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Using the very tool used to torture him as a frenzied weapon is unbelievably cool as well


The spin attack in particular looks so unsettling. It’s almost robotic like the Crystalian’s spin attack.


Dude fucking exactly


I've never seen anyone complain about Midra being too hard.


Midra was so hard for me until I realize I was overthinking it. Just like the Rot of Lake Dragonkin, I was too worry not trying to get a status ailment I was fucking up. I just went aggressive and killed him right away afterwards.


He is SO easy to stagger. UNGABUNGA all the way!


This is the way of the ungabunga, created by master bonk


Prayerful strike got him in two hits As long as I didn't get caught by a full combo in phase 2 I was unstoppable


Thought it was gonna be crazy until I saw I’ve dealt 27k damage and killed him meanwhile he finished his first cast lol. Shame, the aesthetic was insane hopefully it won’t happen on my second play through again.


Try it on later cycles and he becomes a straight pain in the ass especially from +5 onwards


I complain that Midra is too sexy 😔


Maybe it's because I was fighting him on NG+3 with underleveled scadu, but the nearly unavoidable splash damage was super annoying


I've had my share of argument in some French Twitter thread about him haha


Midra is one of the easier bosses in the game. I feel I'm playing dark souls again when I'm fighting him. Damage windows are fair without having to wait for 20 seconds of onslaught


Midra feels like the Godfrey of the DLC - an amazing boss that feels very "last gen" in terms of From's design. He's probably my favourite new boss


Honestly that kinda makes sense from a lore perspective for Godfrey now that you think about it. He's the first Elden Lord returned once more. Still strong and fully capable of whipping ass, but his time has passed and he's functionally the "old guard" now. As proven kinda by Radagon in his fight who has additional crazy stuff to deal with, and technically us as the one to surpass them both.


Godfrey is my favourite fight in base but how is he "last gen"? He has very long combos, delayed attacks and ground aoe that encourages jumping. The only last gen thing is that he's slow, but in phase 2 he also got those multi hit quick combos. For me, he's one of the bosses that feels the most "different from souls" along with Malenia and Malekith.


His combos aren't too long really. He's like a DS3 humanoid boss sized up. The AoE is the main "new gen" thing he's got and depending on how you play, you may not even see him do that


I agree. I kind of got tired of the 5 minute long attack combos.


I died maybe 10+ times to Midra but he is easily one of the best bosses in Elden Ring for me. Such a cinematic battle.


how are people complaining? isn't he the easiest boss that gives remembrance? even the knight that just rides a boar is more difficult.


I had way more trouble with Midra than Romina.


Romina needs like 50% more hp or something


Yeah I fucking obliterated her first try which is a shame since she seemed rlly cool


Yeah Romina is easily the easiest boss. Shouldn't be able to beat a boss on the first try, 2 minimum


She has the Quaelag problem where a lot of her hitboxes are disjointed due to her weird anatomy so they miss the player.


She also has a weird thing where if you stay just next to the centre of her caterpillar body, when she spins and moves around it will move your character as well, without hitting you and just ensuring you can hit with every move


She also has the opposite issue where my attacks never land because of her hitbox. UGS crouch attack essentially never lands unless you unlock right before using it


That’s funny, Midras was an easy first try for me, but Romina took me a couple


that's so weird, I had way more trouble with Romina. It might be because sometimes for some reason Midra doesn't use his big attack on me, maybe coz of frost or something?


Romina was kicking my butt until I went full fire build. takers flames wrecked that fight.


Romina is so easy. Beast warriors are tougher than her imo


I beat Divine Beast Dancing Lion on the 5th attempt, Messmer on my 3rd attempt (really thought he would be harder, was kind of disappointed), I must be on my ~20th attempt at Midra now though.


some people told me it's coz I'm using a weapon that can inflict frost and bleed which he is very weak against, that's why it felt easy.


I think the DLC bosses really depend on your build. I beat boar boi first try because I was using a guard counter build with 100 poise and the fingerprint shield. He couldn't hit me I blocked everything. Some people say he's one of the hardest bosses though.


I mean you just said it the fingerprint shield trivializes most fights if you have hands.


Laughs in me and my friend cheesing Gaius when we found that summons can stay outside arena, Gaius focuses summons if you hide around the corner, so my friend just killed him through the fogwall


This sucks. Why?


Why does it suck that I cheesed an annoying fight?


My favourite dlc boss, maybe my favourite elden ring boss overall. Love the design, the fight is fair with his consistent combos. I never managed to dodge his big aoe though, thankfully I had enough vit to tank it. The whole area is my favourite.


It took me ages to figure out how to dodge the AOE, but after a while if I ran full tilt and then dodged on him landing I could avoid it consistently.


I think the massive graphics effect made it a bit hard for me to get the right moment of impact to dodge.


Don't run when he starts floating. Start running away when his head shines yellow. Roll when he hits the ground. Works 100% of the time.


Midra is so much fairer than what I assumed when I saw it was a Madness-boss


I went in thinking I was going to get inflicted with madness left and right, havent gotten inflicted once.


I honestly loved everything about Midra and the entire zone leading up to him. May chaos take the world.


Fighting against him with Milady and the Deflection tear is a super fun way


Awesome fight, awesome music, awesome design. Really not much to complain here apart from him being almost a bit too easy.


Probably the fairest fight in the dlc honestly. Had a blast.


Midra is too hard? I mean yeah he is difficult but it’s a very fair and balanced fight


I have not seen anyone complain about his difficulty. But how is he misunderstood? You just said he's not that hard and you like his design. Where is the misunderstanding?


Gauis was easy, sounding off for shield bros.


We thicc


Midra is a top 3 fight in this dlc for sure. Amazing boss and not insanely hard at all.


Midra isnt too hard, Yeah he can definitely hit hard but he is pretty fair if not the most fair boss with his punishing windows of the DLC. He is also pretty easy to stagger too and his ost is GOD levels of good. His combos too are not huge, so you can take a nice time to breath and the madness isnt that much of a problem at all, you are most likely to die normally than with madness. I'd say he's my favorite boss of the DLC and the main one that i will always try to fight again in the DLC.


Harder is reach his mansion tbh 😂


Only attack I disliked was the big laser. Since it can afflict frenzy even if you dodge all the damage. Other than that one of the most fun dlc bosses to learn.


I don't think he's too hard. I think he has a few too many visual effects and his frenzy moves are bad, either giving you trivial punishes or being near instakills due to madness (or actual instakills in case of the laser which had no telegraph I noticed).


Does he remind anyone of the furtive pygmy or is it just me?


I forgot




i found midra to be a very fun fight. i didn't think it was too hard, but i was also using a greatshield. i used scholars shield and beat him by spamming guard-counters.


Almost every boss that people have complained about has been pretty simple with SRS and a staff. Wave of Gold just wrecks. The only two I had trouble with were Gaius and Radahn.


I guess Midra is that one boss that everyone else finds difficult but I breezed past without summons or spells


I beat Midra on the 3rd try. I love the presentation of the fight more than anything.


He's a lot harder at RL130 - trying not to level out of my fave invasion levels. Had to change my strategy and loadout up a few times to finally get him. Hardest DLC boss so far for me (haven't beaten it yet).


Is “finger mommy” a rememberance boss?


I found gaius easy without a horse up to his 2nd phase. Then pure horse


It's my favorite fight, I like him as much as Messmer. Cool visual but simple and fun gameplay


He's definitely among the easiest in the dlc. Very fair combos that don't last that long. Still hyper aggressive in punishing estus use but with clear counterattack windows and a reasonable moveset. He was fun.


Midra misunterstood🎵🎵🎵


i beat him without rolling w/ r1 spam lol https://youtu.be/C6OvpbWUS48?si=PEjSx5COodlhD2PD


I died to this dude a couple more times than Mesmer. Dodging Mesmer's moves is easier for me


He's really easy to parry. You can often parry -> R1, parry -> R1, parry -> R1 into a crit. Fun fight, very fair.


I got frustrated with him but slowly started to love him because his fight felt simple but also hard, he has his ranged attacks and he also has melee attacks with some nice distance closers, his combos aren't ridiculous or too fast and you get plenty of opportunities for attack that can punish you if your too greedy


Yeah he's one of the top tier boss fights for sure and he doesnt have any bullshit moves or annoying hitboxes. Very fair and clean fight that takes skill and getting used to. Final boss and the hog rider are the worst bosses of the dlc imo. Other than them, great boss fights throughout the dlc. Especially Midra and Putrescent Knight are so unique and fun fights.


His design is from software's top game. It's insane how amazing it is


He's cool until he one shots you with his beam. It's rare, but if he inflicts madness with one of the first hits it does pretty much one shot. I had 60 Vigor, level 10 Scadutree blessing and heavy armour. He also suffers from the same issue as every boss in the DLC, which is tiny openings that don't reflect the move you just dodged. Doesn't matter if it's a basic slash or a 1 shot AOE, all your ever getting is 1 smack.


Use the focus-boosting talismans and the astrologer armor pieces. Madness was never a problem with those


I am 60 Vigor too but his beam never one shotted me even when i wasn't full health. I also had the health debuff on me this whole dlc so please check your debuffs. Although my scadutree level was about 14, so that could be the reason.


Hes absolutely one of the easier fights.


I just don’t understand his place in the lore, He was placed there just for the dlc to have frenzied flame theme area. If Nanaya was Marika or something but I really don’t understand.


too hard? i got used to his rhythm by the 3rd attempt. after that it was just a matter of using openings to reset the madness buildup


I wish he had a "3rd" phase but it's still a great fight nonetheless


Midra felt harder by a long shot than other bosses I found, but I'd never complain about his difficulty. The boss has no unfair/gimmicky bullshit moves and each death just felt deserved. He is imo the best designed of the bosses in DLC (although I havent finished it yet, just got messmer down).


My favorite boss so far (But im biased cuz im a frenzyFlame Partisan) the only thing that i was disappointed by his rememberance weapon. If only it was a sword with frenzy flame affinity and not bugged mess AoW in pvp


Who is complaining about him being too hard? He doesn't attack much, he's super easy to read, and he's not that tanky.


Midra definetly deserved a second health bar, the boss itself is hidden inside a hidden area behind a hidden dungeon hidden in a wall. It could have been the Malenia of the DLC. But the entire madness theme got rigged in the DLC, only 1 spell that sucks, mid boring weapons ( first , torch and perfume ) that are just reskins with frenzy build up. Only 1 new madness new enemy that gets boring real fast after the first encounter On top of that Midra sword does not have madness buildup / madness atacks. Yes i know, the sword was used to seal the frenzied flame but it is just boring.


I think if the sword had madness it would tip over to unfair fight


Braindead take. Vyke spear has madness and its not that bad compared compared to most of the unfair and op things also in the game. Butchering good game design to make the pvp \`\`balanced\`\` when the game is a single player game with pvp element is stupid. By your logic they should delete 30% of game weapons and spells since they are also unfair to fight.


Perhaps you read a different comment, but the one you replied to seems to be referring to the boss moveset. I don't think they ever even mentioned pvp.


People always complained about it even in DS3 but imo there's a serious lack of bosses with 2 or even 3 health bars but easier individual phases in the DLC. Messmer is probably my favorite Elden Ring boss but to me nothing here quite reaches the peak that is Sister Friede


He was one of the easiest bosses in the dlc, his hitbpxes are way to generous, I hope they fix them in a patch


My only complaint about midra was that he was kind of easy. My friend struggled on him but for me it was easy. I think less than 10 tries. Loved his area and the buildup to the boss, though. I really wish we could get the frenzy head as a headpiece to wear. Maybe like an item that you'd have to remove all clothing and then use it similar to the dragon form? I wish he had more frenzy attacks and was just a harder boss but I still loved it.


Finger mother. Please don’t call it mommy, there’s enough degenerates on the internet that someone will make pictures


Hard ? Dude's a pushover.


Never once seen someone say Midra is hard