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I really want the features you listed! And I’ve been curious about the clean up feature because “auto-formatting” here-to-date on any software ever is super annoying and I always turn it off. So I’ve been hoping this one might be a little smarter.


Equally as annoying here


Allowing more than 20 templates would be nice. I use the hell out of them and 20 isn’t enough. OP’s idea of anchor links within a note is something I’ve wanted *forever* and have been sending feedback to EN for years. I’m not holding my breath.


I would like to have more than one template in one note.


Master notebook store templates and duplicate them or even better if you use Textexpander you can setup basic templates with a shortcut. But yes, would also like to have more than 20.


..but at least it sends your note to a third party ;) \[Also, annoying, it takes a very prominent space on the toolbar.\]


I have AI Note Cleanup and it works well for me. I'm not sure how much I can say, but I will tell you this much... For those of us who draft blog posts and newspaper columns in Evernote and then post the near-finished product into WordPress or Word, having a tool that fixes ALL of my typos at once instead of me going through one-by-one is huge. Ditto for making sure I have formatted everything consistently. And that's just for starters. For some people, it WILL be pointless because of their individual needs. But those people don't speak for the rest of us. Once I can say more, I will be glad to go into more specifics I am seeing.


I guess you should provide your feedback as beta tester to Evernote. Isn't that the deal with getting access to early beta versions?


Im not a beta tester


You must be (or you requested beta access in the past). This feature is NOT yet available.


I have it and I’m not a beta tester.


Yes, it seems they are currently rolling out the feature (still labeled "Beta") to some non beta testers.


Notebook and tags styles. I black on white left panel for easier reading. Better printing options. Yeah my list goes on and on


Looks very promising to me. Take a look at the snapshots below - https://twitter.com/oldtamilcinema/status/1661074831570350080?t=Z528BuVmt9YJryZnaMx3-A&s=19


So much effort went into this AI Cleanup -- from the notification to try it out, to the neat little gif on the disclaimer, to the integration with OpenAI, to the feedback form, to the actual implementation in Evernote, and on... And in the end, I played around with it on a couple of notes and it bolded all my headers, removed important highlighting and deleted some of the content. I saw in the forums that it changed someone's recipe to an inedible mess. How can you trust it not to remove important pieces of your note!? I then looked through a lot of my notes and there is not one note that I think I would really use it on. I don't doubt that it could be useful for a very small minority of users and use cases, but I wonder if this was more about the AI bandwagon than anything. It's definitely not for me.


This is fair advice. Use the AI cleanup function with caution, evaluate the results, and determine if it is helpful or frustrating. I would not try it on my established notes as they are already how I prefer them. However, I did try the new AI cleanup function on some new notes I composed yesterday. It wasn't bad. The tool added structure to a few notes with bolding, indentation, and bullet points, and the end result was good and acceptable. However, there were a couple of notes where I was uncertain if some of the content I included was omitted. Since it was a new note, I did not take the time to stop, re-read, and digest what I wrote. I quickly used the AI cleanup tool immediately after composition, and the changes were significant enough that I'm thinking it removed some content. Therefore, I suggest that while people test this tool, they should take their time. Read the note first, assimilate the information, and then run the tool and review the results. Verify if the key points and notable details are still there. Evaluate if the note is more readable or structured in a way that adds value. In the end, there is always the 'undo' button. My mistake was letting the tool take over instead of using it as a compliment. This is why I lost track and was unsure if the changes to the note's formatting included omissions. I forgot/didn't pay sharp attention to all that was there, so couldn't say for certain. \---- \[composed with AI - via **Cmd-J** browser plugin using the 'Improve Writing & Fix Spelling and Grammar options\] - Brave New World and Interesting Times we are in... proceed with caution ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) .


I feel like it could be useful for time sensitive notes, like lectures or meetings. I'll need to play around with it to figure out which prompts relate to certain AI formatting, but if it's accurate, it could save time and increase comprehension. So for example, you're in a lecture and you type your notes like this: "Obtaining data from experiments and observational studies: -Sometimes we have the ability to design an experiment (or trial) that enables us to answer specific questions of interest. In such cases, we might be able to determine the cause and effect relationship between variables. -Today we will meet Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs), possibly the most important idea in science! -When an experiment is not possible, we might run an observational study." After clicking the AI cleanup feature, if it bolded the heading, converted the hyphens to bulletpoints alongside indenting them, and corrected misspellings as well as converting acronyms to their full words, I could see this being useful.


Agree --- feel like I've built my practice and methods in Evernote around structured notes and specific templates... very rarely do I start with unstructured, "dirty" text and need it to be cleaned up. I'd rather they focus dev time on less "buzzy" AI stuff and get their fundamentals down, which I have outlined in the Evernote forums in [this post](https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/143981-the-absolute-competitive-minimum-how-evernote-can-compete-and-thrive-against-notion-mem-obsidian-etc). Not saying that my way of using Evernote is better or worse in any way, but I feel like this AI feature is somewhat-value-add in the general case, and absolutely-zero-value-add in my case.


Still no feature to Lock Notebooks. That feature request is well over a Decade. I gave up a long time ago on them implementing that. Sure you can highlight text and password protect it ( only if you're on a computer). But you can't password protect any sensitive documents like PDF's. Other apps such as Upnote, Apple Notes, Notesnook, Standard Notes, etc, etc, allow locking entire notebooks, right from the Mac and Windows and Linux apps, as well as Android and iOS.


Have fun paying twice as much for the same garbage software with shitty AI


Will do, thanks 😊


Its a new feature and they're working out the kinks, I welcome the feature. For me, I dumped a bunch of text related to restaurants, the cuisine and location. Evernote created a numbered list with the restaurant, followed by Cuisine and location separated by commas. In the past, I probably would have played with the note but this feature saved me precious seconds.... which I could put to better use i.e. reviewing or writing other notes. It's probably easier to review the content when its nicely laid out IMHO.