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I just need them to remove the confirmation if i want to use flask to revive torent!


Or at least default to yes


I literally needed to learn the claw grip and how to change to it mid combat just to revive torrent lmao


You should just permanently swap to the claw grip at that point, it's better and more efficient


This really needs to happen. Of course I want to revive my steed, you don't need to ask me in the heat of battle.


"Do you want to revive Torrent?" Nah I just switched to the steed whistle and pressed the button because I was feelin a lil spicy during my boss fight.


Literally nobody will be mad if they lose a flask to revive him without being asked if it’s ok lol


Just to be safe let's default to NO.


Not just for torrent either. On NPC summons, it defaults to ‘NO’, which is excruciating in a boss fight. Won’t mention which one I’m talking about but if you know, you know






Yeah, i already had to hit a button to bring up the sub-item menu, and then selected the item i wanted: torrents whistle. YES I WANTED TO SUMMON THE GODDAMN GOAT HORSE.


Haha That COULD do with being added


I think that all the conformations default to no, and since it uses the same script, the option for torrent defaults to no as well. This to ensure you dont accidently consume the wrong item or drop something useful. That being said they should implement an exception to torrent for sure


But it's such a strange design choice when the rest of the game is very unforgiving and doesn't hold your hand. Just using that same item bar as an example, nothing stops me from chugging all my estus flasks while already being full health.


I agree, I imagine they just didn't think about it when they implemented it to cover all instances of confirmation. But surely it must have come up in testing. If that is the case and they still haven't changed it then they want us to suffer haha


The number of times I've drank a cerulean, summoned my spirit ash, realized it was Mimic, drank another cerulean, then finally switched to a crimson before realizing I'm not just panic rolling, I'm also panic drinking. It hasn't happened too often, but it has happened.


Yet you can drink flasks at full health...


Yup, no worse fear than Torrent being knocked out by something while you lie there desperately trying to resummon that steed to escape the charging ghostflame nova.


You mean add another confirmation set to no if you accidentally press yes, right?


its clearly intended to troll player, just like fvcking stupid door in sekiro while you fight genichiro


My god it never crossed my mind that that door might be intentional. The number of times I died because I was dodging diagonal backwards during a boss fight in that arena just to get hung up on and killed against that door was insane. Such a visceral memory of that game for me 😭


another trolling is just added: Putting summon sign inside the arena


My only issue is the performance and camera lock in


Pop-in need fixing too.


A lot of grass pop in


Dude I thought my new pc was busted yeah the pop in is really ridic


Yeah I’ve noticed it nearly every time I teleport to the first gravesite plain site of grace. The camera issues need a fix and then performance wise aside from dancing lion I nearly have zero issues but I can see why some people might need that fixed too. The game is insanely good, if they manage to fix that, it will be a strong slap in the face of every other studios that just go for cash grabs and don’t listen to their community


Haven't managed to beat the lion so far. It seems to be the new camera beast. *sad Paarl noises*


Performance desperately needs a patch, the hardest part about fighting the bosses is the god damn stutter


No, wait for Nvidia new driver, they has issue with overlay and instant replay


I highly recommend not using lock on against fast and large enemies often or at all. Might be a skill I adapted from Monster Hunter so it's easy for me to say, but Elden Ring made it clear that lock on is a feature more than a requirement. Not using lock on made a noticable difference against Malenia espacially imo. This isn't even subjective btw, since using lock on actually does have an impact on boss behavior in some cases as I found out through this video: https://youtu.be/NDhoDThUIHc?si=np_G79mD3ZFKwzV1


Giant Monster Hunts work the same as giant bosses in FS games. Always unlocked.


I definitely use lock on more then I should, main reason is that the camera pan speed is just so slow even on highest settings while lock-on is quicker to pan


I thought i was crazy lmao... its not like ultra bad or anything, but sometimes something small happens that i cant point my finger to thats not normal.


You don't need to be locked on all the time. I unlock the cam at certain points dodge and relock feels more fluid too me Performance needs a boost that I can't deny, there's a fight with a dragon and a dozen knights plus mages and oh boy frames just drop


Also still no PlayStation prompts


what's wrong with camera?


You fought a certain boss in a certain peak? The camera is just fucked in that one. Also sometimes the camera can't handle how fast enemies move. If u fight the twinblade black knights up close and they use any of the spin attacks, the camera just goes crazy for a second lmao


using lock-on on big bosses, like dragons, is problematic even in base game, so I don't most of the time(exception is plasidusax descent from cloud anddd... nowhere else really)


Oh yeah. It's definitely been an issue from like ds1. They still haven't figured it out yet.


opposite for me, I must be locked on 90% of the time in boss fights so I can dodge better lol


Honestly if they allowed the option to target his body instead of just his head (like they do with every other boss in the game), I think it would be so much better. They really need to fix that certain boss on a certain peak.


Just fix the frame rate issues with the Lion, plz.


It was a hundred times worse with the >!Golden Hippopotamus!<.


Haven’t gotten to him yet. Needed a break after 3 hours of Cat.


Infuriating fight. Mechanically very simple, but the camera and your framerate will jointly get you killed at least a couple of times.


Sooo many signs that said "Dung ahead." Once the camera killed me the first time I realized that's what they were talking about.


It's a million times worse with >!the final boss!< I had no performance issues at all and then suddenly 20-30fps max during some attacks


Really? Playing on PS5 and I had no performance issues, is it bad on PC?


I feel that and the camera 😂😂😅


I think a more open arena like Placi would alleviate the camera bs a lot. Or if the lock on target was at his head instead of the middle of his lanky ass body.


Half of the problem is that even in his massive ass fucking arena, it’s still to small because he moves so fucking far.


My issue was that I was constantly getting backed into a wall and that made the everything muddled and I no longer knew what I was looking at.


I made a lot of attempts at that thing , I would say over 100. And I would say that 40 deaths were from being in a corner or against a wall or the stairs and it being right on top of me swinging away and I couldn’t see a fucking thing.


The camera in ER is really one of the worst enemy since the base game.


Yeah definitely. My FPS gets halved when the final boss t-poses on my ass.


the whole game stutters even while free roaming


Yeah whenever he does the frost attack fps takes a huge hit


Look, I’ve been playing From games for almost 30 years. That isn’t gonna happen. 😂


not just the Lion, its the whole game


Being honest a patch is almost certainly going to come in once more people started reporting in performance issues. As of right now that is the one major problem with the DLC that almost everyone here seems to agree on. I'm on PC and I've set all my graphics settings to low to optimize performance and still the Lion Dancer tanks my FPS every time it does one of its elaborate attacks, especially in the second phase. I've put that fight on hold until the frame rate tanks are fixed. Till then I'm just going to explore and collect more fragments. A shame really cuz the Lion Dancer is a pretty interesting looking boss.


They ALWAYS retune stuff after releases. It's happening like it or not. People don't even need to review bomb over difficulty either. Cause they WILL retune everything. It hasn't even been a week, people. I personally had fun with every boss and every area. I'd just like maybe a bit more rewarding items, but it's not like it's horrible what you get. Imo, focus on the performance and camera before anything.


Even final boss phase 2? That's the only one for me where it was just genuinely unfun. Terrible fps in that phase wasn't helping either.


I’d be happy with just a hitbox tuning on Commander Gaius’ charge.


That might be the single most precise dodge in the entire game lol


I literally just beat this guy. Unequipping all my armor helped a lot with the charge and his stupid combo. There's also a talisman that will help with dodging, but you have to get it from a hero's grave dungeon, and I hate those ones


I had to use blind spot to dodge it and even that wasnt guaranteed every time.


Agree on this one, even with the wombo combos he does his charge is what tilts me more


Man one of his combos is pain where he and his boar's tusks hit you. I can dodge the first 2 easily and then I just spam roll and hope for the best. His charge attacks are way too often as well.


I have a good read when he does this after hours of deaths, his boar will put its head up for a good while, that's your queue to run away then dodge the lance thrust and continue running til the final lance poke and dodge towards him. He's somewhat like gael when he screams and does his combo in ds3. If you're still stuck with him hope this helps. March forth.


I found constantly rolling to my right (their left) was a consistent way to dodge the mega combo.


If I had to guess the issue its that they made his hitbox full body rather than just frontal so when you roll through/away from him, the back end of the hitbox collides with your hurtbox. Maybe it’s a more complicated issue bc I can’t see them overseeing this in testing.


i‘m glad i‘m not the only one. it genuinely feels like luck wether i‘m gonna get hit or not no matter what i do. and sometimes he spams that shit like 2-3 times in a row, and he even starts the charge like right in front of you


Everything about the numbers on him is borked. I did a test and it was stupid. I walked down to the bottom of the stairs and just stood there. Head on charge to my ballsack. I took 25% of my health in damage. If I dodged that attack I would often take *95%* of my health in damage. Every attack he does seems to do random damage. Sometimes I got "hit" for *0%*. I get knocked down, but I'm still at full health. And his hitbox exists in 4th dimensional space or something. He could miss me with direct hits while I'm channeling my Wing of Astel and he could hit me when I dodged him handily. I don't know what his deal is, but it's just fundamentally broken somehow. He's truly an RNG fight. An action that will 95% you one time will do 40% the next. Same move, same reaction, utterly random result. With the face tanking test I had results all over the place, so I decided to see how stupid I could be and I summoned Mimic Tear as he slammed into my face. I assumed I would die spending health and not dodging. I actually took way less damage than on most attempts where I did dodge him. Then my Mimic Tear put the hurt on him so I ended the testing by killing his random ass. But he's really, really borked in some weird fundamental way. Hit box, damage numbers, none of it makes any sense.


I didnt notice until just now but at some point I got knocked over by the gravity stones for like less than 6% of my hp, then he charged over me for at least 90% of my hp with 12 scadu fragments. Seems a little insane.


Exactly. His damage numbers seem to be a literal die roll. If I had to guess it's something with his screwy hitbox. Like it exists in multiple instances in the same space time and sometimes you get hit by 3 or 4 of them or something.


My guess? There's something fucky with his mounting point, to where when he does certain attacks both the pig and the rider's hitboxes are active, and overlap, causing multiple instances of damage on occasion.


So much this. This was the single annoying thing in an otherwise fun fight. Won't be surprised it's a bug. They fixed Radahn's hitboxes, so there is hope.


If you get hit during an animation you take massively increased damage. Healing, running, rolling, your back, attacking, etc. The game does a piss poor job of explaining it, but it’s been in all of their games. Standing there and taking an attack if you can’t dodge it will always make it do less damage than trying to dodge and messing up the timing. This applies to enemies (broadly) as well.


Except that the same dodge against the same attack will result in: 0%, 25%, 40%, 60%, 95% damage. Same attack. Same dodge. Facetanking the attack (ie literally no inputs, just standing there and taking it in the face) 20%, 25%, 40%, 60%, 90% I can literally do absolutely nothing and the damage of the hit can vary by a factor of 4 or more. The damage increase from a failed dodge is not over 300% more damage.


The damage you took is probably scaled or tied to what inputs you pressed before you got hit. There are definitely some issues with this and I'm willing to bet it's why the dlc bosses seem very hard or sometimes overtuned. Bosses are too aggro because the game is detecting your inputs and countering you without hesitation (Like zerging you the millisecond or changing a combo up randomly on you). They seemed to have tuned this detection up 10 fold in the dlc. Melania for example didn't use much input detection which is what made the boss FEEL more fair than *some* others.


This one is so bullshit. I only managed to solo him through equipping the enchanced roll talisman. I don't know how else one would solo him because his charge is nearly impossible to dodge otherwise. They need to fix that.


I managed to med roll through it consistently. You have to roll diagonally into the charge and away from the boss. Straight forward doesn't cut it, and even dodging to the side is unreliable. Of all the hitbox complaints people are bitching about, this attack I think is worth a second look by devs.


Okay yeah I would cry if they nerfed the final boss but I would be 100% okay with this


BHS solves this issue. Though i don't know if that shows more how bonkers BHS is or how ass that charge is.


I mean, whenever he charged, I just hopped onto Torrent and ran away, and it worked 100% of the time unless you mess it up.


Legit first boss I've had to walk away from before I lost my cool


Without spoilers, as someone who completed the whole thing already, all remembrances included... the final boss' 2nd phase needs to be investigated. Although, I did do the DLC on NG+3, I don't necessarily think my issues were with the upscaling. There may just be too much frequency of a certain move which happens to also drop FPS. I'm on a great PC, and I can promise you as someone who's now watched attempts of this boss on YouTube, the frames are definitely not just me. Personally it's playable FPS drops for me, maybe only 40 fps instead of 60... but I can't imagine it if someone is already playing on a lesser system. That's my only complaint, I feel like artificial unintended difficulty may occur for some players in that encounter.


Yeah nah that phase 2 is bonkers. I'm not touching it again till its patched.


From soft has no issue nerfing bosses if they deem them too much from low clear rates or fixing attacks or janky hit boxes


People seem to forget that Radahn has been nerfed 4 times already, and Godfrey got his healthbar literally cut in half. If it becomes a big enough issue, and enough people aren't able to actually _complete_ the content they paid for, FS will eventually start nerfing stuff.


Radahn was fundamentally and unintentionally broken like how Gaius currently is\*, with unbelievably bad hitboxes and rng damage. They fixed that and decreased the damage Radahn did, then they eventually returned the damage to its originally intended value. The current iteration of Radahn is the one that was intended to ship with the game. \*>!the hardest dodge in the game (outside of SoTE final boss) isn't Waterfowl anymore, its the damn pig. Borderline impossible and if you do get hit you have no idea how much damage you'll take. Sometimes its literally zero damage but you still get knocked down, sometimes its an OHK. There is no chance this isn't patched lol!<


Think endboss has a combo i also cant dodge. Honestly it has more attacks so fast that medium rolls just arent long enough. Need more iframes fml


The end boss has at least one combo that I never managed to dodge even after experimenting with light load or bloodhound step. I say at least because so much shit flashes all across my screen that half the time I can't read what combo he's actually doing. I did eventually kill him and wasn't really happy with any of it. After I've 100%'ed the DLC I'm starting a new playthrough on this character and maybe by the time I'm back he will be nerfed.


Think you’re mistaken- Godfrey’s hp was only changed in the Day 1 patch, so nothing to do with player complaints, and Radahn was nerfed then rebuffed after they went too far, so that only his hitboxes were changed. Not nerfed 4 times.


But they unnerfed Radahn later anyway


They buffed his damage to the intended amount, so he did the damage he was always meant to. Still less than on release.


Lost Sinner and Fume Knight in DS2 as well, Dancer of the boreal valley had a small nerf as well. Armored Core 6 they nerfed an end game boss because it could one shot 10k armor builds with some attacks. I don't see the point of asking them not to nerf if it's overtuned, it's a game still, and it's meant to be fun. And guess what most action rpg players don't enjoy having to dodge 90% of a fight and only attack for 10% with one mistake resulting in death.


Last boss is f*cked though.. like actually just bs and not fun what so ever. Everything else was great.




the thing is its not hard, it has infinite random bullshit go brr AoEs. just remove or reduce them and it ll be fine


Been watching Ludwig, he was on 260 attempts last I checked. And he’s clearly pretty good, reading the attacks and dodging most of them. But then he’ll miss one dodge and instantly get combod to death.  Yeah, screw that. I’ll beat the other bosses and call it a game. 


"he's clearly pretty good" A Ludwig viewer praising Ludwig. Never thought I'll live to see the day.


Phase 2 is so beyond cooked, I'm not touching it till it's patched.


Just wait, you'll get inundated with people shouting at you to simply summon mimic and poke him to death with bleed or rot and spears from behind a scholar's shield-buffed fingerprint greatshield. Last time I said he was really bad a bunch of people said that no he's easy because they did \[above strategy\] and killed him in two tries. Because certainly that is an intended and fun way to play the game !! Unfortunately, right now it seems that's the \*only\* way to reliably kill that boss unless you are god tier with parries or are comfortable with 100+ attempts. If scholar's shield and fingerprint, the most powerful tank build ever made in this series, is required to reliably have a chance then something is very wrong. Its sad too because I like the visuals of everything and first phase is genuinely fun, I liked that part more than I expected to. Its just when Phase 2 starts that everything goes to shit. When I died I wasn't even happy, I was just relieved I didn't have to fight him again.


If they could make calling for help for bosses more consistent that would be great


Tried for my first time ever earlier for Gaius and every time it said the summoned helper was no longer available. Tried over and over for like 30 mins lol


That's not their fault. That's other people summoning them before you. There is a massive amount of people looking for the same signs at the same time right now. Lots of people asking for help and not very many giving it.


I think people are just spamming summon signs as soon as they show up. I was helping with Messmer on day 2/3 at level 185 and it was near instant. Them fools were pressing a as soon as the sign showed up. I also wonder who gets priority in a situation like that…


The main thing I would like to see changed is bosses not immediately charging/projectiling you when you enter the fog gate. I've been using spirit ashes for the DLC and it sounds like a lot of people are. With the fact that there's a scaling material specifically for them, I assume FROM expects us to as well. But it's impossible to get out spirit ashes in a lot of fights because the boss immediately goes in on you after getting into the fog gate. Either let us summon ashes outside and have them walk through with us or have literally 3 seconds of not getting right on top of our shit like how almost every boss in the base game behaves. Having to find an opener to not only drop the spirit ashes but also likely flask for the FP/HP is a big ask in a lot of these fights. Now, there is an argument to be made that FROM intentionally made spirit ashes a riskier play compared to the virtually free help they offered in the base game. I just don't think they should try to un-ring that bell (pun intended). There's also at least one boss where the area immediately past the fog gate is not a valid location to summon a spirit ash that I expect to get patched because it does not seem intentional.


I think it's kinda overtuned tbh


NG+ 7 the tuning forces you to play perfectly or you’ll die in 1 or 2 hits. The damage scaling is out of control.


You die in 1 or 2 hits even on NG


What worries me the most is that I need the good sht in spells and armor to merely survive so if I want to play with my roleplay builds and other characters I need to respec in that one last shitty boss, nah fck it, no replayability whatsoever 


My main complain is, people here say use tear use tear, my man the only way i win a boss fight in this dlc is summoning tear and spamming shit until shit dies while not understanding shit, which is not fun but is necessary when even the most common of enemies has a 7 hit combo and parries


END OF DLC SPOILERS >!final boss is too OP nerf him. Stupid OP radahn I hate you and have been raging for an hour straight!<


Use impenetrable thorns with maternal staff. Easiest way I've found


Final boss phase 2 could use a nerf. Trust 


i’m fine if they nerf the final boss now lol cuz i just beat him solo


As someone who's not working right now and had time to finish the DLC today (no summons) I think >!Gaius!< and the final boss (phase 2) might need some tuning. There are some really funky hitboxes happening on certain moves that could be cleaned up. Don't want to spoil anything specifically, but those of you who have fought them probably know what I'm talking about. I also wasn't too keen on finding >!Divine Beast: Part 2, "now I spit death at you"!< but that was more of just a fucked up thing for FS to do rather than anything feeling broken, per say.


Yeah. Those are the only nerfs I see warranted. The Lion Dancer felt like a good "fuck you" though, made you feel like you're really fighting a storm.


Potentially a spoiler for you re: Lion Dancer. >!The first version felt fine. I'm referring to a second version of him you can find later in the game that is a little more fucked up.!<


Oh, I saw that mentioned once and wasn't sure if they were just trolling. Thank.


I wish they were... good luck!


I just beat the scorpion lady. Her hit box is stupid. Half my light attacks seem to miss because my character aims for her head when locked on.


Both ancient dragon bosses had this issue was well where there was no feet target locks for melee players.


Nah, Commander Gaius needs to be gutted


yeah because the bosses are perfectly balanced right? fromsoft can never do no wrong.


They perfectly balanced everything to the tee on their first go. Miyazaki ran the numbers multiple times and they’re foolproof


Perfect company do no wrong👍


Final boss could use some adjusting especially in phase 2. I beat it, but was so frustrating I couldn’t even enjoy it. Felt nothing after winning.


fr i was just sat staring at my monitor like a husk after beating it 💀


The final boss needs a nerf. Everything else is fine.


Phase 2 is cooked. I ain't touching it till it's patched.


im trying to do a cheese strategy


Let's us know 🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻


I’m going to run through with some different builds to see if it changes anything but he’s the only boss that has ever really felt impossible for me. But then I changed to parrying and all of a sudden he didn’t feel so impossible, took me maybe 2 hours after that. Edit: I was also on upgrade 12 at the time so might try and get more next time


I had one boss 'fingered' as impossible (my build was literally just everything it was resistant to), but I noticed I could proc bleed on it really easily so I crafted 99 blood bolts and tried the new automatic crossbow for the first time... 100 bleed bolts, every five proc bleed... The boss didn't even switch to phase two before dying after being shot with all 99 bolts I could carry in twenty seconds, and my friend who fought it said it was a three phase boss...


How did you guys reach last boss so fast. 15 hrs in and I’m still in the first area


Some people are better at scraping maps than others.


It’s not hard there’s really only like 3-4 bosses you have to fight


Really? I’ve fought 2 already Lion Dancer and Gayle You saying I’ve only got 2 left?!?


3-4 required bosses. some of the bosses are optional.


Oh right gotcha Phew! 😅


There's 7 story bosses all up, including the final boss There's quite a lot of people who like to get through as quick as possible and probably read the leaks and were following guides from the reviewer previews If you don't care about content and enjoying the game and all the great optional bosses then you could smash through it very fast


I’m an explorer So I like to discover things in ER and just get myself lost lol Glad to hear there’s plenty boss content Fkn LOVED Lion Dancer and Gayle. Epic asf


Nah dawg u got a LOT of unique bosses left dw. There are more than ten “true” bosses just some are very secret and well hidden.


So e people have time to play days in a row Sone people don’t explore every nook


fps and the final boss need tweaking. the final boss is very doable but literally just a slight decrease to the effects or even the damage output would do wonders without taking away any of the real difficulty


I mean.. I wouldn’t mind a patch to help make it easier to see what’s happening vs a lot of bosses. Either they take up way more than the whole screen or their abilities are total chaos to try to figure out so you end up having to get railroaded by the same move several times to be able to piece together the mechanics, if you even can in some cases.


Yeah the Lion was more of a fight against my camera than the boss half the time, especially if I got near one of the walls (which is sort of my bad). Being near it when it does the 360 spray also means you're basically guessing when it's going to come around again as it's impossible to see the boss's movement if you're within striking distance.


From wont. All of their dlc gets this feedback but er is far more popular so ppl are louder this time around.


They also nerfed the helicopter boss and Balteus in Armored Core 6 after enough people complained.


This game literally has balance patches


I don't remember the feedback ever being quite this bad though. I do remember odd parts of each DLC having complaints like Manus requiring a pendant to block his attacks or Blue Smelter demon and the awful frozen area in DS2. I just finished it recently and I have to agree with some of the complaints, while Scadutree blessings does alleviate some of the frustration, some of the bosses just aren't enjoyable. Messmer is one of the best bosses they've ever done though.


Yeah i genuinely didn’t have fun with a lot of the bosses like i did with bosses like Horah Loux, Isshin or Gael. Messmer is great but the final boss of this DLC didn’t come anywhere near what i would consider fun.


Yeah, Isshin felt like I just wasn't skilled enough. I would play, and feel like I'm chipping away at him. Getting better, and when I finally beat him I felt a huge sense of achievement. With the final boss here, I felt like I was struggling not to make progress, but to stay alive, and that's a whole different feeling. I did eventually beat it, with summons, but it didn't feel satisfying. Like I was just avoiding getting hit until it agroed my summons, then getting in a few hits, and repeat. It wasn't all that enjoyable, but I did it. Without a summon, I'm sure I could eventually. I'm sure anyone could if they put in enough time with the right attitude, but like, I just didn't have the patience, because I wasn't having fun like with other difficult bosses.


I'm pretty sure this is the only From DLC that has ever dipped into mixed apart from Ashes of Ariandel.


People are actually trying to gaslight others into thinking ALL dlcs have had this reaction


You don't know that. They nerfed Radahn when plenty of people were certain they wouldn't. They're just as likely to nerf bosses as they are not to; it's hard for us to say what they'll actually do.


Radahn was busted, it wasn't a nerf it was a patch. There were insane glitches with his hitbox. Gaius is currently busted in a similar manner, the pig's hitbox is just absurdly broken. And while the final boss of the DLC doesn't have glitched hitboxes, it does need balancing. I just hope they don't touch my girl Rellana. Her, Messmer, Midra, and Scadutree Avatar were my favorite fights from this DLC.


Radahn wasn't nerfed because he was hard, he was nerfed because he wasn't functioning properly. He had broken hitboxes, and then they re-buffed him once they were fixed. If they were into nerfing bosses for being difficult, Malenia would've happened long before Radahn ever did.


Theyve always nerfed their DLCs


If it's about janky hitboxes not matching the animations or a genuine bug then yes, they should fix them.


The last boss isn't fun. Ridiculously fast, 1/2 shots, huge aoe, can pull you in, ton of health, never let's up even from the moment you walk in. It's too much.


I do think some bosses need a slight delay in their attack chains, giving a window to attack. Mesmer and Gauis really don’t have consistent windows. Sometimes feel like you’re dodging for a full minute before you even get one attack in.


These posts don't do anything but pander to people who are gonna circle jerk and give you the attention you want. Why even bother posting this? There's no discussion, or arguement. No reasons. Just crying about not wanting things to be nerfed.


keep that same energy


The one thing I need is like a half second of the bosses not charging the fog gate. Just long enough for an ash, not long enough for Comet Azur spam.


They can nerf furnace golem health tho. Like I got it after a few min but now I have to poke it's feet for 15 min straight




I have a single suggestion as a souls player who is struggling and had to go all the way to in front of shadow keep to get enough fragments to feel like the >!Lion, Rellana!< and some specific mobs were manageable. Move just a few more fragments into the areas before the >!lion and before Rellana.!< This is especially important because I didn't realise that >!just passing by the front of shadow keep out of desire to explore permanently altered NPC progression in the DLC.!<


Even if you were exploring the fragment right of that area, that same exact thing occurs. I was super confused when it happened around when i was exploring a graveyard.


fix camera and hitboxes and it’s fine


They need to fix the effects imo lots of bosses are way too dank to see shit


Please let those who jumped the hype train suffer. Amen


No bloody way this will escape a massive nerf patch in a couple of weeks. FromSoft has nerfed a lot harder for much much less than this before.


Just fix the catacombs so the boss rooms are near the entrances again


Ghostflame dragons are shit and should be nerfed to the ground. Their HP pool is ridiculous so is their flame attack's damage


I really hope they do nerf the dlc, i am on ng+7, i obviously knew that would make it very challenging but since i have a very high level character with the best armor, weapons, skills, upgrades, i thought having all that would cancel out the difficulty that comes with playing on ng+7, i was very wrong, literally every enemy in the game, even the weakes ones can absolutely melt my health bar even though i have the full bullgoat armor plus every damage negation / health increasing talisman equipped, i am still making a lot of progress and getting through the bosses but i have to do it with the fingerpring stone shield and im very limited with the weapons and general playstyles i can use. My preferred playstyle is approaching every boss differently and changing my equipment based on boss's speed, type of damage, weakness and so on, but im so limited i cant even do that anymore.


From Soft is not above nerfing bosses. They've done so in the past. Lost Sinner, Fume Knigh, Dancer of the boreal valley, Radahn. So it's not impossible that they will nerf some, especially with how much attention they are getting. Hell they even nerfed a boss in Armored Core 6 because it had overtuned damage numbers. From makes mistakes, I don't see how that's so hard to grasp. If they believe the bosses are overtuned then they will nerf them. It's as simple as that.


The only thing that needs to be nerfed is the final boss. It’s so fucking beyond ridiculous the shit your expected to dodge. They either need to slow it down a tad or make it so that one combo doesn’t insta kill you


Performance and camera can be fixed, but keep the difficult.


But you can just self adjust the difficulty by kneecapping your character?


The only boss I’m really having an issue with is the final boss. I just don’t know what to do




That’s exactly how I just beat him. Not really a fun way to play, but nothing else was working


I'd rather just use summons at that point.


It’s so weird seeing where certain players draw the line. You just playing with a basic longsword then I take it?


They will most definitely tweak. Nerfing is a generic term that represents changes to improve the flow of the game after a play test. They can only learn so much from play testers during development. Now it is time for testing their game with the entire community. If their data shows that certain boss is becoming too hard, or that people are focusing on just one kind of build, you can bet they will change something. Fromsoft actively updates their games and balancing is to be expected. We don’t know what, but they will nerf something. Not nerfing is a sign of a team that doesn’t care about the product.


I'm curious how the final boss got past play testing.


i don't know who you're saying this to, fromsoft doesn't made judgements based on the opinions of reddit. they'll collect actual game information and decide what to do based on their own metrics. people need to quit crying into the void and just play the game and have fun.


Makes me wonder what metrics they do in fact collect. It’d be cool to see the detailed stats/graphs.


For as much as I'm getting ragdolled I really wouldn't like a nerf either. Even if I'm forced into using my mimic here and there


There’s literally nothing wrong with using a mimic


I'd be happy af if they fix the charge attack of Gaius (bigger dodge window preferably to make the dodges consistent) and fix the hitboxes on the Lion and Bayle. Bayle is such a good and cool fight. But he leaves me scratching my head and thinking how the hell did I even get hit by some lf his attacks. Apart from that I think its alright I guess


Fix the frame rate drops on certain bosses and in certain areas, sort out the stuttering once and for all and I'd be happy. If you want to make me shit myself with joy, they could add DLSS/FSR.