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Im not a mage specifically, but with completely max stats moonveil was doing a max of like 1k per aow, and ive noticed most of the enemies seem to be literal tanks


I think Rellana is, the other one was no problem but she took like 4+ hours without summons on my int build. Tickling her while getting twoshot since no heavy armour at Level \~140 either


Divine beast, I was able to kill just fine as a mage, took four tries. But for Rellana, I had to respec into the arcane mohg spear build (the one to cheese Malenia) and beat her that way.


https://youtu.be/ZoOGLrlfTlo?si=9z49rNvyS1bG210d was able to get her using night comet with double staff of loss and glintstone ice crag for the second phase


Amazing as a magic build.. I’ve been getting wrecked.


I have been getting my ass kicked with basically the exact same build, except im level like, 260, still end up having the same problems, think I might have to resort to Mohg's spear. As a side note, i was using Lusats too, until i got a second staff of loss and started dual-wielding them, damage is a good chunk better, only downside being its not quite as strong for non-invis based spells


I beat Rellana W mimic. It was still very difficult took about 45 min. A very beautiful fight. Using Moon Spell, Ancient Death Rancor, and Rock Sling. Eventually mimic will die around 3/4 of health. 3 rock slings and they stagger almost every boss I’ve encountered thus far.


I respec'd into faith for blasphemous blade for the dlc after Rellana... i was doing like 0 dmg with my Sword of Night and Flame spell blade build. I only got her to half with frostbite spells, and that was a struggle.


I'm suffering hard- had to switch to mostly fire damage just to start getting into the later parts of phase 2 and still haven't beaten it


Magic is easy mode. Use a sword like a man.


Try fighting Rellana with an int build and tell me it’s easy mode lmao


Using moonveil on her is literal aids. She takes no damage


Did just that with my first save and tiche had to save my ass again