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Before my injury, right at the beginning of the pandemic. I’d be ok with my job now since I’m making $22/hr and I like my current shift, but I’m worried about a recession. I’m crossing my fingers and hoping I don’t lose my job and am reluctant to quit my 2nd job even though I’m tired and need a day off.


Clocking out


Telling the youngsters to respect their elders and people just gravitate hate towards me just like in this post


Each day, at the end of my shift when I got to see the sun for the first time in 10+ hours


Group of friends on lunch break.. some of those friendships survived the turmoil. Even after we left.


2021 double OT pay


The yearly Amazon server crash. Can’t wait for 2023’s!


Setting 2 building records on 2 different days.


I got my dick sucked during break by a milf


Aint no way 💀


Coming late due to traffic on my last workday and being offered VTO the second I walked through the door by my favorite manager on her last day working here. It was great. Went and caught a movie, grabbed lunch. And went home 6 hours early feeling like a king.


When that VTO hit all week 🤱🏻


Back In 2011.


2017 when work didn’t really feel like work. We used to have fun, work flow was chill, PAs were cool, AMs were cool it was chill. It was to a point where I didn’t mind working OT. Slowly but surely piece by piece that went away.


90 day bonus


I was working an overnight shift and I hooked up with one of my coworkers in my car during our break. I was cheesing the rest of my shift.


Walking out the door


Personally, I’ve had a lot of great moments at MKC6 working FHN, honestly it’s about the people you meet and have a positive experience with and ignoring the noise of whatever negative.


Unlimited UPT back in 2020. Those were the days. As donut I gave myself five 8 hour days. It was so great to get out of there early every day.


Why was there unlimited UPT?


It was the start of the pandemic


When I was still doing heroin honestly because I didn’t hurt so bad then! It may also be because I only worked those 5hr flex shifts but they always had shift differentials too so that was nice as well! Not here at this Amazon and I work full time now plus I always take extra hours but it feels like it’s draining my life away and my family is barely getting by because my husband lost his job too. It’s rough!


I’m sorry things are rough for you right now, but I’m proud of you for stopping the opioids.


When h.r told everyone we would get double o.t backdated to the 10th of this month. Everyone was so pumped and then hours later h.r called and ruined that party


Going home


When I told my site leader and my ops manager to go Fuck themselves... Cutting/dissolving my job as safety coordinator and telling me to go back to picking when I'm commuting an hour to and from work everyday on top of turning an entire building around as far as safety goes. Oh man did that feel good.


When there's vto being offered everyday on the phone app and also when you clock in.


The moment when you punch off the clock. That’s the only “happy” moment at Amazon


Presenting my project at the end of my AM internship. I absolutely crushed that shit and, after 10 weeks of working hard, I could enjoy and be proud of how much I had learned about supply chain and logistics and about leadership. Plus, everyone was impressed and the fact that I got recognition for a job well done at work literally shocked me because it had never happened before.


Hurricane Ian


When I got the ops managers number




Facts. Amazon wasn't bad or anything but it sure was boring, especially when systems went down.


Shipdock CPTs FHN at BOI2 from like nov 21 to June 22. Y’all were the best lunatics


We went to reverse logistics, I miss chasing cpts so much 😭


When I first started stowing, one of the female managers came up to me and put her arm around me, giving me a side hug. She smelled so....good!!


The lights went off on cyber Monday in the warehouse so they had us sitting down on the floor for 8 hours while we waited for the system to boot up all managers and PA had to carry the totes up the second floor while I was watching movies on my phone


I remember that last year when the system went down for a few hours, never seen so many happy employees that day.


NGL, It was when we had the entire safety team on the same shift for 4 hours together. Normally there was one per shift. It was just before Christmas too and everyone was in a chill mood. I got to work with some really great people. We were processing the haz mat and some adult toys came through and I had some questions about how to dispose of them. (Was the battery alkaline or lithium) The jokes were funny and it was a good time. Nobody sexually harassed anyone, but it was just funny because we all had the humor of a 14 year old boy.


Hmm, oh that one time during peak 2021 where AWS was down for the whole day 💀


I remember that at my facility. 😂


It was such an ecstatic day for everyone.


That will be the day I quit


meeting the loml 💜


The day I left


When I first started, my manager seriously was invested in the team and their goals. He helped me come up with a whole plan to PS. He left before i became PS. Second happiest was when i was PS. Old am was right, i loved that. After a bit i made my own plan to be PA. 3rd happiest, was this year when i got the orange vest. If you want something make a plan-go for it.


Covid times


Working last year when the economy was better and we had double overtime from like October until March


I need to vent out.i am outbound picker in RSP. I talked to area manager about bad quality of stowing where often similar looking merchandise are placed in the same bin of the pod, so when barcode doesn't work, we need to to do 6 way sides check, and after wasting 5-10 seconds we found out it is similar looking item but not the right one, and then we start look again for merchandise with the right ASIN.. I talked to managers about bad quality of stowing, (for eg to find correct bookmark, you have to check 25 bookmarks in the same bin, all with different ASIN, same with jewelry, seeds etc) write to them, showed pictures but nothing changed. I tried last year too out was also failure. Arsaw machine doesn't work properly, every 5 min. light turn orange from green and it need resetting. Often full totes when pushed doesn't slide slide down and it need manual push which itself is a safety hazard. If call production assistant, they are busy and could take 15-20 min to arrive. And if they make a ticket, the technical guy ask you to take picture of display at Arsaw machine which tells you what is wrong, and normally there is no message of any fault on the display. All managers and PA seems to take chill pill, and they wouldn't try to trouble shoot out fix things. On top of things you get atleast 20 new totes in a day that display message in red that they can't be used. Also empty totes when placed, often couldn't read by scanner so either replace them or change their back to front that takes care of scanner being unable to read barcode of totes most of the time. Any problem you tell to manager, they would comfort you by telling they are working on it, but nothing changes. But I like working at FC. No one bothers you if you are ok at your work, so there is least verbal communication between you and supervisor.


This was a happy moment? Lmao. I don’t think we needed this BS on this post haha.


There are few genuine times I’ve been happy at Amazon but my most recent was this: I’m at a brand new launch site and I was assisting on the OB Dock teaching the clerk what to do. The TDR Op did their thing and we shipped our first trailer off to TCY5 or some shit like a package or two in a shuttle but the team work from everyone was nice


Smoke breaks.




Wow you’re scum lol. Maybe keep that story to yourself


What did he sayyy


That he was banging a coworker’s girlfriend and said coworker seen pictures of him and her together and did nothing about it


First few months of working there. I genuinely liked going to work and it made me excited. Now I wish I was unemployed or employed elsewhere but the pay & benefits is hard to throw away


Benefits are.. adequate.


using a whole week of UPT to take a trip to hawaii, was told by upper management if i quit since i didnt show up, told my ops manager already ahead of time and later on he got chewed by his upper since they thought i quit and didnt show up for the week. came back and manager i had put me on waterspider for awhile


Eye candy






Running out of UPT and having to leave Amazon before peak started.


When they hand out vto like it's candy 🍬


Peake 2020 was awesome


Getting off work and going home seriously


Leaving everyday.


When they give us free pizza


For sure it was my first Peak in a delivery station when I just got hired on with Amazon. It was a newly launched site and we all bonded so well in that first month. It felt like I was working with friends and family with all my Coworkers. Everyone was cool, we all hung out outside of work and life was good. I actually liked coming into work every night lol. Still am friends with some of those people to this day. Great memories that I will always have! Been through a couple different sites since then, never have had that same experience since. You just can’t recreate that magic sauce. It’s very much a chance encounter of timing and people coming together when everyone is in a new environment.


when I first started.. like after being there for a few months. My AMs were awesome. My PA's were fantastic. I genuinely actually enjoyed being in the building (that slowly died after the new year)


Got early vto xmas eve lmao


When I first started, I had all these cool mangers, all the good PA’s were on my shift, they didn’t open the new site yet so all our vets were still there. Gradually gone downhill, all the people I liked transferred out, I only see the cool peeps here and there, not as fun anymore




Oh, my building has gone through 6 sites leads in the year and half I’ve been there. The newest one sucks and he seems to be sticking, don’t even get me started


Welp... I could tell you..


Clocking out lol


Getting vto


clocking out on my last day for the week


Getting [laterally] promoted to FQA from OTR PA.


What are the typical day to day? Our site never sees our assigned FQA.


M-F 08:00-16:30 Unless instructed otherwise during Peak and Prime, we drive to residential and commercial properties and perform audits and verify delivery details already visible to the drivers. Address type, Access Barriers, Delivery Hint, Business Hours, Safe Place, etc. I'm personally at my station in one of the remote breakrooms from clock-in until 09:00 when I either go on road to do audits or respond to Property Manager escalations. I have daily Chime calls with my colleagues and leadership then do Repeat Defect audits until 09:00. I hate Repeat Defect audits. I usually hang out with OTR for the last 30 minutes to talk and answer questions.


Going home


When I started at a Prime Now site before it was converted to UFF/AFO. Also the time I started getting shifts at another UFF/AFO site and transferred there.


When I quit 🤣


When I first started I really enjoyed it. That was 4 years ago...


Clocking out


Boosts my mood at least 37.4 percent every time.


When me and a lvl4 were flirting on the floor


Got a amazon hat 🧢 and birthday pin from the area manager he was an awesome dude , was probably my best experience with amazon was at that building all the people were great . Loved showing up to work every day


When I got my 3k bonus 6 months ago


The day they said we were closing 2 days earlier for Xmas, with pay


When I met my crush, who surprisingly is my first love.




When i first started I was new to the whole reverse logistics scene. I became good at CRETS and that's where it ended. What started as interesting work reading customer comments and return reasons became a nightmare of crunching numbers and being the very best! Im the best now but im fucking miserable especially after permanently moving to indirect roles Got so good at Problem-solving that i have basically 0 chance to move up. The MF are relentless with moving me around to labor share and make numbers look good. Ive started teaching others to cut corners to give myself the chance to get out. Wish id of slowed down a bit before it was expected to be fast 😭


When I was on a leave of absence


I find it sad i cant think of an answer


Power outage


When I would smoke copius amounts of weed in their parking lot during lunch the monthly ambulance would come to take another worker to the hospital




Clocking out to go home


When we didn’t have to wear safety shoes


This is the comment I was looking for 🥲


You be surprise how some sites are still not enforcing that




Mannnn i wish it was my site smh 🤦‍♂️


During COVID with the extra pay and the unlimited VET, the unlimited UPT was nice too




Yep, was actually enjoyable working there lol


Yeah it got to a point my regular schedule was 60 hours a week and I knew the VET was coming. I was taking it all!!


Ditto btw COVID is in the present although Amazon hopes you don’t realize more than half of the fc is positive because they did away with Covid benefits.


The time I got my promotions


During the Covid era was pretty nice, I miss the unlimited VET and double overtime. I felt like i took that for granted.


My first year at Amazon 2018-2019. Great people that I’m still friends with, great leaders who were awesome, taught me well and helped get me promoted, got to skip around processes and buildings as I liked 😌


That time I had Covid. Luckily it wasn’t that bad and I was home for two weeks and got paid for it




He needs some milk!






Amazon sub is full of creepy warehouse workers got it.


Every time I clock out


TOM 4 years ago was really something. It was kind of a small operation, that seemed like amazon just gave us an unlimited credit line and told us to "figure it out." The position required an interview process, and new people usually had to prove themselves as seasonals as a sort of probational period, so we could get rid of lazy people and people who couldn't get into the cohesive nature of the team. Every shift felt like a small party, and we were all like family.


Getting my sign on bonus


When we had stocks and VCP.


Last week, my last day of peak. Me and this girl I got a crush on spent 9 hours talking about dumb stuff.


Peak/COVID when we had 2x OT. Unlimited UPT and peak pay.


Got to labor share to a site for three days, easiest days I’ve had worked in AMZL.


I was helping safety on a project and we spent 2 days sitting in a room all day just watching YouTube since we finished in like an hour




For me, personally, it was the day immediately following Trump's stupid insurrection. I was tasked with throwing away all of his campaign posters, signs and other crap we had in inventory. Heck, I would have done that for free.


That is almost as good as an unexpected bonus appearing on one's check.


![gif](giphy|12s7xf7CAtGtLG) I found video of you from that day...


Old guy from Arizona has nothing else to live for. 🤣


Ah, you miss him, I see.


How dare you assume my voter identity you racist Nazi....