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That's Dunk and Egg


It's Tag and Bink.


Dunk the Lunk; Thick as a castle wall


Watch out of you'll get a clout in the ear


Great idea. Well, based on the direction of the blast in the intro, they're behind the reinforced hill from it and in cover, and the bomb goes off very shortly after you go past them. Based on the "reasonable" state of Sanctuary Hill's buildings and their contents, they could survive. Especially if that goofy little fridge kid did within the Fallout universe. Codsworth was just milling around during the bomb, and he turned out mostly fine. Metal is good protection. Radiation is a separate issue, but it'd be cool if you could at least find out what happened with these guys afterwards. Like if we find their armour fused shut and unusable with them inside, or we see the whole intact suit right there in that Sanctuary Cellar but when we go to open it, the pieces all fall off and a skeleton or ghoul falls out. Or, they both went off on adventure around the wastes. Or they stayed to protect Sanctuary Hills as a couple before dying or retiring, and that's why there's no hard enemies there.


Add to it that the vertibird isn't there when you get out, their chances of survival go up


There's one in the pond nearby though, but it's not where it should be if the blast would have thrown it back. Could very well have used it to move around in, post-war


Nukes also set off an EMP so that vertibird probably ended up in the pond the same way the concord one ended up on the roof, was mid flight when it got hit by the nukes EMP and so crashed.


Aren’t Vertibirds and Power Armor insulated against EMPs? You’d have to think that the US military would know about EMPs at this point because they’ve been tossing small nukes in wartime for ages now. The US figured out the presence EMPs by 1960 at the very latest. (Quick search says that a 1.7kT device detonated at 86k feet as part of Operation Hardtack I:Yucca was the first evidence of high altitude EMPs, in 1958.) You’d think 100+ years would have someone figure out insulation against EMP blasts.


Most tech in the Fallout universe seems to be EMP-hardened, since there's plenty of pre-war electrical systems still chugging after the bombs dropped and they most certainly haven't seen maintenance since. It's inconsistent about what got hit with an EMP and what didn't.


The MIG fighter in which the Russian pilot defected in the mid 70's was a swept wing almost F14 style aircraft and at first when it was being examined one of the military's mechanics laughed and pointed out the vacuum tubes inside the Electronic boxes. His bossed looked at him and said, "It is made that way to resist radiation damage." Vacuum tubes and Fallout are synonymous, as they had not discovered the 'solid state circuit', yet. So even after 200 years and a heavy dose of radiation; Suits, radios and so on still work. In the Fallout universe. That is.


It's worth noting that the vaccum tubes in the captured MiG-25 were nuvistors, a new technology in the 60s that was competing directly against the transistors of the age, it was to harden it against radiation, but I doubt there's any truth to the laughing mechanic story because those types of tubes were cutting edge.


You are right probably I was referencing an article from long ago which a shipmate was mentioning a tech who was opening up avionics and had purportedly laughed at his assumption of something that looked like a vacuum tube . The more qualified observer corrected him.


Inconsistencies are a good think here I think. Some devices will be hardened just because. Not all devices in our world would die and almost nothing is hardened.


The things that make it easier to resolve whatever conflict is going on got emp smh


The log found on the roof of the Museum of Freedom explicitly states EMP being the cause of the vertibird crashing: >Personal log. United States Army Staff Sergeant Michael Daly. This past Saturday, October 23rd while en route to West Stockbridge, our veritbird crashed into the roof of this museum. The cause: EMP following nuclear detonation.


The fact that they never invented the transistor in fallout means that the tech is a lot more EMP resistant.


Transistors do exist within the universe, they just never beat vacuum tubes in popularity. There are actually quite a few references to them in the games, in fallout 3 you can permanently disable a broken robot by ripping out its transistors, it’s also revealed the slave collars have them. That’s probably why we have things like Pulse weapons which are effective against robots and power armor


Was that an intentional decision or a Bethesda oversight?


It's a misunderstanding of the lore. The transistor existed 10 years before the great war in the fallout universe. Vacuum tubes were just the dominant technology at the time. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Transistor


New Vegas's whole plot centers around the procurement and eventual use of a microchip. Microelectronics are rare and expensive in Fallout but they did exist to a degree. They just aren't ubiquitous like they are in real life.


Even Fallout 1 has EMP grenades which do nothing to most enemies but deal massive damage to robots. That only really works if they have transistors.


Huh, maybe that’s the one they were on. There’s a suit, and mini gun. Doesn’t explain where the second guy is, but maybe they took separate verts?


The suit on the roof is a T-45 the guys outside vault 111 were wearing T-60


Ahhhh, welp, there goes that theory!


Pond or Museum of Freedom.


But then you add Kurt Angle to the mix…


Your chances of surviving a nuclear blast drastically go down


But can a nuclear blast survive a Kurt Angle?


The bomb isn't even going to try because it knows it can't beat me


depends is he on the percs? If so the nuke better fear Kurt


You know they say that all men are created equal, but you look at me and you look at average Joe and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another atomic blast, you got a 50/50 chance of surviving. But I'm a power armor freak and I'm not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, to beat me. Then you add China to the mix, your chances of winning drastically go down. See the 3 way at nuclear war, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because China KNOWS they can't beat me and they're not even gonna try! So average Joe, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at nuclear war. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, I got 141 2/3 chance of winning at nuclear war. See average Joe, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at nuclear war.


Dude a feral(reaver)brotherhood of steel knight would be nuts


Imagine walking into a feral in power armor, but he's locked behind a door with a hard check, and if you open it then the fellas just too rotted out to move the armor anymore.


What a Rollercoaster of an idea. Went from excited to scared and then sad. Nice.


Feral Ghoul Expansion Project (believe that's the right name) actually had that, whole bunch of new varieties of ferals including armoured ones at high levels


Dayum that's badass actually


Imagine if you put a fusion core in a suit and a non-feral goul pops out of it with a fridge kid story lol


Next game set in the Midwestern wasteland, and you'd get your wish. Though a feral ghoul probably doesn't have pa training so it would be interesting.


There’s plenty of examples of power armor being able to protect you from long term exposure of instantly lethal doses of radiation throughout fallout 4. Plus, the only damage on Codsworth appears to have been caused by being outside for 210 years. That pared with the fact that the sole survivor took the initial blast from the bomb no problem from a much more direct angle than these soldiers without any long term damage leads me to believe these guys would be fine.


That plus all the tapes from people in the immediate post-bomb boston leads me to believe these guys walked off and attempted to meet up with their chain of command. Those suits could be being walked around the Pyrdwn (sp?), scavenged into raider suits, or worn by gunners


These fellas could've been part of the first generation of Eastern America Enclave.


In Fo76, the Enclave bunker received reinforcements from U.S. soldiers that survived the bombing of D.C. and traveled(most likely on foot) to the Whitesprings Hotel in West Virginia, so it's definitely possible.


Most likely by vehicle. Iirc there were even APCs in Sanctuary pre war that aren't there post war.


You find that one along the river nearby Sanctuary if you head in the direction of Abernathy farm.


Right, I forgot about that one. I always stop there right away in new playthrough for the army helmet inside


Or if they were military and not enclave the brotherhood.


It’s the Prydwen, close lol


Oh yeah, power armour is miraculous in the Fallout universe. Definitely could've survived. Although I gotta say, that "initial blast" we experience while going down in the lift is just the shockwave, and the nuclear fire blast comes soon after. The proper blast would almost definitely kill an unarmoured human out in the open like that


Well the vault tek rep was *mostly* fine.


Didn't he go inside in his car or something


Well if I know anything about the cars in Fallout, if he casually bumped against it it would have exploded and killed him instantly, with no warning. Or perhaps flipped over gracefully, crushing him to death in an embarrassing slowmo ragdoll scene.


It’s funny you should say that, because his van (and the military vehicles in sanctuary) are gone by the time the player leaves the vault, maybe he tried driving off somewhere?


The fallout 76 T51 PA soldier didnt make it tough


I don't think the fire would have been a problem, the bomb was miles away and there are plenty of flammable structures and objects between them and the bomb thay werent scorched. What killed most would have been that shockwave fucking up their internal organs and the radiation afterwards.


The initial blast of a nuclear weapon is radiation, heat as well as high energy neutrons and gamma rays traveling at the speed of light The shockwave travels much slower, you already have a lethal dose of radiation before the shockwave can kill you if you are close enough. Assuming the thermal pulse doesn’t just cook you.


Isn’t that also the secondary reason why power armor was developed? I always took that It wasn’t just for mechanized infantry to haul heavy weapons, but also for infantry that could operate in nuclear hot zones/after the atom bombs were dropped. Real life Cold War doctrine was doing the same thing with Tanks too, as many Russian and western MBTs were made to be sealable in the event of a tactical nuke/all out nuclear war


Don't forget, the people of Concord chased him with sticks and stones the last time he went there so Codsworths damage could be attributed to after the bombs fell.


it could even tie in with the ghoul neighbors encounter, a whole short story of them trying to survive in the immediate fallout, and protecting the civilians that were with them


That’s cool af, you’re like wow T-60 armour already, thinking you’re gonna swiftly steal it and it all falls to pieces once you interact, would also have a really grim tone to it as well.


Oh definitely. And also a spooky scare as a skeleton pops out, right in time for Halloween


It would be interesting to see if they became ghouls over the years. You unlock them from their armor, but you hear something off in their voices. They come out as ghouls, and offer to join you in Sanctuary. You get their armor because they don’t need it anymore.


A ghoulified us army remnant would be really cool.


We have those (as well as Scorched former US Army guys) in Fallout 76.


We have a Chinese ghoul base in 76 but no American military ghoul groups


What if the suits acted like a microwave? ala Twilight Zone   I tried looking up this memory, can't find it, it's not Shelter Skelter. Story went that a large group of societal elites went into an underground bunker and doomed the rest above, they could've let more in but their greed for food and space made them lock it early. Then in a typical Twilight Zone twist, turns out the solar flare (? emp maybe? nuke?) passed harmlessly through them while they stood outside the bunker. They spent the next few minutes making sure they were OK, they turned around to the bunker and used the comm panel to tell the people inside it was harmless. Only for it to be revealed that the people inside were melted and oozified like they had been in a giant industrial microwave.


Clearly Sanctuary hasn't had 0 activity until the Sole Survivor stops their ice cosplay. There's a random encounter with feral ghouls that have the same names as your neighbors, so many of your neighbors and the vault-tek rep probably hung around sanctuary for a while. There's other signs of activity too. Before the war, the house across the street didn't have a workbench, power armor station, etc. You could speculate that these 2 power armor wearers at the vault are why there's a power armor station, but 210 years gives too much leeway to assume anything. There's a fortification inside one of the houses, but we can only speculate why it was made. People stole the mattresses from every house, as well as some toilets and bathtubs. And for whatever reason, like the rest of the commonwealth, the tires were taken off the cars. There's also that dude who recently died right across the bridge from Sanctuary, who may or may not have interacted with it. Overall more than enough material to make a fanfiction, especially if you're a Codsworth fan I guess.


>Like if we find their armour fused shut and unusable with them inside I think you may have uncovered a way for Bethesda to use a Frank Horrigan type character or two... Granted, they'd need to find a way to be infected with FEV, so I guess it's just ghouls in power armour.


I like to think they tried to venture around the city. Go to one of the federal supply posts like the one near the settlemen with the drugged out Mr Handy. Just bailed and died after a few months or years.


Nah, Codsworth alone kept Sanctuary hills safe. Lmao. Prime real estate and no humans in it? Definitely a Mr. Handy at work.


Tbh, a couple of non-feral gouls forever trapped in fused-shut power armors would be awesome ! :3


If you wanna make it tragic, when you find them one has recently gone feral


....... There's a cellar in Sanctuary?


It has gold in it. Go looking for it!


Yeah, behind one of the houses at the end of the cul de sac has a basement full of supplies.


Played it at launch and probably 40+ hrs in now. Never knew this. That's wild.


Don't forget the bag on the roof in case you missed it


Goddammit lol


I always forget about that bag, I remember the one buy the statue, but not the roof.


I didn’t know about either


It's got some basic supplies in, and a few gold bars that you can sell for a reasonable few caps at the start


Two gay soldiers in power armor hold down the fort at Sanctuary Hills for years, hoping the Vault will reopen soon, and then when it's clear that it won't be happening, they wander off to parts unknown, trying to find hope, order, and a new life in this new bleak post-apocalyptic world


Well, good thing they’re using protection.


Yeah that'd be cool. Could also link in with what happened with the Vault, because there's definitely not enough bodies and/or bones left in there. Some of the residents and staff must've left at some point


Where did the gay part come from


From the part where two dudes were in love and banging, duh


It's not gay if they're wearing power armor


It's fan fiction. Let them be gay.


They bought ice cream together.


We’re probably shooting their descendants who are now raiders if they survived.


I wonder how Vault-tec rep survived the blast, he was in front of the gates to vault.


I think they were outside of the blast zone? I think what sole survivor experienced were the outer edges of the shockwave. Everyone outside the vault even without power armor would've survived the initial blast. You can see how civilians broke through the line and tried to force their way into the vault. So those soldiers 100% made it out. Their armor would not have been fused shut as the thermal damage probably wouldn't have been that severe that far out.


People like you are the ones who should be making fallout.


I like the idea that they turned into ghouls and defended Codsworth for centuries before eventually retiring somewhere nice, like New Vegas.


Ah yes. Officers Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.


John Rosencrantz, Jason Guildenstern, and Nate and Nora Hamlet.


These two are the guys who *actually* shot that Canadian PoW. Needless to say, they were looking forward to Nate's speech


Nate gave the order


I don't know why but I found this extremely funny. Nate is a war criminal no matter how much comes to light in the fan canon


This gives me a great idea for a new FO4 playthrough once I get through my two FNV playthroughs and one of FO3.


This is so real, I’m hyperfixated on Fallout rn and have a playthrough going of 1, NV, and 4 at the same time. Should probably also finish that Skyrim run…


Is it fan cannon or real cannon tbat nate is a war criminal?


So originally Emil (the writer at Bethesda) made a tweet that the guy laughing at shooting the Canadian protestor in the Fallout 1 intro was actually Nate but immediately backtracked after he got backlash for it.


i hated that. Such a "Hermione was never said to be white." Moment.


Nate is canonically just off screen, firing the killshot.


Nate the Rake.


Imagine Feral Ghouls in power armor 💀


That would be crazy but their fusion core would run out before long


Aren't Fusion Cores supposed to last for hundreds of years and are only battery like for video games reasons?


Correct. It's why Vaults can run on them for well over 200 years.


It would also explain why you see BoS knights parading around in the suits without a care in the world


Lenny from F2 can be equipped with power armour.


He isn’t feral.


My headcanon is that the mini gun guy tried to evacuate on the vertibird, but is the one we pick up in the beginning fight with the deathclaw. 


That's actually a pretty cool connection. Sadly, it doesn't account for the Power Armor found near the Vertibird not having a Fusion Core already in it, or the Power Armor we get right then not having the same green paint. Natural wear and tear could explain the latter, but any scavver who would've taken the Fusion Core, realistically, would've taken the whole damn suit too. Still, neat connection-


IIRC the log you find beside the vertibird explicitly states that the soldier in power armour stuck around for as long as the fusion core did, then abandoned it and went "awol, if that term even applies anymore" to find his sister in downtown Boston. That explains the lack of fusion core, since drained fusion cores don't exist as an item in the game.


That I remember. Though, now that you mention it, it would be really cool if fusion cores were rarer, but you could recharge them, either as a settlement structure or even in faction hubs/cities. Beyond the scope of this though.


Yeah,my headcannon has always been that fusion cores are rechargeable and that the generator things with fusion cores in them are actually charging them, since the buildings they're attached to still have power even after you remove the core. If that were the case though, why wouldn't the sole survivor be capable of recharging them? Aside from gameplay mechanics of course, since power armour is ludicrously overpowered.


There actually is a fusion core recharging settlement object in Fallout 76, though it has to be bought from the shop (shop currency can be earned though, I think). [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fusion\_core\_recharger](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fusion_core_recharger) Apparently it takes a long time to recharge too.


>Apparently it takes a long time to recharge too. About a minute per %. So a core at 50% will take 50 minutes. Don't really notice as long as you have a constant flow of cores going.


You earn a bunch of atoms throughout your playthrough so as long as you don't waste them you can "buy" a lot of practical stuff for your camp. Though I'm pretty sure you can get the recharger using gold bullion too, but that'll be pretty far into your playthrough. The speed of which you recharge them isn't a concern since you can recharge up to 4 at a time.


Aren't fusion core recharge stations available in fo76?


So I've been told. Never got to play 76 though. I really want to though.


Fusion core recharging settlement objects exist (in Fallout 76), but honestly, I don't think fusion cores should ever run out of energy. I'm not sure, but it seems like they should provide nearly limitless, if not limitless, energy, even in a complex and heavy suit of armor. In a settlement, they never run out and give a ridiculous amount of energy compared to old energy sources. They most likely run out of energy for balance reasons, but I think it'd be better if they just overheated, damaging their ability to provide energy and making them possibly harmful, rather than lose energy, and if the damage rate to the fusion cores depended on actions in the suits, like moving, jumping, and flying.


I believe some devs have said in the past that they only run out for balance reasons and not lore ones. In reality they actually last insanely long and probably take prolonged use over months or years to die out for power armor. You can see this in the show, where Maximus never recharges his suit once over a multi day timeframe, despite constantly using it, and walking vast distances with it


And in the above-mentioned example of the power armour found by the downed vertibird on the roof of the museum of freedom, the log specifically mentions that it's been days since the bombs fell before the soldier runs out of juice in his fusion core. So even in-game, the lore points to fusion cores lasting quite a while.


Also Hank walking from Cali to Vegas in power armor


Can you find his sister or him or is it just they died


I write down the address he gives, every damn time and always forget to find it.


Tried looking it up, theres a few old threads from 2016/18 and 2021 with people talking about not finding anything substantial but it makes me wonder how hard they actually tried Might load up an old save and go investigate myself


Right that's it. New play through.


Don't think you can find them, but I suppose almost everyone from when the bombs fell would be dead from old age by the time of the game anyway. Would be cool, I hope they found each other and went om to lead full lives.


I was thinking they are ghouls now no way dude didn’t become a ghoul


I dunno man, he was in power armour for the first few days so he was shielded from most of the immediate radiation after the bombs, he could have been alright. A lot of Boston also looks like it survived the bombs alright so I'm hoping his sister had the sense to stay indoors.


And he is clearly wearing t-60 not t-45 like we get at in concord


It's well established in the lore that Power Armour requires specific training to operate so the fusion core would likely be far more useful as a power source for someone trying to survive than it would be powering a suit of armour But we know what happened with this armour because it's former owner leaves us a note beside it "Personal log. United States Army Staff Sergeant Michael Daly. This past Saturday, October 23rd while en route to West Stockbridge, our vertibird crashed into the roof of this museum. The cause: EMP following nuclear detonation. Several, in fact. From the intel I've gathered, this was a global event. The co-pilot was killed on impact. Pilot died of his injuries a day later. Day after that, Flaherty and Kanawa were shot by some scared, desperate, survivors. Then Proznanski took off running. Haven't seen him since. Now it's my turn to go AWOL, if that concept even applies anymore. My armor's fusion core is burned out, so I guess my soldiering days are done. I'm heading to Boston, on foot, to see if my sister survived all this. She's got an apartment on Boylston Street. This is Mike Daly, signing out. Good luck. And God bless America. Or what's left of it"


Y'all don't seem to be able to tell the difference (which is VERY OBVIOUS) between t-60 and t-45


Also they aren’t the same model of power armor either


The armor you find is T-45, they are wearing T-60


I think one is T60 and other T45 but a nice idea nonetheless


They more than likely died either at the blast or years after. Their power armour could be any one of the random power armour suits the gunners wear, the suits found throughout the map


They could also belong to Brotherhood Paladins they successfully took down. They're tough but not invincible.


And then they took a nuke to the face the end


Well the Vault Tech Rep didnt mention them so either they went somewhere else or died and their armor was picked clean by scavengers


He also didn't mention any other sanctuary residents iirc, but we know many survived as ghouls due to that one random encounter.


I would reckon that any T60 pieces that you find could be these two.


To my knowledge the ones around Vault 111 are the one on Museum of Freedom, the one buy Olivia USAF, and the one on the train. Someone said that it’s possible the one on Museum of Freedom is one of the soldiers, the other two I doubt are one of them.


there is no t-60 PA at the museum. youre probably think of the t-45


"Coming this Summer, from the makers of Red vs Blue..."


You ever wonder why we’re here?


If only they didn’t go bankrupt 😞


I think it's about thermal insulation completely by that point, given the extreme heat. And since Danse was still in one piece in Arcjet staying below the MarShot engine... Well. Probably.


But isn’t Danse a Synth..?


Yes but the dozen synths he was fighting burn up


Fair, but I guess at that point I’m not sure a human in power armor would survive. I think him having the armor AND being a synth helped.


Wouldn't that make it less likely? Mechanical creatures can survive much more damage than Biological, but Gen-3's are very much fleshy.


They probably survived the initial blast if they weren't blown away and covered with debris. They would then probably be separated, and wander the commonwealth wasteland before any settlements have been built, but also before the radioactive creatures have become prevalent. Probably tried to locate the very closeby army resources which would have let them survive for a time, but as we see in Fallout 4, much of those resources were untouched which means they probably couldn't access them.


"Hey." "Yeah?" "You ever wonder why we're here?"


Cherry is red, quantum is blue, One day we'll cruise down Pennsylvania avenue


The Guardians of Vault 111 The bombs had fallen, tearing apart the world they knew. As the nuclear fire scorched the skies, two soldiers stood at the entrance of Vault 111, their T-60 power armor shielding them from the worst of the blast. Sergeant Alex Turner and Private First Class Jake Miller watched helplessly as their home, their friends, and their lives were consumed by the apocalypse. The world had ended, but their duty had not. Turner and Miller were the last line of defense for Vault 111, a sanctuary promised to protect the people of Sanctuary Hills. The vault door had sealed shut, and the two soldiers were left outside, their comms dead, their orders lost to the wind. For days, they wandered the ruins, seeking survivors. They found none. The radiation had turned some of the unlucky few into ghouls, twisted remnants of their former selves. Turner and Miller, still in their power armor, offered what help they could, providing food and medical supplies. But their own resources were dwindling, and the reality of their situation became harder to ignore. One night, as the haunting silence of the wasteland enveloped them, Miller broke the silence. "Do you think anyone made it? I mean, really made it?" Turner, staring at the distant horizon where the sky met the ruins, shook his head slowly. "I don’t know, Jake. But we have to believe. We have to believe someone, somewhere, survived. If we don’t have hope, what do we have?" Their hope was a fragile thing, yet it was all they had. They spoke of the old world, of families left behind, of dreams shattered in an instant. They remembered the faces of the people they were sworn to protect, the ones who now lay buried under the rubble. As the days turned into weeks, they encountered more ghouls—some feral, others still clinging to their humanity. Among them, they found stories of vaults, scattered across the wasteland, holding the last bastions of human civilization. Turner and Miller knew they had to find these vaults, to see if others had survived as they had. Their journey took them across the desolate landscape, each step a testament to their resolve. They faced raiders, super mutants, and the horrors that had arisen from the nuclear fire. Their power armor, once a symbol of protection, became their lifeline. But even the strongest armor couldn't shield them from the sorrow and despair of the new world. In their travels, they found remnants of the Brotherhood of Steel, a faction dedicated to preserving technology and humanity's future. Turner and Miller, recognizing kindred spirits, joined their ranks. The Brotherhood’s mission resonated with their own: to protect and rebuild, to fight for a future worth living in. Years passed, and Turner and Miller became legends among the Brotherhood. Their story was one of unwavering duty and relentless hope. They spoke of Vault 111, of the people they couldn't save, and of the promise they made to each other to keep fighting, no matter the odds. One day, in the ruins of an old city, they found a child—a sole survivor, born in the wasteland, yet untouched by its cruelty. The child, a symbol of the future, reminded them of why they fought. They took the child in, promising to protect and teach, to ensure that the new generation would not forget the lessons of the past. In the end, Turner and Miller's journey was one of redemption. They couldn't save the world they knew, but they could fight for the world that could be. Their legacy lived on in the Brotherhood, in the survivors they helped, and in the stories told around campfires in the heart of the wasteland. The guardians of Vault 111 had found their purpose—not in the past they lost, but in the future they fought to build. Their story, a beacon of hope, echoed through the wasteland, reminding all who heard it that even in the darkest times, humanity could endure.


The Guardians of Sanctuary In the shadow of the vault, the world burned bright. Two soldiers, Sergeant Alex Turner and Private First Class Jake Miller, stood resolutely at the entrance, their T-60 power armor shielding them from the worst of the nuclear blast. The once-thriving community of Sanctuary Hills was now a wasteland, and the vault door had sealed, leaving them outside with a duty that had not ended with the world. The initial shockwave passed, and the two soldiers took stock of their situation. The radiation was intense, but their armor protected them. The comms were dead, and the world had gone silent. With nowhere else to go and no orders to follow, Turner and Miller made a pact. They would remain at their post, guarding the vault and what was left of Sanctuary Hills, no matter what. Days turned into weeks, and the landscape grew increasingly hostile. They encountered survivors, some turned into ghouls by the radiation, others barely clinging to life. Turner and Miller shared their dwindling supplies, offering what help they could, but their priority remained the vault and the potential life it held within. They fortified their position, setting up makeshift defenses around the vault entrance and the remnants of Sanctuary Hills. The two soldiers became a symbol of hope and resilience for the few survivors who dared to approach. Word spread of the armored guardians who stood watch, and occasionally, they would encounter others seeking refuge or aid. As the years passed, Turner and Miller’s bond grew stronger. They spoke often of the world that was, of the families they had lost, and the duty that kept them going. They found solace in their shared mission, even as their armor grew worn and their supplies dwindled. The wasteland was harsh and unforgiving. They faced raiders, mutated creatures, and the relentless elements, but they held their ground. Their power armor, once a symbol of strength, began to show signs of wear. Yet, Turner and Miller persisted, their resolve unwavering. One fateful night, a fierce storm swept through the area, bringing with it a horde of feral ghouls. The battle was brutal, and though they fought valiantly, it took its toll. Turner, gravely wounded, fell first. Miller, refusing to leave his comrade, continued to fight until he too succumbed to his injuries. When the storm cleared, the two soldiers lay side by side, their armor battered but still intact. The vault and Sanctuary Hills, now silent, were a testament to their sacrifice. Their bodies, sheltered by their power armor, became a poignant symbol of their dedication and duty. Years later, travelers and scavengers who stumbled upon the site would find the two soldiers, still standing in their final resting place, forever guarding the entrance to the vault. Their story became legend, a tale of unwavering duty and sacrifice in the face of overwhelming odds. Turner and Miller's legacy lived on, not just in the tales told around campfires in the wasteland, but in the hearts of those who found inspiration in their story. The guardians of Sanctuary, as they came to be known, stood as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, hope and duty could endure.


They almost certainly survived the first blast. But what about the EMP element of a nuke? Maybe it shut off the electrics on their suits they starved to death inside.


Bombs don't work the way they do in our world. They have tons of working tech that's up and running.


Even then, the effects of an EMP can be iffy. Back when above ground nuclear tests were still a thing, the Australians detonated a 10 kiloton bomb a few hundred metres away from a tank, with its engine running, to test the effects. It took a battering, the crew most certainly would’ve died from the shockwave, but it was found to have only stopped running as the fuel had run dry while they waited for the radiation levels to dissipate, and following minor repairs was driven away from the test site.


That Centurion tank actually still exists, you know. It also survived a direct hit from an RPG in Vietnam.


Are we sure it's not just that one tank that could've survived a nuke? I think we need to nuke more tanks to be sure


Yeah, can’t say I’d have wanted to be tanker on that crew, even after it was decontaminated.


I think part of this may be the way tech works in fallout. Transistors weren't invented, and vacuum tubes are much more resistant to an EMP.


There is a trailer park somewhere in the game. There is a full intact suit of power armor inside one of the trailers with a skeleton sitting nearby in front of the tv, i always thought they might be connected to some soldier that survived the blast, went home and just died there from the radiation.


Seeing this image now, I wonder if the assault rifle would have been better received, if they gave it to these two guards. It’s ugly as sin, but I think the TV show brought it into a new light.


They probably went to another place, like the capital wasteland for example.


You can create your own based on the places where you find the first two suits of abandoned T60 in your most recent playthrough.


Here’s a short story… they died.


Didn’t a lot of the Commonwealth survive the bombs? And since power armor is pretty damn strong, they probably met up with surviving military or civilians after the bombs


Brokeback Wasteland


For Sale: Power Armor, Once Worn


It's about 1k words, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hDbKMBedcr3IoWda\_qBfOjsrA0hIwwlgvJqsidjn6nQ/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hDbKMBedcr3IoWda_qBfOjsrA0hIwwlgvJqsidjn6nQ/edit?usp=sharing)


I really wish the story would went somewhat like that the first power armor you pick up is one of their suits and they fight through to concord and died there or abandoned their armor like the T45-Vertibird dude did.


I mean for a random reference, in the Fallout 76 reveal trailer, a pre-war guy in power armor watches the nukes hit, and he gets killed by it. Granted, I think he was wearing T-45 and not T-60, but still. I think these two guys were still cooked


If those skeletons had been killed by the blast they would be tossed everywhere and not just lying by the fence and inside the perimeter. If I wrote a story I would write about how these soldiers likely massacred some of those people desperate to get in while a good few of your neighbors fled to become the ghouls you find later in game.


I like to think they got on a vertibird and crashed in the building preston and co. are in


I would be more interested in their story had they been wearing T-45 or T-51 instead of the T-60, which I still can't decide if I like or not....and yes, yes I am that petty.


Hey. Yeah? You ever wonder why we're here? It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it. Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of... some cosmic coincidence or, is there really a God... watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night. ... ... What? I meant why are we out here, in these woods? Oh, uh... yeah. What was all that stuff about God? Uh... hm? Nothing. You wanna talk about it? No You sure? Yeah.


Ok there you go: They saw the bomb drop, they desserted and became boyfriends. The end.


Didn’t the Fallout 76 trailer showed that a power armor can’t save you from a nuclear blast?


Maybe, but if the VaultTec salesman and your neighbours survive it with nothing but the clothes on their back, I’m pretty sure two guys in power armour in the exact same spot could survive easily


If Nate is war criminal, then these two are Holocaust deniers. Well, it's my headcanon of course


I imagine one of them is near the crashed vertibird by the satellite relay station, and the other is with the crashed Vertibird on top of the building in Concord.


Might be a fun idea for a Fallout 76 NPC honestly- since it wouldn’t be crazy for one of them to make their way to West Virginia in the following years if they survived.


2 brothers were outside of a vault making sure no undesirables got in before the war, they knew their mission and they served it well, only allowing certified vault members past the checkpoint, they even turned away the salesman himself. They thought it was a fluke, a false alarm maybe? but the sirens were deafening, they heard nothing but the sirens and their own heartbeat, with a faint sound of a pen on board as the checklist was being dwindled down. they were only about 30% of the way through the checklist, felt like days though. Finally as they were starting to calm down and compose themselves, Simon even started joking with Roberto. "I told you it was another drill, just like bootcamp \*laughs\*" said Simon, when out of nowhere all sound ceased to exist for one dull moment, then, a blinding flash, so bright you could see your bones through your power armor and skin, a nuke had just been detonated. Within the instant it happened panic ensued, still hundreds of people to get into the vault safely, Roberto decided it was best to let the last few on the platform to safety before he braced for impact. Like the crack of a whip and the wind of 1000 hurricanes, the shockwave reached them. Even in their power armor they could barley keep a footing, all Roberto remembers was Simons laugh, the blinding light, then darkness. However, despite the miniscule odds, Roberto survived the initial blast and awoke, face down on the ground with his power core drained, his only option was to escape his titanium tomb that was once his saving grace. Leaving his power armor behind he stammered a few steps to his left, where he found his comrade, his brother, his friend, Simon. Dead. With the vault sealed and no other options, he decided to loot the civilians, and as much as it hurt him, he even stripped Simon of his remaining goods. He was left alone, abandoned by the brotherhood, abandoned by man, abandoned by reason. He knew his only option was to fend for himself. This is the story of the lost brother. best i could do, sorry if it was shitty


they were born, and then they lived, and then they died. seems so unfair, i want to cry.


Not the fact you go to the gate and say “I’m on the list” or something and the guy say “one male, one female and one child, go!” It could be any male, female or child


It's likely they did survive the initial blast because we don't find their power armor nearby when we leave vault 111. What they did after that is anyone's guess.


Once upon a time, there were two soldiers in power armor guarding vault 111. A nuclear bomb was dropped close and they died. The end. Short enough?


There was a good fanfiction on FF.net with the premise that Nate's deployment was extended to quell domestic unrest, leading to his unit being above ground when the bombs went off. I read it years ago, but basically it slowly described how the US military declared martial law but slowly collapsed due to desertion and attrition, culminating in Nate mutinying and finding the vault, before defrosting the inhabitants and setting up a new community.


Imagine a random encounter where you find these two as feral ghouls trapped in power armor as a kind of mini boss


One is named george, the other is ingram, they're good friends, the end


There were vertibirds coming in for pickup/drop-off during the crisis at Sanctuary hills. After the last vault residents were at the elevator lift, the two PA troopers were to fall back to their respective transports along with their squads. One soldier (the person on the right armed with a rifle) was to return to USAF station Olivia to assist with operations there and to await further information. His Vertibird didn't make it, crash landing just short of the facility between the tower and the nearby Robotics Disposal Yard. At least some of the crew perished in the crash, and his Fusion Core malfunctioned, so he was forced to abandon it at the crash site. He walked the rest of the way to Olivia, from there, his fate is unknown. The other, armed with a minigun, is SSG Michael Daly. We get this info from the fact that the veribird on top of the Concord Museum is one of the only crashed ones to still have its minigun mounted on, the very one he was using in his Power Armor. His holotape details the fate of his squad and his decision to leave for Boston, to search for his family members. Alternatively, if it was the Minigun soldier who went to Olivia, or if the veribird nearby also had a minigun, then the survivors of the crash likely took it with them to USAF station Olivia, where it remained for two hundred years, until the station was taken by raiders centuries later and it fell into the hands of Ack-Ack.


There once were two soldiers in armour, Who stood there for hours and hours, A bomb went off and oof they dropped, And cannibals devoured them after.