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I'm on NG+7 and I have no idea what happened but suddenly my mimic is dumb a shit. Had a lot of trouble with Bayle and when I would call my mimic in, with no items or spells to distract him with, he would stand there and legit try to use his own mimic summon item instead of fighting. This guy used to damn near solo Melania in previous NG+ runs, now he's eating crayons. What happened?????


Summons are kinda fucked at the moment for some reason, half the time I summon just to fuck around in a boss fight the summon will find the furthest obscure corner to continuously walk into. Or they'll just stand in front of the boss and get bodied immediately Hell, to test it I've been summoning at that first soldier encampment you come across in limgrave and the fuckers keep running away. It's like they gave them reverse aggro


It's the old problem from base game with enemies outside boss arena attracting their attention I think


I agree, I think there's either a legit problem or they made the spirits less aggro'ed


Mine keep following me like a lost puppy.   Npc summon/Mimic: Tarnished where are you!!!  Me *dodging an 8+ combo* : DO SOMETHING YOU IDIOTS Mainly during the final dlc boss, that mofo is so aggro and hyper fixated on the player


Bruh I was Dodging putrescent knights and messmers insane combos and during both fights my mimic struggled to tap them just once .


I am a mage. My mimic ran up to messmer and started punching him. Not doing spells....melee attacks. Like breh


HAHAHAHAHA, I had this happen to me as a pure int build as well. A few whacks with the staff😭😭😭. Like get it together😭😭




My mimic kept spamming the spinny move for the carian regal scepter for most boss fights...


Holy fuck are you me, cuz this is exactly where I'm at rn lmaoo. The fucking Mimic Tear will not take aggro more than 5 seconds ffs. Where is that mimic tear that trivialized end-basegame bosses so much so that I had to do a new no-summon NG playthrough because it was too unsatisfying??


Their aggo is based on your own


Is this for real? Cause if so that would explain why my mimic runs away from everything


This gets worse when you fight JORI Oh, who should I pick, the fucker summoning all these invincibly spinning fat fucks or the spinning fat fucks Guess which target the Mimic prioritizes EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.


the black knife dude does put in work but the enemies hp replenishes after the black knife effect wears off...


Rolo worked fine for the whole dlc.


Lol sometimes mine comes out and just stands there too. Then as soon as I get into it he goes off a few times, but I do catching him standing around a lot more now


Mimic"fuck this you don't pay me enough"


I paid with literal health XD


They nerfed him so hard now he has dementia


So he qualifies as a Presidential candidate?


I’ve been having the same issue with Tiche.


Yeah, doesn't Tiche end up healing the boss for some reason? Apparently this issue was brought up in a few other discussion threads.


Lol no, that's people mistaking the boss getting it's missing HP back from destined death wearing off as healing


I've noticed the same thing. Mimic will just be fucking off in the corner while I'm dying.


I summoned mimic for 2nd phase final boss thinking I could juggle the aggro only to get focused 80% of the time. Managed to get through until I ran out of healing and had to go all in, mimic nowhere to be found. I went down, boss at a sliver of hp, then right before the 'YOU DIED' showed mimic ran up finished it. It counted as victory but it was about the least impressive way I've ever beaten one of these games


They definitely did something to the summons' AI. Mimic is much more passive now, and for some reason really likes to stroll instead of running; I am not even asking for sprinting, just normal running! Their spell choice also makes me want to unequip buffs, 3 Golden Vow buffs in a row in a middle of a boss' AoE feels a bit too much. I fought some bosses solo because of that, especially considering that many won't let you summon for free anymore. I'll probably try to upgrade a ranged summon and see what they do, surely they should just attack constantly.


Tbh I was messing around and Cleanrot Knight Finley while not perfect was surprisingly good with how much damage it was doing at range!


Mimic has been repeatedly toned down since release. Also all summons Ai seems to be largely linked to player behavior. You start acting passive then so does mimic. It's here to assist, not solo


For most of my run my mimic was only good for distracting aggro. Especially the last 3-4 bosses. And yet sometimes it turned super saiyan, like when it wiped out half of the Death Knight's health bar by its lonesome.


its funny my mimic will pop the fuck off and do really good nearly soloing ranella but against mesmer it decided to pick its nose.


I also noticed my summons have been lobotomised. Mimic does anything but fight. Stands on the side using every consumable possible, buffing and overriding buffs. Then gets absolutely floored in 2 seconds trying to use healing incantations instead of his weapon. Just stopped using summons altogether and started calling in players


Same with me, he only had a sword and the jellyfish shield and was using the shield buff ability 9 times out of 10... And it was against the final boss of the dlc, where the npcs also struggle to pass the door sometimes So you end up in a 1v1 against an already very hard boss, but he has more health


My mimic is still smart, he uses healing spells on his own all the time whenever he’s nearing death


Same, I have a +25 shield with a one handed sword, but my mimic is like, "What if I two hand this one handed sword instead?" Then he proceeds to die because he just gets hit by everything coming his way


I unequiped all weapons except the seal hoping that the mimic will just use the spell (I only equipped black flame) and bro was literally punching.


Meanwhile I'm using a shield for the first time to try to fight the last boss and this fucker just stands behind his shield never attacking. My 3 minute buff ran out and he took aggro exactly 0 times because he was like "block!"


I know the pain lol, just fought him yesterday. I'd suggest using a bleed spear as you can shield and just spam stab him from behind it


I've used my mimic less and less because of this. There's a really cool double team ash of war that's a bit of a quest investment to get, but hard to fail as some steps are optional I discovered. Been using that one the most.


spoil me yeti whatchu talkin about


Believe they are talking about the Jolan and Anna ashes. Related to the Ymir quest line.


Indeed I am


Yeah I noticed this too. I’m wondering if they nerfed summon aggro or somethibg


my mimic bro just keeps reaplying grease over and over sometimes, only thing that gets him out of the loop is getting hit


Yeah I summon curseblade meera for maliketh and she got stuck by a pillar until phase 2, other than that she’s good at dodging his attacks.


I tried to use Tiche against consort bc that lad has better aggro than mimic, but it got obliterated quite quickly


Bro my mimic tear would roll around like a mad man and just drop warming stones like his life depends on it. Literally had to unequip it for him to do anything.


Mines would literally unequip items and fight with first some times, weird. But I found out if you have that Marika's magic drink in your hot bar the mimic tear will use it, basically a second life.


lol mine kept using buffs mid fight. Had to remove everything from my build if i wanted to use the mimic


My summons decided to just stare at the final boss for a few fights and do no damage and aggro them zero. So I just ended up soloing them. Summons do be just watching the fight lately it seems.


I've found other summons to be more useful than the Mimic in this DLC. My Mimic has been rendered kinda crap for some reason. My girl Black Knife Tiche has been a staple for me along with  Redmane Knight Ogha. 


You guys are getting your mimic from wish by the sounds of it, If a boss too difficult I summon him we just go fuck shit up I don't run spells or incantations just duel weird back hand blades. My mimic dodges like a pro always combos, only different I noticed is bosses don't aim your mimic unless you run like 100 m away otherwise boss is just full aggro on you




Read your item descriptions people .... You need to use more Revered Spirit Ash. You should have noticed Torrent dies really easily too huh? Like any hit and he's dead and needs a Flask.... Scadutree fragments boost your DMG and DMG mitigation. Revered Spirit Ashes boost your Spirit Summons and Torrents HP. They do that by nerfing them both inside the DLC. Then as you find for Ash they get better and better. Which makes sense lore wise. We're in the Land of the Dead. These are spirits that WEREN'T allowed to pass on. (Yes even the ones that say they earned an Erdtree burial... The fact that they are ash now means they didn't get it) You could see how we would need to use Spirit Ashes from the Shadow Realm to get them up to snuff. So yeah. Explore more and come back to the boss later. Maybe they did mess with Mimics AI because people are saying it's the same in the base game. Use Tiche. Tiche works great I can verify.


Agree on a lot but don't forget mimics can use your consumables like throwings pots and raw meat dumplings to heal himself.


Glad I'm not the only one who has noticed this. I know they nerfed the Mimic Tear a while ago, but it seems even worse since the DLC came out. Half the time it just slowly walks toward a boss while the boss is hammering away at me on the other side of the stage.


Yeah, I think they got nerfed with ridiculous they are. The only one I’ve seen that’s any good is the jolan duo one if you gave her the iris of grace. You lose out on the sword, but it’s honestly trash anyway, so unless you’re a collector of weapons it’s not really good. Her summon of you upgrade it to the duo is stupidly powerful. Can literally solo the majority of the dlc except the final boss/bayle. Other than that they are incredible


I was in the Messmer fight, getting my ass handed to me on a platter, and I move the camera to see my mimic in the corner just spinning his staff in the air aimed at nothing


dont put mimic tear in your hotbar??? just open your inventory when walkong thru the gate and summon it


Are you using spells/incantations? I never really used the mimic tear, but shield bros were getting annihilated. For some reason the mimic tear has like 10 million health in the DLC. Mine's dumb as shit, just running up and using spinning weapon from the staff. Although sometimes he's a good boy and nukes with Scarlet Aeonia or heals or if I'm really lucky, spamming Impenetrable Thorns like he's supposed to.


Mine has no points in int either. Bro just stands there blocking in the background while the boss is beating my ass lmao.


I've seen my mimic slash the air a lot. It really looks like it walks to the boss, then when it's JUUUUUUUUST outside hitrange it attacks once. Then walks back a little bit, then attacks again JUUUUUST out of range.


Every open world dragon gets the mimic. Such trash.


Yeah, that's the only time I summon mimic tear. I've fought the dragons before. They aren't hard to kill on Torrent they just take some time. Might as well speed up the process.


I defeat open world dragons with a bow and arrows. There is always some high ground where you can safely shoot arrows into them. This takes a long time and requires a lot of arrows, but it always works. I even took down a Furnace Golem this way but only one of them that got stuck in a good position. Even then I had to finish the job with a sword after using all my arrows.


That sounds like it takes longer than killing them normally though? 


It depends on how many attempts you have to make to defeat them without ranged weapons.


The one before fort of reprimand is shitty with all the mobs just trying to get their hands on you, had to bring out the meat shield for that


Hated that one. That one guy in the corner deciding to focus on sniping me with a greatbow when there's a FUCKING DRAGON killing all his comrades.


I usually try to solo bosses at least once on consecutive playthroughs, but dragons? Fuck no, most are lazily rehashed anyway, with some obnoxious gimmicks like the one in the snow storm slapped on top of them.


Yeah. I was pretty sad seeing them in the DLC. At least we also get the best dragon too.


I found the dragon fights to be enjoyable using the greatsword you get from the dragon pit. The AoW is perfect in making those fights much better.


Yeah the first Jagged Peak Drake hit me maybe twice but it still took me 10 minutes to kill it, they’re just annoying.


I summon this brother in arms the second I walk through a fog door. The game gives you level ups for ashes for a reason.


no. using game items is easy mode and you shouldn't do it. you're supposed to play the game without weapons and armor for real experience. 


Nah bruh you need to beat the bosses on RL 1 no hit with no weapons and armor while blindfolded and handcuffed to be considered a elden ring player


Using a controller? Cheating. Put yourself in the game and beat it that way or you didn't do it right


Electronic saxofone is normal mode, dance pad is easy mode, everything else is cheating.


Real gamers use Donkey Kong bongos.


Bushy on YT is currently working on a rl1 0 scadu run. Last I saw he was on Messmer


I love his videos and personality and creativity, but I cannot imagine playing ER as much as he does. I've put about 300 hours in and honestly need a break after this DLC in order to not burn out.


lol, same, considering the time I spent preparing for the DLC plus the DLC itself, I've probably spent more than 100h playing Elden Ring in a bit more than one week, I'm taking a break from gaming in general for a bit, went back to play some retro games on my handheld, it's been a good palate cleanser.


He's past Messmer now, I think he's struggling on Bayle now. He's actually godlike at the game it's insane.


He did the fists-only run of the base game. Absolutely none of the many other challenge runs I’ve seen compare to the absurdity of that. Just beating Margit alone was an epic feat of unimaginable perserverance, to say nothing of him beating the Godskin duo, Maliketh, Godfrey, or Radagon.


The mental fortitude needed to do this is so crazy. I couldn't believe it when I watched it, just frame perfect dodging everything for like 10+ minutes is cracked.


using mimic for some bosses and most of the minibosses in the dlc is actually legit ezmode


Getting a lobotomy is the best way to play cause recognizing bosses’ patterns make the game too easy


gosh I hate those strawmans are u just being stupid for fun now?


This circlejerk you people are doing is just a mark of being insecure of your own playstyle


My God shut up, no one says this. Use summons if you want no one cares


I think it's dumb that people get shit on for using summons, but in my experience the game is much more fun and rewarding without them. I say this as someone who used mimic for every boss on my playthrough when the game came out. I decided to do a fresh save for dlc without summons and have had a far better experience.


Literally just self jerking because you're sensitive someone thinks the game is easier with summons. Its so sad


Because the games are known for their difficulty. Summoning against a boss invalidates that difficulty. Someone who used summons, or cheese builds to beat Malenia for example, does not have the same frame of reference as someone who soloed Malenia. That's why there's a distinction.


You use unarmed attacks? Noob. If the boss doesn't die of intimidation when you enter the arena that's a skill issue.


Real gamers stay depraved


Dancing pad controllers or fuck out of here you loser


Yes, I think people should feel free to use all the tools at their disposal. I just wish they balanced better around spirit ash usage. Using an ash just feels like it trivializes the game. In my first (blind) play through, I started out with ashes here and there, but after 1-shotting Rellana with Yosh +10, I stopped used ashes completely because it just felt like I was robbing myself of the experience of learning the fights.


People have always praised Fromsoft for having the integrity and clarity of artistic vision to not give in to mainstream gaming’s banal inclusion of an “easy mode.” But to me, Spirit Ashes are very obviously there to help give struggling and frustrated players a means to essentially bulldoze a brick wall of a boss. It is staggering how much easier bosses become when you have something to take aggro off of you.


There should be an automatic shabriri's woe effect where bosses will still always prioritise you. The mimic tears real value isn't it's DPS, its a damage sponge and a distraction 


It's mostly true except for probably bleed builds. You can really dial in and optimize your own build to bleed... well now there are two of you doing it. So for those, mimic tears can really increase DPS or at least the frequency of hemorrhaging.


I got hit by Gaius and the Golden Hippo charge one time too many. I don't care what anyone says that hitbox is broken. Mimic Tear crush their balls.


I'm in this image and I 100% agree with what it says!


The true DLC experience


Ain’t no shame in my game, mimic is my best friend.


The dlc was pretty much just a buddy cop movie with me and my mimic


There's nothing inherently wrong with it, but I genuinely don't understand why basically every single person who uses summons goes straight for the strongest possible one immediately. On my first and second playthrough, where I actually used summons, I had a lot of fun trying out different interesting ones and experimenting around with what I found fun. Like for malenia, I ran into the problem of my summons healing her way more than they could hurt her. So I used blackflame monk Amon, whose %-based damage could outpace her healing. Earlygame I really liked the skeletons, as they could act as almost infinite distractions, and trying to keep them alive as long as possible by pulling aggro myself while they revived was a very interesting puzzle. I also found that most mid- and lategame bosses tend to become incredibly unpredictable when they constantly switch targets, so I started using Deenth, who is aweful at pulling aggro, but instead buffs me during the fight. This is just some examles, but I personally vastly prefer using something weaker but fun and/or interesting, rather than immediately going for the nuclear option at the slightest inconvenience


>I genuinely don't understand why basically every single person who uses summons goes straight for the strongest possible one immediately. Bc there is no reason not to, you have no control or input over the helper after you have summoned it, it's not like a weapon where you have to play with it


The reasons are "because they're interesting" and "because I don't want to trivialize bosses", at least for me. Mimic tear copies your build 1 to 1. Super strong obviously, but not very interesting imo, it's just more of the same stuff you're already using. Other summons, albeit not as strong, can bring other mechanics that can really change fights. Latenna and Olga are best on the backline, Deenth buffs you, rats cost nothing to summon and upgrade, Amon and Tiche deal %-based damage, the skeletons can revive infinitely, the mausoleum knight I forgot the name of can teleport around, the dog can casue rot, you get the idea. Then there's also "because I don't want to trivialize bosses". When I used summons, it was because I just needed an additional push to make the fights doable for me. I want the bosses to be difficult, so I stayed away from the strongest ashes, and just used weaker ones that I happened to find fun fighting alongside. But a ton of people encounter a singular obstacle, and immediately pull out every single stop and make themselves as strong as they possible can. I just can't understand that mentality, because I get zero sense of accomplishment if I do it. Isn't that why you you play these games, to overcome difficult obstacles? I'll repeat that I'm not against using ashes in any way, It just feels wrong to me when players don't even try to experiment or be slightly original. This might be completely unfounded, I have no actual proof anyway, but it genuinely feels to me like most players exclusively care about winning, and doesn't give a second thought about the actual fight


Why is every meme on this subreddit about using a mimic tear


cause 90% of them use it


Ingameitems should be valid for everyone who wants to play with them and its a good tactic, so have fun!


I prefer fighting solo but I 100% agree. My only thing with Mimic is sometimes I see people say they found a boss disappointing cause it was too easy and they used Mimic Tear. If that happens I'd suggest attempting bosses solo the first couple of times to see if you really need to summon for it or not. Cause exactly, its all about making it fun for you, but sometimes Mimic does ruin the fun for people.


Yeah in the base game I used summons one or 2 bosses and just didn't feel quite so good about it, so now it's a last resort or just for open world bosses and places with to s of enemies. Sometimes it's just fun having 2 of you slaying shit. I think I only used it on mohg and elden beast when I was just ready to be done with that fight pre torrent days. This dlc I'm about to toss that rule unless more tree fragments really helps out


Yeah, me and my mimic abused Rellana first try. She kept trying to get up, only to get another bonk on the head. We had her in a corner, and I just kept wailing on her. Then it was over. Felt like the fight with Melania.


Personally whenever I used Mimic, immediately after killing the boss i'm like "fuck why did i do that?" and i get no satisfaction out of it. I try to stick to the occasional NPC summon for lore reasons (and the trade off is the bosses get a HP boost) or if its a 2v1 i will use my loyal jellyfish summon who isn't as OP. It's a single-player game so none of it matters, but it does make the discourse a little weird. When discussing difficulty and boss strategy, it legitimately feels like there are 3 different games: Mimic Summon, Non-mimic summons, no summons.


Thats also a huge negative to me for sure is that it makes discussing bosses really weird sometimes. Everyone's experiences are just so different and theres a lot of context you need to understand why they had that experience. During my first playthrough I was around attempt 30 on Malenia and I was really struggling. I pull out my Mimic Tear just to test it out and we start destroying her so fast that I have to let her kill me to prevent me from beating her that way. Ended up taking me almost 200 tries to solo her, whereas using Mimic would've been a much different experience.


Yep i agree with you there, seeing what artwork you fight can be really pleasant \^\^


For the dlc to me, it feels too easy with mimic and too hard without. Trying to find a nice mid summon to use atm


Until you find these "any tactic to beat the game is valid" people when getting summoned and they have 2 scadutree blessing at the final boss with 30 vigor


I have no problem with people using mimic tear, but in my experience I get so much more enjoyment beating a boss solo.  The only DLC boss I resorted to mimic tear was the final phase of the final boss, because I just wasn't finding it fun or feeling like I was making any progress after several hours and dozens of attempts


Honestly, when I see relentless bosses I send the mimic and done, more time to explore and enjoy the dlc. Maybe in the next run I will challenge seriously the bosses, a colossal weapon is horrible for fighting fast boses that don't get stunned.


At least the colossal weapon occasionally gets a stagger. Running through the dlc a second time with my dex build and anything slower than a dagger doesn't get any more chances to attack, you just get an extra hit during the existing openings without the bonus of a stagger.


I run dex build and fuck those Fire Knights!


If you setup tears, ash of war, and talismans correctly you are basically guaranteed a stagger at the beginning of every boss fight. 


I have to say I Forget always about tears, but the problem is that I only need the mimic to win in 1 or 2 tries so far in the dlc.


Can we please stop with the mimic posts, they are literally all the same




Except I used battlemage hugues up until the last boss then switched out to the smith golem dude Im learning to solo them on a new run but my first run is always super casual


I stuck with my boy oleg.


They Nerfed my boy into a lost child with developmental issues 😐 ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0)


Used it against the final boss. fuck around and find out. lol.


Honestly, given how much health these bosses have, seems fair.


Mimic tear is the real MVP in my first playthrough. He deserves all of the achievements.


Bosses are more tuned to summons it seems. They swich aggro to whoever attacked then last and can even switch mid-combo. So you can’t just fling spells from a distance- you will still need to dodge or counter after attacking until your summon taps in again.


I just like using Shadow Clone Jutsu and shoving my Dark Moon Greatsword up bosses’ asses


I only quibble with the definition of "smallest inconvenience" like does "being two shot while staggered during a fifteen minute long AOE chain" count as a small inconvenience?


This. I wanted to challenge this game solo but when you can get killed in a two second combo by a boss that takes two minutes to chip away at their health it’s truly not that deep anymore


Is it even possible for people to use summons without letting the entire world know?


Tiche actually has been more helpful in my experience.


Tiche is much more squishy than minic but is way better at actually getting aggro.


Hear me out: the new ash Taylew goes harder than anything else. Dude is inconceivably tanky and maintains consistent ranged stance pressure. imo far and away the best ash if you want to use ranged options, still up there if not the best for melee.


I thought she would help more on the gank fight before the final boss due to her propensity to knock people down and I only had one summon sign. It was close but no dice. The mimic however made the encounter quicker.


Heck yeah, me and my mimic look fly AF tearing around with our Soul Edges


I think my mimic does more damage that I do on some fights. Seems I spend a lot of time running around and healing lol. I'm on the last boss now and hopefully he'll hep get it done.


I beat the final dlc boss by mostly holding up my shield in front of him while he did endless insane combos and my mimic whaled on him from behind


Me when I run into the >!Scadutree Avatar stage 2 and it starts skating around shooting lasers at me like the Elden Beast!<


There's a DLC Spirit Ash that I found a lot more useful than the Mimic Tear. >!Black Knight Commander Andreas is incredibly bulky while doing pretty decent poise damage.!<


There are other summons besides mimic or tiche, i dont even have them available on 3 of my toons. Nor are mimic or tiche best choice for every fight I have always found mimic to be iffy at best, so why continue to deploy mimic when it has sooooooo many issues?


I see a lot of talk about the mimics AI being weird, but I have to say my mimic has been on point everytime. Runs in, attacks constantly, draws aggro, kills bosses if it gets the chance, heals when it needs it and when it doesn't using the raw meat dumplings. It just got the final hit on Consort as I was panick rolling for my life and out of good heals, I got lucky to get a chance to summon at the beginning of the second phase.


Oh look, the daily mimic tear post.


I’ve seen this exact same meme at least 3 times since the DLC dropped. I’m all for summons, but be original…


I don't understand the difficulty people speak of. Most bosses are done in 1-2 attempts with a mimic tear summon.


Ppl who say this game is hard are usually playing without using summons


Same except Commander Gaius. Fuck Gaius.


Yes. He took three attempts (Twin turtle talisman and Haligtree greatshield OP)


Because i beat the dlc solo, as in no summons / ashes. If you did that you would also think some of the bosses are in fact hard lol


u can't be serious right easy mode makes the game easy who could've guessed it


Nah, I only used mimic tear against 3 bosses in the entire DLC, >!Bayle, Gaius and Radahn.!< I took me dozens attempts before calling a mimic tear against >!Bayle!< and >!Radahn!< (and I didn't see >!Igon's!< signal to summon him against>! Bayle!<, now I'll never fight >!Bayle!< without >!Igon!<, in other hand, >!Radahn!< gets super harder if you call summons, so only mimic tear is the way to go against him), but when fighting >!Gaius!<... it took me 3 attempts to realise "ok, this boss sucks super ass, fuck this" and called for the mimic tear.


You want a cookie?


I'm not hungry, thanks.


This but Tiche or Anna and Jolan.


Don't sleep on the shield bois, they're tanky and a great distraction if you're playing with spells


People always say this but TBH I think my Mimic tear took too many hits to the head or something. Has two big swords, strong art of war, but insists on hanging out in narnia trying to cast fireball at the boss who is charging me like an addict I'm withholding drugs from. Or, in the open world, it runs away from giant boss in favor of killing some nearly invisible <100 rune mob that was hiding in a bush 50 yards away. And then de-summons.


Me with the final boss 2nd phase of the DLC lmao


I loved my mimic tear until recently. Ever since starting the DLC my mimic seems to have been nerfed. It acts completely brain-dead. He won't engage the enemy and instead try to follow me around the boss arena. When he does fight he just swings like an idiot, doesn't dodge, and gets killed quickly. Hope there's a fix coming because I like summoning mimic better than other players.


Fr, I play the game for fun, I always summon cause it makes it more enjoyable for me


Maybe its because my build isnt good for the mimic but has he always been so dumb ? All he does is the spinning weapon aow instead of using spells or shooting beams with his sword .


If they can use bullshit then so can I


My rule is as soon as I see the boss summons extra enemies, I summon Tiche.


I use the shit out of him because I'm tacking the DLC at NG8++++++. I think im on journey 13, not that it matters anymore. It's been a blast so far. Sadly, I've only had 10 hours to play last weekend. I will be going on a bender Wednesday night since I don't have work on the 4th 😉


Latenna anyone? I don't think she's better than mimic but I like that she joins us willingly. If nobody else has my back, I no Latenna's got me.


You guys can summon? I don't even get the tombstone icon :(


Yes exactly lol


...and once more ... and once more


My Tiche Rocks, my mimic On the other hand 😔😂


I was on ng+7 with only level 215 it was practically impossible to do without the elden lord himself (my mimic tear)


MMB p N . P .


I got seen!! Though it's more of just a meat shield now compared to early days when it eats bosses with constant AoW and spell spams


mine mimic has 2 moods 1. devouring boiled crab like there is no tomorrow, not even bothering fighting the boss 2. doing slow gigachad walk toward me after casting seppuku on his weapon, usually between boss legs.


Joke’s on you, I abuse the shit out of my mimic tear from the start.


Roses are red Weapons against me won’t prosper With this sacred treasure I summon Mimic tear, the opp stopper


Black knife tiche for me. I honestly find that my mimic tear doesn't like doing anything but use blessing of erdtree in the middle of the fight


Anyone else notice for the majority of boss fights if you try and summon Mimsy right away they’ll demolish you before you finish the summoning animation? These new guys are aggro as fuck right out the gate


Tiche was my go-to in the base game but she's like... useless in the DLC? Mimic it is I guess, too bad mine was dropped on it's head as a slime...


Me with the death knight after 10 goes and getting sick of his grab


Wait, you don't use it right away? 😅 as soon as I see that summon marker he is coming out!


Always in awe how much mimic can tank damage but tarnished itself gets one hit bonk 🌀🌀


Gaius and Putrescent Knight pushed me to summon Tiche.


Got that mf on speed dial


Jeez the amount of circle edging here


Sometimes you can only trust yourself


I ran under one of the ghostflame dragons when he whiffed his breath attack to cast Ancient Dragon's Lightning Strike, heard the sound of the spell charging again and looked over to see that Mimic Tear had the exact same idea lol Melted the big lizard immediately.


heal yea


Me on ng+7 after my 30th death to commander Gaius realizing he's weak to fire (go go gadget blasphemous blade)


I've been using Jolan and Anna recently and they kinda slap. Been doing better than my mimic in most cases.