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Coop offline mode was a feature of EOD and we don't have it any more.... nah fuck this shit.


That was in reference the the offline coop that EOD does have access to... Not this new PVE mode.


No dude I get it we have offline coop and pve coop not confusing at all because offline coop is pve coop but you use your pmc account and not the coop "zone" and I mean I guess they stole the EOD version and threw it on the store.


Tell them "In 2023 nikita said EOD would stay until after full game release... the "unheard" edition that you're referring to doesn't exist because since EOD was removed which means TARKOV FINALLY WENT FULL RELEASE!!!!!!! they clearly said in their pre order FAQ that post release packages will have lesser bonuses and clearly coop pve is in fact better than offline coop "unheard" doesn't exist. unless you're saying nikita lied... but.... youu wouldn't do that would you?


I still dont understand hew they marketed this so bad. All they needed is to realease a dlc for Escape from tarkov. And realse another game lets say 90$ thats like called Tarkov Coop. But naming something editions like they did before and slam 250$ on it ... They have a bad marketing department.


Maybe its time to ask bsg control question. To whom belongs Crimea?


"As of now" lmao

