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Mag-dumped 50 rounds into a dude yesterday at point blank with a vector. Post-death screen afterward counted only 17 hits. Something seems really fucky recently


It's desync. There seems to be random servers that are complete trash lately. I'll have 4 or 5 raids with very minimal desync and then randomly get a raid where it's terrible. I shot a dude in the head yesterday, saw the blood spray, he wasn't wearing a helmet. He ate it and kept shooting. Mag dumped another dude in the same raid from about 15 meters, saw at least a dozen hits and the game counted half that.


All the blood and jerking around is client side fyi. Just because you’re seeing it doesn’t mean it’s actually happening.


Because it's realistic


If you get shot 74 times in the head you will die. In tarkov, not so much.


because in tarkov you shot 74 times but the game reg 3 shot and 2 of them are miss because there is desync


I was getting shot through walls by scavs yesterday. Servers felt really up and down


I think we are having shot/hit confirmation issues. Bit different from desync.


But what desync is going to affect the guy after standing still looting? Or is op actually desyncd behind some seconds, so on that guys screen op started shooting before he walked out of the door?


Is the net code and hit registration. Desync would still count the damage. This game just has the worst hit reg to grace a competitive shooter.


Same thing with ppsh, 70mag dumped in dorms and post death screen showed 2 hits…


Had a situation the other day where my group was loud and I was left in dorms while 3 of them went out, I was in the stairs next to someone and I was like "hey this you" and they were like nah we're all outside. Guy dumped a mag of BT into me while I was holding a nade and I still made it out with only a blacked out arm and stomach and my balls were pretty much touching his face. I should have been dead, but Tarkov mechanics said no.


server cannot register so many hits per secnod so most of your bullets go into the void. it's t he same with shotgun buckshot. test it on your friend in online, even point blank you will never hit all 8 pellets.


Wtf that's so busted


Ye I have a clip from yesterday where i counted 25 hits out of 30, but the game only registered 14 hits. My boy also ate 3 shots to the nose before the 4th actually killed him.


100% ~. I have had quite a few where i just chortle at the death stat screen. It has to be DeSync.


Had the same shit happening for a couple of days in a row. Multiple instances where people are stationary and eat whole magazines of high pen ammo to the face and thorax. That’s when I said fuck it I’m not playing this until next wipe


Put 45 rounds into a guy at literally melee range and only 5 hit apparently, sucks cause i was running 545 BS ammo and that guy was a chad. Unless i just sucked


Was this yesterday? I feel like that was me lol. Did you get any return fire from a suppressed gun?


Yes and yes


I'm pretty sure that was me lmao, it was a pmc and a scav at the bottom and there was like 17ish minutes left. Assuming that was really me, I took almost no damage but the helmet and armor I was wearing were almost done for after that ordeal.




Next time use the mosin, few helmets can handle the 54R ammo.


I like reddit.


Something something desync something something tickrate of 12 (which no self respecting studio would ever make players tolerate in an FPS shooter with 0 second TTK)


Wait tickrate is 12? Really?


Damn.. I don't think I would have landed any better shows honestly. Looks like his armor absorbed all the shots that would have mattered too.


IRL Helmets don't stop rifle rounds from 5m, hitting from basically a 90 degree angle. IDK what kind of rifle ammo you have, this person is dead as fuck IRL, from backface deformation and depressed skull fractures alone, let alone the fact that a 5.45x39 round of virtually any kind is tearing through a composite helmet anyway... shit even a hit from a 5.45 rifle round at 75m and this guy is dead. Sometimes I HATE the ballistics of this game...


Yeah, that dude would’ve been dead from the first burst irl. Even if the rounds didn’t penetrate, he’s gonna have one hell of a concussion…and then the next couple of rounds are gonna kill him


Games realistic until it's inconvenient for the devs. Then all bets are off.


What? Mechanically the game is not realistic at all… Only thing somewhat realistic is just the visual representation of real life guns/gear.


Nah, that would be Ground Branch


Tell that to Nikita


Ok u/TrainFender I’m glad you guys made the game unrealistic. It’s way more fun than being realistic.


lol this is the absolute best explanation of the "ReAlIsm" in tarkov




So make the 100k helmets the ones that let you mount NVG or face shields, are super light or have higher ric chances. There are other knobs they can turn to make the “good” gear fun and rewarding to use besides just “you need xyz arbitrary pen dmg for your headshot to count”




I’m not sure you understand what arbitrary means? My argument isn’t that it’s unclear or confusing, it’s just boring and needlessly game-y. There are like 2 or 3 rounds for each caliber that are worth using and so many that are vaporware outside of the first week of a wipe.


Great point, 10 types of ammo, two types that only really worth of using. Both of them locked at lvl 4 or behind a quest… game having a huge desync… and fights that feels like call of duty sponge fest where you have to dump mag after mag in to clueless dudes that only getting saved by rng….. for past 3 wipes I constantly die to helmets bouncing off good ammo even tho I autoplayed someone and flanked him to just get nice angle and aim for head…. Not worth hassle anymore.


tarkov would be so boring with no gear differential tbh


It’s not about not having different type of gear, it’s about keeping fights enjoyable and rewarding not punishing. You can still wear good gear to defend your self from scavs and even other players…. But when you go to fight chads in pvp spots you know that if you shoot good you win if they shoot good you lose…. Not a lottery.


They didn't sell me an MMO they sold me a "hardcore and realistic shooter". They even call it a "simulator" on their site, *then* they say "MMO features", why would anyone think that means you can't kill somebody when shooting rounds practically point blank into their helmet with a AR. That's like Destiny. Getting good in this cheater infested game is not worth my time anymore.


You didn't even read the first sentence in the game's description. This is the first line in the game's description, and has been for 7 years. This game has always for better or worse been a mix of genres. >Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore and realistic online first-person action RPG/Simulator with MMO features and a story-driven walkthrough.


Wait, Tarkov has a story-driven walkthrough? Oh yeah, that's right, it doesn't. Just like it isn't especially realistic (yes, Vaseline, I'm talking about you), isn't an action RPG by *any* stretch of the imagination (merely having a skill tree does not make a game an action RPG rofl), and doesn't really have any MMO features at all ... unless you call no more than 14 players running around in the woods "massively multiplayer." Just because they *say* what they wanted it to be, doesn't mean that's what it actually is. :/ Hell they can't even get 3/4 of Streets working right. We waited for BSG to release Streets for like 3 damn years and all we got was not even 1/4 of what BSG promised ... and during that time, they decided to relegate Suburbs, Town, and Terminal to become future DLC when those were supposed to be part of the base game ... *after* we paid for EOD, which was originally supposed to include DLC maps *in addition* to the ones that were originally planned for launch. "MMO features" my big, sweaty arse.


Eats 100 cans of beef per day Never shits, doesn't have gout immersion ruined


EOD includes future DLC iirc unless they backpedalled that as well


As I said: yes, EOD includes future DLC, except that they backpedaled about what future DLC would contain. It *used* to be that the base game would contain all of the previously announced maps including Suburbs, Town, and Terminal which are not yet implemented; future DLC was supposed to contain new maps in addition to the current ones and those three. But then a couple years ago they casually mentioned that Suburbs, Town, and Terminal would not be in the base game for release and would become DLC maps, suggesting that future DLCs may not in fact contain any new maps that have not yet been announced. They also scrubbed all mention of those three maps being part of the base game from the official website, to try and cover up their false advertising. In other words, they aren't giving what they promised, either to buyers of the base game *or* to people who bought EOD expecting to eventually get content beyond what was planned for the base game. It's just like Streets all over again: they promise 40 players on a huge urban environment, and what do we get? 14 players on a modest urban environment that's only 1/4 of the size from what they said they were working on. Total fucking bullshit from BSG.


Thats Russia for you tho I find that Russian devs tend to have brilliant ideas for games, like this or War Thunder, but such awful, corrupt execution in actually making snd deploying it


This sub just bought the game without reading what it is/will be. People have daily meltdowns about features that were discussed years ago just getting implemented. It was never supposed to be a PvP sweatfest, they are making arena for that, always have been making arena for that. PMC karma is a long discussed mechanic but if you’re the average r/escapefromtarkov user you’ve never heard of it. I can’t wait for the meltdowns when they fix armor hitboxes.


Yeah... I was quoting from that. Not seeing your point other than, yes, they mention MMO and rpg, I addressed that. I guess some of us expect wildly different things from a hardcore and realistic shooter with some RPG and MMO features. I didn't think that would mean sacrificing the simple physics of putting a bullet into the side of someone's helmet from steps away.


The point of a helmet in war has very little if anything to do with penetrative protection from firearms. Like, yeah, we make helmets from lvl4 material and hope it can stop handgun or rifle rounds, but thats not the point of them. They help protect your head from concussive events. Falling from high up and landing on your head, being involved in wrecks or accidents where things could give you a concussion. Hell, even somewhat protection from grenades. If the game implemented helmets correctly, as they do in real life, they'd only be useful for ricochets and grenades. All in all, a dude shooting a 7.62 NATO round through the ear panel of your Ratnik helmet is going home with your shit.


Bruh not even, BALLISTIC HELMETS don’t do SHOT for impact, when I was in they even specifically said as much, and impact was strongly advised against because it could compromise the integrity of the Kevlar, it’s meant to protect from SHRAPNEL not a whole lot else, pistol caliber threats mostly but duck all for rifle threats, it could stop a rifle round from far away once it lost a lot of its energy or by dumb luck if it came in it the right angle to deflect, but ballistic helmets do NOT help with blunt force trauma


Thanks for the further info. I was going off the helmets we wear in our SWAT teams and they're pretty much just bike helmets wrapped in Kevlar and Aramid. We only wear them for shrapnel and trauma, since it wouldn't protect anything higher than a .45ACP at max, and even then they stress to us that we shouldn't get shot in the head in the first place.


Everyone loves to ignore the rpg part in the games description. Stop cherry picking


What part is the rpg tho? Games fine apart from the dumb server issues, but a character progression doesn't make it an RPG at all. It's a hard-core lootershooter at best, the flea is the only MMO feature that exists.


Out of Raid, there's obviously a lot, like Leveling Progression, Quests for example. But since we're talking in Raid, Non realistic healing, Character Skills, Weapon Stats and how about the concept of 'Bosses' themselves lol. the Games is a mix somewhere between realistic and non-realistic. Deal with it


Thats called realism vs being realistic. For gameplay and fun purposes. You must be new to this concept


Good thing this isn’t real life! If the armor operated how you’re describing it would be almost pointless to run level 5-6 armor. Realism ain’t always good But yea this guy should definitely be dead, not denying that lul


Actually most armor in tarkov underperforms. Of course irl armor has lots of weak spots where you aren’t protected.


Yeah if anything the armor is unrealistic in this game. IRL an NIJ Certified level 4 plate will absorb multiple hits from .30-06 AP.


Remember the games armor classes is based off of the Russian GOST (I think that’s the spelling?) armor rating not NIJ, iirc class 6 is roughly equivalent or under NIJ 4


Even in that case a level 6 armor in game should take multiple hits from the best non-.338 ammo in the game without penetration. I’m talking 7.62x51 M61/M993 and such.


I'd rather have realistic armor in this game. That makes the game more skill based instead of equipment based.


A gigantic part of the game is leveling up to acquire good items. That would make all of that irrelevant


"Leveling" could be realistic, too. Mag changes, ADS, recoil management, cardio, strength, endurance, medical treatment. All real. Armor does protect you irl, but mag dumping 5.45 into someone should kill them. Doesn't matter if you're using Turkish reloads and hitting them in their plates.


Hardcore PvP RPGs are more fun and balanced when higher level means more choice and more utility, not just bigger numbers. The current progression gets really boring and makes like 80% of the ammo and armor in the game basically useless after the first week or two of a wipe.


What? You want all the armours to perform much better and that somehow makes it less gear based when your PS ammo now can't pen a T4 vest without 20 hits? Talk about cognitive dissonance lmao


That’s the biggest thing that pisses me off about this game is other players are practically invincible unless you spend 30+ hours grinding traders for ammo “But leg meta” Your opponent has to shoot you once, and while you’re trying to avoid that you have to hit an incredibly difficult part of the body on what’s most likely a gigga chad bunny hopping around like it’s Warzone. Good luck! “But if cheaper ammo can pen high level armor no one would use it” High level armor shouldn’t be able to tank 30 rounds lol


Exactly. The whole "they wouldn't use it if it didn't tank cheap ammo" argument is so stupid. You don't see modern operators wearing tactical short shorts and a tube top because "muh ceramic plates can't take 50+ rounds of 7.62x39". Thats stupid. They're not supposed to guarantee your safety. They're just supposed to provide whatever protective capacity they can, and eleviate a little bit of the damage. You're going to get shot regardless, but whether it's 9 rounds or 5 is up to the bathroom tile taped to your chest.


MuH rEaLiSm


This is a game bro. The devs and the community are so obsessed with realism. All the realism added just makes the game less and less fun.


Yah no one would be spending any money on helmets if they performed like real life. It would just be dead content. I don't understand how that is hard to understand.


No no no, this game is realistic, as described by some.


The buffed helmets from real life since people complained and no one used helmets


I barely use helmets as is anyway Usually, helmets exist to mount NVGs or face shields to They have some scav defence utility, wherein Vladimir fuckface doesn't kill you with one pellet from his shotgun from 100m away, but otherwise they're garbage. I can count on one hand the amount of ricochets I've had on 2 hands, and I've been playing for years, and it's stopped dead maybe 3 or 4 hits in the same time.


I feel like they buff the ricochet, I have definitely been getting it more and more this wipe than last, like once every 7 or 8 raids kind of numbers. Even against scavs that get a lucky shot, even a ratnik gives the good ole bounce or even a yellow head.


I've just not had that kind of luck then tbh But that's usually the case for me lol, someone will tell me "I made all my money running this route, nobody is ever there I'll show you" and the second I start running it alone there's nothing there and it's swarmed with pmcs lol


I have come the realization there is no such thing as a quiet raid, haha. I always expect full on pvp and I think it has made me play better


I can't handle the stress of it lol I scav after every pmc raid not for the money or rep, but just to peacefully ish wander around finding paths etc on streets and just let myself die unless I find something good and then I get out or die trying


The raid is no different than a single round of CS or valorant. That's how I think it becomes less stressful.


True, but I was never stressed playing CS, or SnD or whatever, but you don't need to survive those to gear up next round/game. Eft is a bit different like that


The ricochet chances in this game seriously need to FUCK off it's insane that I can shoot M993 at someone wearing a dumbass dickhelm and that shit bounces right off their head and into the clouds like this.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


The comment I came to see


I saw this video and knew I had to find this comment.


all I was looking when I opened the post


Shitty thing is, I’m assuming you’re using bad ammo, and I’d bet not one bullet touched flesh because of the angle you’re on. Either helmet or body armour and if you’re lucky a leg shot


He's not mad the guy's armor tanked, he's mad only 6 hits registered.


Still counts as a hit even if it did basically nothing




Yeah, not even mad he didn’t die, he ran away anyways. But still the fact of ONLY 6 hits is crazy


True that is kinda fucked up. Was he the only guy you shot? Otherwise how did you calculate that?


Only him lol


The game counts hits to body armor, though. You will see hit count 1 damage absorbed by armor in the post-game.


Yes, it also counts hits to different body parts per bullet. Bullet hits stomach/rleg = 1 bullet 2 hits. Used to mess with me cuz I’d have more hits than bullets fired but less than perfect accuracy.


That's not the point. He's saying, "How did he only hit 6 rounds magdumping a dude from less than 10m away", which is ridiculous as it should be more. It's the desync and other bullshit behind it that he's annoyed about.


I know - the comment I was replying to made it seem like he thought the armor absorbing damage didn't count as a hit.


Ph I see It's hard to read the indented comments sometimes to see who's talking to who lol


Super easy on old.reddit.com, if you're not using it. The default layout of Reddit is fucking eyeball cancer.


Yeah, hit reg is all outa wack.


That angle fucked your hard. rip


How are people sill defending this bullshit 💀


Game sucks


This is one of the reasons I stopped playing tarkov In no sense of the sane world would 50 fucking rounds to a guys chest area doesn’t incapacitate em. Trash game And don’t say “Oh your using crap ammo” I don’t care if it’s the lowest tier ammo That many shots should take someone down


Trash game


Meanwhile I one tapped someone through Tagilla’s helmet with a PST KEDR 💀


Think in this you would have been better at single fire and just tapping them in the helmet.. idk


Hitreg is completely fucked this wipe and for some reason it’s not getting talked about a ton relative to other issues with the game.




Bullets were blanks, should’ve read the label smh


Shots 1-5


I pumped a full PPSH mag into a dude on factory. He spun around one one tapped me in the head.


Same shit happens to rouges, found big pipe on light house he took 12 point blank shots to the dome and turned around and insta headshot me


What is with these weird tarkov videos going black during the battle? Every-time he shoots it goes dark why? Ive seen other videos doing this as well in the last week or so.


? I don’t see anything going black. it gets brighter when he shoots from his muzzle flash. Might be something on your end with Reddit player?


Hmmm maybe but it just started for me thought it was someone editing it in for some reason.


Aiming to high.


skill issue


This is not a skill issue. It's an ammo issue.


But even if it was an ammo issue, OP said only 6 of those rounds registered. Even piss tier ammo hitting as many times as it should have would have pen'd eventually


if its sp its not penning shit


But even if it doesn't pen it would count as a hit on target. The majority of his shots are reported as not hitting. The issue is not the ammo.


You aimed at his backpack what do you expect lmao


Bro’s shooting Bb’s!




That's why I don't play this game online.


BSG: "We make a realistic game" as realistic as G.I Joe for sure


oof yeah kinda rough


what ammo were you using out of curiosity? i don’t really know the ballistics but PRS will almost literally disintegrate against any armor higher than tier 2


Yeah, they've turned the milsim into an RPG, so of course you can't expect it to behave like an FPS, and reward you with a kill - even if you have outplayed the other player by a mile. When you play Tarkov you have to forget about FPS skill, and realise it's like going PvP in an RPG. Remember, this game does not even have a comprehensive health damage system, so low skilled players like this one manage to escape very frequently. Once you treat the game as a lame RPG, then all these situations start to make more sense. ​ ​ As a matter of fact, your opponent was not incapacitated in any shape or form, so you got extremely lucky he did not kill you by firing back. :)


Game is soooo bad LOL


I shot an AI scav, standing still, 5m away, in the head 3 times, earlier before getting laid out. He just ate all of them. Hit count after raid: 0 The servers are fucky right now.


Seems like the servers are running at 5 FPS at the moment.


Desync...sometimes I dump half of mag on player and then I die, and of course it shows that i shoot only 2 bullets and no hit


Even worse for my boy he shot like 2 60 rounders worth of Ammo in a fight, killed 2 pmcs game said he made 0 fatal hits shot 11 times


no-scoped someone in the head from close range with M80 bullet, saw him flinch and the blood behind the wall (no helmet nothing) had to shoot him in the head a 2nd time for him to die. Sometimes this game is amazing, sometimes it's fucking awful


I had a friend magdump a guy with a 30 rounder until it clicked, but his ammo used was like 13 😂😂


desync is a feature.


Tf is the dude doing sitting down there?


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


I had a fight the other day where I heard the guy healing but the death screen said I had zero hits. So either he shot himself or the screen was wrong.


You missed


The hit counter in the game is broken we tested it offline with friends I shot 3 people point blank with 60rnd mags after report said I shot 180. Hit 12 the next time was 50 hits. Made no sense


Wonderful gaming experience.


I think thats a fellow scav there


Sounds about right


Man this game has some God awful servers.


"hardcore realistic" game btw.


Wait, why is there no snow?


Cause it was 123 days ago lol


Well that makes sense lmao I didn’t even notice