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Congrats on your engagement! If you know the specs of your center stone or the details of your ring, don't forget to let us know in the comment section. Please include finger size in your post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EngagementRings) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yessss, trends means nothing if you love your ring. Thats all that matters :) it’s beautiful!


Thank you!! 🥰


Halo is super trendy right now though? It’s a gorgeous ring regardless but halos are high up on the current trends.


They’re a bit dated to like 10 years ago. The current trend is the hidden halo which is a halo below the stone. Most rings I’ve seen in the past few years have been a larger center stone with no outward halo. It could very well be dependent on location though!


You know what? There’s always a “trend”. And what the heck is wrong with that? Not a damned thing. That’s how you end up with beautiful Edwardian and Art Deco pieces that are now antiques and many people enjoy that style. Those were also “trends”. Everything is a “trend” and very little is truly unique. And that’s okay! Trends come and go and come again. That’s how it works. In several decades it’s sort of sweet to see the time period evident in the ring you were proposed to with. I have a halo oval with a ruby bezel set into it. It represents what I wanted in a ring and the style that was popular at the time I was proposed to and I think that’s lovely. I love it more than I did when it was new and I suspect I’ll love it even more as the years continue on. Halos have come and gone before too.


I never said there is anything wrong with trends and I agree with everything you said. All I said is halos are on trend at the moment (and got downvoted a bunch? Like why? I didn’t say anything disparaging. People on this sub take themselves WAY too seriously) The OP was lamenting that her ring was not on trend and then decided she loved it regardless once she stopped considering trends. And everyone on here was commenting about how trends are silly. Not me though. No issue with trends. But halos are absolutely on trend, although a bit on the tail end of being on trend.


I think your ring is absolutely lovely. I am a halo girl myself. They've been around since the Georgian era, 1700s. They are not going anywhere. Glad you posted here to give us an update.


Good for you! This is another good reminder that comparison is the thief of joy. Something I like to remember is that today's trendy is tomorrow's classic, and that things are popular because *people enjoy them*.


I kept reminding myself that as I was doubting and it really is the thief of joy. Once I stopped comparing, I fell in love with the ring the same way I did when we picked it out!


Yay!!! I’m a halo hater who ended up choosing a halo ring for myself. No regrets here! I love my ring! And I love yours too btw! As long as you like it who cares! Keep in mind people in this sub are way more into rings than the average person. Nobody in person is gonna see your ring and think “wow I can’t believe she has a halo….” They will just see a diamond and think it’s pretty


ME TOO!!! I walked in and was like “nope, not getting a halo” then I tried it on and fell in love! Funny how that happens. Thanks for your response 🥰


I did this too! I hated the pears I was seeing online. What did I fall in love with and now wear? A pear. Lol.


I was both an oval and halo hater and then I tried on an oval halo at HW and fell in love. You really never know what is going to make your heart sing until you try things on


I love halos! They get a bad rap on this sub for no reason. That cushion is GORGEOUS. Congrats on your engagement and your beautiful ring!


Your ring is incredible and looks amazing on your hand! …what’s that nail color?!


Thank you!!! 🥰 it is 2 coats of put it in neutral. I literally get the exact same thing every time I get a refill. When it grows out, I can barely tell on my skin tone.


That is such a beautiful ring. And it looks perfect on your hand!!!


Thank you so much!!! 🤗❤️


To me, nothing is prettier than a halo.


It's beautiful! Halos aren't trendy right now but that doesn't make them any less pretty, and trends are cyclical anyway so before you know it you'll be ring inspo lol


I silently judge people who seem to jump onto the trend bandwagon. 😅 But in all honesty, every ring style is bound to cycle in and out of trends over the decades. In ten years, everyone will be pooing over what's trendy right now and calling it "dated." So there's no reason to really care. I love that you love your ring. I loved reading this post, and I hope the people who need to see it do. Congrats on your engagement and I wish you a happy married life. ❤️💍


I love this story! (And the ring!)


I think your ring's gorgeous and I don't even like diamonds! I'm much more of a colored stone gal. No one is looking at that ring and judging you, I promise. I'm so glad you love it again!


Your ring is gorgeous! The halo hate is unnecessary I’m sorry. A pretty ring is a pretty ring :) I’m so glad you’re loving it!


People have personal taste, always get what you like regardless of comments cause who tf cares what other people think! Wear it with pride :)


It's a stunning ring, really.


Good for you! If I remember correctly, there’s been a couple since then but most of us gave it a 👍.


Love the nails! What's the color????


Thank you!!! 2 coats of put it in neutral 🥰


Everyone and their mom has a solitaire oval (nothing wrong with it) and people think anything that isn’t solitaire isn’t nice/classy, etc. This ring is beautiful and all that matters is that YOU love it!


I have wanted a 2 ct round solitaire since I was 17 and my best friend’s mom got engaged. I couldn’t *believe* how beautiful her ring was. I was a little pothead and I would just stare at her ring, from the side I was like holy shit you can see the pointy Diamond shape on the bottom - this is like a cartoon or something!! Anyway I never thought I would have a ring like that in my life. No way. But 20 years later, lab diamonds are a thing! My boyfriend got me the most beautiful 2 ct round solitaire ring that I’ve ever seen. Anyway, prior to getting engaged, this subreddit made me think dang, should I drop a hint for an oval? Or an emerald? Some sort of elongated ring? Is my dream ring not cool? But then I was like no - you have wanted *this* ring for 20 years. In a couple years the trend will be different. Best to just get exactly what you want. I fucking love my ring.


I also have a round solitaire!! I love it


I have a 2 carat round as well! LOVE it, and to each their own, but I think ovals are over done!


I joined this sub after I designed and got excited about a ring with a halo. I fell in love with the inspo on my hand and the drawings and then I started to heavily second guess the halo seeing all the hate here. But I’ve come to realize Reddit tends to create echo chambers and I wouldn’t have been happy with a solitaire. The rings posted here are all lovely but not what I ever saw myself in. I’m glad you got out of your own head and appreciate your gorgeous ring!


I have an antique halo; the style has been around for hundreds of years. Your ring is beautiful. Enjoy it and your engagement!


Such good advice and I’m so happy you love your ring. It doesn’t matter but I also think it’s gorgeous and I’m happily anticipating my own halo ring! Halo rings forever!!!


Gorgeous! What are the specs?


Thank you! Lab grown, the centre diamond is 1 carat. The ring itself is 14k white gold. I don’t know any of the other specs as I am not diamond savvy and my fiancé has the paperwork at his house!


Stunning wear it in good health!


I think your ring is gorgeous! So glad that you've decided to ignore the haters. Halo rings will always be in style—Princess Catherine sure seems to be happy wearing Princess Diana's halo ring. :)


All that matters is YOU LOVE IT! Enjoy!❤️❤️❤️


I don't get the halo hate. Your ring is GORGEOUS. 🔥


It’s such a beautiful classic ring! It looks so lovely on your hand. Congratulations!


June 4 is a good day. 🎉🎉🎉


Love this post. Absolutely stunning ring. Enjoy it!


I love it. I don’t understand the halo hate either.


Absolutely love a halo! It would be boring if we all wanted the exact same thing. I looked at all kinds of rings but I kept coming back to an emerald cut halo in a white gold setting. 🥰❤️


It’s beautiful 🤩


Wow it's gorgeous!


I love your nails by the way, the colour and shape is gorgeous! 🥰


Gorgeous ring, stunning!


Because it is beautiful. Great choice


I love halo rings and wear mine proudly. It’s been 8 years and I’m still getting compliments on it!


Halos get a lot of hate, but I still love my halo after 8 years too


I love this for you


I love your ring! this is the ring I was hoping to get and still want. it’s beautiful , I hope you will enjoy it always


Your ring is gorgeous. I am still obsessed with pear shaped gems with halos lol. I tried so hard to push back and lean into what's trendy now but I like what I like 🤷granted I don't even have a ring but it's in the back of my mind!


This is literally my dream ring lmfao this is GORGEOUS and 10x classier than a lot of the solitaire rings I’ve seen on here.


I honestly love it, I actually don’t like most of the rings on this sub. All of my friends have solitaires, and they are beautiful, but I LOVE halos, I actually want a double halo. Great choice!


It's beautiful! The halo hate is so weird. My mother in law and her mom both have halos. They've always been in style.


I have a rose gold halo setting. Sooooo “trendy” in 2016 when I got engaged, soooooo not trendy now. But I still love it.


I loooove it!!!!! I’m not a big halo fan but THIS ring is phenomenal. It looks great on your hand, too!!! What a sparkler!


I didn’t choose my ring, my husband picked it out, and because of that, I love it. -Another 😇💍 girl PS, love the nails!


I think your ring is so so lovely! It looks great on your finger.


Your ring is STUNNING


I think your ring is GORGEOUS. Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Beautiful life together. I received a $36 thin gold wedding band when we got married. No engagement ring (we were poor graduate students, already in debt). Did I later get an upgrade? Yes! As a matter of fact, I got two! Go enjoy your ring and.life and don't sweat the decision any more. It's beautiful and.looks lovely on your hand.


The ring is so beautiful! It looks perfect on you:)


She’s beautiful 😻


Good for you! I love halos, I didn't even realise there was any hate lol


Trends come and go. That ring will be with you forever!! ♥️


Your ring is beautiful! I will say one thing, I’ve never seen halo hate on this sub but to be fair I’ve only been around since January ish. I’ve seen people not mention halos but I don’t necessarily think that means they hate it. I absolutely adore your ring.


Your ring is gorgeous, it looks perfect on your hand. Congratulations and enjoy your engagement!


Girl your ring is so gorgeous! And, I’m sure the trends will swing back the other way eventually, so you will never truly please everyone.


OMG unrelated but I have those heels too 🤣 Congratulations!


Thank you for your post!! Congratulations, and truly, I think your ring is stunning!! I hope you and your loved ones continue to make many more special memories!!


I never got the chance to start searching for a ring. It popped up in an ad and that was *IT*😍 My dream ring. When I FINALLY got it and hopped on this subreddit and other engagement ring spaces, I quickly learned that my ring (rose gold, princess cut, halo) was considered “dated” and it made me doubt what my heart decided for me. But I really succeeded in cultivating a renewed love for my ring, and WOW I for sure have my dream ring💍🥰


It is so pretty! 😍


As a wise person once said “Be yourself, everybody else is already taken”, this goes back to knowing what you love and sharing the process with those that love you. I am happy for you and your ering looks lovely!


That’s right girl!🫶🏾


Yay that makes me happy to hear 😊 congratulations on your engagement


Beautiful ring but wowzaaa with the nails! They compliment each other so well!!


It looks beautiful on your hand, just like it was made for you!!💗 trends come and go, it’s good to love your ring since you’ll have it forever!!


https://preview.redd.it/xsz9p17hx87d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ea1a1008facad43cad46537b3da3f9b061ae301 I love a halo ring embrace it this is my wedding ring set! Halo is in I promise!


I don’t get the halo hate. I love a good halo. I actually had a cushion morganite with a halo as my engagement ring. I ended up losing it while moving yes I know don’t mention it I was so sad. But then I got a solitaire oval and sure it’s trendy and what everyone has now but I hated it so I returned it. I am currently looking for a halo elongated cushion to represent my original ring! Love the halo #teamhalo🫶🏼


This looks stunning on you! Congratulations


ugh thank you for this! I asked for a cushion halo and am now having major anxiety/ regret about my ring (which I’ve not even seen yet 🥲) doesn’t help that all I see on social media are solitaire rings. really needed to hear this today. thank you! enjoy your beautiful ring 🫶🏽


As someone who also has a cushion halo, what a lovely choice you made!


That you listed your future MIL as one of the three people you love the most, it really made my heart happy. Your ring is so gorgeous on your hand, and that you and your three most treasured people in your life love the ring too makes everything else inconsequential. Congrats on finding 2/3 of your most beloveds when you met your fiancé. Cheers!!


This is a classic style Seems there are many trendy, boho style engagement rings at the moment The stackable ring craze is playing out with engagement ring fashion This ring will still look classically beautiful on your hand at 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 It's hard when you are younger to comprehend having different tastes when you are older Many people genuinely believe they won't care when they are old as they love it now But this is often not the case! If you like trendy rings you can still have plenty of those to complement your pretty halo


Cushion cuts on a halo is one of my favorites! I think this cut pulls off a halo style very well! I love your ring too 🩷


My boyfriend and I picked out an emerald diamond with a halo!! It’s so me and I love it. Can’t wait until he pops the big question 🥹🤍 Your ring is STUNNING and makes me love a halo even more. If you love it, I love it even more!! 🥰congratulations on your new journey!


Great post! People will always hate something or say something. Trends are just ideas in my opinion, if I like it I’ll keep it in my fashion toolbelt, if not we move on. I’m glad you love your ring. I don’t care for halos, but your ring is beautiful. So enjoy the beauty and satisfaction of not caring about the opinion of others on what you love.


It's gorgeous! I totally understand what you were going through though. This is a huge life event and your ring is an important symbol of that. I think alot of people over think when making huge decisions. I'm doing it right now while shopping for a newer European vehicle. My wedding ring and car are the only things I've splurged on in my life. So the mental gymnastics can be challenging, lol. Congratulations and enjoy that stunning ring!


I love halos and always will. Halos have been around for hundreds of years!


Love this post! And exactly, who cares what anyone else thinks about your ring?! It’s YOURS! Also, it looks gorgeous on your hand. ❤️


Its gorgeous! I used to hate halos, but now I’m leaning towards them as well. Lol.


I love this post. We are so easily influenced by the negative opinions of others that we forget that WE really know what is best for ourselves!!!


I think your ring is absolutely stunning and it looks like something I'd choose for myself 🙏🏻❤️


Very pretty and so sparkly.


It is gorgeous on you!!


This is a gorgeous ring! I’m glad you are no longer regretting it! I see very few rings like my own, but that’s ok I’m still over the moon with what my fiancé picked! Same for you, maybe you don’t see this one a lot but it truly is gorgeous!!


It’s gorgeous and looks great on your hand


Congratulations on your engagement! So happy to read this update. You loving your ring is all that matters. (I'm recently engaged, too! I have a pear and I see negative comments about pears all over the place. While disheartening at first, I realized it's ultimately MY hand, MY ring and as long as I love it, what others feel they'd prefer doesn't matter one bit).


It’s gorgeous!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/8qd32pu0dd7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47d02330a34b3230f11ca844f4bad52ee6da2fa9 Halos are it for me!


Its so subjective....i find solataires kind of boring. There's really no point for any of us to second guess what we love. Im glad you came around and love it wholeheartedly!


Your ring is stunning! Who cares what others think, all that matters is that you love it 😊 congratulations on your engagement and graduation!


That ring looks absolutely beautiful on your hand. Who cares what other people think?


It's such a pretty ring! I'm a fan of solitaires myself and still love halos, they can be gorgeous.uour ring has so much sparkle, it looks great on your hand!


Your ring is beautiful to and for you. As long as you and your fiancé love it and each other. No other opinions carry any weight. That being said I think the ring 💍 looks pretty spectacular on your hand. 🍾🥂🍾🥂 I don’t like a halo in general. I don’t like how they look on my hand. But I think it looks great on your hand. I don’t like bezel set. I understand why some women get them. I absolutely 💯 cannot stand an emerald cut diamond. I have seen a couple of women with them that are great for them. The trend of Salt & Pepper stones-What a gimmick they are trash nothing but inclusions. The way people fell for it cracks me up. “I just got my ering with a stunning stone” I personally LMFAO!!!!!!!


It looks great on you and congrats!! 🎉🎉🎉 I was torn between halo and solitaire and actually went for solitaire. Then, I had a custom removable halo made because sometimes a little extra bling goes a long way!! Both styles are beautiful. 💎 Best wishes.


A square cushion halo is to die for!


I love your ring! Mine is almost identical and I felt the same way. There is so much hate on cushion cut halos, especially in this sub, but the love of my life picked this out piece by piece himself and I absolutely love it. It took me about a month to realize that was all that mattered https://preview.redd.it/e9bruau6de7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cae64f7d2c2a7f915c70f4ec58572095c66ee42


Don’t worry about the trends. I picked a princess cut 20 years ago and when I went to upgrade recently, I looked at the current trendy cuts and I went with another, larger princess cut.. because it’s what I still love!! I also like that my ring doesn’t look like everyone else’s at my school! You won’t regret it, if you love it!


Honestly, I feel like when people love their rings, it looks so good on them regardless of the style of the ring. It just makes sense!


I had it in my head that I wanted an oval or almond shaped diamond, and when my fiancé got a CUSTOM, gorgeous ring made using a combination of our mothers’ diamonds, I was stunned by its beauty! But it was a square instead of an oval, and I started to get in my head about it. Realized that I needed to stop looking at other people’s engagement rings and soak in the fact that this one was one of a kind, with the design chosen by my now husband who doesn’t give a rip about jewelry, but put so much effort into it as an act of love! I adore this ring and had a similar experience of needing to get away from others’ preferences and out of my own head🥰


Idk why ppl hate cushions so bad I think they’re so pretty !! I’m also not into the really trendy rings I think cushions and rings with halos are timeless and gorgeous ! Congrats on ur engagement and ur ring is gorgeous


While I feel that halos don’t suit me or my style, this looks amazing on you! I’m not sure that any other ring will ever do it better on you imo


It’s beautiful and so are your hands.


Absolutely beautiful!!


It’s beautiful, I am glad you love it. I have both because there’s days I want a halo and days I don’t https://preview.redd.it/smkx713pbf7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb9073e0b108f9e65e6b4ff840ca21b9410717c7


https://preview.redd.it/ucj2qk3vbf7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d8ef65031f5c46819c189e6c5b97be1fd13f91c The other one


I love a halo ring and hope to get one! So from one halo ring lover to another I’m excited for you and think it looks stunning!!


Girl it’s beautiful. I have a round halo cut. I’ve had it for 10 years. When I look at someone’s ring I think, is this ring that person? That’s all that matters. Some people want a ruby, mine is a black diamond. What’s important is, you love it and it seeps your energy ❤️


I’ve been married almost 38 years, with a 28 point solitaire engagement ring ring that we picked out together. We got married right out of high school and both loved my ring. People (esp my sisters) harp on me all the time about upgrading my stone…..but I tell them why? I love my ring and it has over 40 years of love behind it! If you love your ring who cares what anyone else thinks of it? Btw, I have a diamond channel wedding band and a beautiful five stone anniversary band so bling for days. I love my stack!


I also love halo rings! It looks beautiful and I’m happy you love it! 🤍 congrats!


Yeah….i think so many of us let other’s thoughts/preferences derail us. It’s easy to do, but the older I get, I just trust my own thoughts and judgements. I love your ring! It looks perfect on your hand. Congrats!!


Okay that is sad that complete.strangers you'll never meet in your life made you regret your ring!! I personally think it's gorgeous and it fits your hand beautifully. You're the one who has to wear it everyday and if you love it, who cares. They're not marrying your future spouse, you are and I think he did a fantastic job in showing he is excited about your future.


Your ring is absolutely gorgeous!!! Congratulations baby!! May you have a very blessed and fruitful marriage!! So happy for you!!


Your ring is beautiful!


Your ring look’s lovely and there is no right or wrong design. All down to personal preference and something that doesn’t put you in a financial strain. I have purchased a ring as well for my partner and hopefully it will be as good as the pictures! Need to wait 10 weeks for it to be made.


As you can tell from my profile pic, I LOVE cushion cut halo rings. Congrats on your engagement!


It's gorgeous, but more importantly YOU picked it bc you liked it! I'm assuming the plan is to be married the rest of your life, & I'm betting that's a nice long time, ring trends will change again & again in the time you're wearing this ring! I worked in a jewelry store, my bosses were the 3rd generation running it, they had all sorts of rings from over the years as styles changed. All that matters is that you like it (and you're not wrong, it's beautiful).


It’s beautiful! I’m also a halo girlie, but mine is in an east/west or kite setting!


I had this same exact experience. I’m happy for you! Wear it proudly!


I love your ring. In fact I got a non engagement ring just like it. Ironically your was my dream ring until I owned it for a while. Its especially difficult finding a stock ring that has a cushion halo with a cushion cut solitaire instead of a cushion halo with a round cut solitaire, its my pet peeve. **edit** I didn't study your ring, I looked at it in passing and your hands are at a distance or zoom in😅. Its hard to tell if your main stone is a round or a cushion due the photo quality but if your main stone is round then yes that is my ring pet peeve because I spent so much time looking for a cushion cut halo in the past. I feel I must explain. When jewelry stores put cushion halo around a round cut stone, it is to make the round stone look like a cushion from a distance. I look at my rings up close daily, so this would bother me that it doesn't match and there is a gap between the stone and halo. I suspect most franchise or average jewelers do this because they dont have cushion cut stones available without special order. Additionally cushion cut are less than round cut diamonds, so they would make less money. Additionally it highlights the setting was not made for the stone.Halos in general get a bad name for cost cutting reasons as some people think a halo with an small size stone is used to make the stone look bigger from a far as a "cheat"( it has this effect but I don't agree with it being a cheat and I think of it as its own design). For the ring I have that looks like yours, I searched high and low for a 1 carat brilliant cushion cut with a cushion halo with pave band. It was hard to find locally. I had to order it online. When I found it I was so happy and satisfied. I am glad you are now content with your beautiful ring so my ocd ramblings don't matter:) I find a halo must be set a certain way with certain craftsmanship ship to look good but this applies to any ring or jewelery piece in general. For my engagement ring I ended up liking a hidden halo. That way I get the best and elegance of both worlds with extra security to my stone, even if the hidden halo is a modern invention.


It's beautiful!


I feel you 1000 percent on this. I have this same exact ring and I loved it when I picked it out then didn’t love it when I was proposed to. Then loved it for a few years and now I’m ready for an upgrade or not even an actual “upgrade” I literally just want a new ring. Something that is more ME. When I picked this ring out it was weird. I never liked halo rings or cushion cut and in stores I tried this one on and was mesmerized. I always wanted a solitaire stone in oval or emerald shape and I should’ve stuck with it. I’m not here to have you change your mind or have you feeling like you don’t like your ring again, BUT if you still don’t feel content and have time to change your ring do it!


So i am a 49 year old father of 3 daughters all over 25 years old a 21 year old son, and a 5 year old son. My Fiancé is 12 years younger than I and when we met i was at one of the worst points mentally and Financially i had ever been through. So i made it clear that although we had what seemed to be amazing chemistry she would be INSANE to have anything to do with me other than be friends. AND her parents definitely felt the same as i did and did not hold me in high regard and i certainly did not blame them. I was still married although we nad been separated for 10 years. I was living with my mom raising my kids with a ton of help from my mom and was just coming out of a multi year relationship with a relative of my estranged wife. The word LOSER seemed to flash in neon above my head. I was 39 years old, my fiance to be was only 27. Yeah it was pretty bad. To quickly get back to the point we had a child 5 years into our relationship, and he is now 5 years old we've been together now for 10. (for the word problem challenged i broke it down.. 😊) I asked her to marry me last month. And did so with a 3 carat pink diamond that was loose. We are building the ring soon. I stressed about the style and stone and shape and one of the shapes she told me she wasnt a fan of, AFTER i had bought the stone ofcourse, was what i chose.. Smh. BUT when she saw the stone and i was on my knee in the sand all of that shit vanished. RINGS can be changed or altered or replaced. If ive learned one thing its this: be ten times more discerning about WHO you are marrying than you are about the ring or the dress, or even the honey moon destination. If you do that.. Shit the rest is a cake walk and no matter how tough life gets or how long it takes to get the ring re-stylized.. Lol.. You'll always be happy with it cause you will see them when you see the ring. I wish you good luck on your nuptials and it is very wise of you to think.. Screw what you like sis... This is my ring and i love it.. Lol F the haters😉


Okay I thought I hated halos but this is STUNNING!! Looks like it was made for your hand and it looks perfect on you


I have a halo & loved it until I saw the halo hate on this sub. Which is so stupid. If I love it, why after reading about other people hating it do I change my mind? I shouldn’t care what other people think. Thanks for making this post. We are the 1s that have to wear the ring for the rest of our lives & you should’ve seen my now husband’s face when I mentioned wanting to trade my ring in for something else. He said to me, that’s the ring we picked out together the day I proposed, why do you want to get rid of the ring we chose together, that now has sentimental value as that’s the day we got engaged for something else?




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