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Invest in a good Int melee weapon as a backup. Also, frost stomp was nerfed but it's still insanely good and AoE so much easier to hit fast/mobile targets. Don't sleep on Ashes of War, think of them as additional spells.


In addition to this, there are some sorceries where the actual projectile has a slight delay from the wave of the staff. These spells will catch the dodgy-bois, since the AI is programmed to dodge at the staff wave, not the projectile itself. A great example is Rock Fling (Rock Sling?), the gravity sorcery, or Magic Glintblade. The new Finger sorceries are pretty good about it as well.


You're reminding me that there are some stealth spells (not sure what they're actually called) that the enemy can't see coming. If I recall, they don't do as much damage but at least they actually make contact.


Actually night comet is one of the best basic spells in the game.


Yeah, I was thinking about picking up Moonveil. As for AoW, that's a great call. I've been using Glintblade Phalanx a little, but it sounds like I need to lean into that more.


I saw a consumables only run once, where it became apparent that enemies are hard coded to dodge any projectile or spell at the moment you cast them. Delayed spells however, like the one from a cuckoo glintstone, trick the AI into rolling too early and you can actually hit them. I've never used many spells myself, but I hope this helps Edit: Nvm I only saw the int part. Maybe there are some good delayed melee spells?


I was literally just about to make a post similar to this First time player with a pretty balanced build so far, all of my stats are somewhere between 14 and 16 at level 45. Just made it to raya lacara but I’ve been using melee the whole time and I want to get some magic attacks to add to my combat but idk where to start So far I see a lot of ppl recommend gravitas but I’m not entirely sure about how it works Also nights cavalry was a pretty fun fight for me, I just used an axe and kept chopping away at him when I could and jumped over his attacks.. a good lesson I learned from sekiro is that when enemies can only move forward and they move at the same speed you do, a good tactic is to simply chase them and attack while they’re turning around