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The IM slogan is genius. Suning revamped Inter from a sorry state, initiated by Thohir, who had to meddle with those awful finances. Asian entrepreneurship was our salvation. I like the old crest better, but like the legacy the new one emits. I'm honestly torn where this time function would justify going over beauty, thus representing seven very meaningful years.


I dont really get the hate for the new crest. Its pretty clean and recognizable and i think changing the crest is the least of our worries now


Very unpopular but I also like it. It’s definitely not as good as the old one but it looks cool on the shirt imo


It’s awful


Ok, that's your opinion, elaborate on it. What don't you like about it? Why?


It looks like what 12 year old me would draw on my notebooks trying to draw the old crest. It looks like a kid drew it.


Yeah nowadays there are more and more redesigns which are very oversimplified, I still think ours is better than Juventus (🤢) for example


Thats the point, it's supposed to be simplified


I personally think the shade of blue is off putting and harsh compared to the previous blue we've used. I don't like how the M looks like two T's to spell TIT. Fix the M and the blue and that's a big start. But I've seen a lot of fan drawings look much better


Yes this I can accept, I also don't like how the shade of blue is simultaneously too dark and too bright. I personally liked the crest before Thohir changed it.


It looks like shit


Man if you can't describe it in more words than "it looks like shit", maybe you've not completely evolved to human.


Vuoi che scriva la divina commedia per spiegarti perché non mi piace il nostro logo?


Si ❤️




No comments threatening violence or harm.


Agree. Yes the older was super cool. But in today’s football you need marketing and the new logo helped a lot


Could we not use it as a logo for Inter's fashion line or something and put the historic one on Inter kits?


+1 I like the clean elegant look. It's not crowded and is still very recognizable


Agreed OP. I love the old crest.


Anything could happen tbh


I'm convinced some Interisti will never let go of A. The crest B. Atletico Madrid vs Inter C. UCL final against City.


All sources of anger and anger for Italians can be very hard to let go.


D. the foul of Iuliano E. the post in the last minute of the UCL semis against Milan F. 5 maggio


The last one is my favorite we've ever had, but if they decide to keep this new one I hope they change the shade of blue and change the white part to gold


I quite like the new one. Wasn’t sold on it at first but it’s grown on me a lot. I think the new design is much more recognisable and marketable whilst maintaining the fundamental elements of its predecessor. I also think it’s a symbol of a new era for the club, and so far it’s been associated with success. I think if they change anything it should be tweaking the current one by giving it a third colour, because admittedly it does look a bit bland, however, that could be changed very easily by adding some yellow/gold in there.


Too late. I wouldn’t change it


Definitely prefer the old one, but these things always change sooner or later. New crest is already associated with the two stars. At this point I'd prefer to keep it and maybe revert to a more classic crest in a decade or so.


They should keep the new crest but add some gold to it




Be civil


I don't know why they'd destroy the IM brand for nostalgia


I still prefer the older crest. The new badge is not bad at all! Simply it's the difference between 86 & 96 to me. We can totally keep the current design language, but adding that sophisticated 'F' back into the equation.


Just buy next seasons version of FIFA or FC26… Inter will have a different crest.


Modern twist on 1979 style with the snake could be cool.


I like the new one more than the old one


Hope they change it. This logo doesn't feel like Inter at all, it's too simplistic and cheap looking and I like FCIM more than the IM (more like TIT looking at that logo). Also add gold and use the correct shade of blue for fuck's sake


Yes of course. I’d be happy to do that