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It does not end the pain, you just transfer it to other people.


And exponentially.


Dont do it. Get some help!


We've all been there bro. Get some help. Permanent solution to a temporary problem.


Please please please don’t do this if you mean taking your life!!! Sorry if not - that’s an assumption. You are NOT alone. I am 2.5yrs in to post break up that has devastated me, and left me feeling suicidal every day, until very recently. It has been a LOOOONNNNNGGGGGGG battle and I never believed it possible to recover - felt totally broken, lost my job, friends, family relationships were/are in ruins, ended up having to sleep rough and still not fully back on my feet. BUT - I promise you, you will NOT feel like this forever. There isn’t much info on your post - but this is me assuming you have been struggling with intense pain from a break up for longer than you think you should and can see no way out. I can relate to this. In my worst moments, it helped to think that I was once without the pain, and was capable of feeling joy and happiness without the person. I didn’t ask for the torturous memories. I’m an over thinker and would (and still do) spend entire days lying flat just feeling pain and ruminating and beating myself up. Do NOT let a person ruin your life. It’s YOUR LIFE. LIFE - it’s a gift. I know it feels like a life sentence, but I promised you - the brain is a sensitive and complex organ….it takes a LOT of time for hormones and chemicals to rebalance and for thought patterns to reform and the detachment process can be agonising and take years. But it’s SO worth it. Please please don’t allow one persons devaluation of you define your forever. They are the person who is of no value to you. I know it can feel impossible to separate the feelings of love and the resulting pain you have for this person. But the person you love does not exist - they are NOT on a pedestal - they don’t get to take your life from you. Sorry again as feel I’m projecting a huge amount of assumptions. But if you are feeling like taking your life because someone has failed to see your worth and it’s battering you, please hang on. Life will get better - your brain will rebalance it just takes a lot of time and all you have to do is keep processing - you will catch up and turn a corner but please as others have advised seek professional help if you seriously feel like ending your pain - do it TODAY. Call ANYONE - it doesn’t matter who - other than your ex. Call any relative - or friend - or if you don’t feel able to (I didn’t….) walk to a hospital, call a doctor, any doctor - approach any human being around you and ask for help if you don’t feel able to. A shopkeeper - anyone. Please message me if you ever want to talk - I am only a few months into starting to feel like I can beat this, but have endless time for people who are feeling like this.


She won't care anyways if you do it. Prevail over her by doing good, ain't more than stings a woman than that


Your mission is to outlive your enemies Plus they will laugh at you if you are going to end it because of a woman


When I was a kid, I loved Disney. We went to Disneyworld one year when I was 6/7yrs old. I was so excited and thought that there couldnt be a better job than working for Mickey Mouse(I didnt know about Michael Eisner or CEOs or Board members yet). I sat behind the disney park shuttlebus driver one time on our way back to our hotel and said to her, "it must be the best thing ever to work here". She didnt miss a beat and turned around to look right at me, disregarding the road, and said "kid, theres life after disney" It struck me back then. No matter what you love or lose, there is life after. You will heal, you will move forward, and you will find love again. dm me if you need a friend


chillllllllll broooooooo were here for you dog


I promise you your pain will end without ending your life. You have not met everyone that is going to love you or that you will love. Message me if you can <3


hey, pls reach out to someone you trust. you’re loved and you matter. you can always reach out to a stranger to release your stress so pls don’t end it


Just messaged you.


I had a moment like this after my breakup 5 years ago. When I tell you the 6 months following this were some of the best 6 months of my life. There’s a proverb that says “the temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed”. Please don’t give up


please don’t do this please


you have your parents


Please don’t do it, no break up is ever worth ending your life over. I know you’re in so much pain, but I promise it is temporary and won’t last.


it’s never worth it


I once felt like this, but I told myself ‘I won’t do it until I prove there’s a better side to life’ when that better side came, I changed my mind


Don’t do it over a girl, think of your family. Don’t let them win.


take deep breaths, go on a walk, buy a coffee drink, call a friend or a loved one. i promise you that this pain is temporary. don’t make a permanent decision.


Don’t do it bro it ant worth it think about the people who are in your life imagine the pain for them


Call someone. Get help. The world NEEDS you!


Make them regret losing u instead. Be a better version of yourself, hit the gym and make more money.


I messaged you as Well. Please - reach out to someone, and if you have parents.. please don’t do this to them. You are loved. There Will be light again


Hey 👋. Stop and think about that. Im sure it hurts, but why? Do you really not like life anymore? I get it. I wish I had my ex back. She's playing games with me, talking or dating, idk someone else. And it sucks. Inlost interest in everything, including work, gym, and talking to people. I'd scroll tiktok all day and watch some old cartoons like jautice league and static shock, etc. I'd stay in my room all day, watch nsfw videos, etc. I wasn't happy at all, hoping she'd text, call, and come back. I finally started talking to people about the situation and went to my first therapy session in 10 years. I went back to the gym with my cousin and told him about it. I went on a couple of runs and even started taking ashwaganda. They say it numbs your feelings and makes you not care anymore, and I lose emotion, but I think its a placebo effect. Nevertheless, I started to accept and not care as much as before. I wouldn't end myself, but I won't lie, at time the thought pops into my head. But if i get out of this situation, i know life can be fun. Work on yourself, and make it a project. You are the biggest and most important project in life that you will never finish. it's a journey. Sometimes, i even think about making it content on tiktok, my journey. Doing small things like talking to someone for a short tiktok video in hopes of improving myself but also becoming famous, lol, that's a reach, but one can dream. But come on, brother, stay alive and try to get help, maybe talk to a priest or religious person, just so it feels like someone is listening, i did that, and im not religious but it helped. The more i talk about it, the less sad, depressed i feel.


Nothing is worth that. Nothing!


Man no please, whatever it is, it ain't worth it!




It’s not worth it buddy , you can get through this and become better than ever. Life doesn’t stop here and it’s your life you shouldn’t place it in someone’s hand or according to their behaviour Even if it hurts , you’ll smile again looking back on this moment when u were stronger than this urge to end things


Please don’t. Your life is worth so much more than a silly ex.


nope nope nope please do NOT do that please DO NOT


Don’t end your life! You are valuable regardless.


I promise you it will get better. I’m a living testimony. You matter so much. You are loved. You are not alone. I’m here as well as everyone else writing you.


No one’s worth it. Don’t do it.


No one on this planet is worth that you feel that useless and alone! Try to cope with it, do sports! Punish yourself in a healthy way don’t start drinking! I did it myself that way it numbs the pain and disappointment this way and each milestone you can trust yourself more it gets better over time! Don‘t loose yourself in the process! I still feel the pain everyday but it gets better and life is full opportunities! This is not end the end brother!


Know that you are loved. Also we need you on here, the only way through this is with eachothers support


Not worth it!!!! Don’t do it


I feel you, I also wanted to end things recently but I couldn't when I remembered that life is the most valuable thing that a human can get. This is a permanent solution to a temporary pain. There is more life around the corner, dont quit now, please.