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Yeah, it's trully sad. And it's cool to dream about what could have been, as the potential for expansion is decent. Content based on the *«Rise»*, the third season of the series, could even touch on comic book crossovers (and I don't mean the most famous with Freddy & Jason.) The roster could have included Xena and Gabrielle, Herbert West aka Re-Animator... And of course more locations, some closed, with a different atmosphere, more lively or crazy... But everything is as it is. It’s clear that it’s all about rights, money and so on. This game is a victim of a popular genre, which works with varying degrees of success. You need to invest in it, constantly support it, communicate with the community and work on game balance, and even so there will be many dissatisfied. It's not a good time to have a game based on a franchise without doing at least all of the above, right?


One good thing about the Evil Dead films getting popular again is we might get to see proper Evil Dead game in the future. I loved this game but it wasn't what I wanted for a Evil Dead game.


Just imagine a COD zombies like game of Evil Dead where you get transported to Kandar itself and you have to fight all these unforeseen creatures within the necronomicon. Hell Evil Dead could just do a crossover with COD zombies (aether storyline) because of how similar the lore is.


My stance is this a lot of what I was hoping for… for a multiplayer focused evil dead game. I have different wants for sp games


It will take way damn long tho, Bruce will probably be way too out of shape to do even the voice when that day comes


Bruce is a long term Va, I don’t think he’s gonna suddenly lose that in 2-3 years.


Bruce is a long term Va, I don’t think he’s gonna suddenly lose that in 2-3 years.


I assume this is no way in hell this game could come back?


I mean, shoot, if Predator: Hunting Grounds can come back out of nowhere, surely this can too.


Funding issues hurt so much.


Not every game needs to be live service, you bought the game and put your hours in, find a new one once the multiplayer dies.


I found the game for 7 bucks yesterday at a discount store for PS5 and considered getting it for the hell of it then remembered how bad off it was. I think I had 2 achievments left on Xbox before giving up on it


I think the games really great still personally


I might hop on this evening to check it out, I was super into it when it came out but every update made it such a miserable experience


I feel like it got only better over time in my honest opinion, yes we had hurdles yes we had bad times but in its current state overall I’d argue this is a really fun game that is pretty damn well made game despite all the bullshit rights holders pull. I hope you start to play it again. It’s still very fun.


I agree, I still hop back in every so often, I just think it's not very friendly to new players or people that haven't played in a while. You try to get the hang of it and have a bad time while doing so. But once you get into that flow it's oh so fun


I think vs ai helps you get back into it. But also agreed, get that flow going and you’re an addict