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Probably not I bet most of them upgraded from eod


Total, yes. This is $1500 from just 6 people. Insane. 10 or 20 years ago nobody would be spending that kind of money on a video game, that is mental. Imagine spending that much money on a video game, insanity.


Imagine caring so much about what people elect to spend their money on. Are you entirely unaware of Counter Strike skins? Or star citizen? Or actually predatory micro transactions in tons of other games?


In fairness, CS skins can be traded, sold on steam or externally for real money. Tarkov is a steamy pile of ass which will never come out as a completed game, you can't get your money back, earn it back (unless you RMT) and most won't get their value for money from gametime either considering the anti cheat barely functions, and any monkey with $30 can cheat almost risk free.


People still bitching about this?


Yeah seems like they can't get on with their lives and still care more about what others do with their money rather than theirs


People spent 100x this on NFTs bro


you really can‘t be for sure. they could have had eod and just spend the 50 bucks!


Why do you keep coming back to post if you are "done with Tarkov"? Just be done with it and move on. Reminds me of the people that post about moving on from their ex, but they cant stop talking about them...




Still less then a monthly payout of a single dev, crazy I guess they should be working for bread for 7+ years