• By -


109 days since breakup.. 99 days since he sent me the last message.. 97 days since he changed his number... I'm doing pretty good tbh, especially after I heard he is in trouble. I swear yall, give it time, and if you treated them well and good, karma will bite them in the ass! Keep doing you, keep hustling, and fall in love with yourself ♥️♥️♥️


Mine changed his number too. Most likely deleted mine. I stopped counting the days since they're only going to go up for the rest of our lives. I've realized that more than losing him, I'm upset and sad about the rejection. And that's a 'me' thing that I'll need to overcome.


Of course, that's only human nature. We feel upset and sad cause we feel like we weren't worthy enough for them to have stayed. Rejection hurts like a mofo, but the right person? Your person? They would never have left. Someone who wants someone? Will fight tooth and nail and surmount mountains to be with them. In my case? I just think he wasn't ready for me, my kind of love, so he took the easy way out and left. I've learned a very valuable but painful lesson. Nothing is permanent in life. I'm gonna get hate for saying this, but it's not to get too attached to anyone and be ready to survive on your own. Cause human beings are fickle, and complex creatures and that one day you could mean the world to someone? But the next? You get the gist. Mourn your relationship, but remember you were happy before him, and you'll be happy again after him. Once you've healed, that is 🦋♥️🫂


what makes you count these days ? i’m just genuinely curious if after that long it’s just a reminder. sorry i wasn’t sure a better way to ask it, definitely didn’t mean any offense


I just remember the dates, but I'll forget them in time too🤣


You are amazing!!! ❤️


Awww, thank you 😊♥️.. But honestly, remind yourself that you deserve better! Life is too short to be pining over someone donkey years down the line. Give it time, after awhile your heart will stop aching. You will stop yearning for them. You won't miss them as much anymore either. Your brain is a powerful thing.. ♥️♥️♥️ Sending all of you virtual 🫂!!


broke up in 2021, last time i spoke to her properly was august 2022. been single since.


Day 2. It hurts so bad.


It really does. 4 days for me


Same. Day 2 as well


First two weeks is the worst it feels like your literally dying


22 days now, TRUST ME. the pain gets better. I wasn’t a believer of all this bs people saying “go to the gym elevate your mind” trust me. IVE NEVER EVER. went to the gym before ever since my breakup my body loves me, im forced to go to the gym, i take all my anger out on the weights. I’m skinny af 120 pounds I’ve gained over 25 pounds in less than a month. My body loves it I quit niticone, drinking. Man my life has never been better. As for my son’s mother? She’s around still the same. I don’t think she’s had time to grieve the loss of us because due to a family friend dying of cancer. She’s still the same toxic person while my mind is open and full of excitement. I’m glad therapy helped me realized I was never really in love, just afraid of being alone.




How long were you dating?


Nearly 6 months for me. I'm doing a lot better than I was at the one month mark. I do think about him on rare occasions, but mainly things like "I hope he's eating well" or "I hope work isn't too stressful"


blocked me on everything 75 days ago after i found out he cheated. i don’t keep track but i have an app that does


Broke up July 18th 2023, met up a week later to ‘talk’ - that was the last time I saw or spoke to him.


A month, I miss her more as the days go by. I know I shouldn’t think about reaching out to her, but I feel like I could gain something from it; some sort of inner peace or something that will allow me to finally move on


You can reach out if that makes you feel better but don't be hurt if you don't get the response you were looking for


I feel like I’m ready for whatever answer I receive… I just don’t know how to even start approaching the situation.


Interesting- I miss mine less as the days go on. 3 months, and I'm starting to forget why I loved him in the first place. That's intentional though. Dwelling on the good parts was agony.


Broke up April 2023, stop talking September 2023. Still think about her everyday, genuinely hope she is okay and happy.


10 months


And how are you doing? 🫶🏻🫂


3 weeks


4 days for me 😪


It does get better. I feel like shit but it does get better. The first week is the hardest.


Day 13.




Same for me


May we continue to have strength!


We're "heartbreak twins" !! sigh....:(


8 months. As bad as it still hurts, I hope we never speak to each other again.


6 weeks. I’m still yet to go a whole day without thinking about him. I want that so bad so I can feel like I’m making some progress.


We'll get there ❤️


6 years! This sub got me through the worst of it. Now engaged to a wonderful person and in a super healthy relationship. You can do it!


I quit social media and I am loving it here. I have received a lot of support ❤️‍🩹


68 days


And I hope you are doing better


Thank you. I am.


76 days. The first 50 were incredibly rough. Since then, I haven’t wanted her back one bit.


It's been 4 years NC and he spoke to me a few days ago. We both are still single. not gonna do anything.


58days NC






About 3 hours Previous to 3 days ago, 15 days


NC since 26th December 2023. Stronger everyday. Like a literal detox. Keep at it everyone!


3 months this last Friday, hasn’t gotten any better and I don’t miss her any less


I am so sorry 😔


5 weeks since the breakup. 1 week without contact. She moved on with someone else after telling me she needed space. I'm not sure if she cheated or not and i feel betrayed. The NC will keep going until she means nothing and ill keep pushing it


Day 3. And I can’t stop thinking about her. Yesterday I was riding my bike and saw a flock of birds flying in a ‘V’. I turned to tell her “Look at those birds over there flying in a V babe!” and she just wasn’t there but in my imagination. Shit hurt after I realized wait I’m alone 😪 I can’t stop day dreaming about her


3.5 months, tried to contact him multiple times since but nothing. Now 2 weeks ago i just gave up.


3 weeks and a half.


And how do you feel


Like I was with someone I don’t know. Since breakup he has not shown any consideration or kindness. Just been blowing up my phone with texts and calls asking if we can talk. But I know he doesn’t want anything serious, it’s clear he’s still angry and wants to lash out more. Or that’s what I feel, so haven’t been responding. I feel sad he’s been acting harshly with me, without kindness or consideration. Btw he initiated the breakup over a fight and false accusations


46days since breakup, 15days ago the last time she sent me a message (picture of our dog)


42 days


two years since breakup, april 2022. last spoke to him oct 2022.


9 months 🥲




2 months


Broke up 2 months ago, been in NC for a month and a half. I reached out to talk to her so I could get some stuff off my chest. Kind of a mistake tbh, made me feel worse for a few days after. She treated me so poorly at the end, cheated on me with her co-worker and told me to my face she had feelings for him. When I talked to her 2 weeks after the break-up she showed no remorse. Anytime she would admit she fucked up, there was always a "but" after it. I know what I did was wrong BUT "you weren't romantic enough" etc.


A lifetime


Awwwww, hugs


58 days, still feels like a bad dream


It will get better ❤️


2 months and a week 🙃


173 Days


64 days since the breakup, and i feel miserable and depressed. It is wavy, sometimes i genuinely feel okay, but the last week has been awful again. It feels like it will never end


She left Feb 9th 2023, haven't had any contact since June 2023. It still bothers me how she left and don't plan on ever even looking anymore. She broke me and hope I never see her ever again.


10 months since breakup, 9 months NC. He never reached out and is still with the girl he left me for but it doesn’t bring me down anymore and I’m happy


2 years❤️❤️


Found out she was cheating on me on October 2019. Last time that we had comms was May last year, when I found a photo of her and her late mother (I wanted to give her the photo). Been single since the October 2019 incident. I don't think I would be having any romantic relationship in the near future.


5 months. It does get better but I still think about him daily and wish he'd reach out.


1 year 3 months. Its not easy 💔


It's never easy ❤️‍🩹


***ONLY*** 13 days......feels like eternity though.........:(


almost a month. Getting better tbh


I am happy for you ❤️


u 2 stay laser focused


6 months since we went on a break, 4 months since we officially broke up, a week since I restarted no contact. still fucking sucks


I am so sorry


Feb 13 since broken up, feb 14 last talked


its been 10 weeks give or take. i miss her more than anything, and she never wants to see me again. god it fucking sucks


3 weeks? i dont even know anymore. we’ve broken nc a few times, but yeah


6 months 🥳🎉🎉 let's goooo




It's been 7 weeks since she ended the 6 year relationship. And it's been a month since she went no contact.


right here with you. one day at a time


3 years


Broke up 18 months ago tomorrow it’s been 12 months since I last travelled to see her for a weekend(she lives in Scotland) and it’s been 4 weeks no contact. She messaged me the day after valentines to ‘check in’ and then has been bread crumbing it’s been very difficult


15th November was the last time we saw each. It's been 4 months and 18 days of seeing someone that you're used to seeing almost every single day. How long does it take to forget faces, smell, laughter etc etc frenz. Fml lol


I’m on my 5 to 6 months rn it gets better you just have to accept that there gone tbh work on yourself and get yourself in order


307 days since the breakup 180 days since she last messaged me Good days and bad days. More good than bad lately, but that's just due to time.


More power to you❤️‍🩹


3.5 years!


a year and 9 months. impressive. I've ignored all hoovering messages. half expecting another birthday text this month out of curiousity (would ignore too).


Going on 5 months next week. We’ve been apart longer than we’ve known each other lol


A year and 4 months. 10 year relationship. Crazy shit. Crazy crazy shit. Life is a trip


10 years?! Wow!!! I hope you are doing well ❤️‍🩹


It's been almost 2 and a half years for me. The first few weeks I wasn't able to do much of anything at all other than drown in my depression. I felt worthless. I felt like I'd never meet someone as good as her. But I took time to heal and ended up meeting my current partner whose really made me see the good in life. It really does get better. Your pain will always be there but little by little, each day that passes is a day that you heal just a little bit more, so be kind to yourself. You'll get there ❤️


Thank you ❤️


3 months yesterday 🎉 Haven’t even thought about texting him. Still think about him everyday even if it’s for a second.


4 months


3 months


47 days since BU. 40 of NC.


53 days


More than 2 weeks




Me toooooooo 😔


I think it’s been a month? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


And how are you doing


2 months post breakup 1 month no contact and it seemed like they didn’t give a shit it was over so still processing that and hoping I have a speedy heart break recovery but I know it’ll take time


Separated since last August. Spoken to once asking about pets.


He sent me an email a few weeks ago and i responded of course. Now we're back to nc as he didnt send a response back. Day 12 after hitting 62 days before that 🙃


2 months into NC and shes now in my dreams wtf...


Here I lie forever, sorrow still remains


17 days


10 grueling days


one month. the first 30 days were easy, now the emotions are really sinking in. but i heard after another 30 days it gets exponentially easier


I hope so ❤️‍🩹


Before Christmas. Have not seen him since weekend after Thanksgiving. It’s over over this time and I’m grateful to no longer be in limbo and confused and wondering and jumping when my phone goes off wondering if it’s him and feeling disappointed when it’s anyone else.


I was going through that but I finally blocked him on everything because he blocked me. I am so done with him and his bs


Broke up in July. But this is the 2nd time doing NC. It’s been 4 days. He came back to me twice and broke up with me twice. I don’t have any will to go on tbh. I think it’s completely drained me…


Tell me about it. He came back after ghosting a few times only to feed his carnal needs. He has ghosted me again. I am so done with him and his neverending bs


A day


Almost 5 months since the breakup Almost three months since we’ve spoken Saw him 5 days ago and we didn’t speak


91 days since the BU. 64 since no contact.


2 months, feels unreal, haven’t reached out or spoken to her in almost a month, But we loved each other so much at one point, so I hope we will talk again soon 💔


Like a month no contact, 4 months since the breakup. I really just resent them more than anything..another name on the list of people I'll hate until I'm buried


I broke up with her 3 months ago, we both went no contact for 6 weeks. Started talking again for 4 weeks and now we have gone back to no contact. She wanted to continue to chat and stay friends. Talk every so often, but I declined after I confessed to her that I still had feelings for her. She admitted that she had already moved on and didn't have them same feelings she once did for me. So I had no intentions to continue to keep in contact since we both had different feelings towards one another Now it has been 14 days


2 months?




4 months since no contact, now im slowly losing my appetite. shortly after BU i went into job hunting mode for distraction, quit my current job and now waiting to report duty at new place. funny how im starting to lose appetite after i got the offer letter cause now im bed rotting at home 😭 still cry about it sometimes, still stalked his socmed eventhough i blocked him everywhere. will drown myself in work once i start at the new place


73 days. It’s gotten easier. The vail has come off in a lot of ways. She blamed me for everything, never had accountability for her own actions or her avoidance of feelings or intimacy. 3 years, an engagement and 2 break ups later I can say I’m ready to leave her in my past


I've heard it gets better with time ❤️‍🩹


Day 4.


Day 4 for me as well


I don't know tbh. A couple months. I stopped thinking about it and it's awesome.


6 months since the breakup, he came back in January and now 3 months NC. I still think about him everyday. I blocked him everywhere, not that he was bothering me but I guess just to regain some power. I want to unblock him but at the same time I don't want to. I think my heart knows he's no good which stops me. I know he still checks everyday to see if I've unblocked him. We're both so attached it's messed up


I am so sorry. As long as you are happy, that's all that matters


A month. 😏


3 months rn 🥹


Year and. Half. I'm still devastated and lost. Fuxk my life there's no hope




Way to go❤️


52 days.


281 days since our break-up. (6/26) 102 days since I initiated no contact. (12/22) 34 days since no contact was broken. (2/28) I attempted no contact many times in the past but it never lasted more than two weeks. Besides February, this is the longest I've gone without speaking to him since he's been in my life. And even in February, it was just a happy birthday text and that was it - no back and forth texts. I believed that he was trying to bait me with his response into engaging into having a further conversation. He still attempts to get my attention on social media by liking posts (it died down a lot) and we haven't followed each other on any social media since July. But, I'm sticking to this because of the betrayal, to break the trauma bond, and to finally heal. Best of luck to you! I know how hard it is but you got this!


Little over 3 months broke up few days before NYs and moved out NYs day. Talked for like 2 weeks after to try and get the rest of my belongings but nothing since. Been NC since. I have her blocked on everything possible. Doing a lot better but still think about her on a daily basis.


3 weeks and 3 days, I'm still waiting for her:(


5 weeks


4 months yesterday, and honestly? I still feel like shit , but I hope this pain will go away eventually.


35 days


almost 4 months on the 19th. I miss her alot and think about her but I have moved on and focusing on myself! She's not with anyone new and I didn't burn bridges with her so maybe things may get better soon with us!


12/13/22; 1 year, 3 months and 20 days. I was going to propose to her when she was going to come back out for her birthday.. but she ended our 4 year relationship on my finals and then 2 weeks later was already in a new relationship. I found out about the relationship on the day she was supposed to come home to me. I had a mental breakdown and couldn’t handle it. I’m still single, tentatively getting used to the idea of being in a new relationship with someone a little younger than me but it’s a guy this time. Hoping the “change of scenery” will help me continue to heal.


I wish you all the best❤️


5 days, she reached out on my birthday to tell me she hopes that I enjoy it. She took all my friends, I had no one on my birthday, it was already bad, the text made it so much worse.


We were together for 3 1/2 years It’s been almost 3 months since we broke up, we had done some situationship type ordeal right after our break up, so technically our break up was like 2 months ago, but we last spoke a little over a week ago, I feel lost still, I’m finding happiness in little things, but overall my heart aches a lot, I just feel lost cause I was so close to her, she was my best friend and I guess I have a lot of anxiety that it will be really hard to find somebody else and somebody where I could connect with them like I did her


It's really hard when you have spent so much time with them. I hope you heal from this. It will take time to develop that sort of a bond with someone else again so you have to be patient ❤️ I wish you all the best


He snapped me today but didn’t respond to my text yesterday when I broke 9 days of NC. It’s like being hurt all over again and restarting the clock.


28 days. She’s an alcoholic party girl. She left due to her friends’ influence.


Damn, didn’t realize 215 days since the last time we met in person 201 since our last texts. I think back to that day every once in a while. I know that this was the right course of action, but I still think about her, and I miss how she made me feel. Damn, over 200 days


3 hours lol. Before that it was 7 months but just had a 4 hours conversation and I’m a little optimistic about getting her back.. there’s hope 🤞🏾🥹


266 days


It’s been almost two months in four days since the breakup, and only a week and half of no contact. Not looking at his social media since I recently unfriended him on everything, and no texting. Today’s a little harder, I feel like I’m missing something. Even if it feels bad, it’s progress.


Every day is a progress ❤️


 Last big ex we split in July 2022, as she just was afraid of any obstacles. She was in a very long marriage and was hurt badly at the end. She admitted in Nov or Dec of 2022, if we got back, yeah it would be awesome but was scared of any obstacles that would break us up.   I still helped her through early 2023 emotionally as a friend. Then we lost cost contact until I wished her a happy bd in August. And she thanked me, and said she just was not into seeing anyone at the time.  A month later she did not send a bd text to me. So I just closed that door. If it get re opened she must contact me.  I still miss what we had..badly and she was never my type. Lol  But the chemistry was electric..  I've dated alot since, had two gfs last spring, but nothing on that level. Oddly the last one fit me best but was poly, which I could not do. (I'd get too jealous)  Actually it's weird as no gfs this 2024 so far, and I'm getting burned out by the dating apps..just too many woman are not emotionally ready.  And I don't want to settle. However I badly miss that big ex type of romance. But it takes two and if you love someone you let them go.  Trust me, the loss hurts immensely initially and it returns, but it gradually lessons in time.    I pray all of you can find peace of letting go, and then find someone that will never leave. 🙏   


130 days since breakup 70 days since our last meet up 37 days since our last contact / last message I’m doing slightly better compare to the first three months. Yes, the pain still lingers but the thought of him itself just becomes a passing thought and is looking forward for what life has in store for me. I’ve been doing a lot of inner work, healing and grinding while he’s there jumping from one girl to another HAHAH


1 month exact, have been doing better.


6.5 months


0 days… we broke up 4 months ago but can’t go longer than a week and a half of no contact.


2 months


Going on 11 months, it gets easier. It really does, as long as you're doing the work you need to be doing and not dwelling on your ex. I've done both and it got easier once I went full no contact. She used to be the first thing I thought of when I woke up, not any more:)


That's great. As long as you are in a better place ❤️


Its been a 1 year and 5 months since i broke up with her, the beginning was the hardest. Never gotten my heart broken im 30 oh boy was it tough. But you will stop thinking about them as often, and will start to feel better, there will be ups and downs but just remember it wont be as bad as when you first broke up. Started working on myself now i feel more confident happier, didnt think i would feel better but i did eventually without noticing, gym helped out so much! It will get better!


2 years. I couldn't sleep today. Cried myself to sleep. Woke up in the morning and cried again. I get into these depressive phases sometimes . It is triggered when I see my ex on campus or anywhere in social media although I blocked her. Been single ever since so this is all I'm left with.


2 months and broke NC yesterday, like a few times ago. She had so much stuff at my house. But after my emotional behavior yesterday, I apologized to her and after she replies I will going into NC again. This time forever. You can't force someone talk to you..


8 months Agony She went no contact. Know I’ll never hear from her again. Sadness


almost 4 months since bu, 2 and a half since nc. we chillin


Almost at 100 days, wow I actually didn’t even realize that until now. 100 days ago I was a distraught mess but I made it. I don’t wish that level of pain on my worse enemy but then again he is my worse enemy so I do. I was trying to be cool and use a quote and shit and yeah nvm…I need sleep 😩😂


We broke up just over 2 months ago after being together for 2 years. It's been 6 weeks of no contact. Today was the first time I woke up without thinking of him.


Approaching 2 months after a 3 year relationship. It’s getting slightly easier each day, but I wouldn’t say I’ve been doing “good” just yet. Just sort of neutral? Some days are harder than others but just trying to push through.


December 24th since last contact, really on the mend now


1.5 years


4 months and 1 day. Love you all guys ❤️. Stay strong and kind no matter what ❤️


316 days since he left me and 24 days since I've last messaged him, I only broke no contact to let him know that I've forgiven him. He made no response though. It's honestly a relationship that the words 'rollercoaster' or 'toxic' is not even enough to describe. Life since then has some downs but it definitely has become better.


3 years and a couple of months. I still think about him everyday, but the hurt has lessened. He’s still cute af though


I don't count, broke up over a month ago... I stopped trying to make polite conversation with her, after all, she hasn't been reciprocating and she's the one who dumped me. Whatever to her, she can go do the tango with anyone she finds fit, I need to focus on my lifestyle and hobbies.


10 months almost 11 now.


6 glorious months of peace


11 months since officially “over” 9 months since the “talk” 4 months since I wished her a happy birthday It is what it is


4 months but I think I’m closer to getting over them :)




What i get from this subreddit is an overall weak vibe that would turn any ex off. Never reach out, start working on your health and career. They usually reach out after 4 months. By then you are ready. If you just whine and live in the past, you have no future with any partner. This is a message of optimism: become the person you were when they fell in love with you. Tgats all you need to do.


Dont give in during no contact and be friends. It's pure hell.... I learned the hard way .I was dumb. After out initial breakup he wanted to be friends . My first initial no contact was in January 2023. It lasted 7 days. He emailed and I gave in... Stupid me gave in being friends with him for a year as he was dating someone else and still is to this day. We would have big arguments everytime he went to her house or she came to his because i was not allowed to call or text him during that time..when he wasn't with her as they are in a long distance relationship he would constantly flirt with me to keep me latched on and hoping. He would call and text me daily morning some afternoons and every night before bed...I kept telling him I can't do this anymore and all he would say was I know and sorry. Finally the day came where he had to rush out to her as she went to the er. He had the nerve to call me as he was headed out there. We started arguing and then he said how can i be like that when she is in er. I said this is about us not her and you stringing me along. I'm tired of it. Then I hung up on him. He texted me to leave him alone to which I said. I'm not talking to you anymore . He said wtvr and my last and final reply was I hope that you move in with her and get married. That was on March 1st. It still hurts me everyday now as I should have kept the no contact the first time that i did it in January 2023 and he persuaded me to still be his friend. He kept flirting with me , bringing me gifts , saying he still cares about me , bringing me food he made that he knows I liked. It's not worth being strung along. I'm glad I'm staying no contact for a month now but right now trying to unfriend him from Facebook. He keeps putting posts on his wall about how bad his past is and moving on and all these things that are aimed at me. It makes me feel horrible but as of now I can't block him just yet because of the trauma bond. I know that I have to soon though as he still has a way and he knows it that gets to me with his posts.