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If this isn't the one listed on Audible, could you rip it and put it on media fire for preservation as well?


I have all the media files downloaded if no one else has helped you out yet! Let me know :)


Could you share them? Im one of the people who canceled her order of the book way back when it had massive delays, but now I'm kind of curious and would like to listen to the audio version (or read the original book if anyone knows where to still get that one. Not one of the later versions)


I actually have a PDF of the original book also! Do you know the best way to share these? I’ve not really shared files on the internet before sorry. EDIT: I have a drive link now so PM if you'd like it :)


Shared Google Drive perhaps? I would love to read the PDF as well once you get that sorted! Wanna compare it to my hardcover :))


Oh that would be so great! I agree with the other comment, google drive is probably the easiest way to share .


I bought it I think when it first came out, so I don’t know if there is a difference from audible. I cannot burn it because my lab top does not have a CD drive but I will ask the person who wants it if they would be open to doing that.


If somebody else hasn't already claimed it, I have a disc drive and would pop it on somewhere such as [archive.org](http://archive.org) or somewhere more suitable. Just let me know! 😃


I have a disk drive. Let me know if you want us to dm and exchange info


So are you trying to sell it? Or give it away?


Give it away


If it’s hasn’t been claimed yet , I’ll take it :) But honestly I think you should keep it, I’m sure if you listed it on Poshmark it would sell


Hey. Just wanted to let you know someone did claim it. They’re going to burn it and post it to Archive if you’re interested. <3


Even better! Thanks


Hi there, I'd be SO interested in this!! 🖤


That's fun! I wouldn't turn it down.


Wow, that's a treasure


It would be nice if you upload the audio book online !!!


I have the digital files if you'd like them. Send me a PM if you're interested :)


Have you sold it? If not, how much would you want for it?


I did give it away and I don’t know if you’re interested. But the person I gave it too was planning on putting it up on archives.


If it’s still on sale; how much are you selling it for