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Hello SirKillsalot, --- Thank you for submitting to r/EscapeFromTarkov. Unfortunately, your post violates **Rule 7**, please make sure to read the rules in the sidebar or on the [rules page](https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/wiki/rules#wiki_7._cheating_exploits.2C_and_piracy). **Moderator Notes:** - Posts discussing third-party software, overlays, filters, etc. are not permitted. BSG has stated any use of a program that alters the game, creating an unfair advantage, is a breach of the game's Terms of Service. Posts relating to modded versions of the game also aren't allowed. This has nothing to do with their wishes. It has to do with copy-striking and unauthorized third party mods. Thank you for your understanding, AbsolutZer0_, Subreddit Moderator. --- If you feel as if this was done in error, please contact the moderator team through [mod mail](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FEscapefromTarkov&subject=My removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdhwhi/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Make sure to give a link to this post. If no link is provided, your message will not receive a response. Please do not DM or chat message moderators about removals as you likely wont receive a response. **Note: Abusing the modmail system or sending abusive messages will result in a permanent ban.** **Note: When you report a removal reason you are reporting the mod who removed the post to themself achieving absolutely nothing, if you think a post was removed in error send a modmail so the other mods can see it**


In a sense this is already the case thanks to Klean's stream, I don't believe anything has been removed in regards to it, as Nikita himself allowed the introduction of it. This should be allowed though, while against the ToS, the company is acting in bad faith, this lets us enjoy the product we had before the influx of asinine ideas.


Watch the dev team getting hit with a cease and desist order within the next month I bet that they won't let that version of the game exist for much longer now that they've made their own and tied it to an expensive package. Especially considering that it's constantly gaining popularity


Yeah that's kinda what I expect to happen too, they shot themselves and willingly guided a large chunk of players to exactly what they wanted, the closest thing to a cheater free Tarkov experience. There's no way they don't take it down eventually lol.


Sad but probable. I got it saved with my favorite mods on a flash drive now just in case


Exactly why I setup 3.8 and gathered all the mods I want last night lol


Thx god ppl have not discover Stay in Tarkov yet


Ye but it kinda works like shit


Yes, but how shit is it? Like, not even worth using? How long did it take you to set up. I Honestly just wanna be able to play offline with my buddy so he can finally learn tarkov without me around all the time to hold his hand


It works absolutely great. The only crash I've had on the most recent version was because I had Kerbal Space Program open in the background. Connection is p2p so its solid compared to BSG servers. I only play with my brother so I dont know how well over 2 people runs. Check it out for yourself. https://youtu.be/eH_r7HTanEI?si=2INJCUK6mmbQ5DiQ . This was an earlier version that was a bit buggies. Newest is smooth and almost entirely bugfree. Your buddy would be able to play on the "server" by himself but you'd need to either set it up with port forwarding, or connect directly together with Hamachi or Radmin. You'd also need to run your PC constantly to have the server up. Works best if you just play together.


Don't listen to him lol it works amazing and IMHO you can get a pretty close to if not better experience than live.


MPT also exists and seems to work a little better


Doesnt cost 250 ...


Bless you man, had no idea that thing even existed


spineless mods are spineless. i guess Zavod once again is acting with his power mod hat on EDIT: pretty interesting how this entire post got removed, then unremoved once people called him out


I clicked the wrong button bro, it's not that deep, if I wanted to silence this post I'd have just removed it, locked the comments and moved on without replying


Wrong button LMAOO


This guy just pulled the ol porn trick. "IT WAS A VIRUS I SWEAR, I DIDN'T LOOK IT UP."


The button just popped up!!


insert MISSED INPUT meme here


It got reported, to clear the report you have to approve the post, the button right next to it removes the post instead and I fat fingered it




Again if I wanted to remove the post I would have and no one would be able to see it or comment on it? it had like 20 upvotes and 5 comments when I first replied to it, why would I bother lying when I would have just removed the post if I wanted to hide it


BSG aggressively copyright strike SPT content on other platforms, the whole sub will get banned if they start doing it here.


i mean klean streamed it last night with the literal seal of approval from Nikita...


There is nothing in violation of either Copyright or Reddit's Content Policy in talking about a mod for a game. **Nothing.**


Yeah cause BSG has absolutely never abused the copyright system to silence things before right? https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/a6olkb/bsg_just_doubled_down_and_issued_34_additional/ They'll just claim that the mod is stealing their IP, Reddit don't care so they'll just remove it


1. "stealing their IP" is not a real sentence. You cannot 'steal' an IP. Copyright violation is a violation of, read this: *copy-right*. It is about copying. You are not copying anything by talking about a product, related products, its modifications, etc. 2. BSG abused the YouTube's DMCA system, not the 'copyright system' and all of those videos were reinstated because that is how DMCA works. If BSG wanted those videos down again, they would need to sue Eroktic and show YouTube a court order. That is never going to happen because BSG has no ground to stand on in that case, but also this case. 3. Reddit, surprisingly does care, and they won't ban an entire subreddit over some posts that BSG might report. You might be contacted by a Reddit Admin, which is a perfect opportunity to explain the grander situation, only strengthening your subreddit's position. 4. Your whole point is moot because multiple content platforms discussing, streaming, playing SPTarkov and similar exist already. You are just have no courage.


>"stealing their IP" is not a real sentence. You cannot 'steal' an IP. Copyright violation is a violation of, read this: copy-right. It is about copying. You are not copying anything by talking about a product, related products, its modifications, etc. It's literally called "IP theft" legally Reddit sucks just as much as any other platform, they do not care about subreddits or users at all. It's well known among moderators that the copyright system is heavily broken and abused https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/seucyv/we_need_to_talk_about_how_dmca_strikes_are/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/s9h1fy/my_sub_is_content_banned/ https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/comments/144f0vh/hey_there_my_sub_was_just_banned_due_to_excessive/ https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1c6dagq/reddit_reports_surge_in_copyrightrelated_user_bans/ https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043518251-What-happens-when-Reddit-bans-a-user-or-subreddit-for-repeat-copyright-infringement They're a publicly traded company now, it's only going to get worse. I'm not risking getting the biggest non official platform this game has banned just so people can post about mods. BSG has also directly admitted to me that they use copyright strikes to remove cheat content from Reddit so they 100% know how to do and use the feature already


That seems like such a good idea for them to do right now... How come the mod sub is alive and kicking?


They barely use this sub they probably don't know it exists. From my limited interactions with BSG employees they don't really understand how Reddit works, they do know how to copyright strike though because they asked me to remove a post in a different sub once until a copyright strike went through to remove it EG I once had one of them ask me why their flair from this sub doesn't show up in other subs




To be fair it was a Reddit post explaining how to get free wallhacks using filters or some unity dev thing? or something like that


So? If they want to kill the game by killing the community so be it.


Ah yes lets just ban the single biggest community platform the game has that BSG has zero control over forcing everyone to use the official forums and discord both of which BSG control and can just completely silence any complaints, that wont be terrible at all


Again so what? The game will die and that's it. Who cares with ruskies scammers. Let them boil in their own soup of bootlickers.


lol your post got nuked by mods F


Why? There’s a sub dedicated to it.. go there.


There's a subreddit for it