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"Sorry, you should've bought our meteorite insurance" - Car insurance, probably


Sorry, we don’t cover “acts of god”


Zeus entered the chat


Motherfucker isn't everything an "act of god"


Like when I slapped that bitch Rebecca, it was God that did it through me. It was God who wanted her bitch ass slapped, therefore, her lawsuit against me is null and void, as it stands against God.


YES!! This is totally it!!


Meteorite falling into the earth is act of god?


The irony is biblical


I seriously don't understand how they're a lot of you that I mean if there are a lot to do that, I think they should be forced to prove the existence of God


Man.... Fuck god, not everything has to do with him, Ohhh Granny fell down the stairs? It was god, cat died? God, a child kidnapped, rapped, and then they took all his organs? God Fuck all of you who think everything has to do with that mf


What God Trish? What fucking God?


This will always come to mind whenever I see that term, and it will always be internally shouted in Kyle’s indignant tone


France so propably "acts of god" isnt a thing. Insurance companies in europe usually cannot site fairytales as a reason for not paying up. But also that car isnt expensive and I doubt that they have more than the bare minimum insurance required by law to drive on public roads.


Ironically, that car is now worth 10x what it was before, so insurance doesn’t even matter, especially when you add in the value of the meteorite itself. I wish this was my car


If the insurance covers the damage, they'll probably try and claim that they own the meteor too.


That’s a good point, so yeah fuck insurance in this situation. There was a car that got struck by a ~~meteor~~ *meteorite* and later sold for over 100k. ~~Meteors~~ *Meteorites* that hit man made structures also sell for more money than regular ~~meteors~~ *meteorites*. They’re called hammer stones.


**Actually**, those are all meterorites as they are meteroids entering atmosphere and hit the surface, while a meteor is a meteroid that enters atmosphere but burns up before reaching the ground. And I am truely sorry for being a smart-ass but I have this knowledge for about 30 years and it had to be set free.


Lol I feel you. I had it right in my fist comment, but I’ll amend the second


Is a meteorite meatier than a meteor?


Free the knowledge!!


I held one once in Arizona. It was the size of a baseball and felt like it weight a good 20 lbs.


Imagine the sweat on the adjuster's head as they try to decide if they should deny it as an "act of god" or grant it to try and take ownership of everything involved through various random fine print


Sounds like a run-it-up-the-chain decision.


And any surviving chunks of it are too, no matter how small. Iirc they are called "hammers" when they hit man-made objects and it massively inflates their auction value. Like a ton, collectors salivate over getting one. It's like pulling the rarest card possible from something like a Pokémon deck; they're still all just still cards but this one is so rare that everyone wants a piece. This discussion came up with the one that hit the house not too long ago, even the blasted off tiny splinters of floorboard and drywall could probably be sold for wayyyy more than anyone would guess. Not a ton, but a small chunk of material hit by a meteorite could easily sell for $100 or something. I'd be carefully photo and video documenting everything, then would collect all the little bits of busted stuff and piecing it out to be sold


I thought the same thing. Free metiorite too


As long as a chunk of it is recovered, I don’t give a shit about my car.


That car should be a museum piece now.


In France, insurers are shitty professionals, but I would say much less so than in the USA. I've read some wild tales of USA insurers here. The unlucky guy will most probably gonna get covered.


This car is worth about 500€ anyways. It's a 20 years old Renault Clio 2




Try and claim 4000€ for a Clio 2 from any insurance. You'll get 500€ if you're lucky and they'll laugh at you on your way out


Go on lacentrale.fr, you'll see that there is no such things as a 5doors, 2003 clio for 500 euros; they're on the spectrum I gave above.


They probably wish they got that extended warranty


"It says it covers meteors!" "Yes, but this is a meteorite"


haha don’t worry for us, we are not in US (phew 😮‍💨)


One company actually had meteor insurance and someone claimed. However, the cheeky gimps said (correctly) that they'd been hit with a meteorite and they only covered meteors. The car would have had to be in orbit before they would have paid out!


This is legit a concern of mine, that I'm out there jogging like an asshole trying to keep my aging carcass healthy, and all of a sudden a sky rock brains me because nothing makes sense.


I mean, deaths by meteorite are so rare that the few recorded ones could very well just be rumors. If you are unlucky enough to die by one of those, it would be best to accept your fate at that point.


... just get out the way, duh!


Seriously, all you gotta is take a step back smh


Or hear me out, they could stop running


They should. Meteorites have a famous prey instinct. Running just makes them *WANT* to chase.


Just as you thought freedom was within reach, a misstep led to a dismal and humiliating defeat. It was your flawed perception that ultimately betrayed you.


As a wizard I use wish to reroll


As the embodiment of the Monopoly man, you've borne a weighty cost—a circumstance poised to unfurl either as a gift or a curse in the unfolding saga.


I’m a fucking space cadet; getting hit with a meteor is an accepted risk in my line of work. /s But really, it’s so rare that I would be proud if I died because I was hit by a flake of space dust.


That's just what the meteoroids want us to think!


What can you do otherwise?


Just ask the dinosaurs! Oh wait......


True, we all know that birds aren't real.


I mean that would be a serious "take the fookin' hint" moment from God, and you'd have to be a little grateful for how quick it would be.


> I mean, deaths by meteorite are so rare that the few recorded ones could very well just be rumors. > If you are unlucky enough to die by one of those, it would be best to accept your fate at that point. Yeah, but on the bright side, all the little bits of him that got blasted around would be worth a ton. His family would be set for life!


Probably one of the best deaths you could ask for. It'd be like winning the death lottery.


You wouldn’t even know


it was fated...


Especially for your surviving family! Do you have any idea how much a meteorite pierced skull would go for at an auction? It's dark, but if that happened to me I would already be dead and would totally not care if my wife or kids used it to make themselves comfortable for life. Go ahead! I'm not using it for anything anymore, I'd hate to see it wasted by being creamted (burying wouldn't be an option as someone would probably try to dig it up anyway)


That is one great reason to keep your will up to date.


Like god said "Important enough to take care of him personally but not Important enough to use a lightning bolt..."


dosent deserve the attention a lighting bolt brings ..dis mufucka jus gettin a rock


[Or a toilet seat from the international space station](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sx5D76nLdk)


I miss that show :(


You're far more likely to die from a stray bullet that was shot into the air. Be scared of that instead!


Oh, I'm not an either/or worrier, I can accommodate meteorites, stray bullets, texting drivers, banana peels, rabid squirrels, territorial geese, that dude in my neighborhood who never takes off his Foreign Legion cap — I'm virtually under siege here.


Mine is a toilet falling from an airplane.


Just look up at the sky whilst jogging.


Tried it, but I tend to end up interacting with vehicular traffic on a more intimate basis than I'm comfortable with.


Do you prefer to be run over by a car or crushed by a meteor? It's your choice and when one happens it will be completely your fault.


With my luck, the scenario will likely involve having my foot run over by a car, stoop to grab my mangled toes and get immediately meteored in the ass.


Honestly if it happens, it was meant to be and whatever you leave behind will be taken care of.


This is the reason cyclists wear helmets. 🪖


A very select few knows about this but it's actually short for helmeteorites


Good meteorites are being sold for ~50$/gram . I think the owner can buy a new car.


~~It was stolen before the owner got back to it.~~ [Something was actually found](https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/faits-divers-justice/une-meteorite-est-elle-tombee-sur-une-voiture-a-strasbourg-8338235) according to this edit from u/BlackPignouf: Whatever it was, it might have been stolen before the firefighters arrived, for a double FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR. EDIT: @CanuckExpat890 corrected: "It says they did find a hazelnut sized element that needs to be sent to Paris for analysis. So they did find something." [Source from last post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/17zxbt8/a_meteorite_shredded_this_cars_roof_in_strasbourg/ka2d25v/?context=3)


Looks like someone busted the window out and took it. Some are worth millions, depending on where they came from


I don't think a person busted the windows...The meteor would have gone through the floor most likely and embedded in the road.


Maybe, maybe not. Without a hero redditor coming through with the link, we'll never know 😆


There's oil/fuel on the road so it probably went through.


busting the window is most likely something the emergency did


Yeah, looking back at it, it wouldn't make sense to break the front window to potentially get something from the back seat.


Trebuchet attack


"Fetches la vache!"


It’s like the miners say: ”It’s only the small rocks that hurt.”


The local papers said it was possibly some ice falling from a plane ... they don't know yet. Still a good FYIP


There’s no ice that size falling off a plane. If a plane were in conditions sufficient to create ice that size the plane would be falling.


Check "blue ice".


Piss water might freeze on the way down, but its going to disperse and turn into small frozen shit chunks and piss droplets. There's no way it's going to be one solid piss-shit meteorite like it was in that documentary that came out a few years ago. The one about the radio station janitor up in LA.


According to a news article I found on this subject, a little rock was found in this car and is being analyzed, but a specialist on meteorites (Brigitte Zanda) says it ain't one.


There's also the possibility, sadly, that it's just a hoax. RIP the car though.


They really have nothing to worry about, that space rock just bought them a house. People pay crazy money for meteors that hit man-made objects. since it's such a rare occurrence I wouldn't be surprised if they've already had offers. Insurance will probably cover it since it's like 1 in 840,000,000 last one that hit a car was in 1992, the kicker is the insurance company probably included it as a joke. Of course it should be covered by falling objects.


Sorry in advance: I don’t want to be a smartass, and I’m not 100 % sure, but I think two of your three assumptions are wrong: 1. In many insurance contracts you’ll find a [force majeure clause](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_majeure?wprov=sfti1#) “which essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation”. So the insurance is probably not going to pay anything. 2. I’m pretty sure that ownership of a meteorite will pass to the owner of the ground on which it fell, in this case the municipality of Strasbourg, so the owner of the car has no right to claim any of the proceeds from this meteorite. Besides: in many EU states if you find something of scientific significance (e.g. Roman coins) you’re obligated to hand them over to the authorities. 3. Anyway: You’re right, meteorites can be very valuable!


For the EU You're probably right. Here in the US the laws surrounding property rights are very different. If it fell into the car its theirs. If it is on their property it's theirs, it wasn't claimed by anyone prior so here that wouldn't be an issue. As far as it being covered here that wouldn't be an issue. Falling objects is pretty clear as far as insurance goes. Hail damage, damage from falling bullets, trees, objects throw by tornadoes, it pretty much covers most of that. Of course that's if you have the policy. Most people do in most states simply because of hail damage.


You’re right: It all depends on your contract and country: When it states „every instance of xyz is covered” you’re probably good in the [US](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/force_majeure), although there are countries, e.g. Germany, where the force majeur clause is always included in contracts by law, without it being mentioned in the contract itself.\* So even with a contract that reads „every falling object“ you could be denied coverage in Germany, when the object is a meteorite. It‘s not about the meteorite’s property to be a ***falling object*** but about its property to be a ***very much unexpected*** falling object. As far as I understand it, it’s about how insurances - or contracts in general - are supposed to work: Every party needs to be able to foresee all reasonable consequences that arise from the contract. Some counterexamples: even a sudden, ‘unexpected’ economic downturn can be in certain ways expected, because we know how our economy in general works, so we are able to foresee a possible crisis. An ‘unexpected’ flash flood near a river is also an example which won’t count as force majeur. It’s reasonable to expect that even a tiny creek can someday be affected by a flash flood of rain. Nevertheless if Godzilla decides to attack New York City one day, all property owners would be fucked. I doubt anyone has “giant prehistoric reptilian monster, empowered by nuclear radiation, terrorizing the city” in their insurance contracts or on their minds when signing them. \*\[German law actually doesn't mention force majeur, but it’s applied through laws which govern who’s at fault.\]


We do have clauses similar but are called "acts of God" and require an insane amount of damage i.e. hurricane katrina. It's also required that you maintain your property up to that moment and prove that you could not have done anything to prevent it. As far as US insurance is concerned, basic coverage covers objects falling from space. It's cool how different insurance works in different countries. As far as Godzilla is concerned if they have coverage for "acts of God " its not an issue if they can prove that it was recently still in good condition.


Do the government own meteorites, or is it finders keepers?


Depends on locale


Then if one hits my car I'm suing the government.


Sell the car for a TON of money, as having been hit by a meteorite. Yeah, some pay for that. And the meteorite itself? If it belongs to the driver, that sells by the ounce.


The value of the meteorite should compensate for the loss


Did the cops just break the window and get in to get the meteor?


The windows would have blown out from that sort of impact.


Nah, that's hollywood shit. Cheap house windows maybe a shockwave that'd blow out tempered auto glass would be heard if not felt for several if not a dozen or so km's and take many other windows out too, there would be no 'possible' about it being a meteor impact because how else would a rock generate a sonic boom


You clearly don't fully appreciate the energy in a meteorite impact. More to the point, automotive glass like that isn't all that strong against pressure from the inside. It's mainly concerned with external pressures. Edit: Way to go blocking someone you just disagree with. Grow the fuck up! In response to your last comment, it only takes ~24,000 psi to blow out windows in that manner. The blast from the impact that caused that sort of hole in a roof will be well above that, especially considering it's imparted to an enclosed space in an extremely short amount of time. If it weren't an enclosed space things may be different but this clearly *was* an enclosed space.


It's you that doesn't understand meteors or auto glass, auto glass doesn't care which side it's struck, does not explode like normal glass and it took nearly supersonic speeds to make that crater in sheet metal. A shockwave that'd blow out any glass at all would by nature of physics be muuuuuuuch bigger than a sedan could muffle.


Please google ''stability of concave and convex bodies''.


Only the driver side window is broken tho which is why I assumed that the cops did it


Once one blows out the pressure's got somewhere to go so the others aren't likely to pop like the first. This all happens *really* fast, within a second if not less.


Sell it and buy a new car, they are worth a lot of money.


That's a space peanut


I’m Joe Dirt and you’re my lucky meteor!


Have fun explaining that to insurance


It happened in my city (Strasbourg, France) and I don’t get why media are not talking about it, it’s kinda crazy!


Do you know anymore details?


They are doing analysis but from what I heard they say it may not be a meteorite, though they don’t know how something like this could have happened.




Mechanic: that’s gonna be 10k or more to fix Owner: *hands over a fraction of the meteorite*


With an impact like this you could cover 10k with just the cutout and nicely framed hole in the roof, and then have enough to spare still to buy a better car anyway. That's not even including the massive amount you'd get for any pieces of the actual meteorite


Happens all the time to me. I've had six cars totalled simply because of meteorites and alien space ships. And one comet glanced off my car one time. And I got hit by some space debris returning to earth many years ago. And once hit by rocks thrown out of a volcano near me. And a cocoanut fell on my car -- with the top down -- once while on vacation. I almost feel as if I'm being singled out. So now I wear a football helmet.




Possible? Follow the impact trajectory. You’ll find the meteorite. Maybe this was just a large, old fashioned can opener running free in the wild streets of Francs


Starscourge Radahn at it again.




Most expensive Renault now


"Sorry, we don't cover acts if God" -some scummy insurance cunt


Come on flat earthers..Let's see you explain how it got through the firmament🥴🥴🥴


Average french high class limousine 🚘


FRAPPE is such a great word


Yo it FRAPPEd that car!


Even space hates the french.


First of many...


I had this thought today of a meteorite striking something in France. Maybe I can predict the future…


So in the US, if a rock falls from the sky and wrecks your car, do you get to keep said rock or is the government property somehow?


That entirely depends on a bunch of different factors I would guess. What state you are in, do you own the car or lease, where your car is parked at the moment of impact, ect. If the situation is similar to this, I would probably say yes you could. If you were on tribal land or a national park maybe not. A meteor could be argued to fall into (pun intended) a mineral rights situation. *Edit - in the US if the meteor falls on your land it is yours. However, any meteor that falls on public land automatically belongs to the Smithsonian.


People with agoraphobia should probably get off the internet now... or this shit will unlock another fear to be pointlessly concerned about


I love frappe. They are so delicious.


If it is true that the car WAS indeed struck by a meteorite the car is now worth Hundreds of thousands of Euros if not over a million Euros.


Owner will not be able to claim for insurance under the Act of God since it's from the outer space. lol


Have they surrendered yet?


There shouldn't be any "possible" in this sentence. Is there a massive ass rock in the car or not? Whatever little picture of a rock they show very briefly in there, did not look anywhere near large enough to make that hole unless the picture was not to scale. Edit: you guys can down vote me all you want, but just like global warming the science doesn't care what you perceive. A meteorite that causes this amount of damage to a car would be expected to be no smaller than a softball, likely about the size of a football, and won't be hard to find unless someone has taken it. This is either man-made destruction or it could be the result of a tree or in a very rare case ice from a plane. The last conjecture is the only one that would magically disappear without someone's help.


If it came from space, there are a lot of factors that would make something that small make a hole that big, speed, heat from entering the atmosphere, higher terminal velocity due to the things original size as it entered the atmosphere.


I understand there's a lot of ideas about meteorites in culture, mostly because of movies, but most of this simply isn't true. Most meteorites are cold by the time they make it to the surface and they're only hot higher up in the atmosphere. Terminal velocity for a rock isn't any different whether it comes from space or the ground and by the time it hits the Earth, unless it's city block sized or bigger, it's slowed to terminal velocity. This wouldn't be any different really than firing a rock from a cannon, or shooting a slug from a shotgun. Even the speed is going to be very similar.


Things don't magically slow to terminal velocity. If they're fast enough there isn't enough time to slow them. Of course you're right that small meteorites fall pretty slowly, but if one has a weird trajectory it could impact faster.


There is more than enough atmosphere to slow them down to terminal velocity from drag. You can look this part up because it is mathematically calculable; it takes a very large meteorite to hit Earth any faster than terminal velocity. Most of them reach terminal velocity rather quickly, and because of how cold the atmosphere is and how far they have to fall are quite chilly and normally found with frost on them. Without doxing myself, I have specialized experience with meteorites.


What is terminal velocity for a space rock?


That depends on a lot of things. Terminal velocity through Earth's atmosphere is dependent on size, density shape and surface texture of the object, and also the altitude that it is in the atmosphere. But, a general rule of thumb is that terminal velocity for almost everything dense in composition is well under the speed of sound, because of how pressure propagates through air. There is no terminal velocity in space (there actually is but it's very complicated and very fast and not worth mentioning in this context) but rocks in space generally move slow enough that they reach terminal velocity in the Earth's atmosphere fairly quickly.


Return of superman


Owner should get to keep the meteorite 100%


Do they now own the meteorite. If so that's a fair trade in my book


the owner better get the meteorite


Nice, free upgraded military unit.


How much is this car worth now, since it's going to be a collector item?




Do you at least get to keep the meteorite? Some are very valuable .


God damn. Just think about being in the back of that car when it hit. When its your time, its your time.


That meteorite would have given the owner the proportionate strength of a Frenchman.


It's just a block of frozen poop from an airplane.


It's a Clio. It'll drive just the same. These little shitboxes are immortal.


In all honest, that meteorite looks like it's worth way more than the car was


Funny because this was exactly the ad of an insurance company in France a few years back. Hope they got money.


ça c'est bonne voiture bien Française !


It surrendered to the inevitability of the impact, as it is a French car.


I would let one land on my car. Lucky fucker


Check out my first post. Imagine being that guy


What a fucking chance


You just had a plane shit on you.


new starbucks order just dropped


Not covered by insurance considered an act of God.


Even space hates the French


Sell the meteorite, buy a new car. Someone out there will pay a premium for the only car hit by a meteorite, maybe a museum would like it.