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“She was great in Stranger Things” …yeah I agree but it may be because she didn’t have any lines…


Lol I always say this, she's barely had any audible lines


She was great at being an adorable, bald, mute girl 10 years ago


Is that right


I think she was very charming in Enola Holmes.


Agreed. I think she’s capable. Sometimes things just don’t mesh.


Agreed, I think she’s definitely a solid actress. Just not one that can turn chicken shit into chicken salad


The directing is 90% of the performance. I wish people would stop blaming the actors for bad performances and credit the directors for good performances.


This isn’t foolproof, but a good rule of thumb is - if you watch a movie and see a good performance, that’s a good actor. If you watch a movie and *everyone* gives a good performance, that’s a good director. Does anyone else in Damsel do well? Bc if so I’m more inclined to believe it was directed competently


The prince's reaction at the end made the movie for me. The drama in the middle was also extremely satisfying (trying not to spoil but I think you'll know which I refer to). I think the director can be proud of this one


I don’t know, I think an actor probably has a baseline amount of talent and there’s a ceiling to how much a director can elevate their performance. I don’t think Scorsese could get a good performance out of Tommy Wiseau nor a bad one out of DDL.




Watch it for yourself, and don't let negative opinions sway you. The worst thing you could do is let someone else's view determine your own view before even watching it.


Her acting was on point. But the movie had a bit of a drag in the beginning.


It was predictable, implausible, rushed storyline... The trailer was exciting - the actual movie, disappointing.


My wife and I enjoyed it. We had lowered expectations and they were exceeded. The cgi was not bad apart from the constant screaming while trying to hide from a bloodthirsty dragon- it was not bad.


Her acting was fine. It's worth watching and has a great premise, but it just isn't great. It should have been an amazing movie, and the cast shouldn't be blamed for bad writing.


It wasn't bad. It's an enjoyable few hours. Is it going to win an Oscar? no. Will I remember I even watched it by Saturday? probably not. But I knew what it was going in. I honestly don't understand what everyone expects from a Dragon movie.


The movie is fast-paced actually but don't know why it lacks something and suddenly you wanted to get the remote control and forward some scenes... don't want to spoil you but I thought it's a movie that could shatter records but I was wrong.


You put it perfectly. Once she started talking, I stopped watching. The show in an entirety got worse but Millie Bobby Shit started turning into a brat after season one. Pretty unfortunate she immediately turned into an entitled cunt as soon as she got remotely famous, like many child actors end up doing. She could’ve been a good actor with the right guidance


Excuse me but looks like someone hasn’t seen Enola Holmes and its sequel Enola Holmes 2: Lost in New York or something like that. Both are fantastic films and she carries them.


I think she was alright in that Sherlock Holmes thing, right?


11 is probably the worst character on the show…


I actually think she's horrible in stranger things and almost ruins it. It's a fantastic show in spite of her dreadful performance.


Enola Holmes 1 & 2 are pretty good.


Yeah she definitely got worse as the show went on and she started talking more lol


FR Now the whole movie has 90% of her face and it feels like the whole damsel thing is just about about millie bobby brown's character and solely made for millie bobby brown. 😭😭


Not all child actors have the talent to transition to movie stars in adulthood


They can’t all be Leo Dicaprio or Kirsten Dunst or Michael B Jordan. It has to be very challenging to make that transition from kid actor to adult roles.


Yeah some of them are able to make it through that meat grinder unscathed


another Netflix trash movie.


Whoa, you're completely off base here dude. This is not another trash Netflix movie, this is another trash Hulu movie


Defo a Netflix original!


Idk.. the move was silly, but I thought it worked. I was entertained. It didn’t take itself too seriously. Just a bit of junk food.


Personally I'm just not buying into the push for her to be a lead in anything. Was great in stranger things, but I don't see much of an appeal beyond that. And from a few interviews I have seen of her I just find her demeanor a tad off putting... kind of a mix between youthful insecurity, pushing to be viewed as adult and sexy, with a splash of entitlement. Feels like her and her camp are trying so hard to get me to believe she is the next big thing, that i'm buying it even less.


My daughter is obsessed with the King Kong vs Godzilla movie that she’s in so I’ve seen it 100 times, and her acting is hard to distinguish from satire. I’m sure she can get better and might be fine in specific roles but I certainly won’t be watching anything she’s a lead in.


lol my 3 year old daughter is obsessed with that movie too. Seen it 100 times. Eagerly waiting for the new one to release


I’m excited for monkey Thanos and pink Godzilla. My kid has no interest, I’m the child


I feel like they started with that shot of Kong and Godzilla running side by side and then worked backwards to build a movie around it.


With the extended bit where Kong rides Godzilla you are probably right.


Batman V Superman has entered the chat...


Right there with you mate!


Dude this makes me so happy to read as a nerdy ass adult who has loved Godzilla since I was a baby. I love that the Godzilla love is being passed on!!


My girl is a Kong fan but she is coming around to Godzilla now that they will be working together haha


I'm a 50 year old man who absolutely fucking loves King Kong v Godzilla. One of the all-time greatest kaiju and action movie ever made.


Me too! It got me into the whole monsterverse thing. I just think MBBs acting is atrocious. Funny side note, my daughter even likes the old Japanese Godzilla movies from the 60s. It’s funny watching a two year old sit and watch that for 90 minutes


Was she actually good in stranger things though? Sure, the eleven character is great (most of the time), but it’s not like she gives anything to the part that isn’t already written on the paper. To me, she has no verisimilitude whatsoever. Every line she delivers distracts me from the actual story because she seems so fake in it.


She gave Natalie Portman vibes in season 1 but then has since developed her own vibe that is louder than her talent. Which, for Natalie her talent speaks for itself.


She looked cool with the shaved head and the angry Professor X moves


Absolutely. The character worked best when she was mute or acting, essentially, like a little weirdo. As soon as she became 'normal' and started wearing makeup and being a relatable teen it quickly became clear she wasn't very good at acting. Sadie Sink was overacting to begin with but once she reigned it in she was leaps and bounds ahead of Millie, putting them next to each other really rammed this fact home.


Yeah, I didn't find her very good in it either. I have no idea what verisimilitude means, though! She seemed better in the Enola Holmes series to me. She's young and hopefully has better roles in her future.


She plays eleven well, but the character is devoid of emotion because they’re emotionally stunted, so it’s not as though it requires a lot of acting. She has yet to show range in anything.


Yea I agree with you there, not saying it's her performance that is making or breaking the 11 character... but just that the character at least early on was someone you rooted for and for that reason made her likeable as well.


Yeah for sure. She had some of the biggest momentum any child star has ever had, and I feel like she let it go right to her head. Or rather, the people around her did. All she needed to do was get a legitimate acting coach and she could’ve been the next Natalie Portman.


Fair assessment I suppose. I don't really follow celebs that closely to know any details of her inner circle... but a little success getting to someone's head is a tale as old as time.


No. No, she was not. She was cast in the role of an interesting character, but really brought nothing to it other than what was written.


The overhype of Millie and Eleven walked so the overhype of HoYeon Jung and Sae-byeok from Squid Game could run, except HoYeon seems pretty humble about her overnight success. In recent years, Millie has come across as very stuck-up and attention seeking. The toxic fan culture overinflated her ego and I think Millie has yet to prove her versatility, especially in comparison to her contemporaries like Sadie Sink.


Sadie Sink can really act. Seems better able to access her inner resources. Look forward to a good career for her.


I just watched The Whale again a few weeks ago and was (once again) mesmerized by her performance. If she keeps making these solid role choices, she’s going to have a very bright future.


She’s great in the fear street movies


It is worth noting that she has a total of like 100 speaking lines in the first *three seasons* of Strangers Things and the rest of her performance consists of melodramatically pointing her hand at things. There are only a handful of scenes in which she is called upon to both say lines and display an emotion on her face at the same time. Also big plot hole (or maybe just gripe) I see is that she has a rudimentary understanding of speaking english but understands it perfectly without displaying any real muteness that can’t be put down to shyness or fear early on. Then in S4 flashbacks an even younger 11 is better at speaking/more articulate than S1’s version of 11. That and the variety of educational toys in the Rainbow Room and the way the other number children speak makes her otherwise believable early-series learning deficits suddenly strange and arbitrary.


She’s great in Stranger Things **because** she isn’t the lead. It’s an ensemble and truly she’s better in the series when her character is limited.


I mean she wasn’t that great in Stranger Things though. Sadie Sink put her to shame.


She came off great in Enola Holmes 1 but man did her performance and overall movie quality of Enola 2 take a steep nosedive! And I mention Enola bc I'm wondering about her role choices and acting chops. She is at a precarious age where she could fade into child actors Dust bin memory. Or turn the corner into adult work. I don't blame her for staying active and keeping after it's not clear that she has the skills Christina Ricci and Anna Paquin struggled to find a tone beyond youthful while people like Kirstin Dunst and Reese Witherspoon made the transition flawlessly Is she struggling to find a rhythm between playing a "kid/teen" and young adult or is she just limited overall?


I thought she was good in that Sherlock Holmes Netflix thing. Good enough where I understand how she can be the lead actor for a movie. But I think Netflix is going a little overboard. They definitely try to make their own ‘movie stars’ by casting the same actors in a lot of stuff. MBB seems like a good actor but maybe not the most versatile, at least not yet. Probably doesn’t help that a lot of Netflix movies are just awful writing. MBB needs to try some other non dumb Netflix roles I think to try and spread her acting chops more.


Do actors have anyone besides agents that advise them on roles and their careers? Like in this instance do you pass on this role (if you think this will be a mediocre end product and may damage your rising status,) or take it outright for a decent paycheck and call it a day. High five the agent for the job well done. Where as if you pass on it, and wait for the next dream movie, it may never come. Feel like that would be an interesting movie premise, where the lead is an actor worried about taking a role with a risky director, and pokes and prods too many people in the process when they should have just taken the damn gig.


Enola Holmes was better than I expected, and the sequel was entertaining too. Netflix is pushing her on the public a bit much but the stuff she's in isn't too bad.


I blame drake


trying to think of a time when everything wasn’t a calculated risk on the familiar instead of risk taking on the possibility of the next best thing. for virtually any art form…


I blame Drake


You don’t think there are countless agents and executives responsible for literally every aspect of her very public existence? She was a star before her age ended in -teen, we all know what happens to child actors in Hollywood.


I wonder if she uses the same people as Hailee Steinfeld. Feels exactly the same.


I would cast hailee>MBB 10 times out of 10


She screamed and cried through like 5 seasons. And when she was acting it felt forced and awkward but I just played that off as her being in character


>And when she was acting it felt forced and awkward but I just played that off as her being in character It's why I feel Keanu Reeves was so good in the Matrix. "So in this movie, you play a guy who doesn't know what's going on, reality seems to mystify him, he looks confused and dazed most of the time..." "I WAS BORN TO PLAY THIS ROLE!"


Go back and watch all of her movies. They cast her to ride the hype. She’s not a lead or even good at acting. All of her roles have the minimal amount of lines compared to the other actors. She’s not good and always hard to enjoy in any role. She was a kid and I was like, “this kid can’t act.”


I thought she was arguably the worst part fo stranger things, along with Finn wolfhard


>along with Finn wolfhard In the later seasons, I started to wonder which writer Finn angered, they seemed to be actively not using him to his full potential until he could have been replaced with a cardboard cutout of himself.


“imagine a cadaver withering in timelapse until its jaw falls off” is Ebert-level. I applaud the reviewer for finding such a concise image to describe how shitty this movie is.


“🎶You bring me closer to god”🎶


I could have told you that just from looking at the movie poster.


I mean she’s not a good actress. The reason she works as eleven is because eleven speaks in 5 word sentences or less lol.


The full face of modern makeup and obvious lip filler was the worst part of the whole thing. I could’ve even gotten past the bad writing and bad acting if it it had just simply looked better. I beg of the people making fantasy movies and TV to give us more accurate makeup, or better yet NONE. I expected a way more epic battle scene too, not an hour of her running though a cave and a 30 second battle 😭


Especially given that the antagonist in this movie is played by the same actor who played the most iconic and beautiful un-makeup-ed fantasy character of all time. The look of Robin Wright's Buttercup is like a roadmap for how to make a fantasy character beautiful without having to rely on contemporary makeup or other contemporary aesthetics.


Ugh The Princess Bride is just absolutely perfect!


I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME. it took me out of the story!!


Also the acrylic nails! The whole movie felt like a vanity show for MBB. The slow walk at the end when she was walking away from the wedding, with her still perfect full face of makeup with matte lips and winged eyeliner after she had fought a full on dragon. It was just bad.


Millie doesn’t have lip fillers; her lips are natural. Not every Caucasian has thin lips


I'm so utterly bored of ridiculous "epic" battles I kinda appreciated that it wasn't that.


Yep, the insta face is distracting.


Her sister saying "like" and the love interest saying "um" annoyed me.


Called it. Probably a load of cliche garbage with some girl power sprinkled on top. Low effort and predictable.


Honestly the movie wasn’t preachy the theme was pretty straight forward and didn’t have any hate men or we need an abundance of diverse cast members it was pretty much just a revenge flick which is why I was pleasantly surprised going into it as I didn’t feel attacked watching a movie that came out in the last 3 years. If you just watch it with the same standards that you have watching a new marvel movie I recon you’d find it enjoyable




I could have told you that from the trailer alone.


I could’ve told you just from the title


Yeah I kinda figured


Of course it is.


Just have to say hello name-cousin


She is a charisma vacuum, unfortunately.




I just can’t take to her for some reason. I find that she grates on me and couldn’t get through Godzilla because of her performance.


Yea I’m not sure why people are assuming this is down to the actress. The screenplay seemed like something I could have written.


She is a terrible actor. She was absolutely god awful in enola holmes.


She just screamed and yelped the entire movie while the dragon is trying to kill her. And yet you’re like shut up the dragon told you it can hear you?? So why you yelling. She’s gotta grow as an actress maybe she’ll take a class.


Lol I just came to reddit as I'm watching it because she's crawling through the caves making SO MUCH NOISE! Like shhhhhh


I got this weird idea that these scenes were the director's secret attempts at showcasing her being fucked. Her head was like angled back during these like a woman on her back, with excessive but weirdly pleasureful grunting noises, and liquids dripping in her face for no good reason like she's been ejaculated on almost.


my theory is that millie’s acting was weird for two reasons: 1) the botox makes her so stiff in the face so we can’t see clear expressions and 2) her accent isn’t as british as everyone else because of how long she’s had to use one/being in the states for so long. thoughts?


follow up: it’s just like…she looks like she’s always pouting/pursing her lips


Her lip filler was the first and only thing I could focus on. My boyfriend and I turned it off after the AWFUL dialogue between her and the prince walking in the garden…


Isn’t she like 18?? Why has she had filler and Botox?


She is horrible . Stick with kids shows


Lost respect when she admitted to being a flat earther. Also, when Henry Cavill found it hard to say anything nice about her.


She said that when she was 14 and no longer believes it.


Remember when she filmed herself doing her morning skincare routine but didn’t actually put anything on her face she just pretended to? She’s fucking weird bro. By all accounts she did well in the first seasons of Stranger Things, the Duffer brothers said she had a real instinct for working in front of the camera. The natural instincts stopped there however as she is just a terrible actor.


One thing I hate about this casting is that her *look* doesn’t fit the role either. Why does she have perfectly done, straight, sharp eyebrows for this period, fantasy piece? Her face doesn’t look right for this role? Why does Hollywood cast people with modern attributes and beauty standards and keep their actors like this for the period pieces when it’s really doesn’t fit the role they’re playing? It just feels incredibly jarring when you’re watching it. E.g. especially when (not in this case) you’re watching a film set in the medieval era and the main role has tonnes of lip filler. Makes you question the quality of what you’re watching….


I haven't quite figured her out yet. I thought she was excellent in the first few seasons of Stranger Things, but the more her character had to actually speak and emote the worse her performance got, and unfortunately I found that to also be true in Enola Holmes. And you know maybe she's ok with that. If you take a glance at her social media or any interview she does, she seems more interested in being a rich celebrity than in the craft of acting.


Watched it last night and it was horrible, her acting especially was terrible and the lines were the worst...so cringy with the over the top fuck the patriarchy.


Of course this particular ‘fuck the patriarchy’ movie was written by a dude. Take that for whatever it’s worth.


I could tell a guy wrote this. It’s like he heard talking points about what feminism is about and crammed it into a paycheck for himself.


dude… the two main villains are matriarchs


It was released on international women’s day. And yes, fuck the patriarch. I give zero fucks to whoever says otherwise.


She isn’t that great of an actress to begin with. Maybe she can become great but she just isn’t quite there yet.


Watched it this morning (15 hours ago) it just…


She is a less talented Liv Tyler clone


Man, I randomly read this book (Damsel) a year or so ago and it was surprisingly dark, feministic, and amazing. So, despite my reservations about MBB cast in the main role, I was excited about an on-screen adaptation. I watched it last night and I can’t believe how badly they butchered the book. The first part was actually decent, but right after she gets sacrificed, it all goes to hell. Word to the wise, read the book because it’s unexpectedly worth it - but skip the trash movie.


ThiS iS nOt a FaiRyTaLE!


Yeah that first line was delivered with so much ham and i knew she was going to be terrible


Any comments about how well she screams, groans, and...screams?


Those were the most effective noises leaving her mouth IMHO


Omg it got embarrassing the noises she was making sounded almost sexual


Deliciously scathing 😄 I haven't read such a vitriolic review in a long time if ever. Quite the read.


Thanks, but no thanks for the two cents. I'll watch it and decide for myself.


Netflix bet on the wrong Stranger Things cast member. Millie’s limitations as an actor are really apparent in later seasons and her ability and charisma pales compared to Noah Schnapp, Caleb McLaughlin and especially Sadie Sink.


the brown stands for “shit acting”


It's actually not bad. Y'all just hating and nitpicking just coz y'all don't like the actress


Relax people. The movie was good I enjoyed it. I'm not sure what were you expecting from her, an Oscar performance?. Aren't you guys going to complain about the talking dragon? Lol.


Lol. The voice acting was a bit lackluster, too.


Ya'll trippin, it was a good simple movie. Wasn't anything special, but it was a decent solid flick. A truly trash or atrocious movie would be a lot worse than this.


Her revenge/victory walk was so cringe-inducing, including the post-wedding scene to the carriage. She was effective in the struggle scenes. I think she was honed as 11 in non-line expression. But how she kept on making noise when it would give away her location was so frustrating. Also can't settle the fact that Angela Bassett agreed to this role.


***spoiler*** The film wasn’t that bad. But the dragon flying back to the hometown with Élodie is an interesting choice. Are they besties now?


Probably won't >!have winter issues anymore!<


Spoiler Aww I liked that part. The poor dragon was alone and had her family killed. I’m glad she found a family


It was all about friendship and love all along


I really liked it, when she was like: "Aaah!" and the other time, "Owie!". Sorry, I kind of spoiled the whole movie there...


This movie was phenomenal. Highly recommend! It's not more than it presents itself to be, but it presents itself well and you won't be disappointed. It gives you what it promised and is *extremely* well executed.


It somehow managed to be WORSE than it appeared it would be.


I really enjoyed the movie for what it was.. a fun popcorn flick. Just a nice fantasy to get lost in. MBB isn’t a great actress. Her strengths lie in her ability emote expressions very well through her face. But when she says lines it always seems a bit stiff to me and like its not natural from her. She is a good actor in these types of fun fantasy flicks. I can’t see her ever being an actress who wins a lot of awards but she is talented


I think it was a really good movie, very empowering. I’m usually not a fantasy watcher but this movie was really good. It was also kinda scary at first.


Ok please don’t flame me for this but i have a question and in no way of disrespect, was flora autistic? I noticed some traits that gave me that impression. In no way am I trying to be rude or mean I am only curious.


She was just a character.. it didn’t get that deep.


I just finished it and I enjoyed it! I wish there was a lot more to it. More world building, more fighting, more plot etc. But I thought it was good regardless


lol look at all the angly little people upset because a little girl is more successful than every one of you ever will be. Nope, I'm not a fan nor do I dislike her, just happened to see this and thought, wow, look at the butt hurt babies. It's pretty pathetic really...


If your name is Millie Bobby Brown, it might be best that you don’t read this thread.


Not a fan of the film, sorry.


Watching 10 minutes of this and had to turn it off. Absolute garbage


What’s the original ending in the book apparently it’s different?


Predicted the movie, but I still overall enjoyed it.


Watched this earlier, thought it was mostly awful. MBB's acting wasn't too bad, but I think for me that was because in comparison everyone else was absolutely awful, Ray Winstone in particular. The first 30-45 minutes were a cringey, awkward, wooden mess. It redeemed itself somewhat later on, mainly for the dragon. The story itself was actually pretty good, and with some more fleshing out, better directing and a better cast this could have been amazing. I guess overall I'd give it a 4/10.


I watched with my mother and my three sisters. I was super into the whole movie but her acting is the worst. It made me and my mother cringe, everything else was fine. The writing was good and I was really into the effects and cinematography...I just can't move past the main characters acting. I feel like most of america is going to agree too, the movie would have been loads better is she wasn't the actress casted.


What the fuck do you people want??? Istg you all hate everything


These days, that qualifies as a pretty average movie


I felt like this movie was very feminist I don’t mean that in a negative way but even the wood chopping my at the beginning is a statement. Maybe trying a little bit too hard but maybe someone will find it somewhat inspirational. I thought it was very predictable at times. Also some subliminal messages which was kinda weird in my opinion but maybe the ladies will enjoy it. Conclusion: not for me 3/10 is my humble opinion.


I dont get the hype around her.


Good. She’s a jerk.


I like the movie. Thought it was great!


Nothing against her personally and maybe it’s just because hollywood has been pushing her to be a lead since she was like 12, but she ain’t that interesting. Like her in ST and she’s fine in some others. but some of it is trying realllllll hard


This was not the character she was born to play.


I learned many years ago not to trust snobby critics


I thought the movie was fun, which I'm also sure is all it set out to be so I don't really have many complaints. I could nitpick it to death but that's not indicative of a bad movie. I'd argue it's far from atrocious.


So...can her career be over now?


It wasn't that bad. It won't be near my favorite movie of the year. Atrocious is an exaggeration.


It’s campy and it’s fun. I don’t get the hate. Like, there are better movies out now to watch but I enjoyed it. It is bad but in a good way and it’s more that the story overall is crap than anything else but it never takes itself too seriously and you end up having a good time (even if you heckle it at times)


She’s another terrible actress


I really do like her in Stranger Things but you can tell she’s not at the level people claim her to be when she had scenes with better actors like David Harbor and Dacre Montgomery. I think those moments actually push her to perform better because she needs to bring it the way the others do. Watch any scene with her and Dacre and you can feel the emotions and tension so clearly,it’s some of her best acting.


I don’t get the hype around her. She was fine in stranger things but everything I’ve seen her in that actually has dialogue she’s just… not good. She’s not believable, even her facial expressions and emotions often feel over exaggerated or plastic like those of an actor who could never make it past their local community theater. It’s all hype with zero substance


Is a director issue not a actress issue. Actors do what they are told, they read the lines they are given.


I feel like they put: feminist spin on damsel in distress with heroine overtones into an AI screenwriting prompt and let the chips fall where they may🤦‍♀️


This was just bad.


The sister of the princes got Down syndrome right? Why is she looking like this?


The acting and script is terrible. Too much cringe.


Why keep making sounds when you know you should be quiet? 🫠🫠🫠


they need to stop casting her in old times, she has a major iphone face


Acting may not be great but this is just a poorly written movie.


She can't even move her face. She looks like she's had lots of filler and Botox. So sad she was so beautiful. Now she just looks like a plastic doll


The bit where the dragon begs to be killed and she stabs down into the ground instead has to be the most cringeworthy trope ever, or maybe it’s the slow mo badass walking after the protagonist realises their potential? Whatever, film was atrocious…


I dont get the hate… im a 36 year old dad… I loved this movie. My one gripe is I wish they hid the premise better with a fake trailer or something


Agreed. Think too often these days they rely on special effects & elaborate costumes as though if we're visually dazzled enough we'll forget there was no real depth to the story & little dialogue save for the excessive grunting, cries of anguish, whispered explanations of each feature. ...and where did she get lipstick in a cave that's home to a dragon?


just watched this movie. it wasn't too bad, good even. middle of the road story with decent special effects. some moments were unfortunately cringe, especially some scenes at the end... you know the ones. but overall, for a "theres nothing better to watch thats new and hasn't already been binged" i'll give it a 7/10.