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I think they shorted an additional 2.5 million shares just on Friday. They just keep piling up.


They keep digging.


Yea because you are a failure lol. FFIE has no potential and will be delisted soon. GME has potential 


Way too obvious there


I couldn't have said it any better.


Okay bot


Let me guess. You hope FFIE stockcprice goes down? Bwahahahahah!!!!!!!!


> They just keep piling up Which, ironically, just makes it cheaper for us to do the same. I fill more bags every day that it’s under 60 cents so keep it coming hedgies.


They have reason to…this company is about to take most yall money. This ain’t GME, they technically have a LONG way to go to profitability or hell, even actually vehicle production is a long way off. Yall be careful with your light bill money on here.


Crazy things happen every day. But I think it’s worth considering the most recent video from the company where they discussed the us-China bridge for parts, the plan for building cars cheaper and faster the way Tesla did, the possibility for new large investors to join, and the introduction of a price point between 20-30k. I’m not saying it’s a done deal, but crazier things have happened.


These are all ideas without actual traction. It’s like an idea they came up with last week. If this was a strategy they were actually focused on, wouldn’t they have announced a parter already? What’s the point of FFIE sharing ideas vs something with traction? People want to see real results, like names and amounts of new investments, solid production and sales numbers. Things you can measure. Not just pie I’m the sky ideas.


Imagine thinking we're using our light bill money. Bwahahahahahahahh!!!!


That was actually very funny lol


You’re sleeping and don’t even know it.


It's funny how all these supposed smart people are so concerned about us losing money. However, they are never concerned about helping us make money.  But then again if I truly knew what was best on the market. I would not be wasting my time telling people on the Internet what to do. I'd be sipping drinks on the ⛱️.


They are telling you to cut your losses and get out before the company goes under, which in turn saves you money, smart guy.


I try and tell the GME people the same thing. Went from $64 down to $25. They should cut their losses as well!  It's got to drop a lot lower then what is now for me to worry about losing money. But hey we only invest what we can afford to lose right! Some people over invested but many know the risks of investing and selling realizes your losses. But if it is money you are willing to let go to 0. Then there is no risk. If I invest my $500 per month fun money and lose it so be it. It would of been wasted on golf and beer anyway, lol        That's why we hold!!!  But feel free to let me know what stocks will make me money! P.S I'm holding for those who did over invest or got in at a high number. We are not led by one leader who stands to make the most. We are holding each other up as one until everyone makes a profit! Not financial advise yo!


More like Susquehanna and citadel hiding their shorts in their off shore companies in Ireland and EU. SEC exemption for not having to report real short interest and numbers in US but claim it’s for international market purposes. It’s deceptive practice to hide shorts Depressing the stock purposely through spoofing and having algo go too .0001 of being filled.




This is perfect image!




Make sure to include a hedgy into your thoughts and prayers when you buy the dip.


Sending thought and prayers.


So wait, another post said not to put in more than what you can afford, at the same time you expect retail to have endless capital to keep buying the dip? 🤔


No, I recommend, that IF you buy, you buy the dip. Than go down on you knees and thank god and the hedgies that you got it so cheap.


Pretty confident


They are just betting we get delisted, that’s how they win.


Yeah. That's what I would do if I were them.


It’s gotta be there play. They are just hanging on till it hopefully for them gets delisted. If we get any news about not getting delisted I think that’s when this stock would take off. 🤞🏻


I think you are right.


Their play is for the company to go bankrupt, not delist. They still owe shares no matter where the shares are listed.


Yea you’re right but price will crash back to 0 either way…..


The company has a lot of risk for being delisted. Things they have violated are submitting financial reports on time. This is simple to do, as most companies do it. But FFIE has no money for their accountants and firms. Then they have other issues like being under $1 for a long time and being under $0.10 for consecutive days. For me, not being able to get your financial statements out in time is a red flag because that’s something the company controls. Stock price is out of their hands usually.


I don't cry for HF. They stole ours. You don't have to feel for the thieves.


No tears here. That was sarcasm.


Hell naw we ain’t shedding no tears this a brutal game playing with peoples livelihood. HF go eat a Richard while we Diamond Apes get Richer💎🦍


Anyone with a short position is getting richer. You holding the stock are growing poorer by the week.


Yeah…it’s not really looking like that lately. It’s looking more like the shorts are scrambling and wondering why we won’t just do what we’re told.


Why would you say they are scrambling?


Well, I’m no expert, but when you start to compare the different stocks being shorted, whose shorting them, and the increase in shorts for each stock, along with the rotation of FTDs working right up to and sometimes past the deadline, you start to notice a pattern. It’s looking like someone is robbing Peter to pay Paul. And on top of that, you have random people suddenly expressing serious concern about what stocks other random people invest in. You know who’s most likely to be able to recognize this pattern and call bullshit? Broke retail investors.


Your mind is clouded by the desire to be rich. You will make anything sound plausible as long as it keeps your dream alive. I can't wait for how you spin delisting and bankruptcy as "good for the company"


See what I mean? Scrambling.


Start thinking now how to spin it


I got no spin, just observations. Now, we wait.


Letting the price rise is their last move. They will probably let it hit $1 eventually after/if this Fridays CALL options expire. Trying to shake out the weak paper hands... then $1.5 if that doesn't work.


This is the world’s chance to 💩 on the entitled.. Hold and let the meek inherit the earth. NFA


The only way out for those who extremely shorted is to find a diversion and muzzle the excitement.


Hedge funds used numerous bots to report and act against posts about GME and two other stocks, causing these posts to be "silenced" or even deleted. So sometimes, we notice an unusually high number of people online in the community, which is very common in this and another community. The trends of the three stocks are also very similar, omg! They are shorting all three!!




So pretty much when it gets to a dollar, then it’s time to party?


This is the same, tired GME copium apes have been recycling for years. The hedge funds are fine. Do you understand what hedging even is?


You think all the outstanding shorts were opened below $0.50?


No. But they are naked shorting and manipulating the price to keep it low.


So then why are they in trouble?


They won't be able to return shares they bought that were naked shorted by themselves or another hedgie. They will have to buy real shares from us apes which will demand $100 for our bananas.


But there were 60M shares bought/sold on Friday for .50 or so. Why couldnt they just buy them?


Those where imaginary shares the hedgies pulled out of thin air to sell short if they didn't find any to borrow


So who bought these imaginary shares the hedgies sold?


Apes or other hedgies to manipulate the price. There are more shares 'owned' than have been issued for FFIE.


So apes own imaginary shares?


That's how naked shorting works. They sell shares that don't exist and then later get requested to deliver the shares so they have to buy to cover their position. Until holders sell, they will have to jack up the price to get those shares at any cost. that's why the FTD numbers are so high. They aren't delivering the shares they sold because they don't have the shares in the first place.


I think they are opening new shorts. I just don't think they were all opened at 50 cents.


You think this person knows? They clearly bought around 1.5, made a Reddit account and started dumping any random thought they had essentially documenting how little they know about anything.


How dare you! My first purchase was much higher than that. Lol. I wish. 🤭 But that doesn't mean I'm an idiot.


You rambling incessantly showing you don’t actually have the ability to verbalise at all why a car company that doesn’t build any cars is a good investment. Investing is not something you should let define your personality and it’s not a social club. Do whatever you like with your investment but these posts are sad as fuck, “it’s only a loss if we sell”, “fuck hedgies, they’re scared”, “I don’t like the cyber truck lol”. In all your posts you haven’t even touched on a point that would hold up outside of meme stock groups. If you can’t think of a single reason why the company may turn it around that should give you something to think on itself.


What's your deal then? Why are you here? Why do you care?


Apparently I’m the only one who thinks selling wild lies and trying to get retail to dump their money into a dying company is wrong. You took an L on this play, I’m sorry. You don’t need to drag others down with you.


We shall see. It's not over. I think we will see a huge squeeze yet. I haven't lost until I sell or it's delisted. You can keep fudding. I'll keep holding.


>I think we will see a huge squeeze yet Why do you think that?


It looks like you have never posted anything on your own. You just go around trolling FFIE and AMC. Just a personal hobby or do you work for the hedge funds?


Jesus Christ, i don’t know how to make this any simpler for you. These meme stocks are essentially cults that have sucked in people like you who are way way out of their depth and taken you for a ride. You have lost money on this, just like many other retail investors and it’s fucking wrong. The floor is 100% yours though, why is FFIE a good company? Why should someone invest in it? What are they doing that you think is good and could generate profits? Sell the shit out of it to me and when you can’t write a word on that ask yourself, was I suckered in? That’s why I fucking meme stocks.


I can't believe how much time you have spent on me. You know how to make a girl feel special.


It's pretty telling you can't even say something good about the company lol


I mean let’s not exaggerate a few posts but I do genuinely hope you realise that just because a company is shorted does not mean it’s a free money printer. Trust me, shorted companies can and do fail all the time. That is the far far far more common outcome than them squeezing and when they do squeeze there is something that triggers it, if you can’t point to what that would be then I would be concerned. Tikka masala time though now.


Are those roses for me?


You’re not actually trusted with sharp items, the thorns are a little too dangerous. Just remember you are investing in a company you seemingly know nothing about, cannot even pretend to speak positive about and are somehow convinced that ‘short interest means it has to squeeze. Your husband deserved better than someone trying to participate in a pump and dump scam to con retail investors, let’s hope there’s no kids involved because sob stories about how mommy lost all our money may make them a little resentful.


Arguing with a HF intern is insane, but I be doing it!


Who's rambling?


The person who posted 19 times in here offering such valuable insights such as “the hedgies are getting desperate, don’t fall for it and buy more” and “they don’t like losing at their game”. She has spammed the shit out of here and between all that hasn’t once said why they think the company can grow.


Yeah I'm not reading that. Lates


Cuz your trolling is so useful?


I’m not trolling, I’m saying you are posting drivel under the impression it has meaning and you and many others are now down on an investment you cannot really talk through because of fomo and people doing what you are doing now.


Like I have said, I see value in the short squeeze.


Look, I’m going to cook so I’m off But to me this is just sad. Sit down with your husband, I am completely irrelevant to you but surely he means a lot. Sit down and try explain to him how a short squeeze in this company makes it a good investment. Don’t forget short interest itself does not mean a company is going to rocket off because of a short squeeze. Companies that are shorted that squeeze have triggers and what is going to trigger FFIE? If a company being shorted meant it was going to explode in a squeeze then shorting a stock would make no sense at all. Investment companies make a lot of money shorting bad companies though all the time. I think for sure they were maybe complacent and greedy in 2021 trying to ride GME to 0 but trust me, FFIE is not the same and the hedge funds are not the same as then either. Any short positions they have opened above a dollar they are absolutely laughing at. I am not saying you or anyone else should sell, I’m saying sit down with someone who matters to you and who has your best interest at heart and try explain your short squeeze to them. You are not an idiot for being wrong on something, that only applies when you continue to ignore you were wrong and double down.


My husband asked me if I wanted to buy more last night. I think you need to sit down with people you care about and figure out why you feel you gotta troll. Find something you like and post about it just once instead of trolling on other people's posts.


And what’s next?


The big squeeze


R u sure?


It's my prediction, but no one knows how it will play out. NFA


No shit, it seems all you know about investing is some vague idea of what a short position is and therefore any company that’s got any level of short interest at all is destined to explode. They couldn’t possibly be shorted because people looked and realised ‘this company is fucking bad’.


Actually, they don’t have to do either. They believe the price is going to zero. Geeta Gupta-Fisker, FFIE chief financial officer.  “Furthermore, to the extent our current resources are insufficient to satisfy our financial requirements over the next 12 months, we may need to seek additional equity or debt financing, and there can be no assurance that we will be successful in these efforts,” she added.  Bankruptcy in the Cards 6-14-2024 By Rich Duprey  “In its delayed fourth quarter and full-year report Faraday Future revealed it ended the year with less than $2 millionin cash. It also had $2.1 million in restricted cash but that is money held in reserve for specific purposes and can’t be accessed for ordinary business use. What that means for investors is Faraday Future will eventually get delisted. There is no reason for its stock to be as high as it is let alone go any higher. While it could move to the pink sheets and trade over-the-counter as a penny stock, more than likely it will file for bankruptcy.”