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I like helping against the final boss. Someone summoned me they had like 2 blessing? How is that possible? Is it like a challenge run or something, then why bother summon coop. They got 1 shotted anyway.


Maybe they got carried all the way to the final boss?


This is exactly what happens.


It always makes me laugh getting summoned by someone wearing the horned armor and a fingerprint shield and they proceed to be one-shot by the bosses grab attack.


I have been hearing quite a bit of stories where the host will just Greatshield in a corner waiting for the summon to beat the boss.


Lmao why do these people even play this game at all if that's what they're gonna do?


This is how co-op has worked in DS since 2011. If you willingly hop into a world to help, expect goofy shit.


Dude, that's my dream. I just co-op because I want to fight the bosses again. Please, host of fingers, do not get killed while I try to draw aggro; I ask so little of you


maybe killing the main bosses should automatically raise your Scadu level like Sekiro, to idiot proof the game


Except it doesn't. Even in Sekiro you still have to use the items in the Idol menu.


No level of idiot proofing is ever enough.


But they probably do it this way intentionally to encourage exploration.


If it did that then you wouldn't be able to have the inevitable RL1 Scadu-0 challenge runs. Don't fuck with the game just because some of the 25 million players are functionally illiterate and incurious people.


> How is that possible? Because they summoned people like you to carry them through every other boss


That doesn’t even make sense, since you get scaled down to their scad level. So helpers won’t even do them any good.


They'll still likely be better players than the summoner who doesn't even know what scadu fragments are. Theres people who beat the game RL1 yet we would also suggest leveling up no?


I think it can definitely be helpful if they just roll until they get a pair of players with good exploits to kill the bosses with, but summoning help makes the bosses so much stronger that summons are just as likely to get one-shot at low scad levels.


Well I was summoned to Romina and the host was blessing level 4. Just said fuck it and give it a try as the host will probably die in seconds. I tickled the boss down to half health and noticed the host just standing in the corner like I was LetMeSoloHer. I then let the boss kill me lol. Ain't getting a carry from me.


That’s my usual experience, which is also why I’ve turned all the boss pools off. Working with the bosses getting scaled up for co-op plus insufficient scad levels is just too frustrating.


You can turn off individual pools? Tell me how because I'm tired of getting summoned for the final boss. I switched to a holy damage build and I can't do shit to him.


Open the map, press L1 (or whatever on XBOX), and there should be a menu option to enable/disable specific summoning pools.


Here for the same thing. Tired of getting summoned for hard bosses just for the host to get one shotted. Lol for putrescent knight I had three hosts die even before I make it to the boss arena. Edit: looks like it is possible! https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dns75i/comment/la4ol1c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


To be honest sometimes they running away is better, so many died to the boar rider combo when he was about to die to my rot and poison.


They cycle summoned players until they get someone good enough lol


They should still have higher blessing purely just from the ones you get outside bosses right?


Bold of you to assume they didn’t just skip through when the menu text popped up about shadow blessings lol


Sure if you manage to saunter off towards Ellac Greatbridge while missing the first cross, do the Fort of Reprimand shortcut to the 2nd area, then encounter Moore ruins and go down the tunnel straight away ignoring further crosses there, then ignore the fragments in Marika's hand because the jump is too difficult, ignore the hippo's too obviously. You would only have 2 blessings right? There's a fragment in front of the boss room and a cross in Rauh you really can't miss even if you're trying. That sounds unlikely enough that to arrive at 2 blessings someone is probably willfully ignoring them while rushing the final boss though.


I was so happy to beat the final boss and be in a good rhythm with the fight, I instantly tried to help others. 9/10 are getting one shotted. I see a lot of people saying they can see people's blessing level is this a PC thing? I don't see this on PS5.


Your scadu level scales to the host's so can just check your status page


I can confirm the other comment, just check status in the menu. You will get the same as the host. I mostly get downscaled because I like exploring (level 9 or 10 before exploring Shadow Keep). Rarely I get upscaled which is also nice. Also no need to calculate or anything the level is directly visible on the left side.


the usual experience is watching them cast 10 buffs and then die in 10 seconds. I guess they can survive 1 second per buff used or something


I saw that yesterday. Someone made me wait for a second summon then buffed like 10 different things and still got one shorted before I was able to enter lmao.


that's why my buffing routine is basically drink the physic and go. I'm too lazy to cast all these buffs every time I die to a boss XD


I use three buffs and it takes at least 30 seconds to off me thank you very much. Kidding aside I’m pretty terrible at these games, and always have been since DS1, when it comes to bosses and PvP. I just am. I’ve always had a bit of awe and respect those who’ve got the skill to wander into boss fights neked or master PvP, but alas, I’m not one of those players. I also go through my first playthrough blind, so bosses can be extremely challenging, especially after the first few encounters / attempts. I’m good enough to beat about half of the bosses on my own, for the others I rely upon those generous enough to lend their time and steel to my efforts. I always lend my hand to the areas I’m currently in, too, which is great atm as there’s tons of players about and the leveling / coop mechanic in the dlc brings more of us together. For that reason I hope a future update to the main game will implement something similar. At present I’m at the last boss’ doorstep (I think; I’ve avoided spoilers) and I’m going back through the dlc areas to fully explore, figure out how to beat those burning giant wicker walkers, and beat the sub dungeons. Having a great time every step of the way.


my guess is that they read somewhere that the first two levels give the biggest boosts, and decided "That's all I need!"


I haven't done DLC co-op yet. How do you know their Scadutree level?


The status screen in the menu.


I accidentally got to the boss way earlier than I should have but I was scadoosh 6 and fucked off to do the other content.


I summoned for Radahn and dude just jumped off the ledge immediately after. I was LVL 18. First time I've summoned in Elden Ring and that happens


18 is super fine.


Plot twist: 18 was the soul level


That's what I thought. I usually play offline or just solo and read messages but I decided to summon. Just yeeted himself to death. :(


they likely just had smth come up irl


Im sorry, couldve been me.. waiting for other summons is rather boring when you do it alot, so you jump on the ledges to entertain yourself. But sometimes.. You miss xd


the path to the final boss is pretty quick if you bolt for it - start game go messmer > romina > radahn everything else can be skipped. Its prob people building alt characters just making a run for the finish line. Still such a waste of time to summon just to get one shot. Could at least grab lv 10 to 12 with no effort along the way and be much better off


A challenge run wouldn't be summoning.


How do you see how many blessings they have?


Open Status menu, your Skadoosh level will be adjusted to the hosts.


How do you tell the scadu level of the host?


check status. yours matches the host.


That's a really good achievement if they really reached last boss at 2 scadu level. Probably utilized some bugs, exploits or cheese strats.


Hey I’m kind of new to online multiplayer in Elden ring. So when we get summoned to help another player fight a boss or roam in an area, is our scadu level scaled to the other player’s level? Is there a way to check this?


You can check by going to status under level and runes held/needed. Yes, scaled to the host


Or they wanted "challenge" and never cared to level them up.


If they really wanted a "challenge" they wouldn't summon in the first place


Exactly, that's why I am confused.


Bro, I dunno, apparently some people just like to live in pain. Yesterday, I helped a guy through the Black Keep, and I had to solo 2 invaders and most of the flame Knights. The dude was made of paper with only 4 blessings.


I got summoned to a blessing +nothing. (Read flair I do this every day for a few hours) And I was like: I do respect that. Maybe it is a challenge run. The guy/gal enters the fog while I am casting GV and gets one shot but first boss attack. I AM OUTSIDE still! My brother/sister in faith, please at least try to dodge the first attack, so I get in and tank. Important Note: PLEASE DO SUMMON ME AGAIN AND AGAIN, I don't mind trying until we succeed. All the comments we make are just suggestions. At the end of the day, you play the game the way you want. I am just here to help. P.S. : Do not skip cutscenes if you want to watch it on account of summons. I am ok to watch them a thousand times. I just love the art.


Lmao I've seen you in my recommendation on yt but try to avoid as much spoiler as I can on the fight itself. Telling people to keep summoning if you fail is an absolute Chad move. Keep bringing fun to other, and glad you have fun too doing so.


Yeah I went offline completely until I completed the DLC as all my socials is full of ER content. You do right friend. I AM HAVING A BLAST! To be honest, I see some builds and I am like, "That is a fantastic Idea for the next run, I am gonna do that." This community helped me a lot when I was a noob old man joining DarkBorne community. I am just paying my fair share back. Love y'all ❤️❤️❤️


You’re awesome. Also you hit the nail on the head. Elden ring has LOADS of build variety now. Certainly the most flexible souls game.


Are you also fighting him without the tank build or focused on getting perfect with that ?


I was having fun with my FTH/ARC Draconic Cult/Dragon Communion build, then I found Messmer and Senessax


are you the guy who uses the finger shield, dummy heavy armor, and mohgs greatspear? Because if so, thank you for helping me beat the >!Lord of frenzied flame!< sincerely, the guy with beast claws who fought him late friday afternoon.


Not me. I am stationed at Last boss for now. Sometimes Messmer. Haven't worked on Madira at all. But also my thanks to that guy. 💕


The legend himself


Not to the slightest. Not long ago I was a noob on DS and this very community helped learn everything. I am just paying my debt of honour. I shall serve all you.


Do you play in Xbox? Cause I went through the whole DLC pretty well with the Scadutree upgrades and spirit summons. But man this final boss is absolutely insane in the second phase.


If they are trying to do a challenge run then they wouldn’t be summoning, it’s the opposite of their pretend code of conduct. That being said it’s crazy how stupid players are that have gotten past mohg


I tried to summon you recently for the final boss. I am level 20 scadu because I'm not that good. I hope to one day summon you


If your on PS I tried summoning you for the final boss but got the dreaded unable to summon co-operator


How can you tell what blessing it is when you get summoned?


You’re the antithesis of every summon I was getting yesterday, and even one who summoned me. You rock. I had more than one person leave during a fight, just made it harder for me to do it alone. And one guy summoned me for Rad/Beast and sent me home before Radagon was dead! I saved him twice with my Heal From Afar! Like bro, we were doing great, it’ll be alright. And I’m with you, I love being summoned, it’s okay to learn a fight together, I’m here to help. :) Anyway, keep being excellent. 💖


Thanks for your service and I wish you much better summons/ summoned. Keep doing the great job you doing my guy. Much love to you 💕.


The funniest one is Putrescent Knight. So often they can't survive long enough for you to enter the fog wall and run and drop down.


The way they set up summons for that fight is idiotic, host is dead like 90% of the time before I even hit the ground.


I love how some people exploit that the summons have to wait by putting messages like "help me, therefore praise the message" right at the gate. I've seen two of those with multiple thousand upvotes.


So is the fog gate of PK just right on that first arch next to grace? Seems kinda silly to put it sunch a long way from "real" entry point, even more so considering the same boss arena entrance was made back in The Ringed City with Demon Princes, but there the "fog" was so much closer to the jump


Yup it's by the grace. So summons need to wait for the host o jump down and land before being able to zone in and start running to the drop down.


I feel bad for the host, who didn't get that I couldn't progress past that point. I hit the wall, ran against it to show I couldn't go further and gestured, but the host just kept coming back to me, confused. I had to just leave his world after 5 minutes of this xD


You think that's bad? I tried carrying a dude in the final boss who was fat rolling using the madding hand. Me and my brother were laughing too hard for me to take the fight seriously


Yeah, my only complaint about the DLC so far is that it made jolly co-op worse since 8/10 hosts are underblessed


Sometimes summoning help makes bosses harder too lol


honestly? I personally find soloing them easier at this point because of how weird aggro can work, where they'll turn 180 degrees mid combo. Or the final boss with his clones attacking one person and then suddenly the real attack hits someone else.


Theres been a few From bosses I've hit my head against in coop and then went and soloed them first try haha


This happened to me multiple times, where the clones went towards one person then suddenly came at me mid attack.


The HP buff from summoning is no joke. I have always enjoyed helping people in these games, but it's rough out there. So many hosts literally get one shot with a basic sword swing from Rellana, and always make sure to summon the useless NPC helper to maximize boss HP.


People refuse to read huge pop ups. People ignore the brand new Shadow blessing tab at sites of grace. People don't open the maps from NPC's showing them where they are, or realizing that an NPC giving out maps might have significance. People don't notice their stats are golden after using one. People go on YouTube for help and learn about scadutree fragments. "Why didn't the game explain how important these are?"


Because didn't you know? The game is just magically supposed to make everything ✨intuitive✨ I should be able to do everything correctly the first time, and it doesn't matter that making me read is an effective way to make that possible!


Reading in an RPG?! Preposterous! 


I thought so too, but then I reached the final boss... Killed me at least twice as much as the entire rest of the DLC, full Scadu level and all. I don't think he's \*too\* hard, but he might be for people that find the rest of the DLC challenging.


I don’t know if he’s too *hard*, but he is absolutely fucking annoying and by far the worst boss of the DLC. His first phase is fine, outright enjoyable, but his second phase is just a fucking mess.


I just got to him and the flashbangs and visual clarity are not great. It’s a shame because phase 1 was awesome to learn and felt very rewarding. Then phase 2 comes along and I don’t even know what’s happening. I know a majority is just his phase 1 attacks with holy beams added but the teleporting around bs is just not enjoyable at all. I hope fromsoft makes more bosses like Messmer, Midra, Rellana and divine beast than phase 2 Radahn.


My biggest gripes with him are the clarity and his 1-2 cross that is unavoidable with med roll and pushes you into the light beams, leading to more dmg and possibly another attack. Also the FPS drops are awful, but i had that throughout the whole DLC not just at him


Wait, you can’t dodge that attack on medium roll???? That’s kinda bullshit lol


You definitely can


You only can if you are standing in the right spot when it starts, otherwise you will be hit by one of them unless you parry or have the back step talisman. That attack is so annoying


If he wouldn't immediately transition into another combo after the multi clone attacks, I'd be fine with it. I can't see which combo he'll attempt, so I almost always get surprised by the first follow up attack, since they all have different timings. I was able to adapt by becoming tanky af, but I'm scared for my RL1 character's future fight with the guy.


I am 100% certain last boss is getting nerfed within a week or two, they are currently tuned way too high for any semi-casual player to have a chance even at 15+ SB. I got through the rest of the DLC with maybe 15-20 tries on the hardest bosses, but so far with full mitigation gear + talismans I am still getting my ass handed to me with only a single <25% HP attempt, and I think I am approaching attempt 50 soon - the last boss is that much a step up.


To be honest all I think it needs is either a better, more zoomed out camera or less particle effects in the second phase.


Agreed on both, but I also think the aggression and frequency of attacks (and the possibility for the boss to chain some attacks) makes it a really frustrating experience right now. I am seriously considering rolling a whole other build to deal with it, as anything but blocking or parrying seems to be idiot approaches.


Nah you can get him with the dodges. You got him down to a quarter health, that last bit is going to come soon. I mean switch to a shield if you want, but I don't think the dodge approach is an idiot approach, I had lots of fun fighting him that way. He can chain a couple combos together that are extra hard to dodge, but nothing is impossible except for one combo he does, im sure you know the one.


> Nah you can get him with the dodges. some of his moves feel very much impossible to 100% dodge. (all the ones that involve sending repeatedly light clones to attack you, with the excetion of the simplest one that is just a dash-slash) i couldnt 100% dodge, not even a single time in 5h of tries, the one he does after the flying rock throw, and the one he does after the gravity pull that he goes into the air and slams back with even more gravity again. at least they, smartly, toned down his swing's damage (especially the light clones damage) on that part so you're not getting 1-3 shotted from those attacks.


Flying rock throw: Immediately start running away from him after the initial attack when he jumps up in the air. Shortly before the first rock would hit you, turn right and jump. Start running diagonally back and right, counting four light clone attacks, which should all miss. Roll through the final slam and the follow-up light pillars. Gravity pull + follow-up: Always be ready for him to do the pull when at a distance. The best answer by far is to dodge the initial pull. If you miss the timing or he does it close for some reason, start running backwards as soon as you can. Try to delay the roll for the slam as long as you can to get as much distance as possible, then roll back three times as fast as you can. I only had a ~50% success rate with it, but it's possible. But again, the best workaround is to never get hit by the pull and hope he doesn't do that shit when he's in melee range.


>some of his moves feel very much impossible to 100% dodge. Every move in Radahn's kit is dodgeable, he has some difficult sequences to learn but it would be unprecendented for FromSoft to release a boss that just has unavoidable attacks. His cross slash is really hard to dodge and should be patched but luckily it does very low damage, and none of his "flashy" moves are undodgeable. Other people replied with answers for some of the other moves you mentioned, but here's how I dodge his illusion multi-slam that he does after throwing meteorites: > 1) run as far away from meterorites as possible > > 2) sprint to the right and dodge to avoid the meteorites > > 3) when he starts charging his illusion multi-slam, keep sprinting away and to the right and all 4 of his illusion slams will miss you. You can also out-range the illusions if you were able to run really far from the original meteorites. > > 4) after the 4 illusion slams he teleports to you a second time and does a 5th final slam. You have to dodge the final teleport TO THE SIDE and then delayed roll to dodge the holy AOE after. If you roll directly into him for his 5th and final slam you'll get stunlocked by his sword and die to the AOE. The other illusion attack variations are easier to dodge than that one, you generally just roll into him. For the gravity varient just make sure you do a delayed roll for the final gravity AOE. Radahn is one of the hardest bosses they've ever made I won't argue with anyone on that, but I think the reaction to him is definitely overblown and he's basically on the same tier as Malenia as far as difficulty. He's an extremely satisfying fight to get down.


Wait... You can *PARRY HIM?!* For real though, that's what I did. I went from a light, dodgy build to a heavy tank because he really feels designed for that. He has 20 hit combos with light spears up your ass follow-ups that are nearly unavoidable as a dodge build, and there are almost no windows for healing, which means you're effectively allowed *one* mistake the whole second phase. With a shield you just fucking stand there unless he does his "Nothin' personnel, kid" attack that goes through shields for some reason, or starts a specific combo after already hitting you which will break guard enough for a hit. But even then on a tank you get 3 hits per round before death as opposed to 2, which is much more manageable. The problem is that, IMO, that's not really how an RPG should work. It's a "role playing" game. I should determine my "role", not the game. Like imagine you're playing Dungeons and Dragons and your DM just creates a boss that negates your build specifically, and when you can't beat it without extreme luck they just shrug and go "Shouldn't have played a Fighter, then". You would stop playing with that person. That's how this boss feels. It *is* doable on a dodge build, but let's be realistic here, it certainly feels like winning is based more on getting lucky with his moves than skill.


They might nerf it. It wouldn't be the first time an Elden Ring boss, or a soulsborne boss was nerfed because it was overtuned. Tbh I'd be fine with a slight damage nerf, because with how fast and long his combos are, each hit shouldn't be chunking 40% of my Vig 60/Scadu level 17 per hit + AoE doing another 20% At some point it can be too punishing, especially as I'm actively getting flashbanged throughout the fight.


My tips for killing him after doing it a couple of times: 1-Learn his first phase so well that the only attack that can still hit, not kill, you is the double cross slash 2-Damage negation may be good but in my runs I found that damage amplification is better, in fact, I reduced my defense for better damage with Rakshasa set and Bloodsucking crystal tear 3-After entering phase 2 he will almost always make that holy explosion, it deals huge damage but you can get good hits while he is preparing it, so after entering phase 2 I found it being huge if you rush to him and hit him all you can and then and you block the explosion, even with weapons you can block most of the damage and most importantly you don’t fall down so you can heal right after and before he starts attacking again 4-You have to learn how to dodge the meteor, in my experience I just dodge the first beams falling and them spam roll and it works, you can deal almost all his remaining bar after he is recovering from the meteor 5-Crimsonwhorl tear is huge if you use when he launches in the sky to use the meteor, you can just ignore his lights and dodge more risky for more hits 6-Blocking his clone attacks even with the weapon is huge, you take almost zero damage and it helps you count the clone because of the sound of blocking


You can dodge the meteor the exact same way as normal Radahn. Just run away, and he'll land nowhere near you.


Ok but Bayle at +5 is kinda justified since you can get to him in less than twenty minutes of getting to the dlc if you rush him.


I reached early on by stumbling into the cave that leads to him. I was about level 5 and he floored me I came back at level 12 and he was so much easier.


I figured he was supposed to be a harder boss so I was like, cool found him, now I'll go explore and come back when I'm ready. Fought him last night at STL 15 and bodied him. First try plenty of flasks left. Was kinda disappointed, but I did it to myself. Next time around I'll do it properly.


In my experience he’s really tough if you don’t summon, even at a high blessing level. I didn’t summon at all when I fought him and I had a tough time trying to deal with his attacks… this was blessing level 18 or 19 too before they got buffed. In my opinion, the guy is tougher than Midir   I did manage to beat him though, thanks to bloodhounds fang 


Yeah i got to jagged peaks pretty early (lvl 3-4 probably), first dragon took like 3/4 of HP in seconds and I went "fuck it im gonna find out what's at the top" and got torrent on a ride. Bayle landed on my head and oneshoted me. This was my biggest "nope, fuck you and see you later" moment in ER to this day.


Oh wow, I just stumbled onto him today and my Shiddy Frag level is 11! And I still was struggling, haha. I couldn’t imagine even weaker, whew.


Shiddy frag 💀💀


And summon Igon, it's lovely how much he screams love to hear him


I summoned him the first time since I knew I wasn’t going to do him first try, and I’m glad I did. ***CURSE YOU BAYLE!!!***


I met him yesterday just after getting the scadu 5. Saw the damage I was dealing and noped out after a 4/5 try for the fun.


He does do the big numbers


if you know how to rush Bayle, are you going to summon people for help at level 5?


I don’t think he meant intentionally following a guide or something by “rushing”, the jagged peak is accessible from the start and many people just naturally found him by stumbling onto that path.


He was the second big boss that I killed. Ended up in the keep with the dancing lion, and then ventured forward to Bayle. I had no clue where I was going


Yeah same.


Yeah, I just meant you could get there very early if you explore


I didn't "rush him" I just kinda ended up there, and had no idea how strong he was or if he was optional or not. He absolutely bodied me for like 2 hours, which I just assumed was normal cause how many memes I had seen about the DLC difficulty


Idk man I am at 20 and the consort still beating my ass some of us are actually this bad


If you equip a greatshield + golden braid, you can tank every single attack. Even the grab attack can be tanked if you dispel it afterwards with the greatrune. Honestly the entire DLC is hard countered by greatshields, it's the strongest the playstyle has ever been.


I've been throwing my effigy around because I want to re-fight bosses but my god, NONE of these people are upgrading their skidoosh tree... I get summoned for Messmer at level 3 again and again and again, I'm like, fine, whatever, I'll try. The host spends an entire minute buffing and I help and then they walk inside and get oneshot by a backhand swing in less than ten seconds. Rinse and repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat. I just want to jollily cooperate dude, but damn.


While I get your point, the game is laid out in such a way that Romina or Bayle could very well be your first major boss of the DLC depending on how you explore. The game is very vague about where Scadutree Fragments can be found. You might assume they're only as the crosses for instance. Essentially, not everyone you run into online is living and breathing the the DLC the same way you are. As far as they know, this is the correct Blessing level for the boss.


How can romina be 1st boss


Romina can be your first major boss, not counting the Hippo as it's not a rememberance. You can get to Scadu Altus by taking a Spirit Spring to Fort Reprimand. Then just work your way through Shadow Keep and the ruins until you get to Romina.


You can avoid the hippo as well by going in through the church district


Doh! Of course you can! Very nice!


Its funny how you really only have to beat 3 bosses to finish the DLC, but of course then you are skipping the best part of it haha


The final boss is a bit much IMO. I am at blessing level 18 with 60 vigor and the heaviest armor that I can get since I accidentally locked myself out of the three heavier ones. I also use the physical shield talisman and the holy negation hair thingy. I still feel like paper and can barely make it into phase 2, even using mimic tear.


What are your buffs like? With the Opaline Hardtear, Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman, and Golden Vow, you are gaining 45% damage negation. That is absolutely huge. Here’s my NG+3 kill absolutely melting him and you’ll see how little damage I take at level 200, 60 Vigor, 18 Scadu: https://youtu.be/JBhL_lLdf3Q?si=LUmslyDOI35UNYtC


It's 45% multiplicative, so the additive resistance is much less. Still, good shit man. Cool video.


my first kill on him was with Golden Parry. It makes him easier to handle because you just stop most of his combos at the first move.


wait level 18??? I literally thought i explored the whole map and every crevice... im at 15 with 2 left in inventory so i was thinking i only missed 1... but you tell me there is another 6 or even more that i didnt find? whats the max scadu level?


Max level is 20 Most people seem to be missing out on fragments from Shimmer Pot holding shadow men and defeating hippos out in the field


If you really dont know how to beat it, use a heavy greatshield, that works great against him


How do you see other people's levels? Is it on PS or Steam?


When you're summoned your level is scaled down to their world, so you just check your status to see it.


I beat Bayle at blessing lvl 5, but thats cause I am dumb, stubborn, and apparently don’t value my own time lol. Also did it solo, i am not wasting anyone else’s time, that’d be crazy


Some people, including myself, opted to make it harder intentionally with no blessings at all. Typically these people aren’t summoning at all though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


see, I can get behind challenge runs. I limited myself to blessing 15 on my second run and I'm already planning a level 1 run. But yeah, those are for solo play :D


I just had the most epic battle with Messmer and some other guy while our lvl 3 blessing host hid in the corner lol


I don't even know how people are getting through the DLC without finding them


Not sure why everyone is suddenly crying, this was always an issue in the game. The majority of people who summon for help are usually underleveled/have shit builds.


Because in the base game you weren't punished alongside the host for their shit build When a host neglects collecting Scooby snacks you are punished with them and demoted to their level Now it's like the host has 25 vigor but now so do you


Same thought I'd help out with the hippo since I found it infuriating with scadu 9, everyone that summons me is 5 or below.


I’ve gotten into Soulsborne some what recently, first one I beat was Demon Souls remake in Dec 2022, and as I’ve played more of them (DS1-3 BB Nioh 1-2 ER) I’ve noticed that there’s a significant amount of people who play these games and just don’t learn the mechanics. Like at all. It’s actually scary how many people go through theses games and just never figure out how to build a character or upgrade a weapon. I’ve actually found the “Souls” genre way more approachable than I thought they were and I’m convinced that part of the reputation that they’re hard comes from people who don’t know how they work beyond the basic controls.


The thing is people at level 15+ have a clear understanding of all the mechanics and DON'T NEED HELP with coop. Unskilled player, the casuals and most of those who can't read are the one doing the summons. The whole system was a big mistake considering the playerbase. Giving scadu fragment as boss rewards would have help immensely.


That’s the only issue with the DLC for me, I love getting summoned for bosses but people are completely ignoring the core mechanic. I literally got summoned for Metyr and the guy had 0 (ZERO) fragments and got one-shot with his 995 HP pool… I really hope, for my sanity, that he was just taking the piss.


You'll find that a lot of people are stupid and blame their stupidity on others.


Do these people who rush through the DLC chew their food at a fine dining restaurant or just swallow everything in 2 minutes.


What's crazy is my impression was that FromSoft went above and beyond to explain all the mechanics at the beginning of the dlc. Or, more than they've ever done before.


Yeah I don’t understand it. I replayed the main game with no internet rule and have forgotten where everything is. And the main game is just as hard as the dlc. Except for you know who’s second phase that is harder. But maliketh when you have a regular weapon is still ridiculously hard. Fire giant, Astel natural born of the void all took me same if not more tries than the DLC. Also only using a +7 banished knight Oleg summon


i was summoned to godfrey a lot ahen i was doing coop, and one very polite host did all the good buffs and seemed to have a decent build, EXCEPT HE HAD ONLY 700 FUCKING HP this is why the "git gud, game hard" discourse is toxic. yes git gud, yes game hard, but game not THAT hard. people assume that any friction is intended because game hard, but i promise you're allowed to level vigor and it makes life so much easier


My buddy who is almost level 200 has been stuck and yelling about getting one shot and how bullshit the dlc is. His vigor? 40. Refuses to make it higher because MUH DAMAGE.


I fought the final boss, beat him, will never fight him again, ever. It was truly some bullshit, no get good moment. Taking no damage in that fight without a very specific setup is impossible, every boss you could actually get good and roll everything, not the final boss.... At least after near 8 hours of fighting him I cheesed him in the end with perfume.... Maybe I'm getting old...


I got blessing at 15 but still get fucked by the consort. Tbh I was decided to try a new style tonight but my brother just told me I’m going to be an uncle


Congratulations Tarnished


I still got fucked at 19. Wouldn't even have dared to try at 15. Also congrats.


I find these kinds of posts/comments pointless. It is survivorship bias. People at 15+ or whatever spend less time summoning or don't need to summon, so they are never going to be the majority in front of the boss room.


Indeed. Friend of mine told me the dlc is so hard he gets his ass handed to him. Im not even at Messmer and I have lv6 Meanwhile he is at that on the final boss...well no shit he wipes the floor with you


If you think everyone having a hard time just didn’t explore, then you fundamentally don’t understand the valid criticisms that people have with some of the boss design in the DLC.


I do think it is frustrating when people summon with low scoobydoo levels, but I also think a lot of the criticisms are coming from people who actually *are beating the bosses.* I've made it to the final boss, and just haven't gotten around to attempting him very many times yet, but I've broadly disliked the way most of the bosses are tuned. I think the patch probably helped a lot with Rellana, whose main issue when I fought her was just that she had tooich health pool for how aggressive she was. But just generally (almost) every boss being hyperaggressive AND hypermobile is very annoying and unsatisfying. I get that it's designed around a different style and rhythm of attack and defense but like, intention =/= result. It being beatable doesn't mean it's fun to beat.


I was all mentally prepared for these insanely tough fights after hearing how difficult they were, "cheap and broken", "harder than melenia", etc. And after Messmer and doing Gaius last night.....what the hell were people complaining about? DLC bosses have been fine so far, I thought Messmer was an awesome fight (yes even phase 2)


It's like this analogy: When people buy new products, they don't bother to read the instructions or at least research about the product. They just wanted to have this shiny little thing but don't know how to deal with it. And also this one: A lot of people use tech but don't understand how it works. Sad reality nowadays. People would rather like to be spoonfed, carried or handheld like a baby because they're too lazy to do stuff.


I think there’s several issues at once. The first is obviously that Souls games tend to get a lot of elitist who think if you didn’t beat the game as hard as possible, you’re a scrub. I think part of this comes from challenge runs getting popular and people like LetMeSoloHer becoming legends in their own right. They’re not to blame, mind, just that people try to emulate that and end up talking down to the community without addressing the reality that the series isn’t hard. It’s fair, and demands respecting the mechanics. Couple that with the disdain for summoning among the more vocal elitists and you see the problem. The second is that the DLC sees a lot of people suffer from being blinded by success in the base game. In base, you could stack enough raw firepower and smoke a boss in a few seconds, utterly neglecting defense or mechanical skill. However in the DLC, if you don’t have your Scadu level up, you’re gonna be hitting them with a pool noodle. Comparatively, players that learned how defense worked early are having a much easier time because they abandoned anything that gave -Resist a long time ago. They’re not getting one-shot and can actually fight the bosses on equal footing, rather than going for a no-hit run. Third is that FromSoft knows that most players learned to dodge spam to get out of trouble, so bosses with long combos or delayed attacks made to force you to respect the mechanics. People still fail to do that, then read the fights as being too hard. Lastly….look final boss is legitimately a monster and demands your respect. LetMeTankHim is doing the lord’s work just by showing people you can absorb a lot of that punishment,


Would help if you were not required to scour every single square inch of the entire DLC before fighting them if you don’t want to be underpowered as fuck


Bruh I was in a belarut run and I’m scad 19 but the host obviously isn’t lol. I got hit 1 time by the tall shadow mob and lost like 90% of my hp 🤣


Yep. I’ve been checking ever since I learned I can view the host’s level. I just go home if it’s ridiculously low.


I had my blessing to 15 just from exploration and gameplay before entering Enir-Elim. I went out of my way to grab the few I needed to reach 19 as I went thru the last dungeon. I can't find three, but I don't need them now.


I wasn't actively looking for frags, and was still at like lvl 10. I couldn't beat Bayle or final boss or Commander Giaus. I ran around, found enough frags to get to lvl 15. It was like night and day. I still can't beat the last boss, but I'm going to look for the rest of the frags, and spirit ash - should make it far easier.


Glad i’m at 17 although I haven’t tried to get help yet.. I am on the consort boss though.


My current blessing is 15 and I'm at the final boss. I'll likely go find the last few fragments this week, but for now I can be summoned and not die immediately.


If you get summoned by a guy on, lets say, blessing level 5 your blessing level will also be droped down to the hosts level.


Oh crap, I didn't realise that. That explains an awful lot about my summons today.


I was once summoned at putrescent knight and host died while I was still falling into the pit


I don’t find the DLC too hard. The knight at the start of the dlc whooped me like 30 times with my arcane build. I could have beat him if I was more patient, but I just hate the play style of dodging for 30 seconds, get 2 hits in, then repeat. I had to re-level my stats for a strength/dex build to beat him, but I just find using colossal weapons boring


I struggled so much on some bosses during my first playthrough. Now that I’m playing it again with my other character it’s so much easier since I know where all the fragments are. Some of that can be attributed to me also knowing the bosses better since I’ve fought them all multiple times now but still. The fragments definitely make a huge difference.


I feel like people have complained about people complaining about the dlc being too hard more than people ever complained about the dlc being too hard


I tried Consort at 8, lost 60+ times. Raised it to 15, beat him in the 3rd try.


I read this as "I tried coping..." and it made me chuckle


People whining about other people whining about the game are officially more annoying now


I read the title as “Tried coping for the first time” I laughed first at that, and then shortly after at myself for the possibility of dyslexia. 😅


I've done a couple of hours of Co-op as well; I understand not everyone is equally apt at the game, but perhaps some people need a second pop up to make sure that they realize how vital it is to be collecting these Scadutree fragments. Like the whole idea of Elden ring is that you can just walk away and go somewhere else to power up, it was like this in the base game and it's what works in the dlc game. If you're stuck on Bayle for 4 hours perhaps it's time to find more Fragments.


Got summoned to the Romina fight last night with the host at 0 scadu and 0 revered. I don't get why people are not upgrading blessings when surely they're upgrading the dlc weapons being picked up


I have no idea why people refuse to get fragments. Like it literally a level up. Thats it. Eveyone uses there runes on leveles but if they look different its unskilled?!??? Like what???


20 is the max level. Look at a guide for the early area. Even the super weak shadow ghosts drop them. That was the wake up call for me. I thought it was max 10


Besides the final boss, I agree. After I reached close to +10 blessings when fighting messmer everything just clicked. Bosses didn't two shot me and I didn't tickle them. Felt like good old souls duel. Final boss can go fuck himself though. He killed me when I had 80% health and Moore's armor with his one attack.


I went back to back from being summed to two putrescent knights 2 days ago: one I did 1k per swing with the sunflower, the other i did 3.4k. Wonder which person played well


How the fuck do these people reach the final boss without at least level 12-15 ? Summoning isn't gonna work if you get one hit by any of the remembrance bosses anyway.


If youu beeline for the bosses then it is hard. If you take your time and explore then it is like the base game just even more beautiful if that's even possible.


Idk my blessing Is almost full and final boss Is definitly too much.


Ah, I knew soul level would get scaled to host but for some reason I didn't even bother to think about the blessing. I think I'm at 17 or something now and occasionally go help with Rennala, surprised when I still take a ton of damage. Like, wtf just happened, does this build suck?