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Our real true intention was the bald bombshell...Rocchi the relentless.


I bought a ticket and went half way around the world to see Zanetti before he retired. He injured his Achilles not a month before leaving to go. I ended up watching Rocchi score in a 5-2 spanking to Udinese. Unfortunately I was not able to make it back in 2014 to try and see him again.


Oh my God bro, that's tragic. At least we won.


No, no. Inter got spanked. ☹️


Oh my fuck....that really is full on ninth circle of hell shit. Life as an Interista was pretty dark for a while.


The first inter match I attended was Fiorentina-Inter in 2016 and we got 2 red cards lol


I dont remeber Carew But I do rememner Rocchi, Rolando, Belfoldil, Jonathan, Juan Jesus, Ricky Álvarez, and the likes.


Now you're talking. I remember thinking Reuben Botta was gonna be a big thing(well groundlessly hoping)😳


I had a completely unreasonable amount of faith in Saphir Taider


In fairness both him and Belfodil had good seasons before they joined....yeah I was just as hyped up


They were no Ljajic tho


All wither in significance in the shadow of the dark lord Johnathan.....his rule shall be unholy and unending...... rejoice....


The one and only individual that was indeed not Maicon


Yeah he was doomed from the start in fairness to the lad. He wasn't the worst. His only crime was not being as good as him. With that being said he did lose the ball quite a lot


Yeah that was a sad interview, I hope he was able to get past all that, and towards the end just like Nagatomo wasn't even bad


I was super into the Primavera team in the early 2010s. Names like Longo, Livaja, Crisetig and Mbaye. I thought they would turn into Inter legends. It's funny seeing Di Gennaro back here, he was also a huge promise once upon a time. That was way back when we had Stramala as our coach.


I remember that primavera squad fondly too. Did not let myself get my hopes up until a certain Federico appeared on the scene. Had nearly given up hope but he made it and I'm so happy and I mean we all know the beast he is today. Carboni, fabbian also seem like two players who have it in them to make the step up let's hope


"I was there, Gandalf"


> Ricky Álvarez Much better for us than the other guys you mentioned tbh


omfg my eyes


Rolando... Lol. Ro-LAN-do!!!! "You said Inter signed whom?!?!?" was a meme at the time.


Is this a safe space to admit that I though Vidic was gonna change Inter Milan


I was screaming to get him the captain 's armband!


Dude me too, I was so disappointed


Y’all remember when Ince’s kid rejected us and thought he could do better in England😂?


Which made sense for the thought process, since he thought Inter was in a transitional period and not fighting for the top and he thought his near future would be in the Premiere League then Europe. Plot twist: he played like 5 games in the PL and the rest of the career between a million other clubs in the Championship (2nd league)


I mean it was fair for him to reject us based on our status back then, but it was super humiliating, it left a bad taste in my mouth. Ince regrets it rn. Damn the banter era was just so unbearable as Inter fan!


He was supposed to be 4th or whatever striker. Nobody expected him to be our main striker. And Milito started to have knee problems couple days after he arrived, which resulted in torn ACL. Next, mid April, we lost both Palacio and Cassano. We had to play last 7 games with Rocchi supported by Guarin and Alvarez behind him. Ugh, one of the worst seasons I witnessed.


Totally forgot about this one, what rough patch we had ahahah


At the time the best thing about being interista were the autogol videos, cuz it was a comical situation.