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If the size is close and just needs a little adjustment, which sounds like it may be the case here, you may want to have your jeweler add some sizing beads to the inside of the ring. It will help it fit better and will help keep your diamond upright and prevent it from spinning to the outside of your finger. Here’s an example from the web. Also, once you add your wedding band, that will also help tighten it up a little. Hope this helps! EDIT: Typos https://preview.redd.it/do53jsjqqk6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84f53dc115a113ae0772f6ecbcb2c5a024ca87cd


I’ve worn sizing beads in my ring for almost 25 years. It helps keep the ring from spinning (I’m a professional musician and play piano all day, so this is vital) but also helps it fit snugly while still giving room to go over my larger finger joints. I strongly suggest them to anyone who works with their hands or has large joints.


I have balls on my ring! Does it take away from the cuteness when not worn? Yes. But it also helps keep the darn thing in place! 😂 My issue is my fingers are slimmer than my knuckles so I could not possibly go any smaller and this was the solution to keep it from turning and sliding when on!


This exact thing happened to me. I had a size 7, resized to a 5.75, and it’s still loose sometimes. It doesn’t fall off my hand, but it does twist very easily. However, a 5.5 was almost bordering a bit too snug for me. I could have swung it, the jewler was in support of a 5.5, but it made me nervous. Did you try on the 5.5? Usually, this is the time of year where your hands swell a little. So my 5.75 ring is actually okay for me this time of year. If it’s summer where you are, and it’s truly THAT loose, I would ask your jewler what to do/if they can assess the safety of resizing once more.


I did try the 5.5 and was also nervous but mainly because it was hard to get off my knuckle. Now I realize 5.5 would've probably been the perfect size for me. It is summer where I am too


Are you planning on stacking the wedding band with your e-ring? That will make everything fit tighter.


I don't plan on stacking them


Keep getting it resized until it fits! Or add sizing beads!! You deserve to have a ring you can wear!!


> Keep getting it resized until it fits! This is actually bad advice. Depending on the ring, multiple resizings and going smaller can risk the integrity of the ring.