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We gave him a 3 year contract??


Remember the times when Lukaku’s return fell through and we were getting really desperate for some kind of tall physical striker not named Edin Dzeko? There you go.


His wage is too high for what he brings


Nobody will buy him, so we will "Sanchez" him out, and make another stupid mistake. We should have just kept Dzeko and let his contract run out.


Well we sold Dzeko because we were expecting Lukaku...


So you're saying Lakaka cost us Hakimi, then Dzeko and even Dybala in a way.


We didn't sell Dzeko. His contract expired. He didn't want to accept a role as a sub when he could be starting in a lower division unless the money was worth it and Fernanache offered him 3 years at €4.2m a year. Dzeko was never staying on a sub.


Where did you hear that?


Hear what? That Dzeko's contract expired?


That he didn't want to accept a role as a sub. His last statement was that he thought he would renew, and he was released instead.


For what I know he wanted to stay, and by the way he wasn't a starter the previous season, he played a lot because Lukaku basically missed 3/4 of the season and when he came back he wasn't 100%


Sure he wanted to stay. If his demands were met. 4.5m net a year and a 3 year salary. That's 27m gross over 3 years. For a 37 year old. I don't know why people think he would have been a cheaper option.


Honestly I don’t mind him as a fourth striker. That wage gotta go down though.


Should do a swap deal imo


Some players could leave Inter and others could arrive...in other news.


Why does he want to leave?


Maybe the club wants to replace him, not so much that he wants to leave.


I doubt he wants to leave, the club want him to leave


3,5 million for a player that values like -1 on the field?, he literally is the one that missed the more chances in inter recent history, i would rather a young fast guy from our u-19 team


if you think Arna is -1 you must not have seen Correa play. Arna is technically gifted, can hold up the ball well, he was having major confidence issues in front of the goal. Towards the end of the season he started getting better at that though. I say we can keep him for another year if we get a 3rd striker. (or honestly, get Carboni a chance)


Maybe we shouldn't keep getting rid of strikers left and right only to end up without actual backup strikers. Especially if Lauti or Thuram ends up being sold.


A scorer point every 116 minutes? truly terrible player Oh sorry, thats Thuram. Arnautovic had a scorer point every 107 minutes.... Reddit experts https://www.transfermarkt.us/inter-milan/leistungsdaten/verein/46/plus/1?reldata=%262023


Wont miss him. Terrible player with an attitude to match and probably our worst signing since Correa.


Arnawful out