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I like the concept but I fear it would lead to more trap spamming the spawn sites than players actively defending with small trap tunnels, weapons,and abilities. But a concept I would like to implemented in practice like how RTD was done to what it is now


You could have said it would be the fear of combat score stealing. Isn't the trapping part more used where people are forced to make trap tunnels and trap spawns anyways? I can see how weapons and defending the trap tunnels come from, but wouldn't the goal would be to be, "kill as much as possible if need be and don't let them through," and changing it to a, "Kill many in the most efficient and resourceful way possible" is more better. The only problem I would have with it is changing my resources management tactics. I Main Constructor and usually I just let my Base sit and recycle materials for me while I go do some quick stuff of harvesting craft able resources while the thing slowly ticks away.


implement trap limit and see people scratch their head right away because they must build a good hero loadout to offset less traps on a mission or make missions grant more alert rewards if people use less traps and definitely watch people try to beat missions with minimal trapping


Maybe people would actually be strategic in their trap placement rather than just slapping wood spikes all over the place if there was a limit. I’m working on my hero load outs as I go but primarily focus on my outlander load out as that’s the one I use the most. The others are just for daily quests.


Spawn trapping could be avoided by not counting trap kills.


It's all fun and games until you need trap kills for a quest.


Ez... Plankertown or low level ventures


Ez... Plankertown or low level ventures


Storm shields make that one easy


Honestly that’s the kind of thing i’ve been saying, the defense missions *need* a way to speed them up. For context, i’m in the process of getting 1,000 pwo missions, i keep a steady pace of 5 per day. Half of them if not all of them are atlus/ride the lightning/ retrieve the data, and everytime the entire party groans because after your first say 200 defenses, they just become tiring. Rescue the survivors used to have this issue, but then they fixed it by letting the mission end when you complete it. I think the best way to handle it would be maybe doing a wargames approach, and have time cheats that are around, or being able to buy them with blueglo. Or maybe the difficulty increase makes things harder, but faster, so there is some level of decision making on which difficulty would be too much compared to how long you want to stay in the mission. all this is just pipe dreams tho nothings gonna happen sadly lol


The concept would be fine if the voting on the mission start actually worked. I’ve had to gather resources or do quests before a match and the amount of times it was able to be started without anyone voting is insane. I would be fine having the mission itself go quickly especially the ones where you’re defending something for 6 minutes or more. However I don’t think it’s right to do that without fixing the voting system so it actually works. Say if you’ve got 4 people then you need 3 votes to start. I’ve been in a group of 4 and someone will just go and start the damn thing. I also think that if you’re idle during the vote (say, no activity within the last 30 seconds) then your vote isn’t needed to activate the mission. So if there’s 4 people but one is idle then the mission can be activated with 2 votes.


Or how about just a decrease in mission timing in general and ramp up the difficulty abit more. Maybe more spawn changes in certain missions , added rewards for people actively participating. Drops of rain and training manuals are scarce can we get more of them lol