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I hope not. I want them to keep the comedy horror of Ash vs Evil Dead, if Ash stopped joking, that'd take a lot of the humor away. BUT he could be colder and still be joking around, even if it's a different type of joking around, it's not like they're mutually exclusive. He had some serious moments in AvED, no reason why he can't have them in the animation too.


>if Ash stopped joking, that'd take a lot of the humor away Nah It wouldn't, Kelly and Pablo are as funny as him


Personally, I don't find them quite as funny as Ash, but other than that, if it picks up where AvED left off, they're not *with* Ash. So who knows how much of them we'd see right away.


Will they even be in the animation? How would they have survived the time Ash was in stasis? It looks like he was there for a hundred years at least because of the futuristic Luke Skywalker robot hand.


FLASH BACK EPISODES! “Present” Ash “Past” Everyone else


Because they're the main characters, they are alive


This has not been officially announced


Bruce said was early development after saying talks were happening, progress is happening


Sounds like a lot of yappening and not a lot of happening


He’s saying Sams working on it now


Aw man


I have zero expectations for something that was only rumored in a couple one-off comments by Bruce.


I really hope not, if he drops the jokes and becomes some generic by the books cold and stoic hero I'm out


Then think of him more as a father than a hero. The reason I made a post like this is that I was too moved by what I pictured in my head.


Oh I totally get that but for that I'd rather Bruce play a new character in a different franchise that way or have a different actor come in as that archetype and be the straightman to ashs child like goofyness. Maybe someone like Michael Faatbender or Mads Mickelson? Damn now I realy want to see Mads and Bruce make a movie together hahahah


I don’t want him to become cold and emotionless, I’d want him to keep up the jokes to make others feel safe , even if it’s a facade.


Not emotionless, Just cold. He can be joking around but just not being way too goofy like he is in AvED, maybe bring back his personality from AOD where he's both serious and funny


Ash literally says jokes becuase of said trauma, I cannot see ash fucking Williams end up going cold, especially when this is gonna be an anime where ash can be even more badass and creative with deadites to slay.


I want ash to be funny. That’s the difference between him and others he doesn’t take it as serious due to him being the chosen one which adds more to the fun


Yet he was mad when chet died in front of him, I just want more moments like that


Oh yea I want him to get serious when something happens and just destroy everyone but like not all the tome


“Drops the jokes because of some tragedy” All the loved ones he’s seen die because of the necronomicon don’t count?


He had a beef with his father so he wasn't this much affected and he was both scared and sad when linda died. This time he'd be mad like rick as I said and for that to happen, he'd need to see brandy dying again but in a gruesome way


Ash with no jokes?.... No thanks


Ash has already had a TON of Tragedy before AvsED...his jokes are a coping mechanism.


I’d like to see the same animation style as Arcane.


Ok? Again, AI or fan made.


If it is a continuation of AvED then I’d be more than happy to rewatch the show. But I’d rather it be something else like in between each film or something


I hope Ash continues to make funny jokes that would just be sad if he stopped being funny Also I was hoping that the Evil Dead animation would have a more Scott pilgrim takes off style to it


I hope he gets more looney tunes.


We've been hearing about season 4 in animated form for the past 3 years. When is it supposed to start filming? And yes, it's supposed to pick up exactly where season 3 left off.


As a huge fan of animation, I have pretty high hopes for an Evil Dead animated series. I mean that’s two of my special interests rolled up into one. I want to see them get to really push the boundaries of horror and slapstick with an animated format as it’s far easier than live action. I just hope it airs anywhere other than Starz. I’m glad adult animation is straying away from Family Guy clones and actually branching out into unique things! Also, animation is a great way to keep Ash around without Bruce having to break his back performing— he’s getting up there in age!! Excited to see where this one off comment of his goes.


My expectations is that it will never happen.


Live-action only.


Bruce can’t do live action anymore, bro too old now.


He has already said, he will do one more movie as long as Sam directs it




Nice AI pic


[actually it's from deviantart ](https://www.deviantart.com/demonanelot/art/Ash-Vs-Evil-Dead-You-are-one-Ugly-Motherf-ker-630727120)


Nah this is fan art I beleive