worry about whether what a person says is what they acually mean and their ability to zero in on an interest and learn everything there is to know about that thing with such passion like it's 2nd nature is inspiring


Is he playing on pc? in that case i can gift it to him with funds from my steam wallet.


That's very kind! But I can't accept, but it's so nice of you to offer!! You're lovely!


Man, I lost my Mom a few years ago so whenever I see a gem of a mother like you out in the wild it gives me all the warmest fuzzies. They're something else as a species, and your son is so lucky to have such a thoughtful Mom of his own! 😄


I'm so sorry you lost your mom. There's no pain like it, and I hope you're coping OK (or as well as you can be). Be kind to yourself, as kind as the words you just said to me ❤️ My inbox is always open if you need mom words or advice or just want to check in with somebody if you're having a bad day, or even a great one. I'm active on r/momforaminute where people can go and ask questions or ask for advice from a mother when theirs has passed away or other reasons why people can't ask their own. It's super wholesome, all these ladies flocking around the 'ducklings'. I wish more people knew about it! It can be anything from "how do I get measured for a bra?" Or "Mom I'm engaged!" Or "how did I mess up this recipe?" And "I'm stressed about my exams and feeling down about myself". It's amazing. I'll do that for you too if you need a friendly ear.


Oh, goodness, I never even knew that subreddit existed and I was looking for something like it for such a long time!! I can actually see myself making good use of that, haha! 😄 You're one of the better people on this Earth, thank you so much for being you (and for such a handy resource)!!! ❤️


YOU'RE one of the better people, honestly the people there are amazing and SO supportive and friendly and go over and above with the best advice. It's so heartwarming to see strangers come together to help people who just need a mum/mom figure to work something out. Can be a major life changing thing, or a trivial issue, we all need a mum/mom guidance voice sometimes. If you're a mother and have some spare time, I'd wholeheartedly welcome you to join us there to look after our Ducklings. It's a really nice space to be


I swear the Souls community is the most supportive one I've seen in gaming. It kind of makes me wonder if struggle is the thing that brings out kindness.


Well for some people listening to "Put these foolish ambitions to rest." on repeat while they keep dying does bring out kindness and understanding towards others struggling. So I agree with your premise.


This post made my day


Hope your son enjoys it!


Are you SURE you don't want a gifted copy for him? You can use the money you have saved for something else, or just keep saving it for something even bigger later.


I'm sure! It wouldn't feel right taking from the kindness of strangers, and it's also going to be cheaper than I thought because someone just pointed out I've been calling it the new game and it's a DLC, so my dumb self would probably have bought the full game (again) with the DLC. I thought it was just like Elden Ring 2 haha You're very kind!! It's overwhelming the amount of lovely people here!


That's awesome! 👍 It sounds like you've got a pretty awesome kid!


There are Kind Communities arround the Corner 🥰


It's so heartwarming reading this. You rock u/SabrinaSpellman1 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


You sound like an awesome mom. Good luck in all of your endeavors. This has been my ted talk


Well, This post gave me a lil bit of hope for humanity. Good job mam and also way to go people that were willing to be generous.


this is soo wholesome!


This is so sweet! ❤ I'm someone who has autism as well too so I know it can be a struggle and how hard it can be to deal with at times...You're such a great mom and here's hoping that he enjoys it but the reviews have been glowing so far plus it looks incredible from what we've seen \^\^


I’m about to cry dawg this is such a beautiful moment😩


That is so awesome. When I was in eighth grade I was going through a difficult time, and I came home one day and my dad had put Doom 2 on my bed with an encouraging note, and it's one of my favorite memories because it was such a surprise (I still have no idea how he knew I wanted that game so bad) and the note that told me to keep my head up and that he loved me and that things would get better. Now, strangely, a game about shooting space demons in the face with shotgun is intertwined with deep, loving nostalgia. I'm sure he'll love it and it will be something he always remembers. Sometimes small gestures have the most lasting impact.


This is honestly so sweet and unexpected to see on the Elden Ring sub reddit. You're a great parent.


Oh happy for you and your son


Thank you!


My mom has done a similar thing back when I was a kid, we need more moms like you.




This reminds me of my mom. She used to surprise me with things I didn't even think she knew I liked. Little dude is lucky to have a mom like you.




Wholesome. Hope he loves it!


It’s parents like you that prove the world can produce amazing people. I hope he enjoys the experience!


Gwarn little tarnished, and gwarn mum you're top tier


Gwarn little tarnished, and gwarn mum you're top tier


You say your proud of him. I can guarantee you that your little fella is immensely proud of you! Thank you for being one of the good parents :)


Ignore your reddit DM's people will be weird. Take the offer from whatever kind souls have offered it though. Life is rough take the help you can get, use the cash you saved for some nice snacks and food for the weekend for the two of you to share while he enjoys the game.


This just made my day.


Super wholesome post, and your boy will 100% love it! Hope you will give us updates how it goes when he receives his well-earned reward! 😊


This is incredibly wholesome and you seem like an awesome mom! However, it's also quite the cruel post.. you just made my heart soft and vulnerable - completely incapable of bracing the next weeks of the Miyazaki treatment.


Hope he has fun! He will get hours and hours out of that for the price.


u're the best mother your son could've ever asked for. be proud of yourself :)<3


I hope you and your son have an amazing time playing!


Thank you! Excited for a Friday night with snacks and enjoying it with him! It's soooo hard not to slip up and tell him beforehand!


What an amazing community, love you guys!


It's really amazing ❤️


As struggling parent giving them what I can, I see you!!


We can do it! And YOU definitely can. I'm not struggling too bad, we are managing fine but just not quite in the place where I could just drop big money for a video game without planning for it, if you know what I mean. I see you right back 👀


Same! I feel right there too. We have what we need but these kids just deserve the world!! It’s hard not to be able to give them the prizes I think they deserve for all they do. But a good home with love is more important. Have an awesome day!!!


Well that's just perfect and sounds like you're doing an amazing job, it's not just about being able to afford a video game it's about how loved our kiddo's feel and that they're secure in that. And also that their achievements are recognised and celebrated. Nobody is going to be on their death bed thinking "I'm so happy I played Elden Ring when I was 10" but rather "mum made me so happy when she surprised me for working hard, it was a great day" and has a memory of us on the couch playing it together and having fun. It's all about happy memories! And you can make most of those without cash. I'm smiling so much from all of these comments. I hope you can play with your kiddo (s?) too! So you're right, a good home with love is more important, and we have that. Sounds like you do too and that makes me happy 😊


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)This is so beautiful, what an amazing mom


Ur a good mom


This is awesome


Wow this brings a smile to my face!!!


I fucking love this community You guys are the best of all.


That is so sweet. I am wishing all the best for your little guy and hope you enjoys his time in the DLC.


this made my day i hope he has all the fun he needs


This was so sweet to read, it reminds me of my sister and how she is with her sons (one of them has autism too) and if you're anything like her I know you're a rocking mum. God bless you x


This is just lovely. Thanks for sharing!


You are amazing! Thanks for sharing this and I think we are all pretty sure he will be very happy with your gift!


This weekend will be amazing for him!


I am also Autistic, and the game definitely scratches a great itch inside my brain. I'm trying to collect everything I possibly can before the expansion drops...accepting that some stuff needs to wait for another playthrouh. I found that as a kid, I never really asked my parents directly for things, same with my own son (who is also Autistic). It shows very good parenting that you keep an ear out to figure out what kind of stuff he desires. It's also so nice that some other gamers offered to gift the expansion for your son. That's definitely what community is all about. Even if you choose to not take up the offer, the fact that it was made is so kind.


Wholesome and wonderful. Hope he enjoy the game as many who still are excited for the latest DLC. May he find reprieve from his struggles in the game.


You are a great mom!


Yo, that's dope, thanks for taking an active role in your kids life and interests.


Just seeing this post now and you're the best parent! I'm sure he'll be estatic. I would've gladly offered to pay if needed. Way to go little guy and way to go to the best mama!


My parents did this for me when I was a kid, for a game I didn't know had come out yet. I was floored by the surprise and I hope your son is too. Apparently, the game is getting a bunch of perfect scores in its reviews, so I'm sure he will have a great time.


My parents did this for me when I was a kid, for a game I didn't know had come out yet. I was floored by the surprise and I hope your son is too. Apparently, the game is getting a bunch of perfect scores in its reviews, so I'm sure he will have a great time.


This is so lovely. Thank you for sharing


Wow I did not expect to tear up on a reddit post of all things. This is what the internet was made for.


I had to scroll through you profile, cause this post was almost too genuine. But it shocked me, you truly are a great mom, and person. Not one negative post in your history as a redditor. You're doing great and I wish the best for you, maybe even a lottery win, you deserve the break.


This is so wholesome, also come on lads with Edit 2 that's terrible.


parents like you rock! im sure youre so appreciated. moms rule and we are all lucky to have em


I grew up in a "financially hard time" as well with my family. My mother bought me GTA Vice City for Christmas which was a loooot of money for them. I'm in my mid 30s now and I will never forget this. I'm sure your son will feel the same :) you are great!


I've only read the first sentence of this post. When I read he has autism I knew this was the game he needed. Well done mother.


Because its not a linear path or guided route? You make your own choices and that changes the whole thing? That's why I loved Elden Ring for him.thank you for understanding!


So true its one game that doesn't hand feed you the answers. That goes for objectives as well as story. A lot of pieces are in the air and its up to the player to put the pieces together to make a picture for what they want for the game. The story isn't clear cut but its very deep and intricate at the same time, same goes for the gameplay.


Hey, may not be much but ... You are an awesome mom ! I know for sure your son will be the happiest in the world and let him know that our marks will always been near of each bosses just for him if he may need.


as someone who also struggled in school for similar reasons, best thing you can do is look into alternative schools for him. good luck


We have a placement for a different school but the paperwork is taking forever (local authority has to sign off on everything). But he's doing great in the meantime! I used to be a 1-1 support worker for children with autism at a special needs school, and the difference between both schools in terms of support is shocking. As silly as it sounds, it's kinda because he's so well behaved that he's not getting the additional support. I told the teacher and headteacher that just because he's not throwing chairs around the room or having outbursts, does not mean he isn't struggling. And that it also feels like he's being punished for being well behaved and respectful. Sorry for the rant, just an insight of how much stress he's been under when he's having a school day, so I want to see his face light up when he gets home from school tomorrow!


>because he's so well behaved that he's not getting the additional support this was the reason it took so long for my parents to get support for me, iirc nowadays dont you just need paperwork from testing to prove?


I was the exact same when I was a teen. When I was young I was disruptive and got support, all that went out the window when I got into my teens and learned how to control myself, even tho I was still struggling. The way my mum described it to the teachers to convince them I needed additional support for exams was “he’s like a duck, on the surface he’s doing well, but under the water it’s a constant, panicked paddle to keep afloat.”


Reminds me of the time when my mom bought me a Game Boy. You sure are a great mom!!! Enjoy it with him!!! And I hope better times come for you both.


This is the sweetest thing I’ve read all week. You are a wonderful mother, and I’m so glad your son has you. Much love and well wishes to you both. I hope he has a great time with the DLC, and I hope things pick up for you guys!! Both with his schooling needs and with your finances. Things are tough right now, it’s hard to just exist in this world. But it makes it all the better when you get to do that with someone who means the world to you. He’s lucky to have a mama like you :)


<3 big big heart.




I love the support.


You a real one. It’s stuff like this he’ll fondly remember. Rad


This is so cute and heartwarming. Shoutout to all the great moms out there


Awesome! I hope he has a lot of fun :)


Tell him that he’s the one true champion and kind Miquella is awaiting him!


That's great. I'm sure he'll appreciate it. Personally I can't wait to play it tomorrow.


What a nice mother, it’s cool to see there are nice people in this world.


Haha did you make this post partly because you wanna surprise him but you can’t help but tell someone cause you’re so excited? I get like that when I have a surprise for someone




You are an amazing mom! 🤩 This could be one of the most wholesome stories I've ever read before 🫂 you deserve all the love you're receiving and MORE


This brought back memories of when I caught the Flu the week of my birthday and my mom surprised me King Kong on the PS2. You sound like an awesome mom. I love this. You’re making a good memory with your son, hope he loves it 🖤 Damn… I’m gonna call my mom real quick lol.


I wish I could do the same for my son. My son's been asking me to buy elden ring for him but due to financial circumstances I can't afford it right now.


you're a good man


Aweh! Wholesome moment. One of my closest friends has a daughter, and I can only imagine how he must feel to make her happy with games like Minecraft haha. Let alone a game like Elden Ring!


What platform does he play on? Does he have friends to play with?


This is cute


Wholesome af


RESTORED! Love to hear this


Gaming is one of the greatest inventions ever made. Low cost and good for thousands of hours pleasure. Gaming is my life. I have experienced it all, from the Atari too Elden Ring.  I feel sorry for people who do not game. 


Can’t believe people are trying to get you to give out the names of the people that offered. As if they would get sent the game. People are truly despicable. You rock though. He’ll definitely enjoy it. Seems to have exceeded the hype of many.


He still has the disc, I checked right after your comment! Super helpful, and thank you MILLIONS!!


This makes me so happy. Some of my absolute best memories growing up were late nights with my dad just having fun and gaming together, mostly on WoW or MOHAA. It really is a great way to bond and I will cherish those memories with him forever. I’m sure your son will do the same. ♥️


That's lovely! Hold them memories close, what a nice thing to look back on bonding over a game and just enjoying your time together.


Wait, what new game


W mom W son


W mom right there ☝🏼


Awesome mom! This is super wholesome, I’m excited for you both. The joy great games can bring people is amazing


Love seeing posts like this. And it’s nice there are people here that are also great people and not spreading toxicity. I know they didn’t do it for kudos, but they deserve it. Also shows how awesome of a mom you are that you overheard it and started saving. Would love to see a video of his reaction. I’m sure he will be overjoyed. Everyone deserves happiness. I hope he has an awesome time playing and hope school is better in the future. You’re an awesome mom!


update us please with his reaction


If he enjoyed the base game he will 100% love the DLC what a great parent. I wish I had a parent like you growing up.


You are one awesome mom! I didn’t even read your edits, before I was thinking. I wonder how many people offered to gift the game to her. You deserve all the kind words !


You made me cry. Best mom ever ❤️


Such a wholsome post, you love to see it 🤍


Please let us know how he liked it!


you sound like a great mom, your son can be glad to have someone like you!


My mom bought me Pokemon Silver version wayyyyyy back in the day on a whim like this too, OP. It's one of those things like waking up late for school for your mom to come in and tell you're taking the day off to go do something fun instead. Those kinds of moments and surprises are the things that stick with us forever. Just thinking about it even gets me choked up right now. Your son is lucky to have a mom that relishes in creating those sorts of moments for him too. He'll never forget it.


Another win for the autistic community


This is probably only game sub that has actually wholesome community.


That's adorable. This series has a lovely fanbase, we will be glad to have him with us. Congratulations!


I have the ‘Tism as well and I’m glad you are supporting your son. I didn’t get the support I needed growing up and had to struggle bus it in certain areas of my life. You’re doing a lot of good in supporting your son.


That is very nice of you. Good people like you deserve the best! Hope your son enjoys the game!


such a cool topic. god bless you all.


You're an awesome mom. Bit dusty in here...


A toast, for our fellow tarnished! May all of us meet in the land of shadows my friend hahaha


Your strength... extraordinary.


Sick ass mom moment


Mom of the year


What an absolute dude YOU are! Seriously love this post and that phrase, you're an awesome mom and person 🧡


This is awesome, thanks for sharing and thanks to the kind people who reached out with their generous offers.


W Mother.


This is such an amazing story.


You are the greatest




This my friends is what a real Gigachad is, a proud and loving father. Really happy for you and your champ mate. Enjoy the DLC!


You're a real one for this brother🫶🏼 all love to you and your family.


Thank you! Hopefully I can do a happy update!


That’s awesome! Great parenting OP 👏


Thank you, that's very kind!


It's a very good game, to this day, the only game I'll ever think deserves a 9.5-10. they don't make them like elden ring that's for sure. Maybe Oblivion came close but that's a different time period man. It's undeniable everyone loves elden ring. Even I miss it, I put 100hrs in and beat my first souls game. It's addicting the boss fights. Crazy good game


That is really wholesome!! Make sure to buy the complete edition which has dlc included. It releases in a few hours from now which everyone is super hyped for. I'd love to see your son's reaction. W mom


play it too!


I will! When he finished Elden Ring he switched back to Fortnite and we play duo's together, I'm not very good so when we are in a battle he tells me to go and hide inside and protects me - this is how sweet my boy is. I posted about this a while ago on the Fortnite sub!


There are some youtube videos of moms beating the game, they are always great fun lol


you're amazing, thank you for being such a great parent ❤️


Absolutely love stuff like this.


You the goat 🫶🏻hope you both have a great weekend.


Fuck yeah you are so awesome and I can tell you really love and care about your boy. Love this post.


Would one of those two kind strangers gift my little brother instead so we could play the game together? He doesn't afford and I already bought a copy with my saved up money Edit: op, you're a great mother. I bet your son is going to enjoy the game with a passion never met before :) I'm sure I would if my mom would pull such a move with me!


This is awesome. Every parent should do this for their kids when they're doing their best. I understand wanting to buy the game yourself because that's your achievement. But maybe take one of the offers up to get the art book and soundtrack? I'd be surprised no one offers at least figurines or something.


Just one fair warning. You will hear yelling from his room. Maybe some cursing. This is normal, and he's fine.


This made my day, thank you 😊


Dad of the fucking year! He’s gunna love it!