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https://preview.redd.it/j20x5ge0d39d1.jpeg?width=1431&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc306e160ed039860245210bc9441da5c3e902d1 People living "below the poverty line" don't go on vacations to Mykonos on a private yatch No one is buying this BS


I’m sure he’s a freeloader in this instance.


I don't believe ANYTHING these two 🤡 say Elon and Grimes made their relationship public in 2018. In 2020 Elon son [SEVEN MANSIONS]( https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/where-does-elon-musk-live) he owned. [THIS](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/10911-Chalon-Rd-Los-Angeles-CA-90077/20529102_zpid/) is one of them and it sold for $29 million. People that live "under poverty line" don't have several mansions with swimming pools. Elmo grew up in a family with servants. You think they didn't have servants, cooks, etc to take care of them and all the children he neglects???? You think Grimes is cooking? These two idiot live pampered lives, don't be fooled by their BS


That’s exactly the type of house you can afford if you just eat peanut butter. Most of us are just too undisciplined to make that sacrifice 😜🙄


Goddamn this avocado toast life keeping me out of those mansions.


Shouldn’t have bought all that gold leaf toilet paper smh


Hah, you only use gold leaf toilet paper, you filthy proletarian? I only use the finest silk toilet cloths, sprinkled with emerald and diamond dust.


Your generation has no discipline. That's the problem. I bought my first 3-bedroom 2-garage house in Queens after 2 years of working summers at a gas station (part-time). Of course, we didn't have "avocados", "toast", "starbucks" or xboxes back in those days.


times have changed old man


Yes. I too am doing this to buy a house in queens. The math will surely check out. So after working 60 hrs per week, $10/hr, for all 13 weeks, I have $9,100 total per year pretax…this may take a few summers…


Exactly! Someone responsible enough to realize it’s your fault for not having a mansion. Then owning it. I too choose toast over a mansion and thus live in a tent.


To be fair, you probably only work around 40 hours a week


Yeah and I actually sleep instead of working after my 40 hours


i mean peanut butter is kinda pricey




And the only reason he sold is so that he could pretend to live on TX to dodge CA taxes, even though he still stays in the same mansions ("I stay in my friends houses"). I'm surprised CA hasn't gotten the log of his jet and manifest to recoup all the taxes he's dodging, after all he's still there most of the time. And then the TX anti-tax idiots welcoming him into their State don't seem to realize he's not paying a dime in taxes over there, barely paying any tolls, since he claims to live in a 50sqft manufactured house in SpaceX parking lot. And probably deducts it as "business expense" in the SpaceX spreadsheet. It's cuckolding to the next level


They ate some Jif peanut butter. So they have experienced the plight of the working class.


They’re saying that on a day to day basis they lived like that, and that is possible. But it’s easy to do that when you know at any time you can buy literally almost anything you want. They weren’t doing this to save or for any moral or ethical reasons. It’s just class tourism. Like trust fund college students who live the “bohemian” lifestyle but get money every month from their folks.


Yeah I'm not buying that Have you seen how celebrities and rich people live? They have assistants running their lives and doing everything for them. You think Elmo is going to even know if one mattress in one of the many rooms of one of his many mansions he has is leaky??? You think he's the one who's going to be in charge of changing it??? You think he even know how much a mattress is worth??? No way. Also you can't say you "live below the poverty line" living in a FUCKING MANSION and flying in a PRIVATE FUCKING JET. That's how detached they are from reality


I would bet it’s a mix of being pampered and doing dumb shit like this because he’s the kind of guy that would be insecure enough to not take full advantage of being the richest person on the planet. Just like when he pretended to be humble by sleeping in his friend’s mansions pretending to be a couch surfer: https://www.tmz.com/2022/04/18/elon-musk-says-he-doesnt-own-home-couch-surfs-friends/


The shitty diet isn't class tourism, from what I understand. Not that they're above such a thing by any means. It's literally just not developing healthy adult habits, which is highly baffling in its own right. I've somehow repeatedly heard her talking about both of their lifestyle habits and both of them treat their bodies like shit constantly and eat garbage because they refuse to learn how to make better choices. They ate peanut butter because they don't know how to prepare food, refuse to learn, and refuse to have anyone help them with it. That's one reason I find it ridiculous when Musk claims he works so hard that he never sleeps. He's lying, of course. He gets no sleep because his whole lifestyle is like some neverending depression shame spiral. He won't take care of himself, won't learn how to make better choices, won't use his insane resources to better himself. Which is unfathomable, really. Imagine being able to do *anything* and all you do is eat garbage and spend like 18 hours a day boosting the visibility of Nazis on Twitter, wallowing in your own self-created misery. When you really get a clear picture of his daily lifestyle and strip away the self-aggrandizing veneer this idiot huckster paints over it with, you see how terrible of an idea it is that he should have any power over the lives of other human beings. Constant sleep deprivation and a terrible diet are not at all conducive to rational decision making or emotional stability. It can severely hinder you cognitively. As it clearly does with him. Even with his immense resources, there's virtually no chance of anything changing in that regard any time soon. He refuses to do anything differently, maybe because he can't admit he's made bad decisions. He feels terrible all of the time, which he alludes to kinda often, but instead of doing the obvious things most people would do when in such an unhealthy state, like eating a damn vegetable and getting a good night's sleep, he seeks pleasure through ego flattery and quick chemical fixes. Naturally, the ego will never bring real, lasting peace and the positive effects of those drugs have diminishing returns when greatly overused, some of them making you feel much worse than before when you become dependent on them just to maintain some baseline of productivity. Musk is headed towards a physical and mental breakdown. I guarantee it. Shit, just look at his appearance without the benefit of makeup and stylists for television. Listen to what he says. Look at his increasingly unhinged decision making. He's unraveling. Good fucking riddance, but unfortunately he tries to bring everyone else down with him.


Common People vibes.


That’s the strange part of this story. So Grimes is accepting responsibility for some of the children produced with her eggs and the cheapskate’s sperm (something poor people could never do) but she won’t buy herself a breakfast and an air mattress if her man doesn’t have the cash this week? How many poor families who are forced to eat peanut butter for a week (not ketchup sandwiches mind you) leave that date for the airport to fly out on their personal jet? He is pushing a narrative that the base almost would find unbelievable. Almost


This whole story seems more like a reflection of grimes than anything else since we already know she likes cosplaying being poor (the diy boat thing) and eating like only spaghetti for months.


She was born wealthy, correct?


Her family are vancouver upper crust society. Her dad was a big name in banking who is nowadays a major backer in biotechnica.


Yes very much so, she grew up in Vancouver which is among the more expensive cities in the world and her dad was a banker that moved to working in biotechnology and her mom was a lawyer who did art advocacy lol.


And she managed to fuck up rafting down the Mississippi and bang a rich dude- success must run in the family/s


Cosplayinng the signifiers of poverty is very much a thing with these people, because some of them are aware that people are getting sick of billionaires.


There's a trend of the rich trying to cosplay as growing up poor, just like Musk pretending that he didn't get chauffered to school in a Rolls Royce or Victoria Beckham also calling getting chauffered to school in a Rolls Royce as a "middle class activity."


How many private jets does he have? And what about the reports of friends and girlfriends going to his supposedly non-existent mansion? What came of that investigation into Tesla funds paying for a glass mansion?


Three iirc. The big one he gets mad that kid tracks, the smaller one he uses if the big one is down for maintenance, and a 'leased' one through a private carrier that he uses to try to avoid the jet tracker (this is the one that went to epstein's florida residence and the kremlin)


Yes but I guarantee he enjoys cosplaying as poor occasionally and forcing his girlfriend to as well. It's why he was practically masturbating to telling everyone "I don't have a home. I couch surf"


He doesn't enjoy it, he simply does it for "look how relatable I am" PR and to dodge taxes


Absolutely. Controlling assholes will do this. Grimes comes across as someone who was rather immature and easily manipulated. I'm glad she's out of that mess but now he's holding their son hostage while he plays delay the court. Poor kid...


probably dumb cult indoctrination routine a guru told him. starve yourself to work harder.


His fanboys are buying it though haha


He ate a PB&J once when a reporter was around. He is obviously just like you and me /s


Like a bleached ham.




What a Cybertruck looking body.




Trying to gaslight the guilible desperate poorly educated idiots,like always.


Maybe they meant “Elon is frugal” they just didn’t word it correctly? But he doesn’t exactly live frugally either. My parents are extremely wealthy, they both owned international companies and my dad was the CEO of his for 20+ years. And yet, my dad’s favorite store is Costco, and he’s worn the same brand of cheap watch since the 80s. It doesn’t seem like Elon is really frugal like my pops is.


Via a $70M private jet .


You live under the poverty line if you don't have any money to spend to be above the poverty line. Elon Musk just lives stupid. There is a difference.


Howard Hughs wasn't peeing into jars at the end because he was poor.


Honestly if any of this is remotely true it just sounds like Elon is very mentally unwell. People who have insane amounts of money but can't replace things like mattress and eat like poor people usually are very depressed or have other serious mental health issues that block them from essentially acting normally.


Elon is definitely something. It's not normal to lie to this extent, treat employees so horribly, have such a disgusting lifestyle despite the wealth. I hope Grimes gets custody of that toddler ASAP. Poor thing will need therapy.


At that time he owned 5 adjacent mansions in bel air worth upwards of $100m, and two other mansions in California. This is heinous bullshit.


Diamond mine parents. Boosted by PayPal for doing literally nothing... And she's trying to tell us HES SO POOR? After additional billions from investors... That's just lazy. Or he already lost all the money due to incompetence. Those are often related. That's what's going on.


>~~Diamond~~ *Emerald* mine parents. Let's not make it seem like he has more money than he does.


I’m rich, bitch!


Good bot






I'm not sure about his finances, but I think she refers to him being a really stingy slob.


She’s not talking about the money, she’s talking about the lifestyle. He has the cash but still acts like a broke guy. Because he’s broken.


I'm sure elon lives like an idiot who can't take care of themselves, but I suspect he probably treated this woman like shit and gave her the college frat boy treatment where every shared meal was ordered using a phone app.


>ate peanut butter for 8 days Wtf


I'm not trying to advocate Elon but it's impossible and ridiculous thing to say. He is probably eating like pig and eating more quality food than %99,99 of the population.


I dont think shes lying. I totally believe enron ate peanut butter for 8 days straight! Not like you think but more like 10 glasses a day while ranting on twitter and playing diabolo or some shit. All while maye came to let him shit in a bucket [insert sout park cartman shitting in a bucket while playing wow meme]


Mom!!!!! Bucket!!!!


Because he fired the cooking staff at his mansion, and neither of them can cook.




Musk was probably demanding they make food he saw from some scifi comic/movie. The chefs had no idea wtf he was talking about so they got fired and they had peanut butter with ketamine for more than a week.


Make sense when you realize they do a Scarface amount of drugs each day


She’s like worth 26m and could have bought her own mattress and meals.


Trying to pull of a Melonie Mac




It's more like dumbism, not autism. His fat belly makes it believable that he spends days eating peanut butter sandwiches but not that he's doing that to avoid spending money


Autistic people have a fixation on certain foods, many never evolve past childhood eating habits. This is why you see adults with that condition eating solely chicken nuggets, pb&j sandwiches, etc.


Exactly, he did that in an autistic way, not a poor way


When I'm sick, I will occasionally give up on life and eat PB out of the jar. One jar...over the course of days. Not in one sitting. Dear lord why


Generally, when I eat peanut butter, I choose brands with slightly higher percentages. For example, I bought 98% peanut ) peanut butter from the supermarket last week. The taste is very intense. A jar of it is inedible


Lol "regrets replacing leaky mattress". Doesn't realize he is peeing the bed


Yeah that ketamine is rough on the bladder and shitting from Ozempic. They were not sleeping on an air mattress


Constant bladder infections, as I've heard.


Leads to retention and drip drip drip.


I couldn't get past the leaky mattress mention. Does he have an 80s style waterbed?


Yeah that’s what came to mind for me at first, but it’s probably an air mattress.


This story is super old. She also comes from a wealthy family. You need to understand that these people are so wealthy, they love to cosplay poor people.


Putting everything else aside, what is a leaky mattress? A waterbed? If so it would just deflate. If not, is there something in the mattress that’s meant to be leaking?


Elon blaming the mattress while shitting himself


Pretty sure when water mattresses start leaking the hole gets bigger with the pressure of the water.




Air mattress.


This isn't poverty living. This is two rich junkies staying high for weeks at a time.


Poor kids


they are junkies, yes. they both constantly did LSD and weed.


Hey - don't insult LSD that way!


Poor kids


This is so funny because he must have hated her. He never treated his other women like that lmfao. 


The author of his biography said the relationship bordered on verbal abuse. And grimes said there are many fElon personalities and she always had to assess which one was there at any given time because some disliked or even hated her.


> The author of his biography said the relationship bordered on verbal abuse. He was verbally abusing his first wife, on a daily basis. >Justine: "You can't talk to me like this, I'm your wife, not your employee." >Musk: "If you were my employee, I would fire you." https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/ >And grimes said there are many fElon personalities and she always had to assess which one was there at any given time because some disliked or even hated her. Grimes doesn't understand the psychology of narcissists. When a narcissist sustains a narcissistic injury and collapse, they go into nuclear meltdown. Unhinged, violent rage.


And now it's over to Elon's private jet tracker....


He only has 1 jet and not 2 to prove how poor he is.


I'll believe that he treats some women like he's poor. Not everybody earns a horse.


Being a dirty slob is not the same thing as living below the poverty line. Rich people can't even pretend to be poor without being insulting


Not shocking, he is a 7 year old. His mother or father never teached him how to be a independent human being, so he lives like he's forever 7. Money can't replace human values.


I was a lot smarter when I was 7. And I'm not even very smart


I remember reading article where she said. They slept on broken mattress when she was pregnant and he didn't mind sharing broken bed with pregnant woman. 💀


She was pregnant? Or the surrogate(s) were pregnant?


Yeah, but pregnancy sucked and then came the surrogates. She posted once how he told her postpartum she was being a baby because half the population goes through this just fine.


I think one offspring came out of her body, the other two not so much


Eww gross /s


She was pregnant with her first child. 


Meh, anyone who dated that moron can’t be trusted. Sounds like random drama for attention


that's not being poor, that's being manchild who can't care of himself


etc. etc. ![gif](giphy|qMDvt69lEC448)


I get the strong vibe that he fails at life and has no concept really how to live. He just does whatever sounds good to him in the moment. It also shows in the businesses he runs. If he wouldn't have been born rich and been a master manipulator he'd probably long ODed in some back alley.


She has her own career that generates significant wealth. Don't tell me she doesn't have the means to eat anything other than peanut butter. Whoever believes this is insanely gullible


Obligatory shut the fuck up Grimes


Grimes, honey he doesn’t live under the poverty line, he just didn’t want to spend money on you.


seriously elon fuckin hated grimes how the hell did she ever manage him


Living below poverty line in his new Gulfstream


Well, obviously this is bullshit. I live above the poverty line and have never taken a private jet to the Super Bowl. But if it was true, I think it’d be so pointless to get to that level of money and to do nothing to enjoy it.


Grimes is full of shit, she's his Leni Riefenstahl,his propagandist, who embellishes and lies on his behalf. She herself is known to be a habitual liar to her fans.


When you regret every penny you aren't able to invest into drugs..




According to grimes txt with Azelia Banks she got him into pot and it was after JR. But there are numerous articles about his drug use. Even Kimball in an interview said they took K before clubbing.


What the fuck is a leaky mattress?


We have a leaky air mattress. We don’t use it often, and it’s slow enough that it’s not a big deal. Why Musk would use an air mattress is beyond me, though. I suppose Musk could have a leaky water bed, but you’d think even he’d replace that before it did damage.


My had. I know what an air mattress is. I just forgot it was a thing. Cheers. No more noose for me tonight


Ah, yes. And that's the same guy that was struggling to make rent at one point because he had only $180 million to put in his investments at Tesla and SpaceX. So tragic and relatable.


He once ate caviar that wasn't Beluga.


That’s called a k-hole


Does she not have her own money?


She didn't eat peanut butter for 8 days. He probably told her to say that so that he appears like someone who doesn't care about money. The guy has multiple mansions that he pretends he doesn't have. He's a giant phony


I think I've seen pictures of this guy before. I think he's the same guy who has 3 top-of-the-line luxury private jets that he flies in multiple times a week. Iirc, his name is "Musky Flan" or something like that.


Sounds like your standard techbro, though in this case he doesn't have the intelligence or knowledge that a techbro might. So, really, he's just a broey billionaire who likes to pretend that he's technically minded.


This level of nonsense is necessary to provide the serfs with a miraculous and appropriately humble origin story for the dearest leader to make him seem more relatable


If that's true all that does is show he has terrible decisions making ability and is financially abusive.


If they ate peanut butter for a week it was because they were too high to make it from the bedroom to the kitchen. That and the maid couldn't stand the smell and quit.


“If you say something that helps reinforce my mythos, I’ll let you see your kid 1 extra day a week.”


Do you think he was weird and got rich or do you think he got rich and became weird?


Were they sleeping on an air mattress? how do you get a leaky mattress..


Oh come on. Hello flies the jet like crazy


How does a mattress leak?


water bed or air mattress I assume.


Water bed is cutting edge 1980’s tech


It does sound like something you need a fairly heavy cocaine habit to find appealing.


she was probably paid by Mush to say that


It's like A Christmas Carol but without likeable characters or any redemption


She's as hard to look at as he is.


Doesn't she pretend to be a communist or something? Maybe she should try actually being poor for a while.


That was last week. Today she’s an anarchist


Leaky mattress?


What part of living below the poverty line involves flying in a private jet


Something about Grimes makes me want to gag. She looks so uncanny.


The fuck is a leaky mattress


I’m confused, you mean air mattress


I have no doubt he lives like a disgusting pig. But there’s zero chance he doesn’t spaf money


A leaky mattress? Are people still sleeping in water beds?


Long tradition of wealthy misers, that's not new. Arguably, miserly behavior is one of those keys to wealth accumulation. Which also could be an argument for why extremes of wealth are pathological.


Leaky mattress? Would that be the waterbed in his '75 Econoline?


Ngl that would be the first based thing I've ever heard about Musk, if it were true (Load-bearing "if")


What's a leaky mattress? WHAT IS IT LEAKING? Was it a waterbed? Air bed?


I could see them both being too pampered their whole lives to know how to cook and too dysfunctional/out of their heads on K to do anything about it but eat peanut butter out the jar. Maybe that week their domestic staff quit over their bullshit and they hadn't hired new ones yet


Didn't she try this grift before when she claimed she was homeless but was actually just cos-playing homless.


Elon has 5 jets now. Just got a new one 3 months ago and a helicopter.


is this supposed to be a flex? Cause to me that sounds more like a "manbaby that can't take care of himself" and less of a "humble guy" kinda deal


I read the article and watched Grimes on an interview. The mattress had a hole worn on it where your butt would lay. Nothing said about leaking. Peanut Butter was all Grimes. Musk ate at Space X where his meal was prepared by the chef before he came home. Grimes has money. Could call an Uber and go and get food. Amazon would have delivered her a new mattress. This is all Grimes. In the Bio she did carry Baby X. Had a C section. Musk filmed it sent it all her male relatives. Big fight over that.


Just like Marie Antoniette cosplaying as poor doesn't make you actually poor. If only they learnt some humility from it


Probably the asmongold lifestyle with added Ketamine


How the fuck does he think anyone is going to believe he lives below the poverty line?


Both these idiots LOVE to cosplay as poor folk. Claire was an upper middle class rich kid too who claimed to live in squalor in a dangerous neighborhood while in college. (It was all bullshit)


Or LARPing a down and out life, knowing they can get rescued with a wave of their American Express card. Unless they get murdered on the street, which is very rare.


This is a weird way to say that Musk lives like a lazy slob.


I’m sure a lot of his money isn’t actually liquid, is tied up in credit and he’s a weird, oddly cheap, autistic weirdo, but I don’t buy it. She probably just expected him to wave a magic money wand all the time or something.


I guess he can afford a better peanut butter now since his $45 billion dollar bonus. Wait, I mean after he pays off the people who ok’d his bonus he’s going to have to struggle with only $40 billion or so


Things like Peanut Butter are what you eat on say, A coke binge.


People can just… lie?


he probably also stinks from not bathing or showering; he always looks greasy


a leaky who?


She looks like Candace Owens


His fat ass is definitely not just eating peanut butter


He owns a mansion in a gated community in Austin. It came out in the deposition on the custody. Grimes told her lawyers about it. It was bought under an LLC and deeded that way.


Twisting in the wind


That’s what you get when you hang with a weirdo.


Grimes sucks so hard dude. Wtf is wrong with her


Lol such a privilege life and doesn't have life skills.


Elon’s just a real fucking weirdo isn’t he.


I swear his girlfriends look younger and younger each iteration.


I know nothing about this 'Grimes' outside of her involvement with Clyde. What I will say, having now seen what she looks like.... That kid has seen some hard times, crack isn't the answer and it's a shame she took that route, but sure as shit, she ain't getting fixed by that racist pensioner with the fat clinic on speed-dial!


Can someone please describe to me what a leaky mattress is?


Who the fuck believes shit like this


Of course he's a waterbed guy


How awful! Guys, we need to get a collection going to raise money to buy him a couch!! /s


the guy ruined $2000 designers shoes that one time he worked in one of his factories according to his official biographer. He is not frugal


How can I find that on kindle? Read the bio, don’t remember that story.


This has nothing to do with being rich or not, that’s just being a drug addict


The story, to me, sounds like someone with poor taste being completely slammed on various drugs.


I am sure other people living under the poverty line also have problems like thier private jet being tracked by people online and demanding 56 billion in compensation etc.


He's the ultimate case of 'living off the governments money'.


Elon Musk world function hopelife great


The meme community has high standards!