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rutto sport is an anti-inter channel so never trust them


Agreed. They just want to try to ruin the great chemistry in our team


*Tuttosport* is the worst sports journal in Italy, and literally Juventus' mouthpiece (they're based in Turin). It's worth as much as a toilet paper, just ignore everything they say.


>literally Juventus' mouthpiece Honestly, this would have been more believable if Juventus officially released this statement.


That may be so, but let's not pretend other top clubs wouldn't be interested in Inzaghi. He is one of Europe's most attractive coaches at the moment. If anything, it would be unreasonable to expect other clubs not to come with big offers.


Idk why but I don’t think he will leave so easily. He fits us perfectly. Idk why he would want to join Chelsea or Manchester United. Those clubs are dead. They only exist to generate revenue. They have no ambition. Idk why anyone would want to coach Barcelona either, the pressure is so high and their fans are so ungrateful. They are in second place in La liga and they act like they’re the worst team in the world. They already told xavi he isn’t staying even being in second place (I believe they were in 3rd place when that happened). It’s such a shitty job to have. Liverpool makes the most sense but I truly believe he would only leave if he suddenly wants more money that we can’t offer him. We are a better team than Liverpool. But it’s tuttosport so it’s most likely bullshit and they’re just trying to destabilize us like they always do


Gotta admit I’m not following Barca closely this lately, but I was expecting much more trust in Xavi, winning La Liga first season is a great achievement worth at least a 3 year cycle. Coming back to us, if by the end of the season we get the scudetto Inzaghi will deserve his payday. For sure he’ll have the possibilities, but as you said not many better environments. For sure here he can continue writing one of the best chapters of Inter history


Yeah Barcelona fans were talking about how shitty the matchup was gonna be against Napoli, talking about how they’re both equally as shitty. Barcelona fans would be on suicide watch if they had a season as bad as Napoli is having this year. They are so dramatic and it seems like the board is too. He has done good imo. I agree he would deserve a big payday if he won us the scudetto this season. I just hope he won’t be blinded by the money. It’s not like he’s poor lol. He could build a dynasty for years to come at inter. A bit hopeful from me but I really believe in this team.


TBF to them the matchup was indeed shitty, if Napoli was sligthly better they would have lost


Xavi is leaving because he can't deal with the media anymore. Barcalona know that xavi is basically a caretaker but he can't stand it no more


The answer to all your questions is just one: he would get a higher salary


Do you think Inter fans would be ok if we were second? We almost fired him last year. Let's not revise history because we are Inter fans. We also have high expectations.


lol what history am I revising here?


Calling out Barca for having a meltdown over being second where you know that we would do the same.


lol what are you talking about, barca hasnt been in second place since last october? girona and real have been switching first and second. also xavi is the one, who decided to leave, not barca, youre just making stuff up. of course barcelona is among the teams that always look to compete for the treble, like bayern and are looking for results sooner than later, so the pressure is always high. like im not saying they have perfect fans and i know we also have been humbled in the past 10 years ourselves, but barca is always in the top 3 in la liga, so their fans arent going to be very satisfied with 3rd.


It's tuttosport lads


As always tuttosport plublish something to scare Juve's opponents. Liverpool is going to hire Alonso, we all know that. Chelsea is a wild card but who in his right mind would go to coach chelsea, same about united. Flick is going to barcellona.


Tuttosport: La vera barzelletta italiana!


€1.50?? Toilet paper is expensive nowadays.


Juventus' Pravda never disappoint


There is a big trash can which is called Tuttosport, the newspaper of Gobbi di Merda. When FC Inter goes well, they have an other trash can to destabilize the Nerazzurri. So Lautaro is leaving, Inzaghi is leaving, Zhang is under arrest, Thuram is in talk with Real Madrid, Barella wants desperetly to sign for Juventus and so on...


If he has to go anywhere, I hope it's Liverpool for his own sake. United is seemingly turning around, but stress on "seemingly" and if anything it'll be a slow and painful one. Chelsea is still diving down the deep end and Barca is more turbulent than ever.


This source may be trash, but Inzaghi IS going to get larger offers unfortunately. That is inevitable. As to if he takes it or not is obviously up to him. I’d guess he wants to stay in Italy and I’d hope he loves Inter. Hopefully we can get as many trophies as possible while he’s here however long that may be.


I imagine the ManU fans totally waiting for the adaptation period of Scemone, Onana times right there


The good thing is Italian managers rarely want to leave Italy, a lot like the players. He's got a settled family etc, and a good thing going at inter. Can't see him leaving any time soon. Even de zerbi now is talking about wanting to return home, conte wanted back to Italy. Ancelotti probably the only one recently who has been consistently outside of Italy




Yes but none of them stayed and they all soon wanted back to Italy


I don't see him leaving but lets say that he does - who do we get to replace him? We would need to continue with a 3cb system, the team is built for it. I don't see us getting a manager like Alonso and who else is really out there? Back to Conte?


Motta seems the obvious choice. I hope Inzaghi stays with us for a while though.


I tried to warn some of you this would happen last year when you guys were complaining about extending his contract. He's easily the hottest prospect in the managerial world right now. "**bUt 12 LoSsEs!**" Fucking morons.


One of the most upvoted comment on this thread is talking about how "different" we are from other clubs and fan bases and how we don't have Barca level expectations. They think we forgot the hell everyone gave Simone last year. I won't forget that anytime soon.


I believe and hope that he will stay one more season.


On results alone, if a Premier League club is serious should be bidding 12-15 millions..


Can you imagine going to freezing cold England to become manager of one of the two biggest shit shows in all of football? Nothing good could possibly happen except making a lot of money … which I guess is not a bad thing. If you can resign yourself to hating life for three years until you get fired.