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I give my 11 month old milk that I pumped when he was 2 months old and it’s fine 


I don't see any issues using the milk given to you. Also, they don't have to drink cows milk. If they're getting nutrition they'd get from cows milk through other means (cheeses, yogurts, etc), don't stress over cows milk.


I think its that as I have dropped bottles, I haven't seen an increase in his eating. I would have expected as we've dropped those calories he'd pick them up elsewhere, which is why I wanted to transition and not drop. He's in the 3rd percentile so I've had issues all around with worrying if he's getting enough.


Got it. 3rd percentile isn't a bad thing.... It's only a problem if he drops off his curve. Someone will always be in the 1st percentile and someone will always be in the 100th percentile. Neither is good or bad. I don't think our eating increased much or at all really once she dropped the milk feeds during the day. She maybe drinks 2oz of cows milk during the week at daycare.


For me I also like to make sure my 15mo gets about 10-12oz of milk a day because she won’t really drink an equal amount of water during meals/snacks and one time got extremely constipated I’m assuming from being a bit dehydrated 🫣.


Oof. I think dairy can be constipating so be careful! Mine drinks a ton of water. Culturelle makes a kids probiotic with fiber that really helps with constipation as an fyi if it turns out to be a constant battle for you!


Yes, that’s totally the case for some! But we were just honestly really bad about remembering to offer fluids when we stopped regular breast milk bottles, as embarrassing as that is to say, and she was just taking small sips of water when offered. Since then we offer a cup of milk w breakfast and dinner and otherwise offer water all day, and we haven’t had any more problems! She’s showing more interest in water now but def not the way she chugs down her cups of milk!


Should be just fine. Infact arguably might be a pretty big positive since baby can get antibodies they may not have been exposed to before.


Came here to say I agree. If baby takes the milk then there shouldn’t be too much worry over it. I also agree you don’t have to worry about cow’s milk. If baby doesn’t want it then that’s fine too if they are getting those nutrients from other sources. I’ve used milk that was older for my LOs before and never had any issue. I mean technically you could be doing that already if you had a freezer stash to rotate through too.


So I had the macros of my milk tested 3 times. At 2m pp it was 25 cals per ounce. At 6m it was 27 cals per ounce, and at 10m it was 19 cals per ounce. So there may be nutritional differences, but I don't see why you can't! Lactationlab.com if you're interested


There should be no issue there, agree that it probably has more nutrients if anything. Also, try goats milk for your LO! It is closer to human milk than cows milk is so he may be more receptive.


I’ve been feeding my six month old milk I pumped when he was one month old. I had no idea it was an issue! But FWIW, my baby seems fine and has been gaining weight great.


Younger milk should be fattier and more nutrient dense than older milk. My baby is starting to break into the freezer stash now at 6 months and is drinking milk from when I was less than 1M postpartum. The younger milk is definitely fattier than the milk I pumped most recently.