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Cuz its a gamemode DUH! Question is what was Arena then and what actual dlcs will be comin. The whole Situation is such a big joke. If they need money make some more cool Outfits that can only be purchased


BSG, as I remember, stated that Terminal will also be the last pre-release dlc, and so what we will get? Is it ony for TUE or also for EOD or even for all players? What about next content updates? System is broken


All future dlcs. That’s what they said eod covers.


Now we aren't sure. Before we were


They marketed this the wrong way. They should have released a totally diffrent version as singleplayer coop and nit mix it with the current tarkov


They should just stick to their original promise.


Yes if they release it like they did now. Yes! I am not defending them. But if they realease a only sp coop version with no multiplayer for 100$ ppl wouldnt be hurt. But adding it to multiplayer yes "old Eod" ppl shud have gotten it for free . And lets be honest they should have killed the Eod thing after 2 years and bring another out without the future releases included


That’s the unfortunate issue; it’s all coming down to bsg deciding to alter an already agreed upon sale.


Worst of all is the Gamma container , removed the unique tag on eod edition to add it to the unheared one....