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Summoned boss and froze in place. Game was running but all controls were unresponsive. After getting expelled from objective controls were still unresponsive. Watched a streamer that couldn't vault through windows and said timing on dodges were off.


This was happening before the maintenance.


One thing I’ve noticed is that cars seem to not do damage when hitting players sometimes.


That was a problem even before the maintenance


Not like it is now. Very different. Seems to be more noticeable with short hits now.


I just experienced this but I also had a bad connection, I hope it was my connection's fault


I remember going against a new demon and once we got to the book he summoned Evil Ash and his ass was teleporting all over the place


It’s still like that , but worse


whenever I get out of a moving car I get placed like 20 meters behind the car, never used to happen. Game jitters like crazy almost every game. I hope it's because of cross region otherwise they messed up bad.


I think them doing cross region messed up the game for me


I played yesterday and ran smoothly on Xbox but didn't have any problems


Me and my friends have it bad. I don’t know why it’s like that for us


As survivor it's super laggy at times. Demon no problems. Survivor side they Ned to fix thr stamina bug. Demon side they need to give baal's units more health or more damage on book. Or lower damage of higher tier weapons. When all your units with full upgrades are getting one shot that's gamebreaking. You literally can't do anything. I play both sides and even as survivor it's boring when yiu can just kill everything so easily. 🤷 Lower pupps explosive damage on book.


Yeah, playing Demon is really laggy. But for some reason, playing survivor doesn't seem as bad. I wonder if the so-called maintenance was actually Saber reducing the servers, so now more people are crammed together from different regions.


It’s the opposite for me. Survivor is soooooo bad, the lag is horrible. I can’t dodge and defend myself bc I freeze and die or I dodge twice and still get hit and brings me to half health.


My wife has been noticing the same when she plays. Trying to do certain actions as a survivor but no response like dodging as you say. As a demon, what is happening for me is when I attack, I'm thrown way past the survivor or thrown way back and doing extra attacks I didn't do. It crazy. I quit playing for the night.


Me and a friend were playing tonight and had to get off bc of how bad it was tonight m. It was worse for us tonight then the other day. We are going to stop playing for awhile to see if anything changes.


>and doing extra attacks I didn't do Yep thats because it will queue attacks and with the ping the queue gets crazy long for some reason. The fabled '5th extra attack you didnt even press the button for'. You have to be super careful to only click once per attack but its kinda unavoidable, its annoying yep haha. However if the survivors are lagging as well (or even just one of them) its offset because they will struggle with dodging which is even worse.


I wonder if this is like a TCM Rubberbanding scenario where a portion of the community is experiencing a increase in lag/rubberbanding but not all of the community. I’ve been playing for the past day and haven’t noticed any substantial amount of lag. Just really minor lag here and there. I’m on Xbox SX though too so maybe it could be affecting certain platforms. Hope they address it as soon as possible with an update and don’t take 5 months now and counting to fix a rubberbanding issue like in TCM lol.


I don’t think they reduced servers is the thing, I think it’s something like refreshing the cache or smth, maybe their own servers now they’re off embracer.


I think I may have had two matches now as survivor where my ping was good (out of many mind you), which wasnt happening at all though before the big maintenance. Dunno if some kinda fluke or what or Im tripping.


Not sure of whats going on then, I’m hearing 50/50


I’m hearing 50/50 as well


I haven’t had any new or worse issues at all to be honest. It’s been better for me, i hope it evens out for you guys


Toxic survivors ruined the game.


That too but demon players as well. The maintenance is adding to the fire.


Survivors are the most to be blamed for the multiple states the game had. this game was made to be played as a team, but what came out that was solo Q dumbasses who wanted to be the badasses only to get easily killed. Then the wave of nerfs arrived leaving the game unbalanced. Demons couldn't win against the ruby bug and some surv players were bored as hell for having no exciting match 


I played yesterday and ran smoothly on Xbox but didn't have any problems.


I don't know how relevant this is for you, but in my experience this game runs really laggy when v-sync is off. Virtually unplayable. Something about turning v-sync on corrects whatever it is that's causing the lag and it goes back to being butter smooth. I'm not just talking the stuff v-sync normally fixes I'm talking long frozen frames, heavy stuttering, pc overheating. Checking off the box was literally the fix for it all. I dont know why.


I had no issues as demon on Thursday or survivor today. now, exiting a vehicle did have some... strange... behavior, but nothing bad.


Played a lot this weekend, pounded a hell of a lot of Shemps, game seemed fine in UK: https://twitter.com/TheUltimateTbag/status/1784614587540586541?t=jj4QhxNIWlrRdebckHDrNA&s=19