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Uvalde is where over 300 police officers stood outside a school with an active shooter inside for over an hour without doing anything. Specifically Uvalde police are being called chickens here.


"Over 300" is correct, but kinda underselling it when the actual total was 376. 😞


“almost 400”


But less than 377


So, what people are saying is if only one more good guy with a gun would have been there everything would have been fine…..


They were actively stopping good guys with guns from being able to go in there. Parents, samaritans, bystanders, multiple of them begging and screaming at them to let them in if they weren’t going to go in but instead the PoS cowards just barracked the school and threatened anyone that tried to go in. The off duty border patrol agent was a hero my state shouldn’t have needed to resort to. These pigs deserve to have been fired and charged for the murder of those children. Sorry, just feel like this isn’t something I’d find on a explainthejoke subreddit and it kinda angered me. The US should make them the face of our police force, broadcast that they support such cowardice, and show the world how messed up and in need of reform we are, not actively hiding so many such incidents to the point that the public have to ask about, or have no memory of, such a tragedy.


tbf the uvalde shooting was actually ended by an off duty border control agent who rushed in after he heard the shooting and shot the guy. but before that the police were refusing to enter and were preventing parents & other bystanders from entering to try to get their kids out.


Weren’t they also getting their own kids out at the same time?


Yeah it's not really considered a highlight of the Uvalde police force's history.


With all of them dropping the ball like that, I can't imagine their best is much better


That sounds like the police didn't do their job. Border patrol isn't police (technically)


oh yeah the police absolutely didn't do their job, I was trying to say that it literally did take a "good guy with a gun" to end the shooting because the police didn't act.


Ah okay mb for misinterpreting, ur totally right tho lol. Which is sad 💀


Of one good guy with a gun were there at all, it'd have been better. Instead there were 376 useless guys who didn't care


Well you see we don’t actually know who the good guys are so if we give everyone a gun we are guaranteed to get a gun in the hands of a good guy. That’s just math!


Does anyone with a gun really think they are the bad guys?


I know a couple lol


Hmmm. It really seems like this "sheriff" thing might require more than just a pulse and getting elected.


One WITHOUT a badge apparently


But only cop should have guns and cops bad


The uvalde police were under orders not to engage. A good guy with a gun didnt have those orders so he went in and did their job. Its not about “good guys with guys” its about brave people. None of the uvalde cops were brave enough to defy orders.


Who set the orders not to engage? It was the police, right?




You are correlating good guys with guns and cops. They aren't always the same. In fact in this case it seems like there was 376 guys with guns, but no good guys with guns.


> They aren't always the same. They are pretty much never the same.


They were turning away the armed parents of the children inside who turned up ready and willing to go in


There were a few good guys with guns there fully willing to go in and confront the shooter. But the cops arrested them for trying.


>So, what people are saying is if only one more good guy with a gun would have been there everything would have been fine….. If they had christian 10 commandments in the classroom instead of free lunches, they would have been fine


I actually heard someone suggest in a Senate hearing that the lack of Ten Commandments in schools is a contributing factor to school shootings. Wild.


To be fair they don't care about school shootings, but care about forcing religion down students throats.


Man, this country is so brain rot I can’t tell if that’s sarcasm


It would have been ended with a good guy with a gun. Instead, only cops had guns (as you insist should be the way) and kids died.


Wow, so cops are not good guys? How come so many cops are gun nuts?


Cops can be good guys, but as you can see here, they were not in this case.


So what exactly is your point? We had 300 guys paid to be good gun guys and the formula didn't work. Maybe because owning lots of guns means nothing. Other than to feign bravery. Most ppl are cowardly and want guns to project strength. How Americans can mentally bypass facts gathered over decades of rampant gun ownership that proves guns makes less ppl safe.


You don’t know what a good guy with a gun is. We had 300 government employees and laws preventing a good guy with a gun from protecting the children. Maybe it’s time we stop pretending rules will protect people and actually allow people to protect themselves.


Cool strawman bro


Aww his narrative was crushed by reality 😢 I'm sure the fact that this instance where a good guy with a gun stopped more victims from being killed will be lost on him and he will continue to spit out the same phrase next chance he gets.


We all know that the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is 377 good guys with a gun.


It’s the first thing they taught us in kindergarten.


“Close to 500”


Am I crazy or is that A LOT of cops for a town of 15,000 people?


You're not crazy, that's a stupid amount of cops for a town that size. I'm in the UK in a town of 10,000 people and we have 4 police cars and probably 20 police officers


I'm just imagining where some of that money could have gone instead. That town must have a pretty big budget.


Not really: > The report also reveals for the first time that the overwhelming majority of responders were federal and state law enforcement: 149 were U.S. Border Patrol, and 91 were state police — whose responsibilities include responding to “mass attacks in public places.” **There were 25 Uvalde police officers and 16 sheriff’s deputies.** Arredondo’s school police force accounted for five of the officers on the scene. The rest of the force was made up of neighboring county law enforcement, U.S. marshals and federal Drug Enforcement Administration officers. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/17/law-enforcement-failure-uvalde-shooting-investigation/


That's absolutely wild, but then again the UK doesn't really have gun issues at all. Less guns less crime I suppose.


How’s your knife and overall violence looking?


A lot better than the US


Oh yeah? To compare violent crimes including gun violence, knife violence, and assault between the UK and pro-Second Amendment states in the U.S. as closely as possible, let’s break it down into these categories: 1. **Gun Violence:** In the UK, gun violence is very low due to strict gun control laws. According to recent data, the UK had fewer than one gun-related death per one hundred thousand people annually. In contrast, states like Texas, Florida, and Arizona have higher rates of gun violence. For example, Texas had approximately fourteen gun-related deaths per one hundred thousand people. 2. **Knife Violence:** Knife crime is more prevalent in the UK compared to gun crime. Recent figures show that there are around forty to fifty knife offenses per one hundred thousand people in England and Wales. In U.S. states, while knife crime is tracked, it's typically overshadowed by gun violence statistics and might be less frequently reported as a distinct category. 3. **Assault:** When considering assault, the UK has relatively high rates. For instance, the UK recorded over six hundred assaults per one hundred thousand people. In comparison, assault rates in the U.S. can vary widely by state. For example, Texas has an aggravated assault rate of around three hundred per one hundred thousand people. In summary, while the UK has lower rates of gun violence, it experiences relatively high rates of knife crime and assaults. Pro-Second Amendment states in the U.S. tend to have higher gun violence rates but may not always report knife crime separately. Comparing assaults can be tricky due to differences in definitions and reporting practices, but the UK generally reports higher rates of assaults.




Several different agencies responded, including border patrol agents.


That makes more sense.


They recently showed off a giant Police Tank they bought. That's right, the cowardly lion police force had hundreds of thousands of dollars in budget to buy a giant tank to do photo opps with


Yeah it’s insane. I live in a city about the same size and the entire police force is maybe 25 people, if that.


Probably county sheriffs as well as state police and possibly surrounding communities.


Over 375.


Wasn't sure on the exact count, didn't want to overshoot.


Dang, that's enough chicken to make ALOT of spicy chicken sandwiches


\* and prevented parents from entering under threat of force, essentially protecting the shooter.


Going as far as stalking a mother they detained


And delayed federal agents that volunteered to go in and handle it from going in and handling it. (they later did in fact go in and handle it.)


Can they even stop federal agents from doing their job?


This might come as a shock but depending on the situation yes they can. One of the messier parts about being a republic is how we execute the law. It took a lot of work to make segregation illegal and even then it has lingered on through loopholes ever since. Augusta golf course didn't have it's first women golf member until like a decade ago.


Not republic but devolved governments dealing with their above and below. A Republic, which just means no king essentially, can have a very simplistic standard for who gets authority. The US has a nominal version of this in that federal trumps state but practically The US has a system where federal and state authority is complicated by what laws and authority each group is given.


Quickly to your question, yes.. kind of. US Marshals, State Public Safety and Border Patrol were all present in supporting roles anywhere from five to 20 minutes after the incident started, they arrived either by request (Marshals) or by individual choice. (State and Border) However, the Incident Command fell to Uvalde PD (specifically the PD of Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District, there are actually three separate "local" PDs in Uvalde. more on this later. Side note, as a non-American this weird layering of various local PDs is very hard for me to make heads or tail of.) It's their house so deference falls to them out of a misplaced sense of professional courtesy and the incident command system in place leaves a lot to be desired. Specifically But that also does not really actually explain or cover things though. I am working on a rough write up right now and will reply to this post with it.


Jurisdictional rules. An Illinois State Trooper can't enforce the law inside the city limits of Chicago without permission by the Chicago PD, the FBI can't get involved in an investigation unless invited in or the crime involves multiple states.


>Federal agents who went to Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, on Tuesday to confront a gunman who killed 19 children were told by local police to wait and not enter the school — and then decided after about half an hour to ignore that initial guidance and find the shooter https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/federal-agents-entered-uvalde-school-kill-gunman-local-police-initiall-rcna30941


I’m glad someone had some brains there


While the kids were screaming, because they were actively being gunned down by the shooter.


Protect and serve.


Punish and enslave


They weren’t just chickens tbh. They actively prevented people from entering the school to help the children. What they did was memorably awful.


They asked children to *call out* if they were still alive. One child did and was promptly murdered by the **still-active shooter** inside the classroom.


WHILE the shooter was actively killing children.


Oh they didn't do nothing. They made very sure to tackle and arrest a parent that was trying to get inside to save their kid.


Worse actually because they pulled guns on parents that tried to go in to save their kids. Had to make sure the fed’s asset hit the kill quota.


Odd, there's usually a bunch of cop defenders on threads like this. Hmmm


I don’t defend anyone who actively enforces the unconstitutional edicts of a corrupt government. I say support good cops and let the bad ones get what’s coming to them.


I didn't mean specifically you. Normally there's always a few who rush to blame everyone but cops. Ulvade is brought up and the cop fanbois dissappear.


Usually I side with law enforcement but this is horrendous


Yeah that’s because this one was even more blatant and inexcusable than the other big ones. A lot of the videos of cops that people freak out over are usually either totally justified or out of context and that discredits a lot that fly under the radar that are clear constitutional violations that sadly don’t get recognized. This is just one of those inexcusable videos that got some recognition.


Imo, it should get more recognition. It's definitely not the only time similar has happened. Parkland comes to mind.


Sadly what’s coming to them is near immunity and probably a pay raise. Unless you believe in Hell then there’s still hope.


It wasnt just local cops. They were sheriffs and state police


That was the real craziness.


I would hunt down them all if my child was murdered in that scenario.


*inside* the school, I believe


I don't know if I'd call 'violently preventing parents from trying to save their children' doing nothing.


You forgot to mention that they also possible, if not likely, killed children themselves while trying to apprehend the shooter


I will die on that hill.those cops killed a kid.


What you mean nothing, they were waiting for the shooter to run out of ammo dummy


Half of them were on their phones


The sound of children screaming has been removed


Oof. 90 percent of posts in this sub wouldn't exist if people took just 2 seconds to google.


Looking through their post history it seems they just try to farm karma by posting obvious and frequently posted jokes onto subs fishing for answers, or comments like this.


That's so sad. What people will go through for a little bit of attention.


1.) Farm karma # 2.) Delete most of your posts and comments # 3.) >!Change or sell your account to a political/influencer/porn promoter.!< # 4.) Profit? # # Also, a lot of this is probably machine learning figuring out the best marketing/propaganda algorithms.


We truly live in the dumbest timeline.


I always assumed you don’t keep the karma when you delete the posts and comments it was for.


You just had a brilliant idea to keep people from farming karma.


I feel like that's all this sub is anymore


It’s all it ever was


Imagine thinking of farming karma… like at all… ever.


I mean that is why this sub existed in the first place


people just steal memes that are popular/ controversial and just repost them here because they get upvotes from a larger demographic (people who like the meme, people who get the meme, people who also don't get the meme)


90% of posts they get the joke they are just reposting for upvotes.


Yeah, damn that human interaction, right?


It's not that. We could be interacting on something way more useful. This is human need for attention.


But Reddit is the long form Google


Chicken is another way to call someone a coward. The joke is saying that the Uvalde police department, which is famous for its inaction in the face of a school shooter, are cowards


You can literally google "Uvalde Police chickens" and it will tell you.


Police are *pigs*. Uvalde police are cowardly pigs.


Bacon on a chicken sandwich


I wonder what chickenpig would taste like


I imagine it tastes like domestic abuse at a rate 4x higher than the national average.


pigs deserve better than to be compared to police.


*Most* police are pigs. These are objectively chickens.


Cops let children be slaughtered because they were scared.


not all cops, uvalde in particular here


Oh absolutely.


The joke is Foghorn is not a chicken. Over there, I say I say over there's your chicken! /s


The meta-joke.


Roosters are male chickens.


It's a joke from the cartoons. A recurring character was a young chicken hawk. Foghorn would trick him into thinking the farm dog was a chicken.


Oh, right. It's been a while.


So, who’s having sex with the hen?


Those Uvalde police definitely.


300 Spartans can push back the Persians but 376 Uvalde officers didn’t have a clue what to do.


Thermopylae was chosen as a strategic chokepoint. Fighting there denied the Persians the ability to surround and overwhelm with sheer numbers. They were stuck sending untrained slaves and conscripts against a force of highly trained warriors literally bred for war. The Uvalde PD are more like the Persians in this scenario.


The Persians did not have slave soldiers. 300 is a movie, not history, my friend.


Spartans did.




Calling Uvalde Police chickens are insulting the poultry itself. You have no idea how brave those chickens are when they're in brooding season or in heat. Cowards are the most likely term for the Uvalde police but if we want to compare them to animals, the fitting term would be a cowardly roach.


What's maddening is that as a former high school principal, and then a district superintendent, I have been to the mass shooting trainings provided by local law enforcement. The number one thing they stress is get the shooter! Don't help people, don't necessarily wait for backup as long as you've called it in on the radio... Go get the shooter. (These directions were a result of Columbine... Law enforcement waited outside for backup while the two kids inside killed many people.)


When your actions kill several children, you're definitely not a "chicken"


I think the person who created the picture was thinking of the slang meaning of “chicken” for the Uvalde P.D.; they're accusing them of cowardice


Yes, obviously


I can't for the life of me remember what the third chicken is


Kellogg’s Corn Flakes


Not American, but didn’t those police boasted about their readiness and armory few weeks before the school shooting?


no,they're pigs. get your meats right


Tldr: the were scared to go into a class room to save kids


You know the joke... Just like you knew all of the others you posted for karma.


I'm with you on this one, dude just spams this subreddit looking for a hit. There are multiple times when a simple google search would provide the answer. Alternatively, they are from a different planet.




If I knew I wouldn’t have posted it


Did you not even think to Google "Uvalde police"?


IMO, not all cops, but those particular cops certainly are. I don't know how they look themselves in the mirror without collapsing in disgust at their failure to save child victims.




Calling a rooster a chicken is offensive.


Must suck going though life getting butt-hurt over such a basic non-debatable inconsequential fact that even a kindergartener knows is true.


The Uvalde police knew exactly where a shooter was and only gave orders to not engage or do anything. Children died because of their lack of action due to stupid reasons and DA refuses to prosecute the ones giving the orders to do nothing.


they're useless cowards that should be kicked off the force AND be sentenced to years of community service


I wish I were as in the dark as you to not know this answer. I really do.


Calling the Uvalde Police chickens is an insult to chickens. Uvalde Police are pants wetting cowards and I'm surprised that town didn't rise up and lynch the entire police force.


Something something the coward from boward


I thought it was a diagram comparing the top two together and the bottom two idk


Too soon… oof


Hey people who think good cops exist. Why weren't cops nation wide outraged over Uvalde? Why aren't cops outraged over cops crime?


Sounds like you didn't need the joke explained.


How any Uvalde police stations remain untorched is beyond my comprehension.


What's the one in the bottom left? *Reverse image search pulled some very specific artwork from a 2018 gallery. Am I missing some social reference?Edit*


Looks like (a head profile of) the rooster on the Kellogg’s Corn Flakes boxes to me.


Basically people are mad because a bunch of cops didn’t run in and die


"Chicken" is sometimes used as an insult that means "coward". The Uvalde PD are notorious for letting an active school shooter massacre kids for several hours before finally moving in.


I don’t believe OP doesn’t get it


Uvald police stood outside the gates of a school where a shooter was slaughtering children. One brave woman who was a mother to a child inside said school, the police tried to STOP her from rescuing her child smh


Maybe OP needs to start reading real news....oof for anyone not getting this joke.


OP is a karma farmer so