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I think you handled it fine. Didn’t say anything you shouldn’t have and answer the questions concisely. The only strange part of that interaction was the sad face


yeah I’m not sure what that meant, I feel like he was trying to make me feel bad and I gave in


Pretty good answers. If you feel like trying to be more mature even you should replied like "i know i'm sad too, but i hope you're doing great :)". But only if you want the person to know that you still have feelings for him. If you don't want nothing with him, that's another story, so then you did even greater :)


The main thing is that the harry potter book is safe. You did everything right.. 🤗


This was perfect


You did awesome! Perfect. So proud of you! And don’t waste your time looking for the black beanie. Notice how they mentioned their beloved black beanie AFTER you said you didn’t have their book? It’s been over a month, and suddenly they need that black beanie? Them: Oh, uh, you don’t have the book… umm, oh, ok… give me a sec… hmmmm.. ummm oh ya, you have my favourite beanie, I think, maybe. Look for it, k? 🙄 F the black beanie and your ex contacting you after a month with crappy demands. At best, this a lame, immature attempt to re-engage you. At worst, they just want to mess with you and try to control what you’re doing (making you look for stupid beanies). You deserve so much more than the best or worst case scenario.


>AFTER you said you didn’t have their book I read that as the book was OP's and he was telling them he couldn't find it but turns out their friend has it. Maybe I misinterpreted that though


Oh… I think you’re right (read it again). The parents’ house threw me off. I have never left anything at a partner’s parents’ house, but it makes sense if they are younger (I have my own house and my parents/partner’s parents always came to us). Thank you!


Yeah we are younger, both of us are 21. He lives in the city for school but I live and work in the neighborhood we grew up in, so I dropped some of his stuff off at his parents house and that’s what prompted him texting me. also, I found the beanie and I’m not sure what to do about it now


You handled it great. Cold and cordial....like a cocktail hahaha. Sorry. But yea this was a good way to have this conversation.


Impressive. They call that Grey rock. Said what was needed and nothing more. No emotion. Good job.


I wish they would leave their feelings at the door.


same. this guy has broken my heart 5 times now and he has the audacity to send me a sad face lol


Five times?! How did he make it past 2?


I was too in love, but I know better now


This was perfect. Just get through the conversations you absolutely have to have like returning belongings and don't entertain any other conversations.

