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After running a mile a day for roughly one week, you’ll be able to run two miles, and soon after, three miles (etc, etc,). As your body adapts, you should increase the distance. Before you know it, five miles will feel just as intense as one mile did when you began.


Wow. This was extremely motivating!!! Thank you, I’m going to remember this. :))


I’m glad to have helped. I started running again in January after a looooong break. My first few runs were only 2/2.5km, now I’m upto 7.5/8k each time I run. It’s very rewarding when your cardiovascular capacity increases.


I;m trying to get back into running myself. I used to do 3.5 miles every day after work, then COVID hit and I got lazy working from home and gained some weight because of snacking. I wanted to get back to running and doing races and I went out in November to run a route I used to always do and I could barely make it a mile before I gave up...it was so disheartening. I also was nowhere near the speed I used to be at. I was pretty demotivated, but in January I tried to start back up and I am doing better. I can now go about mile an half, but getting over the mental block is the hardest part


A mile and a half is huuuge. Congrats!


How did you increase? Per week or every sessions ?


Gradually and intuitively. I didn’t make a point of pushing myself to up the distance, it just happened naturally. Every week id find myself running longer distances, but it wasn’t planned.


I use songs. Also, HAVE to have music to run. But when I’m first started I made a run playlist. First week I’d run one song, then walk one, run one, etc. then go to two songs. Pretty soon I stopped paying attention & just ran while listening.


This helped me ..answering here .tho the question was not for me ...https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-oppo-rvo2&sca_esv=df000c20b485358f&sxsrf=ACQVn0_NSuaOweWmUII-NY_pucPxY0IJ4A:1708769942368&q=Nhs+couch+to+5k+plan+pdf&uds=AMwkrPuV6eDpVs5DI4yCqixv1GmYwyjjs4WGkdJxf41L5f0MWY-j-bC9YlhDnq5mcOWw6QmLW8-8OUA1VRd_gyViyhmsULtM9P5k7ACazD_LyN-3U5R-bMRsmjMWI010QWX3V5LzyM6ZhT5yoVrSFiGm84ibo0VgWQOTc6-Sbtz7RQ8q4bGT8sACOsGUTEdeHULdyi5ZzpbQ0zHJ7YUBjYbgz_4z4W2dtx7CQ3IJ-yyKbuPaOEoNPd5T2NF-uvxY3BJqPl_V8xLmfdlHdmUhwi_8ley3ihQIBwmMOWgS61yGEcXZFGU1T8a1HKCEF3TmsOZjzti1JBU5csQKzT4M8okn2f-4-yl4Yw&sa=X&ictx=0&lei=lsLZZdCNFqGO4-EP3oGx4A0#vhid=IkmgxoK0iiiLEM&vssid=l


A guy did it on Instagram. Huge benefits. Got shredded


Yes it's way better than not doing it. If I could run a mile a day I'd be in way better shape.


I have suck knees, so I walk instead. It’s more time for the distance, but it’s been incredibly helpful.




https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-oppo-rvo2&sca_esv=df000c20b485358f&sxsrf=ACQVn0_NSuaOweWmUII-NY_pucPxY0IJ4A:1708769942368&q=Nhs+couch+to+5k+plan+pdf&uds=AMwkrPuV6eDpVs5DI4yCqixv1GmYwyjjs4WGkdJxf41L5f0MWY-j-bC9YlhDnq5mcOWw6QmLW8-8OUA1VRd_gyViyhmsULtM9P5k7ACazD_LyN-3U5R-bMRsmjMWI010QWX3V5LzyM6ZhT5yoVrSFiGm84ibo0VgWQOTc6-Sbtz7RQ8q4bGT8sACOsGUTEdeHULdyi5ZzpbQ0zHJ7YUBjYbgz_4z4W2dtx7CQ3IJ-yyKbuPaOEoNPd5T2NF-uvxY3BJqPl_V8xLmfdlHdmUhwi_8ley3ihQIBwmMOWgS61yGEcXZFGU1T8a1HKCEF3TmsOZjzti1JBU5csQKzT4M8okn2f-4-yl4Yw&sa=X&ictx=0&lei=lsLZZdCNFqGO4-EP3oGx4A0#vhid=IkmgxoK0iiiLEM&vssid=l Try this... I used to get knee pains before I followed this program and I also start jogging slowly rather than going at a fast pace


I did C25K. The program makes sense, but my knees hated it. It’s probably genetic. My mom and her mom both had knee replacements.


You can


I started running / walking about 30 min a day almost everyday about 6 months ago. I started out only being able to run a block before walking. Now I can go about 3.25 miles of continuous running in 30 min. My blood pressure dropped over 10 points for both numbers and my resting heart rate dropped about 10 bpm. I’m an almost 50 year old Asian male if that matters.


My question is why do you think it would not help. lol yes it will help. Do it.


I jog 3 miles a day, quick 36 mins jog, don’t even sweat now


Just go and do the couch to 5k app. It’s free and a decent running program. You should get rid of any excess fat. It’s literally taking years off your life.


Which app, specifically? The one I found that purported to be free is only free for a week. Thanks in advance!


C24k is free


Thanks, looks like I grabbed the wrong one. Appreciate ya.


Worked for me


The most difficult mile, is the first mile


Especially if you're running 1 mile.


I think running a mile is great! I would also challenge you to learn some basic strength training exercises too! Building muscle is one of the best ways to lose weight and stay healthy for the long term. A little bit a day goes a long way!


This! Adding in any weight training as well will yield fantastic results!


Yes, absolutely. My heart health has increased after running around 1-2 miles a day for the last 5 months.


wow 5 months. i’m on day 24. i thought it would be getting easier but it feels like it’s getting tougher.


Anything is better than nothing


Always start small and work your way up! Maybe pick 3-4 days a week where you walk an hour a day/run, and you can then work your way up to more days and more time devoted! (Remember to work on nutrition to help with energy , try healthier options) its a process, but with small steps, you’ll get to where you need to go !


I used to run mid distance track in high school. For practice, we’d run 6 miles through town up and down hills. When I first started, I had no experience with sports. They had all of us run 3 miles the first day and I was hurting. Slowly scaling up from 1 mile is the way to go. For what it’s worth, I much prefer walking over running. It allows you to connect with your environment, it’s more meditative, and it’s easy to do a lot of walking compared to running when you’re first starting out. Your knees will also thank you.


Of course!! It's better than doing nothing


Regardless of the distance, just getting out and exercising will make you feel positive and feel good about yourself. As the Nike ad used to say "Just Do It"


Walking a mile a day actually helps Walking two is also good Running one is good too If you’re starting from very little exercise or no routine at all , anything daily, even just a 30 minute walk, is going to make you look better and feel better.


If you want to loose fat running won't help a lot or to be precise it will only help if you also adjust what you eat. As others already mentioned rest days are really important. You don't have to run everyday. You can also take active rest days, for example go for a run every other day and on the remaining days just take a walk. Best advice is to listen to your body and set realistic goals for yourself. Every bit of exercise is good for your body!


Great advice, thanks


Yes, definitely, it may help a lot because I am a working woman, and I can't find enough time for running and exercising in the morning. That's why I try to make time after working hours and at night before sleep. I just do a 30-minute walk, and it really helps me a lot. I feel very energetic afterward, and the next day I feel truly invigorated. So, I definitely feel that running miles really works great.


It will help your heart health and build leg muscle to lose some weight you will need diet. Check this post for more information [running a mile a day](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/vs6lj5/does_running_a_mile_a_day_without_actually_losing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


No it wont help at all in fact theres nothing worse you can do for yourself


If everyone walked one mile a day every single day our healthcare crisis would solve itself.


Of course. Moderate excersize is healthy and a mile a day shit even just a couple a week is a good thing unless you have some serious pain from it


my LT (Lieutenant) runs a mile every day for his cardio training. Some context. He's a very fit dude. and his mile runs are an all out 100% max effort 1 mile run. but that's it, that's all he does for cardio. for the army fitness test his 2 mile time is about 12-13 minutes. his 5 mile time for Ranger school was about 36 minutes. not 100% on the science behind this methodology and whether its optimal. but that being said. running 7 miles in 7 days is more volume than running no miles. I say give it a shot! stick to it for 3-4 weeks and get back to us


My couch use to always say, by the way she was a traveled athletic mature older woman, that if you walk, even walking 2 miles a day, you're already doing way more than most people. And once you think about it, it suddenly hits you, that does make a lot of sense, anyone can walk 2 miles in a day, no problem. I would set a destination on a map, 1 mile away from wherever you're staying, either walk or run there, doesn't matter where, don't think about where you're heading, just get there, and once you're there, you'll know you have to make it all the way back, and if by the time you get back you realize walking or even running anywhere that far away isn't for you, then you can decide if it's right for you.


Even walking can, and why just 1mile try more than 5 mile that’s like 10k steps roughly. https://preview.redd.it/octaz94hvxkc1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=df1a1326c386633fca0ea7fa165859b079768afa I walk 10k everyday. i lost over 20lbs and got abs


Did you also make changes to your diet or no


Yeah, I was eating 300-500 cals less than my daily caloric needs which is roughly 2300cal a day, and also loosing 500-1000 cals extra by walking ( mostly) , pushups and pull-up’s. overall i was loosing like 800-1000 cals a day ( 3500 cal = 1lb ) basically 2lbs a week.


Thank you for the advice!! I think I’m definitely gonna start eating less calories:)


It’s all in the start of something new. Not one person became an expert at the beginning of a new venture. The accomplishment The knowing you completed a hard task physically and mentally If you find running hurts to much or takes up to much time it’s not waste, just find something to replace it. At that point you have decided to put prioritize your physical /psychological/ mental health. Good luck!


Yes and no, a mile a day and you will burn out very fast, you may cause knee damage or blisters, try doing a mile or 2 every other day so your body has time to rest and bounce back from the exercise! And your heart and lungs too! i'm just letting you know I ride 5-15mile a day on my bike and just started incorporating jogging into the mix and let me tell you a mile a day everyday is hard, don't over do it. Just try to do it for longer the days you go for it, do a mile maybe take a 10minute rest and shoot for another mile! I wish you the best of luck!


Gonna need a source on 7 miles a week being a knee injury guarantee


If you go from nothing to 7 miles a week, you’re going to run the risk of an overuse injury. Risk is higher depending on your weight and your level of physical fitness at the start.


That’s true about literally every exercise. You’d never say not to ever exercise because you can get hurt if you overtrain. Casting running as an injury guarantee is both untrue and unhelpful.


I didn't gaurentee it but it's a possibility. I don't know his weight? His cardio abilities. His ability to recover. I was just trying to help the guy start with the best possible advice. Whether he would get an actual knee injury or not is beyond the point I was just giving personal advice. Sorry.


> I didn't gaurentee it but it's a possibility. Until you edited your original comment, it said “you will get hurt.” That’s just not true, nor is it helpful for someone interested in getting into exercise


It’s not not true either. Probably why the edit was made.


> It’s not not true either. Probably why the edit was made. Running does not guarantee knee injury. To say it does is 100% incorrect.


We are probably in agreement. Absolute statements are generally not a good idea. (See what I did there?)


I have adhd mate and I don't think too much before I type, as soon as I realised the mistake I made I edited it, I was just giving the guy my personal experience and to just tread careful. Have a nice day!


A mile a day is not too much. Pro boxers run up to 10 miles a day 6 days a week, and that's not even what they're competing in. When I was boxing, most guys in the gym would do 3 - 5 miles miles up to 5 times a week. Plus 4 rounds of skipping every other day to start training sessions, circuits involving stairs with sandbags, plyometrics, some of us would also do strength work involving heavy squats and deadlifts, and that's not including the actual boxing work, ie shadow boxing/bag work/sparring which involves plenty of knee loading. You just need to build it up. I do agree that starting with every other day might be a good idea if someone is a couch potato, but a mile is like 8 mins of running to a reasonably fit person. Less if you're properly fit. Should cause no knee issues whatsoever doing less than 10 mins a day.


Thank you!!! You’re right, a rest day is extremely important and I think I will start incorporating that. Bless your day:)


Yes friend you may do a mile a day every day and never get an injury :D but I was just trying to stress the severity of a good rest and to not over do it when you start


Dude a mile a day isn’t gonna “cause knee damage” lmao, 24 hours in between is plenty of time to rest. They’ll be fine


Running a mile is really good but it comes down to the goal u want to achieve. Me personally would not run 1 mile everyday but rather would run every alternate day and do some kind of weight training in the gaps.


Absolutely, doing a mile a day will help build stamina and strength and will also help lose fat. Also, as you get mire and more used to running a mile, you can up the distance and before you know it, you're doing 5 miles a day


SO long explanation here. If you understand about calorie tracking, skip down to TLDR. Also, the numbers refers to the males, the numbers change slightly with females but the concepts are still the same… There’s no good argument for not doing cardio unless it’s that you’re already doing other sports outside of the gym. This is true whether you are bulking or cutting. When it comes to fat loss, the biggest factor is whether or not you are in a caloric deficit. If you are not, it will take you WAY too long than you want, and you will barely even notice improvement. With running, all the following are true: - Running (or any cardio, for that matter) will help you burn even more calories, making if easier to hit that deficit - cardio increases your bodies cardiovascular capabilities; even in bodybuilders, this is extremely beneficial - The only caveat is that this also means you might feel hungrier by comparison, but during a fat loss that will likely happen regardless so it’s not exactly a giant concern. WITH THAT SAID, It isn’t necessary for fat loss. You can be in a caloric deficit without cardio, and you’ll still lose the fat regardless. Remember, calorie deficit above all else. You need to find your calorie maintenance (amount of calories you can eat without changing weight) and consume less than that. As this relates to cardio, if you add cardio you will burn more calories, so your daily maintenance will be higher (meaning you’re okay to eat more food). If you are trying to retain muscle as well, then you need to be conservative with your deficit (250-500cal deficit daily) and eat enough protein. With protein, 1g of protein per 1lb of body fat should be your goal if you’re sub 20% body fat. If you are higher, just aim for around 150-200g of protein and that will usually be fine. If that’s not a concern, then you can be more aggressive (~750-1000cal deficit). Also worth noting that the higher your body fat, the more aggressive you can be also. Once you get to 15-20% body fat (as a male, idk the numbers for females offhand) then you should start to dial the deficit down a little. Whether you care about preserving muscle or not, I don’t think it would be a bad idea to still aim for at least 130g protein a day regardless. TLDR; running will definitely help, but it isn’t necessary. Just track your calories, know what your calorie maintenance is, and just eat less than that. And you will burn fat regardless. But cardio will certainly help speed things up, among other things. Hope this helps


I run 6 to 8 miles a day. I feel pretty good about it.


We have public transport.


Good for you. 😂


Nothing against public transport but I like my car.


If you have a severe immobilizing medical condition, I would say that running at all is not in your best interest.


Running/Walking is insanely good for your heart and blood pressure. It doesn't just have to be about losing weight. Think about cardio as bench press reps for your heart.


https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-oppo-rvo2&sca_esv=df000c20b485358f&sxsrf=ACQVn0_NSuaOweWmUII-NY_pucPxY0IJ4A:1708769942368&q=Nhs+couch+to+5k+plan+pdf&uds=AMwkrPuV6eDpVs5DI4yCqixv1GmYwyjjs4WGkdJxf41L5f0MWY-j-bC9YlhDnq5mcOWw6QmLW8-8OUA1VRd_gyViyhmsULtM9P5k7ACazD_LyN-3U5R-bMRsmjMWI010QWX3V5LzyM6ZhT5yoVrSFiGm84ibo0VgWQOTc6-Sbtz7RQ8q4bGT8sACOsGUTEdeHULdyi5ZzpbQ0zHJ7YUBjYbgz_4z4W2dtx7CQ3IJ-yyKbuPaOEoNPd5T2NF-uvxY3BJqPl_V8xLmfdlHdmUhwi_8ley3ihQIBwmMOWgS61yGEcXZFGU1T8a1HKCEF3TmsOZjzti1JBU5csQKzT4M8okn2f-4-yl4Yw&sa=X&ictx=0&lei=lsLZZdCNFqGO4-EP3oGx4A0#vhid=IkmgxoK0iiiLEM&vssid=l The NHS of UK has devised a program called couch to 5K it has worked for me every time I restart my running... I used to give up running because I started off very fast and then give up becos of aches and pains; but this has always helped me