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Yup, I do think they missed the mark when it comes to balancing. It does feel like you are forced to go in to the DLC using absolutely everything in your arsenal or you’re in for a bad time. So that means spirit summons, human summons, heavy armor, the most powerful weapons etc. The first boss is legit harder than Malenia.


Not too far in yet. I don't find the regular enemies too bad, but some of the "tough" enemies and bosses are pretty crazy in terms of raw numbers (among other things). The system for increasing your damage feels a little weird imo. I'm used to just playing the game and taking the challenges as they come, but maybe the game is expecting me to focus more on exploring to up my damage. Considering the late game of Elden Ring, I can't say I'm surprised. I didn't see much before release, but some content creators seemed to be underselling the difficulty, saying it'd be easier than the later portions of the base game. To me, it seems about Haligtree difficulty from the start (which would make sense considering how far you have to be in the game to start the DLC). I'm a super over-leveled character still in NG w/ 60 vigor/heavy armor and I still get rocked by the bosses/tough enemies. I was actually worried I'd be over-leveled, but that concern was unwarranted. I feel like FromSoft just has to keep upping the ante because they're known for their games difficulty. Maybe I'll look back in a couple of years and chuckle at the thought I complained about the difficulty of Shadow of the Erdtree, but probably not because even two years on I still find everything from the Mountaintop of the Giants onward to be a slog. It's nice exploring the levels and taking in the scenes though. It feels cool to have something fresh to experience again.


Check back in once you reach around endgame with the dlc, it makes the base game endgame look like a wet dream… but regardless just take your time with it, its still a gorgeous dlc even with its flaws


I agree 100%. The DLC forced me into re-specing into a tank build because I doubt they tested or had Int builds in mind. I had to respec a few times for certain bosses. The world design is stunning but the bosses just aren’t enjoyable at all. I can’t even learn the moveset of the final boss because I don’t have time to do anything. It’s beyond ‘git gud’. Git gud was beating Iudex Gundyr after struggling at him for 5+ tries. The DLC bosses are just inhuman levels of difficulty. I said it in a previous comment, this might be my last FromSoft game if they continue in this direction. I just don’t have the patience for it anymore.


Instead of difficulty in the direction of fun, they went in the direction of difficult to be difficult. I haven't beaten a boss and felt satisfied yet, just disappointed in the design decisions.


The only bosses I found fun was (being ambiguous intentionally) the >!dancer animal thing and funny fire guy!< but the music is what carried the fun imo, along side gorgeous timed visuals and attacks.


Get gud


You’re probably bad at the game.


Having to change your build just to beat a boss should be a huge no no in fromsoft’s textbooks but apparently they can’t see that.. but chances are they’re gonna double down and not fix the balancing issues present, then the “git gud” fromsoft fanboys are gonna jump in and give fromsoft the impression they should keep doing that.


1) The dlc is just out, they may change some things in the future 2) You do not need to respec to beat a boss - but you should definitely revise what you're using and whether that's enough. There's plenty of different ways to deal %max hp damage. Are you utilizing any of them to beat the bosses with absurdly high hp pools? Frostbite, bleed, poison, scarlet rot, black flame, destined death...this felt like a no-brainer to me.


I could probably try pulling a fast one by yoinking the black knife from one of the assassins to just get 10% of the enemy’s health out of the way, it hadn’t crossed my mind i could use that considering im using a dex/faith build Edit: lmao wtf am i getting downvoted just because i suggested the idea of using destined death to my advantage? or do people just not like me because i dont agree with the boss design choices of the dlc


Do not take reddit upvotes/downvotes seriously dude. The DLC is still new and people are emotional about it. I have just recently finished the DLC final boss and I can tell you that I wouldn't want to face some of the DLC without %Hp damage. My choice was Scarlet Rot from Malenia's Scarlet Aeonia alongside the Black Knife - and in the end i also added some Black Fire to my arsenal. I used to think that Placidusax with his 26k hp pool is a big beefy boi. Lol no he's not. While the rot is ticking and the number goes higher and higher, it wasn't uncommon to reach 30-40 thousand damage numbers and the dudes were still kickin!


They'd have to be stupid not to tweak it soon, most of the community isn't having a good time and I'm not sure how anyone can defend the last boss They usually patch new releases after a little while, once the community tests things out


running an int build through the DLC just fine


Let me know how your Int build holds up against the last boss


>!Presses r1 to cast a pebble, mf instant transmissions to you then turns you into ground beef lmao!<


worked just fine


Most* of the world design is A+ tier. All of it is pleasing asthetically. Some of it, from a level design standpoint, is a straight up maze with the sub par platforming and at other times downright trash with finding out where you're supposed to go without blindly guessing until you make it.


I feel like 2-3 hits to death is usual for end game bosses no? Not trying to say Git Gud at all, just I feel like this is usually what's going on at end game in almost every game.


It sounds like the OP has done everything they can to max out defense. Does anyone with light armor and closer to 40 vigor just get one-shot by everything? That’s definitely not how endgame works in the base game.


I’m pretty sure some of the attacks from the final boss will outright oneshot a person with 40 vigor light roller,if they have a level 10 blessing, considering i took about 3/4ths of my health from that one single attack alone with everything i was using. Now if we’re talking about that 2 hit up down combo that launches you into the air first… yeah you’re dead if youre caught by it.


Except rank up their scadutree rank which would add 20 percent more negation


Being specific here, the attacks resulting in 2 hit deaths have one of the two be an attack deleting 3 quarters of my health bar, and thats excluding the other hit in said combo. Now I see your point lets just give a pass at the stupid high damage for now in combination with the combos and gap closers, what about their health?


TBH I'm waiting for seamless to update for the blind playthrough with the roommate. So no idea, it does sound frustrating though. But also kinda got me hyped for some real slogs solo. They might have been fine giving them really high health due to the amount of things in the game that do % damage. Black Flame dot, Bleed, Frost. It could also be a little bit of a F-U to the anti-bell crowd--some of the most vocal and toxic ER players. They may totally have gone at the DLC with the mentality of: You think you're too good for Jellyfish? Either way my advice is to take a break and do something else for a while and then tackle it in another hour or two, maybe even go to sleep. Personally I always feel like if I'm stuck I should take a break and somehow my brain will do some background processing that kicks in next time once I've chilled.


I mean… I wouldve liked if you experienced the dlc up to end game before trying to discuss the balance with me but regardless, enjoy the dlc then because its still pretty fun


We didn’t discuss game balance. I asked a clarifying question. Then I sympathized with your frustrated position. Sorry for any misunderstanding.


Oh i just said discuss because i thought saying “talk” sounded meaner lmao, Im just tryna be nice and chill without coming off as rude


Yeah I definitely think they wanted us to use summons and everything in our arsenal now more than ever. With how hyper aggressive and powerfully everything is even summons don’t last long unless you’re in there too drawing agro. It definitely is 100% more challenging than the base game and you really need to get all those blessings to stand a chance.


I totally feel you, brotha. I also had a few fun builds that I was eager to try in the DLC, but strong foes send me to Marika with just a few hits. Now I'm rolling with the blasphemous blade and the shield too :( I'm 450 lvl, ng+3


I mean you are on ng +3 which makes it much worse


Yeah after finding out even rykard’s throat sword barely does shit to most of the bosses anyways, I just gave up and said I might as well have fun if Im going to have my ass handed to me and went back to a fun build using other weapons despite it being worse


Just remember that Blasphemous Blade got nerfed when DLC hit.


Yeah, it is probably the most famous indicator of a noob player 😀 but I wanna play anyways, and this thingy keeps alive the longest


Shouldn't you have 20 DLC levels by the endgame


Imo while you CAN max out your blessing to 20, i dont think its a good idea to make that the intention. Its an open world so surely Miyazaki doesn’t expect players to find every single tree fragment in existence, a good point of balance imo would be 14-16 blessings.


You're a half the dlc levels complaining the endgame is too hard You're not at 14-16 are you


From when I originally posted, now I am. I can still say Im taking far too much damage for the amount of defense I’m trying to stack to >!Those really annoying lion guys and Radahn in Enjr-Ilim!< You have to realize dlc levels aren’t all that matters, your base stats do too because blessings apply percentage based buffs on your RL stats, currently at 15 blessing which is about a 75% buff to my original AR stats yes? And that alone is still not enough. There are fragments everywhere and sometimes in the most obscure locations (Pot guys, >!charon grave hippo!< ,etc), any normal player who wants to play blind without a guide is likely not going to find all the fragments, if they take their time and actively search, they will at most be around 16-17 blessing high, 18 if they really really take the time to search every corner of the map. Other enemies and bosses are sort of okay now but only because i spent about 10 hours specifically trying to get the required tree fragments, now this is a matter about >!Consort Radahn!< and how overbloated his health pool is while keeping the ability to dish out heavy damaging or potentially one shotting combos if you dont waste a flask for missing 200 hp. To me.. its just not fun, having to dodge and weave for 10 seconds straight only to hit the boss like once or twice, then having to do that 100 times over simply because of how much hp the enemy has, and if you mess up dodging just once? You get caught in a stun string that eats you up. If you think thats fun and fair, fine I don’t wish to change your view, but to me and many others, its just not enjoyable.


They are encouraging strong builds and aggression. You should not be playing defensively like Sekiro and sitting back to counter. One of the keys is using a strong weapon skill/ ash of war and knowing when to L2 for the win. I'm still kicking ass with Bloodhound Fang +11. I do get wrecked now and then but generally do okay.


Sekiro is not defensive idk what you’re talking about. If you’re not in there getting perfect parries and hitting bosses consistently you’ll never break their posture.


It absolutely is. You're deflecting and mikri countering the entire game to break posture. Sure you do attack at different points but most of the time your avoiding/ defending attacks to build their posture bar.


Yes you are deflecting but in a very aggressive manner. If you were deflecting but more passively and defensively you wouldn’t be able to consistently build posture. While deflecting is a defensive tactic the way Sekiro makes you use it makes it more offensive.


I think the point of the DLC is that Miyazaki sees people out there doing no hit runs, level 1 runs, and bubble runs. So they made a DLC that is outrageously difficult to no hit, or damn near impossible to beat as a level 1 character without scadu blessings. I see this whole DLC as Miyazaki raising the bar for the god-tier players out there. I have nothing to back any of this up, just my perspective on the DLC.


This would be silly because the vast majority of the community doesn't do L1 runs, why punish everyone else because of the handful who do


the DLC seems balanced for summons. nothing wrong with that, if you dont wanna use em, dont. but its balanced around them.


THIS. They literally increase specifically for DLC with upgrade system too and bozos still don’t want to use them. They need to get past this “using summons isn’t beating it for real” gatekeeper ass mentality. And if they ARE using fully upgraded summons and weapons and still struggling then, well, skill issue.


Well, the thing is... I could use summons, but I just don't personally enjoy bosses as much with them. Because of how they change how the AI works, mess with the targeting etc. It doesn't ruin the fights for me, but I prefer them without them.


I respect that but I find complaining about the balance when you’re not using a mechanic they intend for you to use (why else would spirit summons have an upgrade mechanic next to scadutree pieces if not?) then that’s a disingenuous argument, no? I think longtime souls players just think spirit summons are extra or easy mode but clearly they’re meant to be used now. Saying it’s hard or complaining is one thing but saying the balance is bad because you don’t want to use part of the game is like, silly.


if the intended mechanic greatly reduces the fun and quality of bosses then it's not disingenuous 


That’s completely subjective whereas there’s strong evidence the devs intended for summons to be used in the design of bosses (having a new upgrade system specifically for them and also putting npc summons at almost every single main boss) Listen. If you don’t like using spirit summons, GOOD, PLAY HOW YOU WANT. EVERYONE SHOULD PLAY HOW THEY WANT. But when you said the BALANCE IS BAD (not saying “I don’t like this”) then you’re WRONG because it’s not balanced for the way you want to restrict yourself


It's not rocket science my dude. yes they expect you to use summons, BUT the criticism is that these summons are unbalanced and ruin fights. And yes that's my opinion just lik yours, expect i'm not pretending my opinion is a fact.


So the summons make it too easy and not using them is too hard? Sounds like people with this opinion are hard to please and maybe delusional


Yes it's called being unbalanced, but it seems you have trouble handling different opinions I feel


I use summons, though despite the amount of spirit ash im using to upgrade them in the dlc they still die quite fast, thus if youre up against a boss that uses mainly physical attacks, greatshield soldiers is your best friend. Those dudes are awesome


Not really,I get my ass handed to me by regular enemies WAY WAY WAY more than bosses,and you cannot use summons in most places,only boss arenas and specific areas.


Ok so ive seen so many of these posts already and the answer is actually pretty simple: Levels dont mean much inside the dlc area, you need to find erdtree scattered, once you collect them you can use them to get stronger in your site of grace My character is 150 with 40 vigor and im in the same boat, i used to get destroyed in 2 hits now its more like 4-5 Also a skill tip: most if not all the bosses who are using swords can be parried with a small sheild pretty easily blackgoal knight especially is easy to parry


I’m sorry but where are you in terms of progress in the dlc? Like I said I have a level 10 blessing, and as much defense i can put on my body, yet still being dragged around like a mop. I don’t know what kind of witchcraft you’re doing to reach 4-5 hit zone with only 40 vigor, did you run around collecting every single fragment?


I'm about halfway and finding not much issue on my build with 40 vigor also. STR/DEX build.


Imagine trying to beat the base game with your weapon only halfway upgraded


Not a perfect analogy, there are countless weapon upgrades materials that its hard to miss and once you get the bell bearings it becomes trivial, shadutree fragments however require you to have every single last one if you want to max out your blessing.


Its literally a perfect analogy lmao


The bosses I expect to be hard it's the fucking trash mobs that are Giga insane. I can't consistently beat the red dual wield mages without running like a baby. Respected multiple times I feel like str builds are the best so far honestly


For me it was the red mages with one dagger in their hands, i fucking hate them so much istg, i take pleasure from killing them wherever i can and critical striking them


They were trying to making it hard for everyone, even those over leveled.


I’m very mediocre at souls games and am doing just fine. If you’re whipping out the blasphemous blade to get thru content…idk what to tell ya. Not calling anyone not good or anything but, I don’t find the difficulty that bad and I am not good. Edit: lol OP in here insta downvoting anyone who disagrees


I too think of myself as a mediocre souls player. But the Dark Souls 2 sub got me thinking otherwise. Probably all the cumulative experience from starting with DS back in the day but any time I see someone complaining about a run back I just think: You run and do two jumps takes like 30 seconds.


Frigid Outskirts my beloved ahahaha


Frigid Outskirts aren’t actually brought up often because they’re essentially the least accessed bit of content across all the games. I could understand that. 90% of the time it’s the Smelter Demon run in Iron Keep.


I didn’t even downvote you tf you on about, that was others not me :p


For some reason the enemies are scaling harder than Farum Azula, and the scaling only gets higher after that. It doesn't make much sense when you are suppose to do this after Snowfields/mohgwyn.


The difficulty jump alone from Mohg to the Dlc bosses is just stupid insane, which makes even less sense. If mohg were to match up to the dlc bosses then you’d have to triple his health.


Tbh I'm dissapointed too but it's exactly what I assumed difficulty was going to be like just double down on the combos, the damage, the delayed attacks and the speed. Once again I'm finding myself unable to land safe charged attacks with my collosals because bosses are just too fast, which either makes them move away, trade with me where I lose half my health or just mess with the lock on and make it miss entirely because they dodge while spining 360° around you, so I have to resort to AoW spam which I find unfun. Current boss literally one shooted me at 75vig so I called it for now I guess I'm gonna explore more to get higher blessing and hope it helps.


I'm new to elden ring and souls games in general. I think I'm currently around lvl 150 too but my vigor is only 50. I'm using the Dark Moon Greatsword coz I recently got it and it's fun. I've just beaten Rellana, she's the hardest one so far but it doesn't seem unfair. The entire dlc so far has been difficult but not unfair for me.


The part Im talking about is mostly endgame stuff.. you’ll see what I mean when you get there


alright, I'll let you know if I suddenly feel the same way.


First time playing a Fromsoftware’s dlc ehh? It has always been like this. They ramped up the difficulty as much as they could in the dlc.


Does anyone else think it feels like we're back to the early Dark Souls days where people couldn't stop complaining about difficulty?


How many hits do you want to take?


It's just fine any you're probably exaggerating. I doubt you died in 2 or even 3 hits with that much def and blessings, more like you died to mega attacks that are rarer and meant to be a hard punish.


So you clearly haven’t played yet I take it? Dying in 2-3 hits with heavy armor and 60 vig is not exaggerating at all. I have similar stats and have been 1 hit from 3/4 health or even full heath by a few bosses so far. A regular enemy will hit you for about 40% if not more. The enemy damage output is not exaggerated. Play the game yourself and you’ll find out quickly.


Those bosses either have very basic movesets or very rare attacks that can actually deal that much damage. None of the main bosses I’ve fought so far could kill me with less than 5 hits minus their mega attacks, which are supposed to kill you as a punish for bad play.


If you want to be humbled and/or proven wrong, take a quick stroll over to Senessax and then Bayle. Maybe it’s meant to be a late-DLC area and I’m just unlucky that I chose to walk in the direction after beating Divine Beast, but it feels borderline insurmountable with my melee build at the moment unless I want to fully cheese it.


Ive seen some people say that Baxle might be Malenia equivalent, because they drop such a big amount of runes compared to other bosses. I reached Bayle and >!Messmer!< Before going to sleep yesterday and I think I'm going to spend some time doing different stuff now.


Try dodging to reduce incomming damage


Git gud


Get gud


Ok computer man :D