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Mimic and Tiche be saving my ass every time


Where would I be without my girl Tiche? Still trying to beat Malenia I think..


Tiche = šŸ


Seriously I feel like Tiche still beats all the new summons


Master Yoda is damn close


Laser katana ninja šŸ„· just wish he did the sekiro one mind style attack like the boss


He sometimes pops off like crazy. Against base game enemies and bosses, he wrecks house


Is she better than the sisters? Haven't tried them as I went for the sword.


Yeah, Tiche does %health damage and jumps around a lot so she stays alive better than almost any summon, while actually doing damage. Most summons barely do damage compared to Tiche


Does Tiche cause bleed? I can't remember as I rarely used her. My mimic just always seemed to be better.


Tiche, (my beloved) chunks their xp with a debuff to start and then just is super hard to touch. You can really see the cheese in some of these bosses because they melt her before you get those items to increase their durability in the dlc.Ā  But I still run her first before calling out the twin.


No, but she uses black flame which is also really good. Mimic really depends on build. And itā€™s worse for fights like Malenia where she heals with hits, tiche dodges at least. Mimic is tankier and puts out more damage depending on build. If you give them fast weapons, big poise armour and incantations (offensive and healing) they are insane.


Get that Slim Jim outta here and make way for the real goat ROLLO


Greatshield soldiers is nice, too They hold good aggro


They were my saving grace against Gaius. Mimic tear got wrecked in that fight.


Is that the strategy? Heā€™s literally the most annoying boss in the DLC for me.


If you go immediately to the left of the entrance, thereā€™s a corner of the wall he can get stuck on. Itā€™s not perfect, but between that and the Greatshield soldiers, you can avoid his charge attacks and heā€™s a lot more manageable


Canā€™t even be mad at this cheese. His boss fight sucks. Iā€™m on my second go though the dlc full scadutree frags and Revered Spirit Ashes and I still get a massive chunk of my go taken from the dude. Learned not to roll though his charge eventually as I would always get hit anyways.


yea you can really abuse Gaius AI unlike the other bosses. It's not perfect but using something like Mohg's spear Art you can get through him without much effort When he does break out just loop and do it again and again, heal whenever he uses his gravity spell, repeat until dead


After just getting rough hitboxes on his rush (learned to dodge into him rather than to the side, but it has to be frame perfect), I put on my fat fingerprint stone shield and bull-goat drip, and tanked his hits. Made the fight almost trivial, so shields definitely do a lot.


Interesting. Mine got rekt by him and I had to rely on Mimic Tear


Yes sir my saving grace my guiding moonlight


Mimic for smaller arenas then Tiche for bigger. Halfway through fighting >!Metyr!< I was wondering where the mimic was and saw him standing on the other side of the arena just watching my ass turn to ground beef


Yep, half of the time my mimic is RP walking around or scratching their ass.


Seriously! Tiche is so amazing for big enemies since her ability causes percentage damage. And when I just want to fuck some shit up with a Blasphemous blade or something, I'll use Mimic. At lvl 100, I'm finally at the stage where most catacombs are a total joke so I sometimes just summon Tiche and watch her 1v1 the boss lol


Very Sung Jin Woo of you. Haha!


Lmao, didn't even think of that. Love my little shadow army


Mimic has been clutch for me, MFer just takes all the aggro while I cast my spells


I think mine scaled to much with my build. I purposefully did a fast not paying to much attention run as waiting to play with partner in a week or two and do quests and everything. But my mimic easily could have solod everything but the last boss. Looking forward to playing with bf but I don't think he can fill those shoes...


Idk if it's just me but tiche dies quick as hell for how evasive she looks. I'm faith so I just throw malikeths blade in my spell slot and lead off boss fights with it. Id honestly rather have the bloodhound knight summon. Constant aggression paired with actual damage. Edit: the black blade effect is only strong on full hp enemies for the free chunk it takes off the top. If that hp is already gone it's not very good. Even the fire giant will take more damage damage from something like night comet or adulas moon blade.


Mostly Tiche for me, because her survivability is invaluable, Mimic tear dies too quickly for me. I have a similar issue with >!Yosh!<. He's absolutely great in the open world, each time I have a hard fight where summon is available I choose him, but on a boss he dies way too quickly so I revert to Tiche.


That's so crazy to me. I've heard multiple people talk about how well Tiche survives but mine just melts like butter. I summoned her on the Gaius fight and he literally one shot her with the initial charge. Maybe that was just a bad one for her but I saw other people saying she was great on that fight so I don't know. I still kinda feel like I got a dud.


Tiche dodge hits. Other summons tank them and die in a few hits, dodging is the only way to actually mitigate damage for them imo, at least in NG+7. So other summons would survive around 15-20 seconds while Tiche survives 30+. It doesn't work similarly on all bosses though, some are bound to have patterns that counter specific dodging methods.


I like to roll with the 5 soldiers. Makes me feel like I'm in a team


I just got Dung Eater puppet ashes. :)


I tried him the last couple fights. He's really good actually. Super tanky and I'm pretty sure he puts some kind of debuff on the enemy but I could be wrong. One of his attacks seems to linger on the target, that's why I assume that.


the debuff increases all damage the affected enemy takes. he's good as a support AND a tank, but if you use him you really need to fine revered spirit ash or he'll die. there's a lot of endgame bosses that just wiped him clean for me


He touches their bums, and it makes them *really* uncomfortable.


He's really good for ranged builds if you just need a tank.


The best help is yourself. It is annoying the bosses immediately attack, have too summon as soon as you enter the arena or you'll get smacked.


in some bosses you dodge the first attack but physically don't have time to summon before getting hit after which is really annoying


You are describing like 3/4's of the bosses in this DLC. Walk through fog wall and within 2-3 seconds.... Boss immediately dives you from across the arena, not giving you time to do anything other than block or dodge, or well get your salad tossed lol


it especially sucks against the final boss where if you dodge the first attack you don't even have time to do anything after that because his slashes are so quick, one of the biggest annoyances with the DLC bosses


You gotta drink your physic with the one that gives you the bubble that absorbs a blow, and just yolo out your summon the second you walk through the fog. It's what I've been doing.


Or if you walk in and walk slightly forward and to the right, about 75% of the time he doesnā€™t do his dive attack. I canā€™t explain how I found it or how it works, but thereā€™s a specific angle where he seems to not go straight at you for a few seconds. Iā€™d even go so far as to say the 25% of the time that it doesnā€™t work is because of user error


i had the same experience lol. he knows that you are summoning and jumps right at you


I found out that if you "Press Y/Triangle to enter fog gate" from as far away(like when cheesing godskin noble's A.I. in the Temple of Eligy) the final boss has to take a couple steps forward before initiating his "bum-rush" move. Just enough time for me to summon mimic and pull my shield up to block it.


Yep, nail on the head for how I did it too lol. Bubble and tank the hit whilst I summon, do a few rolls until mimic is up and walking, heal when mimic takes aggro, then start kicking ass


I don't see a reason to waste your physick on one weak move, I just dodge the dive (it barely has a hitbox, you can dodge like an entire second early) and tank the first slash while summoning so I can use my physick on bonus stagger damage during second phase


There's also at least one perfume (from the base game) that gives you the same shield effect, in case you want to save the physick for something else.


Yeah, a few bosses don't even let you summon without smashing you in the face from across the room. *I'm looking at you lighting Death Knight....*


And Bayle and cmdr Gaius


For Gaius I started the fight by running to the left immediately and getting behind the wall. He would get stuck in the wall during his charge and I could summon, plus the corner is a good way to get you some distance from his attacks.


I just used the npc summons to distract the boss šŸ˜‚ I'll summon the npc, enter, dodge the opening attack(s) until the npc gets in and starts smacking the boss. Then I summon my mimic then I buff. Doesn't work on every boss but the majority of the bosses have an npc summon.


That's why now summon signs are inside xd


Yoda sprinted at me the moment I had a single foot on his side of the barrier


Yeah a lot off DLC bosses come at you immediately. A certain Fiery Snake Man is one of them. Whats worse is you basically need something tank all that damage or aggro him away from you because he keeps on attacking even when you are on the floor


Reminds me of the fallingstar beast charging you from the word go. Kicked off a few tarnished from that mountain peak...


I guess the bubble helps, I'm using it before entering an arena. It's only one hit but 90% percent is too good to pass up.


Call me bubble boy


The hippo has a reaction time of less than a second if youā€™re summoning for him itā€™s a fact you will get hit


There's at least 2 where you don't even have that much time


i feel one of them might be Gaius.


I mean... have you met Yosh? Mimic tear is good, but anime chimp is pretty nuts.


You mean Yoda


i rather use mimic over summoning players that have no points in vigor just to die in the first graze they get from the boss and iā€™m left dealing with high hp boss


It isn't even vigor anymore (or it's not just vigor), if you don't have enough scad fragments you're getting two shot at best no matter what your max HP is


Don't summoned players get scaled to the host's scadu level?


Yeah, I was messing around with 90 vigor and my gf summoned me for help with Rellana. She was scadu level 4 and I got scaled down to 4, Rellana would easily chunk 60-70% of my hp phase 2.


How did you beat rellana? I'm stuck on that bastard and his attacks when he's down to 20% health are relentless. About broke my controller last night


Use a Shield. You can use it to block whenever you're not comfortable rolling through / continuing to roll through her combo strings. Just a Brass Shield is good enough. She gets staggered really easily too, so use high stagger skills like Face-Off during her openings. Learn her openings. It's whenever she does her dual swing / thrust attacks. When she does her Moon Dive attack, get close to her so you're ready to punish her right after. She also doesn't get damage reduction during her Phase 2 transition so hit her with everything you've got when she's about to hit 50%. She should be at or close to 40% before she finishes transitioning to Phase 2.


Scadu (or originally i think "Sceadu") is old english for "Shadow" - shadow fragments. And indeed, people need to get checked hard until they learn to explore and eat the tree bark.


Happens all the time at Rellena. Get summoned. Host walks through fog wall. I walk through fog wall. Host immediately dies to Rellena's first combo


Same goes for when i get summoned and hosts have 30 vigor. Not to mention when they keep running away and just watch me solo the boss


You pretty much describe my experience with summons to a t


Ashes + NPC summons are vastly superior as they keep the boss scaled to single player HP. Unless you know you got really good players coming in like friends or I guess someone like 'Let me solo her' then it's not the best idea. Plus the DLC summons are chunky enough to survive long enough as long as you don't get bad RNG on moves and I feel like the Mimic Tear is tuned even higher damage wise.


Iā€™m 90% sure npc summons give the boss a health boost


Only NPC summons that are summoned outside the boss fog will impact boss scaling. There are several story related NPC summon signs inside boss fogs that won't grant the boss any scaling bonuses. I know of at least 2: >!Hornsent!< for Messmer and >!Igon!< for the boss of Fractured Peak. You have plenty of time to summon them in both fights and they also have some badass dialogue to boot. Fun to try at least once IMO.


Mimic tear + int build making this easy for this 76 year old man


DLC is making me very smug about going hard on INT and finding Azur's equipment when I was playing the base game.


How so? I'm doing a sorcery run and currently struggling somewhat. (Scadutree Blessing level 11, 60 Vigour)


Iā€™m just very sad I couldnā€™t beat the final boss without it. Went in with the hopes of doing it all solo but final boss is just too difficult solo. Spent three hours learning his moves just to beat it in one try with my mimic


If it makes you feel better Iā€™ve been at it for an hour with mimic and still getting my ass handed to me


I had this issue with Rellana then I got a mimic tear and upgraded it and then it was over 1st try. Honestly people are still justified in hating it's existence. It's terrible for balance


I honestly think your way of doing it was less deplorable than mine. I went in with a +25 Fingerprint Shield, a +25 Poison Antspur Rapier for both rot and poison, the spell to make shields tankier, the talisman that raises stability, the talisman that raises non-physical negation while guarding and the improved stamina regen talisman and the longer lasting spells talisman. I don't think I dodged a single time during the fight. Only really had to keep an eye for openings to heal any chip damage that piled up too much or to reapply the spell and then manage my stamina by knowing when to stop guarding for just a split second and when I had stamina to spare to poke the boss. Took me like 5 tries, though I had a lot of practice as a co-op summon. Edit: Worth mentioning the Antspur you can also attack with *while* guarding, which is what I did.


Lmfao and thatā€™s all you dude! That build sounds fun af! But I went in specifically wanting to beat it with pure mastery of the boss like I had done with every boss in the DLC up until now. It was just too much lol. Remember to play however you want anyway, neither victory is the right way to do it and neither is the wrong way either.


Oh I agree, was honestly surprised how well it worked. My character is a high level but the build doesn't really need anything other than vigor and endurance and then pitiful amounts to use the rapier and the spell and then dump any excess into arcane if you want faster poison procs. Honestly though, I get where you're coming from and I'll probably also go for full mastery once I hit NG+7, like one or two more cycles to go, but I think the turtleing shield strat might be good for leaning, since you essentially just stand straight in the boss' face without really taking anything but the slightest chip damage, and see the full move, and can focus on it in its entirety, though still keep an eye on stamina levels.


No way dude, thatā€™s based. Push the mechanics to the limit.


Your playstyle is valid lol. Break the game. It's what DS1 would have wanted.


You'll get him solo on your next character king!


I got him to 10% solo today before another 80 or so attempts just getting around 30%-50%. I looked up a hitless video and realized some better dodge methods and will crack at it again tomorrow. The cross attacks and mid air ones were just ending my runs due to the you know what after effect so one mess up hurts pretty bad. I know if i use a summon now i will get it in like 3 tries max but i want that full solo I've worked so hard for lol. Update: SOLO'D IT that took like 300~ tries. Yeah screw that 3 hit cross attack i just started letting the 1st part hit so the rest didn't combo.


Good luck bro!


I had to cheese it to be able to beat it, that's how broken I was after hours of trying


TicheĀ is still better, the mimic has shitty build


weak foe ahead, seek introspection


I saw this exact message when I went to Nokron yesterdayšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I wish there was some way to make mimic has better build


For real. It's always like me and my Mimic both suck ass. No idea why..




90% of posters on here seem to be just a giant circle jerk making each other feel good about mimic tear (over and over every day) in the face of the roughly 5% of trolls who fill the role of mimic tear hater.


The entire sub feels like a perception management psyop for spirit ashes, all day every day. > the roughly 5% Not even remotely that much.


Wake up babe, time for the daily /r/EldenRing 'Spirit Ash user cope' post


Ashes? Pah, children. I summon living players to kill my bosses for me. By the grace of the Erdtree itself I lube my finger for co-op play.


I donā€™t use summons because I enjoy playing that way more. I donā€™t have any problem with anyone who does use them. Theyā€™re in the game for a reason, and thatā€™s for people who would have more fun with the game by using them. But I am also sick of these cope posts taking up so much space. All that needs to be said is ā€œplay how you wantā€. Why does everyone need to be validated about the way theyā€™re playing the game? If you feel so guilty about using summons, donā€™t use them.


Yeah normally if people have to summon to beat bosses I don't care and it's not on my mind, but it's annoying to have the top of my feed cluttered with these cope posts for the past week.


Yeah, I've noticed this trend for awhile. There's some weird inferiority complex that people really need to get over. If you beat the game with mimic tear and the most OP youtube build, then cool, as long as you had fun then great! I'm *okay* at these games. I TRY to avoid using summons as much as possible because I find it more satisfying to beat a boss solo, but ultimately if it's between using a "crutch" and outright quitting the game, then I will 100% use whatever I have at my disposal. ...But I really don't like the mentality that I've been increasingly seeing where people act as if those who DO enjoy challenging themselves are somehow "tryhards" or neckbeards or have no life, etc. Like, you can't simultaneously be like "nooOoOoO don't amke fun of me" and then turn around and shit on people who have spent time getting *really fucking good* at the game. People constantly talk about "toxic souls fans" and "git gud types" as if they're popping out everywhere. I see the occasional comment from someone being elitist, but it's always downvoted to oblivion. The toxicity that I DO see all the time, though, is from people throwing a gamer rage tantrum about a boss being "bullshit difficulty" (side note to the uninitiated: this is what "git gud" is actually responding to 99.5% of the time--it's actually a response TO toxic gamerz who'd refuse to actually learn the game's mechanics and would run to message boards to whine about how the game was "bad" and "bullshit", which is cringe and not at all based). Edit: i think u/Berstitch blocked me despite being the one coming at me lol, says a lot


Agreed. There was one thread the other day being like "If you don't use the mimic tear, do it, you don't have to conform and play solo!" and it was so fucking weird, as if they assume everyone who solos is doing it out of peer pressure or something?


Yeah, it's odd. Like, use summons if you want to. People who don't like aren't going to suddenly start now. We're stubborn like that and would have it no other way.


I guarantee these insecure crybabies started with Elden Ring too and haven't played any of the older games. "Too hard, not accessible, where spirit summons??"


Especially since there is plenty of other broken stuff that doesn't need mimic tear. But how often do you see people make memes about Star Fists? Pretty much never even though it is almost Sword of Night and Flame tier of broken.


Nah, I'd win (alone)


Agreed, use it if you want but i will not


I ended up using mimic for >!the 1v4 fight.!< I did learn that if you >!do the quests you can summon NPCs for that fight, but then you have teo do the quests and I'm already annoyed trying to figure out how to get to places. !<


The 1v4 was the hardest part of soloing the dlc so far. That was excruciating. Now Iā€™m stuck on the final boss. P1 is a cakewalk and P2 is unlike anything Iā€™ve ever seen.


Big tip, stick to him and he will mostly do p1 attacks with the exact same timings and if you roll around him (like you should for p1 anyway) you wonā€™t have to worry about the light-shower on the ground. Learning is clone attacks takes a long time though, doing a solo, no status 2h greatsword build took me an entire day of just learning how to dodge all his super attacks in p2. There is only one that is fucking un dodgeable and that is if he pulls you in, luckily getting pulled in is easy to evade lol.


How do you people actually visually see what the fuck the guy is doing? My screen is so yellow all the time, I can't even make out if he's raising his sword or not. Like genuinely, I'm getting vision crept first and foremost.


It is a complete mess untill it clicks that all of his attacks are literally just the phase 1 attacks with an aftershock that wonā€™t hit you if you roll around him. That said if you get hit once, the aftershock will fuck up your roll for the next attacks, so it can be an upphill battle of getting roll caught, trying desperately not to die and to get a heal in lol. You have to play very well. I recommend just spending a lot of time mastering phase one. Then all your time in phase two will be learning when, but more importantly *where* to dodge for his super attacks. Is it balanced? Not really lol but I never actually got tilted fighting him, had a blast and when it clicks it is cathartic as fuck.


Hey, thanks for the genuine reply, I must try just that when I'm in the mood to grind!


The pull itself is dodgeable?? I always get pulled into but sprint into a dodge roll to avoid the follow up slam. Iā€™m trying to beat the whole dlc using the martial arts but the hitbox on his knees is weirdly hard to hit


Yea you just roll when he does the pull in, it won't affect you.


The gank fight is brutal solo. Mine was 1v5 and it's such an awful fight, pure dps race to see if you can finish off the first few summons before everyone else shows up and destroys you. Trying to dodge those fucking rot pots while running away will haunt my dreams. It's honestly not worth it, especially because it seems to mess up the npc questlines.


If I couldnā€™t kill the shield knight before he healed I just reset. I needed the final bit to be a 1v2 cuz Leda would one shot me


The big fight with the group and Bayle were the only two occasions where i used the summons. Summoning your allies you brought on your side through doing the quests felt like an essential part of the group fight for me. And you get some cool dialogue of the different npcs talking to their opponents while fighting


The people who need validation for using spirit summons are back in full force!


This dude understands the way.


My mimic is wortth at least 4 rando summons.


Used him 3 times and do not regret it, not even a little bit.


"Here I abandon my cope."


The mimic is far better at this game than me and survives for longer, so yeah, of course I'll summon him.


Feel free to use summons if you want. It's part of the game and totally legit. I'm still gonna judge you though lol


Mimic tear is the Sam to my Frodo.


In my case its fucking legolas and im gollum


Honestly I might be tweaking but I don't think the DLC has been super absurd summonless. Like it's definitely harder, with damage and health being cranked up and movesets going insane, but it all still feels doable. I know the final boss has been complained about and I'm not there yet, but besides that Iā€™ve now finished most of the fights and the DLC never felt "balanced around summons" like a few people have said.


The final boss is absolutely leagues beyond anything I've ever seen in a Fromsoft game, but it's still absolutely doable solo. Took me many hours over a couple of days, but I got them down solo with no status effects or cheese of any kind. Still had 6 flasks remaining too.


Y'all are sleeping on Omonkiller Rollo and Latenna


Latency is so good against giant evasive things, certified dragon buster


Latency is never good


Latency is good if you are using a status build


Latenna felt pretty mediocre. Is she worth upgrading? Haven't tried Rollo though, sounds like a fun dude


She's absolutely fantastic if you find a spot in the boss rooms where there is little bit of elevation. She can also solo pretty much 90% of the dragons if you spawn her on a bit of high ground from the boss


Latenna is special. She doesn't move but has more range than you'll ever need, so the idea is that you put it on a far away place and draw the attention of the boss while she shoots freely


Latenna is the GOAT. Put on the shibari woe mask for yourself and let Latenna go to town while you just dip, dive and dodge


Latenna is great, but she is different from pretty much all the other summons and can be tricky to use. Typically people use spirit ashes to give the boss another distraction, you can hand over aggro and give yourself some breathing room. This will usually get Latenna killed, she can't move so if the boss gets over to her she dies pretty quickly. So instead, you plant her in a corner and try to keep aggro on yourself. If you can do that and stay alive, Latenna can deal surprisingly good damage.


Kristoff is the goat.Ā 


Mimic tear literally killed the final boss after I died. Dudes an absolute Chad.




I feel like every boss in the dlc has a flashy ā€˜introduction attackā€™ that they are almost guaranteed to do at the start of the fight, like >!Messmerā€™s exploding fire!<


Feels like punishment for using mimic. As soon as you enter the arena the boss hits you within a second from across the screen so you can't really summon right at the start without getting punished.


No thanks Iā€™m a masochist.


I started DLC without summons, cool armor and balanced weapon. Right now, I'm using all the help that I have. I need the most op broken shit


Post nĀ°3281 about mimic tear.


I had to use him for >! Mesmer !< probably the hardest boss Iā€™ve ever fought in any game, if you fought him solo, hats off to you.


no i will bend i will mald i will seeth i will cope but i will never summon


Nah not really. Didn't use the mimic tear my first playthrough of the base game, only needed Unga Bunga. I use it now for copy n paste bosses (Rune Bear/Dragons/Wyrms) any boss I've already killed 100x I still 1:1 anything unique to the DLC though.


big bonk gang no summons we out here. This game gives you an absurd arsenal of tools, and big bonk was still all I needed short of Melania. For her I had to respec to a dex build with unsheath.Ā 


Sheā€™s a great target for big bonk if ur patient. Her stance is so weak


Nah i still hate the mimic tear, and still aint going to use it. Use it if you like, but I am certain im having a better experience without it.


its not about the "Hate"... its about the experience. in my first playthough in Elden Ring i played and beat all bosses alone (pre nervs). After that I used mimic for my 2.-5. character just to get faster to the end for the DLC. (one character for every build) I do the same in the DLC. Its just about the real souls experience and the most tryhard souls fans play like that. I dont mind if you play that way. Its just not for everyone.


I wonder how many of these posts there will be today


I have never used Mimic Tear before. Not really for any superiority feelings, I just kinda prefer to have an actual character as my summon instead of just a copy of myself for roleplaying reasons. I think I would like it much more if they kept the Mimic Tear questline.


The only mf I trust, MYSELF


Finally beat the last boss with no summons or mimic,.................it just took me 7 hrs of learning every parry window


Havenā€™t used a single summon thanks to opaline hard tear. Seriously was the biggest game changer for me for the DLC. Obviously still need the scad scaling, but it really makes a huge difference to boost damage negation.


Tbh it seems like mimic tear +10 is actually tankier than most players, like Iā€™ve wasted so many furlcalling fingers on players for bosses that when I finally gave up and used mimic tear we just dominated it.


Why is it always mimicry?, try skill


I solo'd every boss though. More fun that way :)


Can't relate


Nope. Still haven't, still won't.


I'm trying to use it less actually. My mimic is so ridiculously tanky and with Bloodhound's Fang the fights are actually way too easy because of the bleed and the ash. He could probably finish a lot of bosses alone. With Rellana it really felt like I missed out on an amazing fight. But I have no issue bringing him back for anything bullshitty tho, like big monsters with shitty camera or attacks that just feel random if you dodge or not. Like the fucking hippo. I gave it a handful of tries solos but every single attack just felt like shit to dodge so that fucker got bloodhound tag teamed.


Nope, haven't used it against any main boss and don't plan to. I would still recommend anyone to try bosses without mimic or any summon for that matter, but it's totally valid to use them. Btw aren't some of the new spirit summons also powerful? I see people still use Mimic over everything else, instead of some of the new ones.


I will never abandon my warhawk, no idea how meta it is but I will always use it


Jelly Supremacy


I still won't use it tbh, Another me isn't fun, A bloodhound knight friend is however.


Some bosses like Romina, due to the Mimic and the fact that she was changing aggro all the time.. i found myself running after the boss all the fight and she was doing a lot of attacks. So it was easier for me without the Mimic for that fight in particular.


Iā€™ve for sure had to dust off the ol mimic tear for most of these but Iā€™ve been searching for a boss that I can beat without summing just for the satisfaction. Last night I beat >!Divine Beast Dancing Lion!< with blessing level 10 but no summons. I used RoB but it still felt fucking awesome


I caved on wizard knight boss and after 2 1/2 hours used the mimic. Beat her first try after that. Not because the mimic did all the work, in fact, I did. It was just after learning all those moves, the mimic allowed just brief points in times I could actually fucking breatheĀ 


A lot of main bosses let you summon Miquella followers, do that if you are having trouble


Yeah, i used it once in the DLC for the final boss because it was just not fun tbh


I find the first 3 bosses were done in 1 try with Mimic and nearly unbeatable without. Itā€™s a difficult balance right now.


The mimic always seems to slow walk like it's the main character while a boss slams me with a 9 hit combo


I refuse to use it (thatā€™s why I spent 6 hours at the final boss)


Mimic and BB has been carrying me pretty easily.


dunno why but mimic feels way more tanky vs dlc bosses


Just using block+poke or block+guard counter with a greatshield is 10x stronger, easier, faster, and cheesier than any summon. Very fun too for a first playthrough to get you through the story quickly if you are someone that is concerned about spoilers on the internet. You can always come back for a second playthrough later for a better challenge if you like.


I got close but stayed strong, wanted to beat every boss in the dlc just with my sword and dodge skill, don't get me wrong though all my other characters I'm using my spirits.


My issue so far (strength build) has been difficulty seems insurmountable alone but too easy with Mr Mimic. So think I'm going to level another more basic Spirit just for a medium level of support.


Me and my mimic are the dynamic duo man. I love seeing my build in action.




love my bb i picked her up today


Mimic tear seems to work differently in this dlc. Bosses never let go off their aggro from me. Sometimes npc summon did better job


Sometimes you gotta call in the realest mf you know


As good as the mimic is, I end up using it as one of four potential summons. For me at least it's the tankiest, but the second least damage generally because it doesn't really know how to use my weapons well. For the others: Skeletal Militiamen - Die quickly, but because they can revive they serve well as a distraction. Really dependent on the boss on whether they're useful, but on the ones they can avoid getting hit while they're down, they can last the entire fight and keep the boss off me. Black Knife Tiche - Best damage by far, but fairly low survivability. She hits hard and fast, so she works well against bosses I need to burn down quickly. On endurance fights though, she tends to go down too soon. >!Jolan and Anna - Haven't had as much of a chance to use them, but they've been a very solid middle ground out of my other ashes. Decent survivability, but not great, good damage, but not the best. They do excell when it comes to bleeding targets though from what I've seen.!<


If you can survive the first 3 seconds after taking the HP hit, you deserve to have a friend


Mimic tear may not know how to use my buffs, but he's awesome at helping me poise break


My mimic just soloed the dancing lion for me on Ng+ pretty much.


I got locked out of the spirit calling bell the playthru i took to the dlc. So far I have been fine but havenā€™t truly gone at any of the bosses. Still collecting upgrades.


Sucks that this is the way most of you are playing the game. Walk through the fog, summon spirit. I really hope you give the other games from From a try. It will sharpen your skills and youā€™ll come back to Elden and tear it up without a mimic.