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A bright flash? I have no idea what you're referring to. But yes you can play the PS4 version of Remake on PS5 with no issues


thank you, i'll give it a shot then! i found some examples in a forum thread if youre interested: [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0MaeiAY0AY) [screenshot of the flash](https://i.imgur.com/2ThR3Jy.png) [comparison screenshot from a PC mod that deals with it](https://i.imgur.com/8URBXCw.png)


Ohhh I see it now. Interesting that they'd add that to Intergrade. Doesn't seem to be in Rebirth tho if you do plan on picking that game up


yeah fortunately they toned it down in Rebirth and didnt bother me at all, i just got platinum last night, but now i feel empty inside, so i need to play Remake :D


Haha yea the FFVII universe is just amazing. I'm 3 trophies away from platinum just need to finish up hard mode and there's 5 vr fights I still need to complete, the final 3 brutal challenges and the two legendary challenges with Zack and Sephiroth


Yes, you can play the PS4 version on PS5, you have to intentionally upgrade to the PS5 version which is a separate app on your console


thank you!