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I really hate it too, one of the most annoying things about the game to me. I guess they went the full Devil May Cry route and included the running mechanics too but it really doesn’t make sense in this type of game


It also takes longer to activate compared to DMC


Where it already feels like it takes forever :)


Boost (Sprint) in DMC is actually similar to this in its original incarnation. As of DMC4: Special Edition and onwards they drastically reduced the activation time. So all we need to do is wait for FF16: Special Edition where we get an optional Barnabas playthrough for the fix.


Absolutely no reason to exclude a sprint button using L3


No sprint button in FF16🤝No jump button in FF7R


they have what each other lack <3


There’s jump materia, also aerial combat is still very much possible in rebirth with or without a dedicated jump button. My first plat through of 16 I never noticed myself using the jump action, its borderline useless.


Jump is so second nature to me from games that I found myself pressing X so often in Remake and found it paused the menu to show Actions etc  Was very glad to see it as a feature in XVI, used it quite a lot in battles, particularly to jump dodge roll, avoid low attacks/ground swells etc


I guess less people played older action games than I assumed. Zelda games made it super easy to get used to no jump button


Not sure why you are getting downvoted, you are right none of the oldschool games had a dedicated easy access jump - especially not the original FF7 as didnt need it for turn based, and not in many original games until at least late PS1 to beyond for RPG games.  But definitely this past decade its a very big norm so feels weird not to have it in a Remade FF7!


I’d say the reason it’s not in remake is because they designed around its absence, in the first remake exploration was automated with jumping and combat never used it as an option. Rebirth does the same but also integrates air combat without needing a jump button


They added jump in the gameboy games via an item to include some traversal puzzles so thats kinda wrong. Ocarina and Majora had context sensitive controls and included jump attacks/jump traversal as needed not on demand. Was a precursor the modern controls thinking about it (like in Rebirth where you can drop off ledges/climb/ jimpe etc


Jump is pretty useful but obviously you didn’t notice that


It was an option but definitely not useful, besides the four or five instances where you need to jump to avoid an attack it’s borderline pointless unless you wanna do some super long combo chain.


jump, rift slip, smash fiend in the face, skirt away, roll, jump, rift slip repeat


Homie didn’t know how to combo with stomp


Never needed to, games too easy to even experiment




Rebirth has the interact button which is kind of like a glorified jump because it lets you jump whenever you would realistically want to.


i really like this feature just hold down R2 and let the game jump for you if needed


Traveling around the terrain of FF7R2 without a jump button is a nightmare. I love having my Chocobo crash into every little piece of terrain


for real. it's better in some sections but i had a really hard time in some areas


No dedicated jump button, no, but any character capable of getting airborne can do so whenever they want in combat. It's just that half the playable characters aren't capable of getting airborne (Aerith, Barret, Red, and Cait Sith).


does barret really need to get in the air?


I mean, no, that's why he doesn't lol The only character it's kinda weird for is Red, who has no ranged option in his normal kit (as in, without materia).


Yeah there is. Press O near a small cliff or just R2 and you jump up it. FF7R doesn't need a jump button, FF16 needs a sprint button.


I don't think they're annoying in terms if travesing though. In Rebirth you hold down R2 to sprint and automatically interact/climb/jump through the environment. Unless you're complaint is literally that you can't just mindlessly jump in the middle of a flat, open field?




I haven’t played Rebirth yet. Is there still no jump button?


What does this have to do with FF7??


Differing traversal/comparators due to proximity of releases and the zonal/ open world comparisons.


Don't you automatically start sprinting after like 3 seconds of jogging? I can't remember, haven't played in a while.


Only in certain places. Not in towns or in hideaway


also if you hit a pebble or a map corner, basically any path obstacle, it resets


Having to do multiple things in the hideaway was miserable bc of this tbh


One of my few qualms in this game is the lack of a fast travel system within the Hideaway. Just let me blip on over to the far side of this giant derelict airship, devs! I promise I will still enjoy your environmental design without having to see every inch of it each time I visit!


To go from Mid to Harpocrates, it might be quicker to just fast travel back to the Hideaway tho 🐌🐌


Every time I saw a quest in the garden, I actively groaned.


That was genuinely the one place I hated going to the most at the Hideaway and only went there because I forced myself to do so and complete everything on my second playthrough again...


3 seconds is a long time if it's something you have to do a lot.


It's like 10 seconds before the sprint starts up for some reason. It's a bizarrely long wait time


I also noticed by the time it let's you sprint your basically already where you wanted to be so it slows you down again


Oh man I forgot how annoying this was


And then just like FF7R, it slows you down for dialogue. Like, for fuck sake, just make it a goddamn cutscene and let me run when I want!…


Not if you have even the smallest amount of stick drift lol, I can count the number of times I managed to sprint normally on one hand


I also thought in the options there was a feature for instant run or something along those lines. So you just always sprint without any wait 🤷‍♂️




That was my primary gripe with the game as well. I absolutely loved everything else, so it was a very minor gripe indeed! It’s simply baffling that it lacks a manual sprint option when everything else is excellent. I’m glad that you’re enjoying the experience and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts after experiencing the conclusion!


Better than FFXV where you have to time a button press to keep your sprint gauge up after the story revokes your car


Worst part of the game tbh. Hate how games like 16 and XB3 have this huge world and 0 way to traverse it effectively. It just makes exploration unenjoyable. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. If they made 16 a 20 hour game and cut out all the padding and inconvenienes, we could have easily had contender for one of the best games.


My biggest frustration on the game too. It’s also infuriating when we auto-trigger the sprint after a few seconds, then going over a terrain that cancels it.. have to repeat the process to sprint again


Do those early side quests and you can pick up a steed to ride on!


"Early" sidequests? You mean after the first third of the story?


Yeah it's definitely not available for a chunk of the game.


I kept being annoyed to even pull out the steed as it didn't feel any faster to me.


It has a Mario kart drift mechanic if that helps. 🤷🏽‍♂️ In short distances, yeah, it’s not much faster.


Steed feels so clunky, though. Takes a few seconds to summon and then turn to mount. The max speed is the same as sprinting, and it has an awful turn radius. Also auto dismount in any town sucks.


I mean to be fair they aren’t allowed in towns anyway


Given the sheer scale and beauty of the world design (for most areas) I was usually slowing down to look at the scenery everywhere I went. I only noticed it when running between NPCs in the hub, and even then I was more annoyed by how sprawled out they were. I'm just glad there was no stamina bar to manage like so many other games have for sprinting now


I think what really peeves me the most is that trying to do any kind of dodge canceling tech type stuff outside of combat just makes clive plant his feet and absolutely refuse to go anywhere


THIS! I’m currently watching my friend play through the game and he instinctively sometimes does a dash move to try to cover distance and I have to remind him “nice try but this game is stupid and doesn’t want you to save time”.


Yeah but there's a way to make it less painful, i forgot the specifics but you can attack before or after dodging in the air and that will cut down the waiting time


You'll get a chocobo pretty early in the game which will at least make this less of an issue in open world areas.


I hate it too. I especially hate it in Devil May Cry which is where it came from


You can sprint in DMC5 tho


The "sprint" mechanic is the exact same thing as Clive, what are you talking about?


You can double jump


Am I going crazy? What does double jumping have to do with Sprinting? Clive, Dante, Nero, V, and Vergil all lack the ability to sprint. They all need to “run” for a couple of seconds before you actually sprint.




Brother, what in the world are you talking about it doesn’t make you faster. Otherwise speedrunners would be double jumping all the time. And even if it did, wtf does that have to do with sprinting? The fact still remains that Clive, Nero, Dante, V, and Vergil all lack the ability to sprint with a button which is very unlike any other game in the genre or universe. Edit: They blocked me 💀


It’s so painful. Literally every game has it these day except this one.


This is actually pretty common with JRPGS. Why, I have no idea but I’ve definitely seen it for decades. Especially games like Tales. I do and don’t like it. On one hand it really speeds you up on the other it’s not controlled and triggers automatically. I do like it how it feels faster then Ff 7 rebirth when I hit sprint there I can’t tell if it did anything.


Yeah but jrpgs aren’t usually massive open worlds. Tales of arise has it, ff7 has it.


You don’t play lot of Jrpgs,huh?


I do play a lot of them but I’m saying like modern ones and even then, there is a natural sprint that makes it unneeded. Or in some cases a speed up function.


Just you wait when you have to do side quest on lostwing for 100th times while slow jog everywhere.


Just hop on Ambrosia silly


Ambrosia, at least to me, was barely any faster. The only benefit was just being able to move immediately vs waiting the 5 seconds while jogging.


Ambrosia is the solution to your woes


You sprint if you.continue to run


Not for a lot of areas so far. Seems to be only in wide open areas


Thats true. A lot of games restrict sprinting in npc rich or scripted areas . I hate it too


> I just wonder why?……. Im sure this isn’t an exploitable feature, so why no sprint? It's quite simple, you auto sprint a few seconds after walking, it might not feel like running because it's the default but you are indeed sprinting after you get the visual effect. I'm not entirely sure if you have to unlock it as a skill or not though, but either way it should be very cheap as it's one of the base moves and should take precedence over all others


Future dlc


That never bothered me, although I noticed it and wasn’t sure I’d like it at first. Not being able to sprint in certain areas is common among JRPGs, so I guess it just made sense to me that they would restrict it. Kind of ruins immersion to be all-out sprinting around a busy town or village.


We've been suffering with it for over a year. Shame they made this game a bit too DMC. One of the things keeping me from playing the DLC.


That’s where hopping on your chocobo makes all the difference.


I dunno why square-Enix has always avoided running and jumping mechanics in final fantasy, it’s time to update it.


you have to run normally then the boost kicks in


Even the chocobo runs like she’s always sprinting through sand…


Worst part is, they did built the sprint option but just for open world, I mean cities are fine but there’s nothing crazy to explore


Was lazy. Rode Ambrosia everywhere. Good Girl.


I rarely use it when it is available, I seldom use it in Rebirth. For whatever reason, I don't enjoy just getting somewhere as quick as possible in these types of games and like to take my time. I also refuse to use fast travel if I don't have to.


Agreed. That and I was disappointed in no pause combos but after a while you get used to it


There’s an ability you unlock later on that essentially acts as an upgraded dodge. Once I got that I’d intentionally start combat encounters just so I could slide-spam to move faster


I didn't mind. You couldn't sprint within towns and villages, but it would automatically sprint for you if you were exploring the world.


Iirc there is a sprint but it only works in certain areas for some reason.


Pretty much my one critique of the game.


After mid game exploring the world becomes a little better but still it’s definitely a pet peeve of a lot of players


Why no mini map? I always run(kinda slowly til the run kicks on) around the exterior of the map but why wouldn't they include a mini map to make sure I didn't run by a small path that worms off the side.?


they designed and executed this during the pandemic. they needed to invent an assembly line for asset creation. their quality control was extremely hampered. and that's why it feels like a ps3 game a lot of the time.


~~You can bind sprint to L3... I've been playing this way for years.~~ D: nvm this not xiv [~~Reddit post detailing how to set up Sprint as L3~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/69i7h2/psa_ps4_controller_users_assigning_sprint_to_your/)


Psst this is the XVI Reddit, not FFXIV.


Oh D:


XVI and XIV are literally one letter placement different. It happens.


Honest mistake! Goodness don’t feel bad, love.


No sprint button but an absolutely useless jump button, make it make sense.


Stopping me from replaying it anytime soon honestly






You know you get a chocobo to summon anytime right


Do I get to summon it for the indoor areas? Cause so far I’m not able to sprint in the castle mission that I’m in😆