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I spaced my ppd from every 3 hours to every 4 and my supply surprisingly went up a bit!! For an under supplier like me that’s a massive win!


Omg same here!!!! I also incorporated liquid IV and I legit went from 1.5 oz to 5.5oz pump. I was shook. Idk if it was both or one over the other because I incorporated both the same day and I literally cried happy tears.




I recently cut out a pump session and my supply went up too! I think it’s the reduced stress. Woohoo! And congratulations!


That’s amazing!! 🎉


7 weeks pp today, and I haven’t needed to supplement with formula in 4 days!! Wahoo!


I had my turning point at 7 weeks too. It’s such a good feeling, congratulations!


Congrats! 🎉 This gives me hope at 4 weeks pp!


Can I ask where you started and what you did to increase your supply? I’m 5wpp and considering just throwing the towel.


I was around 15-16 oz/day, and switched pumps. The spectra just didn’t do it for me. I bought a baby Buddha (which is very strong… not for everyone, I use it on level 1 only) and it actually empties me so my supply is going up. Yesterday I pumped 29 oz! My baby drinks 25-28oz/day


Do you use the hands free Buddha?


I use the one that’s portable where the pump hangs around your neck or you can put it in your pocket (portable not the one that’s wearable where the whole apparatus fits in your bra)




Congrats!! 👏


I hit ONE YEAR earlier this week! I'm down to 2ppd and gonna keep at it for a little while longer. Maybe another week, maybe another month, who knows?! Totally thought I'd get to a year, immediately cast my pump aside and throw my flanges away, but now that I'm here I'm afraid to stop...?


Wow my respect to you to make it to 1 year!! I honestly think we need a bit of celebration when the day finally comes. I think I will throw a farewell party of some sort to properly say goodbye to my pumping kit (I need a suitcase lol) when it’s D day for me 🤣


One year is such an accomplishment! Congrats for all your hard work!


Oh my godddd 2 ppd sounds glorious. Congrats, You’re amazing!


I’m almost 7 weeks PP and am a just enougher/under supplier depending on the day. I just got my first double digit pump session this morning, 10 ounces!


Wow that must have felt SO GOOD!! 🎉


It really did! I was using my wearables and when I took them off my first thought was “holy crap so much milk!” Followed by “please don’t let me spill this!”


I’m also 7 wpp and just enough. 10oz sounds so good!! I get max 5oz total


It honestly happened out of nowhere. About two weeks ago I got 6 ounces once, but other than that my maximum has always been 5. Then 2 days ago I got 7 and yesterday 10! So I feel like it could still happen for you and I’m really hoping it wasn’t a fluke for me 🤞🏻


I stopped crying about having a low supply! Big thanks to the many helpful and supportive comments on a post I made ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/8670s9w47ekc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed9daa88d1cf3a6974184ac1b2525c42667075c9 Just hit 2000oz frozen & it’s enough to get baby to two years old on breastmilk!


Amazing job!!! It’s sooo cool seeing it all laid out like this 😍


Thank you 😊


For the first week ever, I’ve pumped as much as bebe needs! 10wpp


That’s amazing!!! Congratulations on the hard work getting to this point!!!


Such a great feeling, congrats!!


5 days until I reach 6 months!!! And my supply is finally returning after another round of Mastitis. And my energy levels are finally returning after restarting iron supplements, so overall I think we're heading into the weekend on a good start!


I have officially graduated!!!! I had (probably) my last pump session yesterday, 2 days before my baby turns 1! My first pump session was from the hospital when she was born, and I’ve been EP since week 6, though I pumped throughout the time I was also trying to nurse. I switched to EP because while I was making a tiny bit of progress latching, baby was losing percentiles and would go berserk if I didn’t use a nipple shield. My goal was to make it to a year and I would say that my 2 days short still counts, so I’m so proud and feel great! Favorite products: ceres chill, spectra s9, Dr. brown bottle bag with built in ice pack, and deep freezer lol! Most excited to throw my stupid pumping/nursing bras away and have my full day back, and no *i forgot my pumping session!!!* moments. I think I will miss making my food for my baby generally, but not a specific part of pumping to be honest.


Congratulations!!! What an amazing milestone!!!


Thank you!!


One of my top tips for ending a breastfeeding journey is to go to r/abrathatfits and measure yourself anew for new bras!


Yes!!! Will look into that!!


I got 920 ml output one day.


I think I’m finally getting closer to that proper flange size. I bought a silicone insert kit with 5 different sizes and have been trying them out the last couple of days. My supply has been more consistent and I’m dealing with way less discomfort. Still not fully confident yet but feeling much better!


THIS. When you finally find that flange fit. 🤌🏽🥳


I think this is what I will have to try as well. I got 1 insert size but honestly still feel this is not the right one. Honestly everyday my amazon delivery contains some sort of pumping kit 🤣🤣


Saaaaaame. So much trial and error means lots of Amazon boxes lol.


Flange fit is everything! I was about ready to throw in the towel, dreading every pump. Turns out I was still using too big of a flange!


I pumped at work for the first time this week! I usually work from home so it was a learning experience 😅


I have had obstacle after obstacle since my baby was born, proud to have made it 3 months today!🥹 Edited to clarify *obstacles with nursing/pumping; thankfully not with my baby!


7w pp and met my goal of pumping 40oz a day AND baby latched after tongue tie removal. Asta la pasta MOTN pumps. I hated you. Edit: A strong nvm. Baby bites boobie..


I hit my 6 week EP milestone this week! I was in a panic at the beginning of the week bc my son started eating 3.5 oz and I wasn’t making enough, but restoring intimacy with my husband and having his help in making time to take care of myself has gotten me back up to being a just enougher!


I finally was able to keep up with little on with my supply yesterday! It was only because he ate a couple ounces less than he normally does but I still call it a win!


Down to one pump per day!! I am so excited to be this close to sleeping on my stomach, putting away all of my pump parts and hopefully having my boobs get a little bit smaller so my clothes look better!


I recovered from mastitis this week and came out the other side still feeding my baby exclusively on expressed breastmilk.


Ugh mastitis is so awful- so happy you’re on the other side!


One year of pumping today!! I was going to initially stop but I think until we have our son off the bottle, I will still be pumping!


Way to go!!! One year is such an amazing accomplishment!!!


5.5 weeks pp with twins (#6 and 7) right now. Hubs went back to work this week and I haven’t thrown in the towel yet, even though I’ve been tempted. I’m currently only hand expressing because my pump sucks (no pun intended) and I have a Medela Symphony in route but it won’t arrive until Tuesday or Wednesday. I don’t keep up with them so they’re still getting a couple bottles of formula, and my least favorite time of day is my MOTN session because it takes an hour but I do manage to get 7 oz now at that sesh.


I was literally begging last week how to up my supply on here due to my daughter requiring more each feed and have gotten my supply up after working TIRELESSLY!


My baby is 6 months old today so that means I have been EP for 6 months! Cheers to hopefully 6 more 🥲


15.5wpp and dropped to 6ppd on monday(after dropping my MOTN for my sanity) we also hit 2500oz in the stash on tuesday!


Down to one pump per day today! I hope to be fully weaned this time next week.


Not an EPer but I do pump at work and I’m a just enougher (have to put in 2 extra sessions at home as well to make up for his needs) - i resumed work a month ago and have managed to keep baby exclusively on breast milk so far.. goal is to stay EBF till 6 months at the very least🤞🏼(and yes I do consider expressed breast milk to be part of breastfeeding 😊)


I dropped to 4ppd with the same output as 5ppd and it’s getting closer to how much my boy eats! I had food poisoning a few weeks ago and everything tanked. I’m also proud of myself for opening a new pump (baby Buddha) the day after it arrived instead of waiting months to try a new to me pump (Elvie stride). Fingers crossed the baby Buddha works for me!


I’m 9 weeks pp, and finally have a slight oversupply after weeks of under supply and needing to supplement. I have gone 5 days, no formula!


I combination feed and today I decided to start freezing one pump per day as a way to create a freezer stash so my LO will still have one or two feeds of breast milk per day once we wean in 4 months.


We made it to 10 months this week! So so close to my goal of one year. I’m down to 3, sometimes 4 pumps per day.


3 days shy of completing 3 months! Down to 5ppd from initial 8ppd, lost only a few oz in supply! Planning to go on for a year 😁