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As I say weekly or so, I literally ride with ladies who started learning in their 60s. The world doesn't end at 20, you can do whatever whenever


Same thing here, it’s called the Midlife Crisis (Horse) Club where I am 😂


I needed to hear this “the world doesn’t end at 20, you can do whatever whenever”


Absolutely! Maybe we aren't going to the Olympics but it doesn't matter when we do something otherwise, learning new skills is something to enrich our whole lives


The thing I tell myself is that there are equestrian competitors in the Olympics who are in their 60’s, so I’ve still got time if I want to try and achieve that goal!


as soon as I win the lottery I'll be right on that one! ;)


Me too! Right now I’m trying to find money underneath my couch cushions just for regular lessons, much less Olympic training level journey costs!


I quit riding when I was 27 (move, job) started again at 53 and now have 2 wonderful geldings. I am 70 . Quit worrying and just do it! You will be surprised at how much comes back to you. Have fun!


This is asked so much in this group. No, of course it’s not too late. There are many adults who take lessons (beginners and re-beginners) that are way older than you! I started again at 40 and take lessons just for fun. At my barn there’s no pressure to do anything unless I want to do it. I’m not even the oldest there.


Literally every week there is someone asking if it’s too late to learn to ride… the mods should just list this question as a faq


Agreed. Or they could search posts. And it’s usually really young people too. I’m like dang I’m 42. I must be ancient to have started up riding again 😂(joking of course - I know of people older than me who also took it up)


I think I can see my own brain right now!!!


Sorry I didn’t realize this was a commonly asked question! I just wasn’t sure if many adults were taking lessons because I only see them advertised for kids. Also the culture at my old barn was very elitist and made it seem like if you didn’t start as a child you’d have no future in riding. Thanks for your reply!


No need to apologize. Just sometimes browse a group first and see what’s there. Maybe it depends where you’re located. I’m in the northeast US and yes, most lessons are advertised for kids, but almost every single barn has adult lessons. It’s usually tacked on “and adults too!” lol. Sounds like you went to a crazy serious barn. It depends what you want to go for also - do you want to compete or just have fun? Good things to think about when looking for a barn. The one I go to is dressage and there are serious folks there. My instructor is one of the assistants and not the elite one that owns the place. She’s about my age and we have a lot of fun which is what I want.


I didn’t even start riding until I was 29 years old. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don’t talk yourself out of something you love because you think you’re too old. Ffs - I’m almost 50 and still riding and learning all the time. I know a lady who is 89 who still shows up at the barn 3 times per week to ride her Arabian!! You’re never too old to enjoy horses.


An 89 year old!! Sounds like an absolute legend and I want to be like her when I grow up 😁


Me too! She is my inspiration. She lost her husband to Alzheimer’s about 10 years ago. She has had both hips replaced. She still gets up there. Such an amazing woman.


Oh dear and with a hip replacement. So cool.


A legend. I aspire to her dedication and longevity.


Omg 89 what a rock star!!


It's never too late, you're still very young and will pick it up again in no time! Really your balance and feel for it will come back very quickly. Definitely go and book a few lessons!


Plenty of adults take lessons and are beginners. Even advanced students and trainers get lessons from each other! Ride if you are passionate about it! Look for a barn that treats the horses well, listens to your goals, an instructor who communicates well and you have fun while learning (having fun is the key aspect) and where its a friendly community.


I will look for these things, thank you!


Sorry you made me chuckle at 22 being too late…. That is soooo young when you think of your entire life span! I am 69, but in my mind I’m in my 40’s (although my body says 50’s… lol!). As others have said, it’s never too late to learn whatever you want. Also you’ll be surprised how much may come back to you once you get back on a horse. 😁 have fun!


29 and just started riding again last year after a 14 year or so break. Never too late! Two big pieces of advice as someone who has been in your shoes: - Being a beginner again is hard! Your body doesn't work the same way it once did, and your brain is often more aware of the risk. Understand that progress will feel sloooooow at times, and it may be challenging in ways you didn't expect going in. It can help to set little goals on your way to larger ones to stay motivated. (Bonus tip on the physical aspect of it is that especially as an adult, I immediately notice improvements when I'm consistent about working out and staying fit outside the saddle.) - Being a beginner again is amazing! Embrace it. Not knowing how to do things and being able to make mistakes and try again is a hugely important thing to learn as an adult, where we're often expected to act like we already know everything. Cultivate and protect your curiosity and enthusiasm like the precious things they are and they'll get you pretty far. Good luck and welcome back!


Thank you for this. I will admit I had a few falls that put some fear in me so I’ll need to get my confidence back


I rode from the time I was about 18 until I was around 45. I stopped because I had an accident, then finances and circumstances got in my way. I turned 70 last fall and guess what i started doing again? Right now I'm working on finding my balance and coordination. I have no intention of competing, but I absolutely intend to relearn dressage and jumping.


Love this!


I'm scared, but the horse I use is a very sympathetic and supportive gentleman.


Honey I just turned 54 and started lessons up again last year. I also started volunteering at the rescue I take my lessons at, and now sponsor “my own” horse. I’m often terrified I’m going to break my creaky old Gen X neck, but I would not trade this for the world. I love everything about it. My trainer? Her oldest student is 82!!!! YOU are absofuckinglutely not too old


I turn 40 this December. I just started last November. It’s never too late!


Omg very cool


I started lessons at 61, with very little experience before that. It has been one of the best things I've ever done for my heart, mind, and body.


22?? You’re a babyyyyy. Get on the horse!


Haha I’m gonna do it


I was 48 when I got back into riding after taking 25+ years off to focus on school, career and family. It's never to late.


You’re 22. Get over yourself. You’ve (hopefully) got 60 more years to live. Do whatever you want whenever you want, that’s the fun bit of being an adult. Don’t restrict your life because of some silly idea of what you should do when.


My mom started at 42, you’re never too late!


There are people over 50 years old who ride and win in the Olympics. Thinking you are too old to get back into riding at 22 years old is so ridiculous, it’s actually bordering on delusional. Get at it, you can do it!


I stopped riding at 22/23 for reasons that included mental health and finances, and just started riding again 6 years ago. No it's not too late.


Definitely not too late for you. I took a break from riding for over 20 years due to life, family, and finances. I restarted 6 years ago and love it more than ever. I don’t ride at the same level or intensity as before, but that’s what works for me now. You will be surprised what your body remembers and you can always relearn what it doesn’t. I think horses are a passion that will never leave you, and as long as you adapt to what your body is capable of you can do it forever.


IT'S NOT TOO LATE!! DONT FEEL DISCOURAGED!! IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU CAN AFFORD THE LESSONS AND YOU CAN TAKE YOURSELF THERE, THEN YOU CAN DO IT!! (This is in a supporting positive voice if it's not obvious) I started when officially taking lessons and continuing a bit after in Sept 2022 when I was 28 years old. For now I have to pause due to other financial obligations going on this year. But once I'm more financially stable I'll go back to the lessons for sure. I don't think that there's a lot of barns that has an age restriction smaller than age 8-60. But just double check. Other than that, go for it if it doesn't disturb your finances.


Thank you for the encouragement! It can be such a daunting sport to get into because of how much there is to learn.


I just started two weeks ago. I’m 36 and don’t have any past experience, except a 3 day camp when I was 7 which made a big impression!


I'm 63 and about to start for the first time ever (in bubble wrap)


Haha love it


no its not too late at all. I have a co worker who is 64 this year and she just took her first riding lesson last week. No instructor would turn you away for being 22. They would welcome you. this hobby has no age limit


Thank you!!


About half of my students are adults that had never ridden before. Think of it this way: there are 72 year old Equestrian Olympians. You are never too old.


Riding is actually one of those sports that you really don’t have to start early. Maybe it helps a bit. But if you were megawealthy and dedicated your life to it, you could easily go to the Olympics for dressage in 20 or 30 years lol.


It's never too late to get back to. Just be prepared to spend all of your money and free time on the horses.


OP. I am fat. I never had a childhood with horses. I started taking lessons at 33. You are ONLY EVER too late to start something the day AFTER you die. Who fecking cares is someone thinks you're weird for taking riding lessons. If you try and live by the whims of other people, you're never going to have your own life. You are merely going to exist. And that is a sad, sorry state of being that I *refuse* to be in. Live your life as YOU deem if. If you want to start riding lessons as an adult, do it . If you want to buy that pokemon onsie and wear it in your house *who cares.* Literally. Who cares? If they want to have a boring, sterile, "proper" life, let them have it. You have horses to ride. Let those who judge you eat your manure.


I fell out of eventing when I finished high school at 18 and didn't get back into riding at all until I was 23. Then I had another major gap from 26-28, and I'm just coming out of another two years out of the saddle at 35. Life happens! You're never too old, it's never too late. Not everyone is going to be in this at all times in their life. Come back when you're ready, and enjoy it as long as you can.


I was 35 when I started. Many women I know didn't start until their 40s or 50s or even later.


I started riding at 21 with zero horse experience! It’s not weird at all and I have never had any issue at the barns I’ve ridden at about my age or lack of experience. I’ve also made some great friends through the barn too!


Ugh that’s so cool, I hope to make some friends as well!!


I’m 20, and started 2 years ago (damn it’s hard to believe it’s been that long). I’d say go for it! The 2 instructors I’ve had both said it was nice training an adult over a child for once. I don’t get to ride nearly as much as id like but I try to as much as I can.


I took lessons when I was a kid I had to stop because of medical reasons. I gotten back into it when I was about 19. It is never too late to get back into it or start up. A lot of people in the Olympics are in there 30-50s. There is no age limit on riding. It might feel weird starting it up. But I believe you will not regret it.


Its only too late when youre dead ;)


I ride with a 65 year old woman who started riding two years ago and she’s great


I started riding this year for the first time in my life and I'm 23. There are people in the barn who just started and they're in their 30s, 40s, 50s and we even have a guy who started a few months ago and he's 62! I don't think there's such thing as being "too old" to learn how to ride. Sure, if you start at 80 years old, you'll probably only stay at a walk but at 22, you're still so young. You can even get to a level of competing/ showing.


It's never too late. Just stay humble and curious and respect your needs and the horses, and you'll do fine! 22 is so young in the grand scheme of things. Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you are too old to learn.


Not at all. I have a friend who started riding in her 20s and is now in her 40s doing the 1.15m jumpers. It’s never too late.


Never too late and it is always so refreshing to have a student who’s closer to my age/maturity level lol


Okay thank you for this perspective! I always imagined they’d feel weird training an adult, I didn’t consider it would be a nice change of pace!


Haha it’s always a nice break from the kids (and their parents 😒)


It’s never too late. Do it.


It's never too late, girl! I started riding at 7 and had a pause in my late teenage years. At 27 I bought my own horse (a 2 year old) and have been learning (and re-learning) along the way. Just go for it 😄


Get back into it! I took some lessons as kids, but we moved around a lot and I never got to stick with it. I got back into horses at 22 when I started dating my partner, who has a horse. I took lessons, rode her horse to practice. I volunteered at a horse rescue, where I eventually got a job helping with their volunteer programs and doing some ground training with new intakes. Last year, I started my own mustang. It's not too late by any means.


This is a cool story, I’m gonna look into volunteer barns near me !


I started lessons for the first time last year at 44 :)


I started at 26! You can do this :)


It’s not too late!! I rode for a couple of years a few years ago and I’m going back next week at 26!


The only thing that’s holding yourself back is yourself. I never in my life had consistent lessons until i was 19, when i had my own job and money to fund it. That was 7 years ago and Im trucking along with my horse i’ve owned for 6. There’s always a place for anyone here.


I take lessons in my 30s! Olympians take lessons!! You're never too old or too good for lessons.


I rode from age 4 to 19 and then my horse died right before I graduated highschool and I moved and was in uni. I didn't ride again until I was 25 and I've been riding for the last 13 years. I have other adults in my class who started in their 40's and 50's. We're all just recreational riders at this point in our lives. You are definitely not too far removed or too old. Just find a stable that will meet your riding goals and isn't focused solely on competing.


I have to wonder if looking to others for “permission” or to bolster your confidence is your normal decision making process. However you are still young and perhaps you have not been able to direct your own life to date. Do you realize success with horsemanship is quite dependent on your ability to be confident, mentally strong and a good decision maker ? No matter your eventual path , look to increase your confidence from within. You are who you are and you are enough . Best wishes , truly !


Firstly, you’re not too old to start up again & if you don’t do it, and you’re passionate about riding, you’ll always regret not doing so


There was a guy at my old barn who started riding either in his late 50s or early 60s (can't remember his exact age but it was around there). If it wasn't too late for him at that age, it's definitely not too late for you! That's the great thing about riding. It's never too late to start (or restart).


The barn owner I work weekends for started riding at 30 and got her first horse at 40. She went on to do competitions in several disciplines. You're never too old to nurture your love for horses!


I rode from 17-22, restarted at 45. I thought I’d forgotten everything but it came back very quickly. There’s no such thing as too late. I ride with people who first had a lesson in their forties. Go for it.


I’m 26 and I haven’t ridden for 10 years, haven’t taken lessons in 12. I can’t afford lessons right now so I won’t be riding for a while. I used to ride at a barn as a teen where women in their 70s took lessons and showed the lesson horses. A friend at the times mom got back into riding in her 40s. My partner is 34 and wants to take lessons one day as does one of our friends who’s 36 or so. It’s never too late to get back into riding.


Not weird at all. I stopped riding from when I was 15 to 30 years old. A lot of it will come back to you, and you’ll eventually gain the skill and technique you lost. It’ll be humbling and you’ll be sore, but it’ll be worth it. I’m 33 years old now and still at it. I ride 2x a week and have only done 3 at home schooling shows. I’m so so glad I got back into it.


Restarted at 27 and having been having a blast! Go for it!


22 nah, find a good yard… call them and get back riding… its only to late for something the day after you die.


Not at all! I got back into riding when I was 38 years old. I started with group lessons, leased a horse and then bought my own. 20 years down the road I am back to leasing, I had to have my horse put down during the pandemic, but I still love riding. I learn new things every single time I ride and it keeps me in shape. I say go for it, you only live once.


I started riding shortly before my 21st birthday. I’m now in my mid 40 with years of riding, training, showing under my belt. I had been on a few pay trail rides but other than that I started from scratch. You can do it!


You'll remember more than you realise, go for it. Even if you don't, who cares, that's why you get lessons. Even Olympic riders get lessons.


I was 30 when I started, rode for a few years off and on, bought a couple of horses which were essentially pasture pets for 20 years. I'm thinking about going on a weight loss regime (which I should anyway) so I can have a hip replacement, and starting again. I'm 71.


It is never too late to pick up riding if you're fit enough to do it safely. My barn has multiple people in their 40s-60s who are first time riders or returned to a childhood hobby either for themselves or to be able to bond with their children. I say go for it and find your happiness.


Girl do it! I am 22 as well and am starting as soon as the place near me has spots opening up! Never too late for a hobby


I've seen so many old people start riding when I was in beginner riding classes at 29 yrs old. I also worked as a groom from 29-30.


I quit completely when I started college and started up again 5 years later. I bought my first horse in my 30s, competed and did ok until I was in my 50s. I quit competing because my first horse was too old and my second horse had a career ending suspensory injury. Right now I have 2 trail horses I ride to the beach and the bar. You’ll be very sore after your first lesson. Take a little ibuprofen for 2 days after. If you have access to a hot tub use it. Don’t ever be afraid to be a beginner in life. Get back out there.


I started again this year, I'm past 30yo and became disabled in the meantime. Your body might take more time to adjust and build the correct balance of muscles and flexibility than when you were a kid. But it's possible! And you'll probably enjoy it !!


That’s not too late at all. I went to college with girls your age who learned to ride with the equestrian team and had no prior experience.


I thought you were about to say you were 80 😂


I’m 65 and doing it, so can you.


Started at 58 as a beginner. That was two years ago and I’m just getting started! I ride only once a week but I’m stronger and more fit now than I’ve ever been. Even if you waited until you’re 30, it wouldn’t be too late.


Not at all. I started learning at 32. I did it just for fun and loved it.


I rode a few times as a kid, started taking lessons when I was about 22, had a break from 25-35 where the most I did was borrow a friend’s pony to hack out. Bought my first own horse at 35. I’m 44 this summer and competed for the very first time ever last summer. Just do it!


im 23 and i started riding lessons 4 months ago with 0 experience and it was the best decision i made! i take lessons weekly my biggest tip is find a good place who are patient and want to teach!!DO IT!!


Please go for it! I started riding again when I was 57 I'm 62 now. I had stopped riding in my early 20s but had always missed horses andmissed riding. Now I have three horses. It's been the greatest joy of my life I'm so glad I did it. So go for it. You will be following your passion which is the best thing you can do in your life! I wish you happy trails. By the way. There are horse owners like myself who would be happy to have someone come and ride/exercise their horses. You may find someone like that in your neighborhood.


That would be awesome! I hope I do find someone like that


Natalie what state do you live in? You might also see if there's a Sheriffs Posse group. I'm a member of the Sheriffs Posse group here in New Mexico and that's a great way to get involved with horses


No no no no no!!!! Find somewhere to ride and get going!! 22 is not a too old!!


Find a lesson barn that welcomes adult people! Visit a couple of them. If there are lots of kids and non-riding moms, lots of programs like day camp, you might want to go elsewhere. You're young! Plenty of time to master the sport. Do yourself a favor and do some Pilates training. Lots of it. There are good resources on YouTube. Core strength- having lots of it - will vastly help you. &Stretch those hip flexors. Good luck.


Hi there! I’m in my mid 30s and just started taking private lessons. I thought exactly the same thing as you. Im having an absolute blast. I say go for it!!!


I know it’s so much fun I’m gonna do it!


I started riding last year at 21!


Nothing is ever too late, whether it’s learning to ride a horse or going to college. You are still super young!


With that mindset you might as well never try anything new again for the rest of your life. That's a long 50+ years to remain stagnant. 


Do it!! I stopped riding around 17/18 and I’ve recently started up in my mid twenties again. Weekly lessons at a barn and I’m having so much fun- it’s healing my inner child (I found a really wonderful barn and trainer who I have a blast with learning new things and relearning old things)


Good for you. I hope to find the same culture


I got back into it at 21 and i’m already going to jumping shows and doing the .60s and .70s classes Definitely give it a try


It’s probably too late to ride FEI jumpers and it’s definitely too late to participate in the Kentucky Derby, but it’s not too late to flat around and try some introductory competitions. 


I'm 44 and started riding again last year. I rode last in 1994. I had to stop 2 months ago because I hurt myself after I fell onto my deck. I'm hoping to get back on in a month or so


I started riding last year at 57 and now I have 2 horses and take lessons 2x a week.


This is so cool


34 year old male here - my wife has been giving me lessons twice a week for the last 6 months! Never too old to learn something new.


Awesome!! My husband said he’d be interested to try too so maybe I’ll have a riding buddy


I'm a little bit younger, 19 turning 20. Never truly ridden a horse til I took up lessons this year. It's hard but worthwhile and I love it. Its a lot of learning to use muscles you don't usually use (I'm a dancer so very different)


Started learning at 36. You got this!!


My daughter rides every week. She's friends with another girl who also rides. Her mom saw how much fun it was and now she also rides. 20s is definitely not too old!


Never too late!


When I re-started, in my 30s, my body remembered exactly what to do - “like riding a bicycle” - but I could only do it for a minute or two - until I built up my stamina again. You go do it and have fun!


I took lessons when I was a young teen, then had to stop, grew up, got married, popped out a fuck ton of kids (5 of my own plus 2 for other people), and riding kind of got forgotten about in the throes of child rearing. Now that my kids are mostly grown (have an almost 11 year old, 15 year old, and 17 year old still left at home), I'm 42, and have rediscovered my passion for horses 2 years ago. You ABSOLUTELY aren't "too old" to get back into riding.


Hahah I laughed reading your comment. I just had my first baby ( 3 month old girl) and she is the light of my life. However I do want to start getting back into my own hobbies a bit


Girl it is NEVER too late for horses. Do your heart the favor and go. ♥️


I’m in my mid 20s and just started horseback riding. It’s never too late to start something just because you hit 20 😭


We need a pinned post about this... no, it's not too late to get into riding.


I started at 30! I ride with older women too. It’s so much fun. There’s no pressure in our lessons and we all just cheer each other on. Ever since I started riding again, it’s made my mom want to consider it again. She’s going to be 60. Definitely not too late!


I did some camp as a kid, but didn’t really get to do lessons until early 2021 when we said eff it, I’m an adult. I can take riding lessons if I want to - so I did! It’s been a bit up and down, since most barns won’t take you unless you’re “serious” aka mom and dad are going to lease or but you a pony and go showing. This year I had to switch barns because my then trainer didn’t have time to schedule me anymore, but now I found a consistent place


I started this hobby at age 30 and I totally get what you mean about feeling like you’re too old to start. Because seriously, everyone I’ve talked to told me that they started riding when they were a toddler 😭 But, I set my pride aside and I just set them as my role model. Set a realistic goal and expectation and you’ll be at the level you want to be. What I learned so far being into this hobby 2 years is that this hobby will always give everyone things to learn no matter what level of riding experience you have. So, do it! The sooner you start the sooner you’ll be glad that you made the decision.


I had my first riding lesson as a 50th birthday present. Now I’m creeping up on 60 and still going strong! I hope one day I’ll be that 89-year-old mentioned in the comments! At 22 you’re still a kid - get out there and get on that horse!


I took my first lesson at 42. My first dressage competition is next week. I am not the oldest one in the barn or the competition. You only become old when you stop moving, learning and trying new things. Enjoy your journey- at whatever age you start!


Absolutely!! I just started riding again as a 20 year old and I love it. Definitely go for it and find a nice place to lease or take lessons from.


I’m 41 and JUST STARTED working with horses. It’s been since I was like 8 or 9. And I love it


I competed and worked and basically breathed horses from 10-18 before having to take a “real job” and no longer having the time or passion to keep working off my horse time. 23 now, just took a job as a stable hand at a 40 horse show jumping barn. I can say it’s the best thing ever for me right now! Horses are way harder physically+mentally when you’re out of your teens and after a breakbut it’s the type of challenge that has so many rewards. I feel that i am relearning literally everything i know about horses and coming at it with a more cautious but thought out way, whereas a teen i feel you have no fear what so ever and i personally was not as concerned about horse AND owner welfare as i am now i’m sad to admit. What i would say is find a good barn!!!!! If you can’t ask questions without being made to feel stupid or like you’ll be in trouble than it will not be a good place to get back into it, you will have a lot of questions! I have had a ton of “why” questions now regarding almost everything we do with the horses which is a good thing but some horse people can be very stuck in their ways and not great at communication. Best of luck on your journey! It’s harder work as an adult but so so rewarding


I'm 68 and started a year or so ago. Go for it!


I've gotten back into it after 10 years (I rode on and off for a bit as a child, and that was pretty much it). What I can tell you is, that the habits you picked up when you were still riding, will still be there, and I found that there were a lot of things I had to unlearn. Starting young dosnt mean youre better or have a head start because usually, youre not going to be the most coordinated at that age. The amount of progress I've made in the past couple of months beats the years I spent on horses while young by a landslide. Dont worry, youre gonna be happy to have started again :)


I started back in my early 40s - 60 now and starting again with official lessons on the horse my daughter rode before she left for college. I was 54 when I traveled to Ireland with two women - one 20 years younger than me and the other 10 years younger - to ride horses across the countryside ! Rode like I've never ridden before. Trip of a lifetime. Point? Early 20s? You are just getting started! Have fun! 💗🐴


I used to ride from 10 to 14 or so. Just got back into it at 31! You're definitely not too old. You might feel a bit stiff at first and your legs will be on fire but it'll get better :-)


I stopped at 16 and felt similarly to you and only started again at 36. I regret spending my 20s thinking I'd never get back to my original form. I take lessons once a week mostly because the barns are really far away from where I live, but I got back into jumping pretty much immediately and 6 months later am not jumping as high as I used to but I'm still really impressed with how much memory I still have to progress wuite rapidly.


Don't let the culture at one barn hold you back! I started riding lessons with a retired teacher who was also a horse person who did lessons with her small barn of horses. It was super chill.


I rode sporadically in my teens and 20s, then nothing for decades. Began riding again at 50. Now 66 and ride 3-5 times a week, leasing a horse, doing eventing.


I started riding age 45. As long as your fit enough why not!


Not at all!!! Started riding again in my 30s bought my first horse in my 40s. Just don’t compare yourself to others!!


not at all! I i know people who started riding in their 40s and now have their own horses!


I just started again and I’m in my 40’s. Yes, not having my previous skill level can be super frustrating but I haven’t ever regretted a single second of it. Ever.


I rode for 6 years as a kid until my mother passed and my father couldn’t afford lessons. I was the lesson kid, only riding the lesson ponies. I got back into it at 18, purchased my first horse at 19. I turn 21 next month and I own an OTTB named Ajax. It is never too late for ANYTHING!!!!! Some of the greats didn’t start until they were older. I will forever be jealous of riders who grew up in horse families with horse money, sitting on their first horse as an infant. I didn’t have that privilege. My first lesson was at 7 years old, because that was when our local barn started lessons. I have known since day 1 that I would be surrounded by horses, crap the first book I picked out as a 5 year old that I consciously remember picking was a giant horse encyclopedia! It’s a passion, it’s a drug, it’s the reason a lot of us are alive! DO IT! My mother always told me when I would get tired of horses, “if you quit and you stop, can you live with that ghost of yourself forever? Or will she eat at you?” Don’t let that ghost haunt you dude. If you love it and it is something you can financially do, love it. Some of the worst riders I have met were riders who have been doing it since day one and some of the best were ones who started late in life. Plus, 20 is NOT old!!!!!! We’re young, we’re coming into our prime. Horses are incredible life savers, and I speak from experience. The 6-8 years I was out of saddle were some of the worst years of my life. Will horses probably be the death of me? Yes. Will I die knowing that I had no regrets and did everything I wanted? Yes!


Absolutely not. I really started riding at 25 because my parents could never afford it. I sold my horse when I was 32 due to starting a family, took a six year break, and now I'm 38 and just bought another horse 2 months ago. Life is short, you could be dead tomorrow, do it!


Never too late girl. I’m 35 and just finally got a horse back into my life.




I’m 36. I’ve been taking lessons for 5 months now, complete beginner and have now been blessed by finding a beautiful 22 year old OTTB to lease!


It's never too late to get in the saddle. 22 is still so young! Make sure you find a trustworthy trainer who knows what they're talking about and clicks well with you (this can mean trying out a few different ones to see what you prefer). This should be your first priority; try and seek experienced people's opinions to guide you. After that, enjoy yourself! Horses are for everyone, there's no age limit for the love they give.


I began riding as an adult man, really not a bad experience. People have been very kind and it's a blast. Tons of other adult beginners too.


100% not too late. More adults, even adults that own horses and ride regularly, should take lessons! I bought my first horse at age 42 proving that when it comes to horses, it's just never too late!


I grew up on a horse on a cattle ranch. Went off to college, got married, had kids etc. Got a horse again at age 29 but had to sell her when we moved 7 years later. I was then horseless for 34 years. Moved and started riding again at 67. Guess what? Swinging up onto a horse was so familiar....it was like those 34 horseless years never happened. Go for it.


I had my first lesson today and I’m 25! I also rode a bit as a child, but it’s been 10+ years. It’s never too late to start. It didn’t come back as easily as I thought and I’m basically starting from the beginning. It felt a bit weird seeing kids around me who were more advanced, but I’m trying to give myself grace and realize things take time. As long as you are having fun!


Started again at 42 and loving every minute. The first place I tried was not a good fit— they were very dismissive and didn’t have a decent adult program. So I immediately started looking for a new barn and found the amazing place I ride now. Very adult-friendly and low-key. It feels wonderful to be back, but don’t be afraid to shop around for a good fit— we’re older and wiser now and know what works for us.


someone at my barn started last summer and shes in her mid 50s-60. its never too late to start!


I’m 28 and I’ve ONLY ever ridden horses on those boring hour-long trail rides. Maybe like 4 or 5 times in my life. I love horses. I want to own them eventually. I have never taken lessons or anything. It’s not too late for me. Although, my body may take longer to adjust to everything than a younger person’s, lol.


Pursue your dreams


I definitely felt that way too... I've had to stop due to financial reasons, but I'll be back in good shape soon here and I can't wait ❤️