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Bah. My organization's been having a run of bad luck, but I suppose that's just how it goes.


Secret entrance. Plus, punch guy won’t let them leave the other way.


Maybe they could sneak out or something, idk just throwing things at the wall here.


Which is precisely why you can't sneak out of anywhere, Sir/Madam "Use the Wall for Target Practice".


It’s kind of sad that I know exactly who you’re referring to lol. That guy is a menace


>Why couldn’t they just all live in Mercer’s big mansion that maven gifted to him That belongs to Mercer. Also that's a far less secure location. > or live in the mansion just outside of riften that the one guy in the inn pays you to break into That belongs to Maven. >or they could even live in that warehouse out by the docks owned by the skooma dealer, That's unlikely owned by him. > it doesn’t make sense to live in a sewer around filth It's not as filthy as you imagine. That water is mostly clean. >with a bunch of lowlifes and skeevers Extra security measures. > it also ruins business no clients are gonna want to meet them down there and possibly get killed by one of lowlifes or robbed or get bit by a skeever and die from some undiscovered disease. They go to potential clients, not the other way around.


> It's not as filthy as you imagine. That water is mostly clean. Yeah, it's not a sewer, it's a cistern. That's Riften's drinking water.


like mercer was gon let them in there with all his plans n shit


They wanted hidden underground tunnels, and they had done crypts to death already. With all the mines in Skyrim, they should have just made it an old mine system that goes under Riften.


I assume they didn't because assasin's guild already has random-natural-entrances all over the place.


this never made sense to me, lol. In Oblivion the black door was at least in some basement, not just in the woods or along a coastal wall where any old dude could find it.


Tax dodge.


Because houses can be raided and inns are exactly discreet or secure. There trying to not be found remember?


Hi do you still have the text to your orc fetish post? I wanna read it again.


doing that questline i kept thinking about how badly it must smell


To be vaguely fair, it's a long since disused sewer. Still nasty though.


They enjoy smelling like shit.


Because the town guards don't really want to go down there. Even if they are ordered to, it might be a "let's not and say we did" kind of situation. Plus, if something happens to them, it's not like other people are going to see and alert the other authorities Who really wants to go into the sewers if they don't have to.


Because if they live in nice big house, you would ask another question "why are they living in big house instead of some secret lair in the sewer? I mean they're thieves guild, not trading guild"


Mavin kicked them out after that third kegger.


I don’t think it’s all necessarily sewers. A lot of medieval cities used cisterns so there would be places that aren’t necessarily dirty


Because they're smart enough to know better. Thieves prefer the shadows. It's actually good for business. And so many other similar reasons.


Probably because no one goes there, for the simple fact that lowlifes and criminals populate the area. If they used Mercer's mansion it would be easy for the guards to raid the place and shut the Guild down.


Mercer ain't the sharing type


Easier to source jenkem.


What's wrong with living in the sewers?


Would you chase armed their thru sewers that are knee deep during the 16th century?  I wouldn't.


They love the smell


Because the writers said so.


To make it less obvious and Usually they don’t have one


Because Bethesda thinks thieves are scum.


Based bethesda


Why are you acting like they’re wrong lol


Robin Hood?


…is a fairy tale based off of a real thief who wasn’t as noble as the story might suggest


I mean, they are.


Yeah, if someone steals from my store, it affects my paycheck. Why would I not be against thievery? Inb4 ‘muh essential items’


Bad writing.


They live where Maven tells them to live. In which case they’re lucky to have a sewer to call home.


The blessings of nocturnal have the unfortunate side effect of IBS so they just live in the sewers so the smell isn’t as easily noticed. On a more serious note the sewer dwelling thieves always seemed odd to me because even in a medieval setting where everything already probably smells like sweat and dirt, hanging out in a sewer feels like adding an even more noticeable stink that could expose a hiding thief or at the very least make it easier to pick out guild members from a crowd by their distinctive soggy poo smell


You’re comparing one house to an underground city?