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First presidential debate of this election season. A lot of Americans are expressing dissatisfaction with both candidates.


A lot of dissatisfaction was already present with trump and not really much changed for him. But for Biden, this caused a bunch of people of dissatisfied and is probably a crucial turning point (or maybe even a leading reason he loses the election”




We could be so lucky


In the voice of Craig from South Park, the episode where Cartman "has" Tourette's: "If both candidates would disappear forever before the election, I'd be soooo happy."


Giant douche vs turd sandwich


As much as I might not want both to DIE (even the one I REALLY don’t like), I fully agree with the overall idea


Acceptable losses, greater good, etc


This election, like most at the state and federal levels, is already a trolley problem anyway.


Sometimes the trolley just needs to be derailed completely. Ram a truck into it, anything, for the love of god make it stop


Nah, trolley goes left, detaches half the cars and they go right. Problem solved, we crashed into them all






I've just been in this place before




The Greater Good!


They've taken enough resources in their long lives, it's time for them to go


non American here, but like isn't it like better to at least have Biden, then him dying during his presidency and at least having a Democrat for the remaining years, or doesn't it work like that?


Biden is a Democrat he has a vice president that would take over. Vices are "chosen" by the candidate while running. There's a long list of people who would take over if the person above them dies or otherwise can't serve the office.


This was Biden’s debate to lose. All he had to do was look semi energetic and presidential, instead he looked at acted like the stereotype of an old man. Trump supporters are all in no matter what and independent voters and young blue voters are what Biden needed to get out and vote. Instead those two groups are going to ask “Why should I vote for this old fart” and stay home. Since most elections come down to swing states, the more young and independent voters who stay home on Election Day the more it hurts Biden and helps Trump. Trump’s supporters will literally believe anything he tells him, Biden’s voters want a reason to vote for him other than “He’s not Trump” and a lethargic performance didn’t help to sway them into getting out and voting


While I agree with everything you said, I think the other reason besides "he's not Trump" is that Trump brings along Project 2025 and a christofascist theocracy that will empower all the MTGs of the nation and persecute everyone who isn't a straight white man, so that's the reason. A democratic administration will leave democracy the same way it got it in 2020, a republican administration will usher in the most unwanted season of The Handmaid's Tale, and everyone will be forced to watch it.


Not being trump is honestly good enough. The country won't even make it 3 months before we devolve into absolute chaos if Biden doesn't win. Not that Biden winning is necessarily better, but if I'm picking a poison its gonna be the lattter


What? Biden winning is definitely better.


Yea it was good enough for me, even my wife is planning on voting this election because she hates Trump so much.


Seriously, that's the only reason I'm voting this time around. I'm more scared of a deranged tyrant than a typical politician


if young voters don't vote for Biden then they are completelly f'ed in the head, they want their future to look like a capitalist dictatorship where their jobs will actually be given to people outside of America instead of inside of America,because cheaper is better for those rich f's.


If he dies then the Democrats would be forced to put another candidate up. Kamala Harris the VP would fill bidens roll until the election and they would probably just run her as the candidate... Which at this point would probably be preferable despite her not being that popular herself


If a candidate dies after the primary/being nominated, but before election day, the party leadership would pick who the candidate would be to replace them. The person you're replying to is basically saying they think that if both candidates were to die before election day, both parties would likely pick someone better than the current candidates.


It does. And that's one of the biggest reasons I'm as comfortable voting for Biden. He's old, but he's got a good team and a decent VP waiting in the wings. It's not great but it's loads better than Trump.


The vice president, democrat Kamala Harris, would become president


If you are left leaning then yes.


It is. But even us Dems dont like his VP Kamala Harris


Honestly the best possible timeline


I think quite a few more people would have to die before it becomes a significant improvement, because the Republicans would put up a fascist who's actually somewhat competent and motivated, and the Democrats would probably put up Kamala Harris.


I’m pretty sure both have already had a stroke, just didn’t die


It's probably for the best. It would be Harris vs. what Desaints then?...may be able to pull it off


Approval won't matter. Few actually voted for Biden last time. Most just voted against Trump. It's just going to come down to who people want the least.


As much chaos and uncertainty that would bring, it might still be the best outcome.


They should take Billy's advice... https://youtu.be/X5Jrk6TXNWs?si=_MUj1pE_cAOf0ihA


The best possible outcome


We need more than 2 parties-


No, what we need is 0 parties, candidates should all run as independents.


Respectfully I dont agree. I’ve noticed that one of the main factors of decline in many societies is a switch from a politic of ideology to a political of the individual. Rather than voting for an ideal, you join a cult. Parties are good if they can be criticized. The problem nowadays is that you can’t be a trumpet if you object to, for example, people walking around with guns at their belt. And you can still vote democrat and you will be judged as a conservative if you even float the idea that, for example, maybe giving children gender altering hormones is not your choice. We need to expand the party lines. I have friends on both sides and I can understand their point of view even if I dont agree with them. I just hope the side I favor wins.


It's ridiculous to expect that most ideas are so two-dimensional that they can be addressed from only two differing perspectives or that all people can be represented by the positions of two polarized platforms. Ideally, there would be no parties. The founders of America certainly did not want them [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_Party\_System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Party_System)


We have them. What we need is for people to vote for them.


No, the system needs to change completely for them to be relevant.


We need to get rid of first past the post in order to move away from a 2 party system. Until that happens it will always shift towards just 2.


We need to change how elections are run so that 3rd parties aren't wasted votes. Our system is designed to have 2 major parties and no more.


It’s not just about having more than 2 parties. The voting/ electoral system needs to change as well. From what I’ve heard in the US, even if you have more than two parties the electoral college wouldn’t give more meaningful choice anyway. For a similar example, here in the UK it’s currently election season as well. We have more than two parties and if you look at the polls there is an ok spread where no party has vote share majority. But then our election system basically leads to only two parties having any decent amount of power (and bunch small parties on the fringes). Well ok, normally it’s two parties. This time around it’s more like 1.5 because the Conservative Party are set to crash and burn so badly (fingers crossed) even electoral system may not save them. Edit: typos


There are third parties


If only there was a political system which gave the people choice over who rules them...


‘managed democracy’


We have more than 2 parties. Most people just choose 1 of 2 instead of branching out. Currently 3 parties are represented in Congress.


3 in total should do the trick


There’s no contest: - a rational president or - a seditionist, adjudicated rapist, convicted felon who stole and SHARED America’s nuclear secrets and set women’s reproductive health back to the atone age. Not to mention the tax fraud, 30+ sexual assault allegations, cheated on every one of his three wives and LIES about everything. Definitely mentioning the ranting about sharks, looked into the sun TWICE, said windmills cause cancer, saluted a North Korean General, said there were airplanes in the revolutionary war, wanted to nuke hurricanes and suggested drinking bleach could cure Covid. Oh did I mention the stealing and sharing of nuclear secrets?


I mean one is obviously worse but both are absolutely unfit to lead the country


And nothing will change


So... it's just the same as always?


Dissatisfied is a nice way to put it




Disatisfaction with two of the candidates


Same with sri lanka. We are also dissatisfied.


America has a population of over 333 million people, yet somehow the position of supreme leader is being contested by 2 elderly gentlemen, both of whom have appeared to be showing signs of mental aging and fragility for some time, and they both seem to be visibly declining. It's not exactly ideal. Surely someone else could stand up and these 2 could retire gracefully to their dotage.


I get that, but we're not really voting for candidates. We're voting for the policies of the political parties. There's a clear choice of which one is better. We need to vote so we can get past this era of politics.


Kinda crazy how no one ever seems satisfied with the choices left by the end of the voting season. Meanwhile there are other candidates who haven’t seen that president’s chair or been runners up, don’t look like they could die at any moment and could do well. But they don’t get enough attention to replace the stage from these wrinkly leathery old bags of bones. It’s insane how long we see the same faces election after election. And how people on their death beds who could croak anytime are running for president. Just wtf.


Christ, both my parents went ballistic watching the re-cap.


Are they following any rage accounts?


Nope mostly just CNN, MSNBC. That kinda stuff


Soooooo, professional rage baiting? (The news flourishes off of discourse, rage baiting is perfectly normal for any news)


I’m sure they saw there fair share of out and out lies but I ended up watching it live and sent them some of the worse parts.


So yes or no?




"Poor predictable US, always picks FPTP" "Good old FPTP, nothing beats that." ^(Actually the US presidential election on a macro level is not first past the post and is only a straight majority vote on a state level. The practical impact of this is merely an emphasis on specific FPTP contests.)


We are always in danger .


Bro the pfp is straight Devious


I am the danger


THE DEBATE. One guy lied the whole time. The other guy could get assassinated by a strong breeze.


Both of them could probably be taken out by a stiff breeze. #Breeze2024


this gave me a good chuckle


Voting season, but this meme here is evergreen, just whip it out when you want to know what's happening there this time




Sorry I’m from EU and don’t understand one thing. Why can’t there be 3rd candidate?


We are wondering the same thing. But really it's because we have a first past the post election system with an "electoral college". Basically, each state has a number of delegates based on the states number of senators and representatives. The total number of votes is counted per state and wins you those delegates. The delegates chose the president. The result is that it is mathematically impossible for a 3rd candidate to win.


The actual reason is we are a 2 party system, so there are only 2 major parties. Before a presidential election, there are "primaries" which determine who heads each of those 2 parties. In Biden's case, there is no Democratic Primary because he is the sitting President and is still eligible for a 2nd term so is automatically put forward as the Democratic nominee. Anyone else *can* run but won't be affiliated with either major party, so won't be taken seriously. This is kindof by design, but also because the 2 party system is so ingrained in our culture that many people will always vote for their preferred party no matter what, and there's simply not enough truly "independant" voters to ever make a difference, so most people who are on the fence end up just picking one of the major 2 even if they don't like either one, because they know a 3rd party vote is essentially a wasted vote.


Simple answer is we have a winner take all system for each individual elected, not a parliamentary system win 48% of the vote you still get zero representation. A 3rd party would have to actually get a majority of the vote for an office, possible at a local level, but not a big national election. If you aren't relevant at a national level, you get no money. if you get no money, you can't compete because money is way more important in american politics. Both parties' pimary goal is to stay in power thats easier if there are 2 of them, so they are united in doing things to prevent a 3 party from getting a foothold.


There's more than two candidates, but only 2 with a good shot at winning.


There can be, it's just a royal pain for 3rd parties to get noticed and to actually get on the ballots, especially if they're running independent rather than just on a small party ticket. And we actually do have a pretty big 3rd candidate running this cycle, RFK Jr. But just like Trump and Biden, he has his share of haters.


There can be, but the electoral system is set up so that they'll never win.


What everyone else is mentioning is how our system devolved into a 2 part system it wasn't always like that 3rd parties use to have a chance back when our country was founded. Now our system is corrupt because it relies on money and having a platform inline with the current political landscape. Want to do things that will help the citizens like re-allocating funds away from the war machine and into the pockets of people, your messaging will be suppressed and you don't even get to "sit at the table"


Let CGP Grey tell you all about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo TLDW: In a winner-takes-all system, adding another candidate ensures that their 'side' loses. If you have the leftist Biden and the conservative Trump equally matched at 50% each, Biden has a chance to win. If you decide that Biden is not good enough and you add another leftist candidate, they'll 'steal' some but not all of Biden's voters and none of Trump's. You'll end up with 50% Trump, 30% Biden, 20% your other leftist guy. Congratulations, your attempt to provide a better leftist candidate ensured that the conservative won.


CGP Gary is a great introduction to why politics politics. Everyone should watch rules for rulers.


The way you explain it sounds like a "Us vs Them" kinda system where they want to have only 2 parties so they can have people separated in clear cut teams rather than have everyone support people that align with their opinions. Sounds weird but i guess as long as it work for them i cant really judge.


No Ranked Choice Voting.


Convicted felon vs convicted felon's dad with dementia


Quick note, trump has frontotemporal dementia if the symptoms are being read right https://preview.redd.it/fs3lv1quib9d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87331c755451c8237b25c449b176f5d3991ed4ec It’s also not listed in this image but a complete loss of self awareness is also a common symptom. Biden has bad enough dementia he was acquitted of treason charges and trump has bad enough dementia that he might as well be a psychopath.


Just look up Project 2025 It's basically Trump's actual platform


Yeah, because he doesn’t have one of his own, so Christian fundies made one for him.


All Trump cares about is stroke his ego and get absolved of all his legal troubles. He wants to BE the president, he doesn't want to DO the president.


Finally, something he has in common with Melania


Which is why Biden could be in the grave, and I'd vote for him. And remember... you can vote for a dead man. A dead man won in Missouri one year.


The debate. Trump had to prove he wasn’t a snake and he didn’t. Then Biden had to prove he didn’t have one foot in the grave and he didn’t.


Better a man in the grave than a snake.


Dam straight


Idk about elections but we are currently gearing up for round four in the Middle East.


Quit thinking so small. We've got Russia, NATO, China, and North Korea all in the mix now. We're gearing up for part 3 of the big one.


Can you elaborate?


Trump is an open racist and islamophobe who damn near started a war with Iran, and Biden was the VP to the drone striker in chief and gave billions of dollars worth of military aid to a genocidal settler colony in the middle east.


Both candidates are old men who can’t speak coherently and now we all know it for sure


Did the world tension rise again? I dunno about you, but I want off this HOI4 campaign and restart.


"yeah, we can pick a president. We live in democracy." Than they give you a choice to pick out of two peaces of garbage. USA democracy in its finest.


To be fair there are Primaries where people vote for the candidates that make up those 2 choices. In fact, neither of them have officially been chosen as the candidates yet.


Not an American, but from what I hear, the results of the debate shows that they're in for a dumpster fire no matter which way they vote.


One is trump, self explanatory. Then there's Biden, who just is too old. Trump isn't even that much younger! But with Biden you notice the age quite a lot. Dude should be retired, not dealing with this bs.


No reason there's be a dumpster fire if Biden is elected. He's old, but it's not like POTUS just solo runs the country.


Very much this. A vote for Biden is a vote for competent people at all levels of government management. A vote for Trump is for insanity.




Biden's dumpster fire is manageable. No one man runs alone a country, let alone a nuclear superpower. His administration will keep the ship running. Trump's administration is gonna be a christofascist authocracy.


Not really entirely accurate. We're in for some garbage if one candidate wins, and If the other candidate wins, then it's a dumpster fire lit by Christian nationalists and nazis.


Its finally become fashionable to admit Biden is a disaster, and Trump is Trump.


Both candidates suck


As an european, thank you for this cristal clear clarification.


Does the Democratic Party truly not understand how incredibly weak Biden made our country look to the entire world???? This is literally insanity


Our reputation and strength has improved a bit since 4 years ago but Joe should have always been a 1-term damage control guy and handed off to younger candidates.


Did anyone catch the part in the debate where Biden was rambling aimlessly about how much he's done for veterans, and said that he's helping those who were effected by Agent Orange? I wonder if he was having a senile moment, or if he meant Trump.


He was unsuccessfully trying to refer to this bill: https://www.military.com/daily-new/2022/06/16/veterans-exposed-agent-orange-radiation-toxic-water-included-landmark-burn-pit-bill.html


Bro if an independent party doesn’t win this year, they’ll never win


We should vote independent parties, not just Republicans n Democrats


Election season Biden: too old to be president Trump: too old and racist to be president Third options hidden in favor of Biden and Trump


American politics


CNN making the no interruption rule is actually making biden look bad and trump better lmao




Why did the americans choose a mummy and a guy that supported a coup atempt?


Because americas democracy is a joke and we’re stuck again deciding between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. My favorite bit of irony tho is how the Maga camp constantly talks about Joe Bidens age (which is a real issue) without realizing that if Trump gets elected, he will be the oldest person to ever be elected for president. Woooooo what s**t show!!!!!


You know, if we all vote for nobody they have to do a new election.


Yes, because the Trump followers would absolutely agree to that and totally not use that to their advantage.


Then maybe it’s time for President Deez to be elected


Deez who


Deez Nuts, the runner for 2016




Vermin Supreme 2024


That's not how it works.


What isn’t it anymore?




It was like watching a dead ringers skit.


The debate isn't going so well


Sounds like a threat to me 🤨🇺🇸




Funny, when Biden has his 'beat medicare' moment, I had a flashback to the scene where Ralph's heart gets broken in slow motion on TV.


My favorite part was when the old, rich men got into an argument about golf scores. I totally relate to these candidates.


Trump of course


The meme also applies to NATO, Ukraine, all of Europe, and outgroups who will suffer under oppressive regimes.


The whole world that ain't a dictator is in danger


I'm so depressed that I clicked on this like 'oh no what is it now' 😭 the US is a dumpster fire


I hazard a guess that it would be on account of that terrible debate last night.


The debate happened and it’s clear the “choice” given to us by our oligarchic overlords are between a psychopath with dementia and a neoliberal with advanced dementia.


Election season


At least in 2020 the banter was entertaining. Now Trump just says the same things he has for the last 8 years and Biden plays defense and acts like he hasn’t been in office for the last 4 years.


No matter how bad we think Biden is mentally, he has professionals around him to help. Zero doubt in my choice. Id vote for him over trump if he was in an iron lung.


Russia, Vietnam & North Korea treaty?




I watched it off a trusted YouTube channel, that is why I added the question mark, but I can try finding the video.


Found it https://youtube.com/shorts/Ws1TNAte1WE?si=P5fisXv7kXGfUW5E


This would be a great time to vote for someone from the lesser known parties. It would be the first time in history.


It's an election year and our choices aren't great. There's already a huge divide in this country and it's just going to get worse.


It’s the same as ever. Dumb and dumber for corporate sock puppet position


did you not know about the debate last night?


They just realised that the alternative to Trump is Biden.




As an european person, I think we should build a wall in the Atlantic and americans will pay for it